# Copyright 2010 Jacob Kaplan-Moss # Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import copy import os import sys import time from cinderclient import exceptions from cinderclient.openstack.common import strutils from cinderclient import utils from cinderclient.v1 import availability_zones def _poll_for_status(poll_fn, obj_id, action, final_ok_states, poll_period=5, show_progress=True): """Block while an action is being performed, periodically printing progress. """ def print_progress(progress): if show_progress: msg = ('\rInstance %(action)s... %(progress)s%% complete' % dict(action=action, progress=progress)) else: msg = '\rInstance %(action)s...' % dict(action=action) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() print() while True: obj = poll_fn(obj_id) status = obj.status.lower() progress = getattr(obj, 'progress', None) or 0 if status in final_ok_states: print_progress(100) print("\nFinished") break elif status == "error": print("\nError %(action)s instance" % {'action': action}) break else: print_progress(progress) time.sleep(poll_period) def _find_volume_snapshot(cs, snapshot): """Get a volume snapshot by name or ID.""" return utils.find_resource(cs.volume_snapshots, snapshot) def _find_backup(cs, backup): """Get a backup by name or ID.""" return utils.find_resource(cs.backups, backup) def _find_transfer(cs, transfer): """Get a transfer by name or ID.""" return utils.find_resource(cs.transfers, transfer) def _find_qos_specs(cs, qos_specs): """Get a qos specs by ID.""" return utils.find_resource(cs.qos_specs, qos_specs) def _print_volume(volume): utils.print_dict(volume._info) def _print_volume_snapshot(snapshot): utils.print_dict(snapshot._info) def _print_volume_image(image): utils.print_dict(image[1]['os-volume_upload_image']) def _translate_keys(collection, convert): for item in collection: keys = item.__dict__ for from_key, to_key in convert: if from_key in keys and to_key not in keys: setattr(item, to_key, item._info[from_key]) def _translate_volume_keys(collection): convert = [('displayName', 'display_name'), ('volumeType', 'volume_type')] _translate_keys(collection, convert) def _translate_volume_snapshot_keys(collection): convert = [('displayName', 'display_name'), ('volumeId', 'volume_id')] _translate_keys(collection, convert) def _translate_availability_zone_keys(collection): convert = [('zoneName', 'name'), ('zoneState', 'status')] _translate_keys(collection, convert) def _extract_metadata(args): metadata = {} for metadatum in args.metadata: # unset doesn't require a val, so we have the if/else if '=' in metadatum: (key, value) = metadatum.split('=', 1) else: key = metadatum value = None metadata[key] = value return metadata @utils.arg( '--all-tenants', dest='all_tenants', metavar='<0|1>', nargs='?', type=int, const=1, default=0, help='Display information from all tenants (Admin only).') @utils.arg( '--all_tenants', nargs='?', type=int, const=1, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--display-name', metavar='<display-name>', default=None, help='Filter results by display-name') @utils.arg( '--status', metavar='<status>', default=None, help='Filter results by status') @utils.arg( '--metadata', type=str, nargs='*', metavar='<key=value>', help='Filter results by metadata', default=None) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_list(cs, args): """List all the volumes.""" all_tenants = int(os.environ.get("ALL_TENANTS", args.all_tenants)) search_opts = { 'all_tenants': all_tenants, 'display_name': args.display_name, 'status': args.status, 'metadata': _extract_metadata(args) if args.metadata else None, } volumes = cs.volumes.list(search_opts=search_opts) _translate_volume_keys(volumes) # Create a list of servers to which the volume is attached for vol in volumes: servers = [s.get('server_id') for s in vol.attachments] setattr(vol, 'attached_to', ','.join(map(str, servers))) utils.print_list(volumes, ['ID', 'Status', 'Display Name', 'Size', 'Volume Type', 'Bootable', 'Attached to']) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_show(cs, args): """Show details about a volume.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) _print_volume(volume) @utils.arg('size', metavar='<size>', type=int, help='Size of volume in GB') @utils.arg( '--snapshot-id', metavar='<snapshot-id>', default=None, help='Create volume from snapshot id (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--snapshot_id', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--source-volid', metavar='<source-volid>', default=None, help='Create volume from volume id (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--source_volid', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--image-id', metavar='<image-id>', default=None, help='Create volume from image id (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--image_id', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--display-name', metavar='<display-name>', default=None, help='Volume name (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--display_name', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--display-description', metavar='<display-description>', default=None, help='Volume description (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--display_description', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--volume-type', metavar='<volume-type>', default=None, help='Volume