# Copyright (c) 2013 The Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from cinderclient.v2.volume_encryption_types import VolumeEncryptionType from cinderclient.tests.unit import utils from cinderclient.tests.unit.v2 import fakes cs = fakes.FakeClient() class VolumeEncryptionTypesTest(utils.TestCase): """ Test suite for the Volume Encryption Types Resource and Manager. """ def test_list(self): """ Unit test for VolumeEncryptionTypesManager.list Verify that a series of GET requests are made: - one GET request for the list of volume types - one GET request per volume type for encryption type information Verify that all returned information is :class: VolumeEncryptionType """ encryption_types = cs.volume_encryption_types.list() cs.assert_called_anytime('GET', '/types?is_public=None') cs.assert_called_anytime('GET', '/types/2/encryption') cs.assert_called_anytime('GET', '/types/1/encryption') for encryption_type in encryption_types: self.assertIsInstance(encryption_type, VolumeEncryptionType) self._assert_request_id(encryption_type) def test_get(self): """ Unit test for VolumeEncryptionTypesManager.get Verify that one GET request is made for the volume type encryption type information. Verify that returned information is :class: VolumeEncryptionType """ encryption_type = cs.volume_encryption_types.get(1) cs.assert_called('GET', '/types/1/encryption') self.assertIsInstance(encryption_type, VolumeEncryptionType) self._assert_request_id(encryption_type) def test_get_no_encryption(self): """ Unit test for VolumeEncryptionTypesManager.get Verify that a request on a volume type with no associated encryption type information returns a VolumeEncryptionType with no attributes. """ encryption_type = cs.volume_encryption_types.get(2) self.assertIsInstance(encryption_type, VolumeEncryptionType) self.assertFalse(hasattr(encryption_type, 'id'), 'encryption type has an id') self._assert_request_id(encryption_type) def test_create(self): """ Unit test for VolumeEncryptionTypesManager.create Verify that one POST request is made for the encryption type creation. Verify that encryption type creation returns a VolumeEncryptionType. """ result = cs.volume_encryption_types.create(2, {'provider': 'Test', 'key_size': None, 'cipher': None, 'control_location': None}) cs.assert_called('POST', '/types/2/encryption') self.assertIsInstance(result, VolumeEncryptionType) self._assert_request_id(result) def test_update(self): """ Unit test for VolumeEncryptionTypesManager.update Verify that one PUT request is made for encryption type update Verify that an empty encryption-type update returns the original encryption-type information. """ expected = {'id': 1, 'volume_type_id': 1, 'provider': 'test', 'cipher': 'test', 'key_size': 1, 'control_location': 'front-end'} result = cs.volume_encryption_types.update(1, {}) cs.assert_called('PUT', '/types/1/encryption/provider') self.assertEqual(expected, result, "empty update must yield original data") self._assert_request_id(result) def test_delete(self): """ Unit test for VolumeEncryptionTypesManager.delete Verify that one DELETE request is made for encryption type deletion Verify that encryption type deletion returns None """ result = cs.volume_encryption_types.delete(1) cs.assert_called('DELETE', '/types/1/encryption/provider') self.assertIsInstance(result, tuple) self.assertEqual(202, result[0].status_code) self._assert_request_id(result)