type (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--volume_type', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--availability-zone', metavar='<availability-zone>', default=None, help='Availability zone for volume (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--availability_zone', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg('--metadata', type=str, nargs='*', metavar='<key=value>', help='Metadata key=value pairs (Optional, Default=None)', default=None) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_create(cs, args): """Add a new volume.""" volume_metadata = None if args.metadata is not None: volume_metadata = _extract_metadata(args) volume = cs.volumes.create(args.size, args.snapshot_id, args.source_volid, args.display_name, args.display_description, args.volume_type, availability_zone=args.availability_zone, imageRef=args.image_id, metadata=volume_metadata) _print_volume(volume) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', nargs='+', help='Name or ID of the volume(s) to delete.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_delete(cs, args): """Remove volume(s).""" failure_count = 0 for volume in args.volume: try: utils.find_volume(cs, volume).delete() except Exception as e: failure_count += 1 print("Delete for volume %s failed: %s" % (volume, e)) if failure_count == len(args.volume): raise exceptions.CommandError("Unable to delete any of the specified " "volumes.") @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', nargs='+', help='Name or ID of the volume(s) to delete.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_force_delete(cs, args): """Attempt forced removal of volume(s), regardless of the state(s).""" failure_count = 0 for volume in args.volume: try: utils.find_volume(cs, volume).force_delete() except Exception as e: failure_count += 1 print("Delete for volume %s failed: %s" % (volume, e)) if failure_count == len(args.volume): raise exceptions.CommandError("Unable to force delete any of the " "specified volumes.") @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', nargs='+', help='Name or ID of the volume to modify.') @utils.arg('--state', metavar='<state>', default='available', help=('Indicate which state to assign the volume. Options include ' 'available, error, creating, deleting, error_deleting. If no ' 'state is provided, available will be used.')) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_reset_state(cs, args): """Explicitly update the state of a volume.""" failure_count = 0 single = (len(args.volume) == 1) for volume in args.volume: try: utils.find_volume(cs, volume).reset_state(args.state) except Exception as e: failure_count += 1 msg = "Reset state for volume %s failed: %s" % (volume, e) if not single: print(msg) if failure_count == len(args.volume): if not single: msg = "Unable to reset the state for any of the specified volumes." raise exceptions.CommandError(msg) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume to rename.') @utils.arg('display_name', nargs='?', metavar='<display-name>', help='New display-name for the volume.') @utils.arg('--display-description', metavar='<display-description>', help='Optional volume description. (Default=None)', default=None) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_rename(cs, args): """Rename a volume.""" kwargs = {} if args.display_name is not None: kwargs['display_name'] = args.display_name if args.display_description is not None: kwargs['display_description'] = args.display_description if not any(kwargs): msg = 'Must supply either display-name or display-description.' raise exceptions.ClientException(code=1, message=msg) utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume).update(**kwargs) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume to update metadata on.') @utils.arg('action', metavar='<action>', choices=['set', 'unset'], help="Actions: 'set' or 'unset'") @utils.arg('metadata', metavar='<key=value>', nargs='+', default=[], help='Metadata to set/unset (only key is necessary on unset)') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_metadata(cs, args): """Set or Delete metadata on a volume.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) metadata = _extract_metadata(args) if args.action == 'set': cs.volumes.set_metadata(volume, metadata) elif args.action == 'unset': # NOTE(zul): Make sure py2/py3 sorting is the same cs.volumes.delete_metadata(volume, sorted(metadata.keys(), reverse=True)) @utils.arg( '--all-tenants', dest='all_tenants', metavar='<0|1>', nargs='?', type=int, const=1, default=0, help='Display information from all tenants (Admin only).') @utils.arg( '--all_tenants', nargs='?', type=int, const=1, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--display-name', metavar='<display-name>', default=None, help='Filter results by display-name') @utils.arg( '--status', metavar='<status>', default=None, help='Filter results by status') @utils.arg( '--volume-id', metavar='<volume-id>', default=None, help='Filter results by volume-id') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_list(cs, args): """List all the snapshots.""" all_tenants = int(os.environ.get("ALL_TENANTS", args.all_tenants)) search_opts = { 'all_tenants': all_tenants, 'display_name': args.display_name, 'status': args.status, 'volume_id': args.volume_id, } snapshots = cs.volume_snapshots.list(search_opts=search_opts) _translate_volume_snapshot_keys(snapshots) utils.print_list(snapshots, ['ID', 'Volume ID', 'Status', 'Display Name', 'Size']) @utils.arg('snapshot', metavar='<snapshot>', help='Name or ID of the snapshot.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_show(cs, args): """Show details about a snapshot.""" snapshot = _find_volume_snapshot(cs, args.snapshot) _print_volume_snapshot(snapshot) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume to snapshot') @utils.arg('--force', metavar='<True|False>', help='Optional flag to indicate whether ' 'to snapshot a volume even if it\'s ' 'attached to an instance. (Default=False)', default=False) @utils.arg( '--display-name', metavar='<display-name>', default=None, help='Optional snapshot name. (Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--display_name', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.arg( '--display-description', metavar='<display-description>', default=None, help='Optional snapshot description. (Default=None)') @utils.arg( '--display_description', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_create(cs, args): """Add a new snapshot.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) snapshot = cs.volume_snapshots.create(volume.id, args.force, args.display_name, args.display_description) _print_volume_snapshot(snapshot) @utils.arg('snapshot', metavar='<snapshot>', help='Name or ID of the snapshot to delete.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_delete(cs, args): """Remove a snapshot.""" snapshot = _find_volume_snapshot(cs, args.snapshot) snapshot.delete() @utils.arg('snapshot', metavar='<snapshot>', help='Name or ID of the snapshot.') @utils.arg('display_name', nargs='?', metavar='<display-name>', help='New display-name for the snapshot.') @utils.arg('--display-description', metavar='<display-description>', help='Optional snapshot description. (Default=None)', default=None) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_rename(cs, args): """Rename a snapshot.""" kwargs = {} if args.display_name is not None: kwargs['display_name'] = args.display_name if args.display_description is not None: kwargs['display_description'] = args.display_description if not any(kwargs): msg = 'Must supply either display-name or display-description.' raise exceptions.ClientException(code=1, message=msg) _find_volume_snapshot(cs, args.snapshot).update(**kwargs) @utils.arg('snapshot', metavar='<snapshot>', nargs='+', help='Name or ID of the snapshot to modify.') @utils.arg('--state', metavar='<state>', default='available', help=('Indicate which state to assign the snapshot. ' 'Options include available, error, creating, deleting, ' 'error_deleting. If no state is provided, ' 'available will be used.')) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_reset_state(cs, args): """Explicitly update the state of a snapshot.""" failure_count = 0 single = (len(args.snapshot) == 1) for snapshot in args.snapshot: try: _find_volume_snapshot(cs, snapshot).reset_state(args.state) except Exception as e: failure_count += 1 msg = "Reset state for snapshot %s failed: %s" % (snapshot, e) if not single: print(msg) if failure_count == len(args.snapshot): if not single: msg = ("Unable to reset the state for any of the the specified " "snapshots.") raise exceptions.CommandError(msg) def _print_volume_type_list(vtypes): utils.print_list(vtypes, ['ID', 'Name']) def _print_type_and_extra_specs_list(vtypes): formatters = {'extra_specs': _print_type_extra_specs} utils.print_list(vtypes, ['ID', 'Name', 'extra_specs'], formatters) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_type_list(cs, args): """Print a list of available 'volume types'.""" vtypes = cs.volume_types.list() _print_volume_type_list(vtypes) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_extra_specs_list(cs, args): """Print a list of current 'volume types and extra specs' (Admin Only).""" vtypes = cs.volume_types.list() _print_type_and_extra_specs_list(vtypes) @utils.arg('name', metavar='<name>', help="Name of the new volume type") @utils.service_type('volume') def do_type_create(cs, args): """Create a new volume type.""" vtype = cs.volume_types.create(args.name) _print_volume_type_list([vtype]) @utils.arg('id', metavar='<id>', help="Unique ID of the volume type to delete") @utils.service_type('volume') def do_type_delete(cs, args): """Delete a specific volume type.""" cs.volume_types.delete(args.id) @utils.arg('vtype', metavar='<vtype>', help="Name or ID of the volume type") @utils.arg('action', metavar='<action>', choices=['set', 'unset'], help="Actions: 'set' or 'unset'") @utils.arg('metadata', metavar='<key=value>', nargs='*', default=None, help='Extra_specs to set/unset (only key is necessary on unset)') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_type_key(cs, args): """Set or unset extra_spec for a volume type.""" vtype = _find_volume_type(cs, args.vtype) if args.metadata is not None: keypair = _extract_metadata(args) if args.action == 'set': vtype.set_keys(keypair) elif args.action == 'unset': vtype.unset_keys(list(keypair)) def do_endpoints(cs, args): """Discover endpoints that get returned from the authenticate services.""" catalog = cs.client.service_catalog.catalog for e in catalog['access']['serviceCatalog']: utils.print_dict(e['endpoints'][0], e['name']) def do_credentials(cs, args): """Show user credentials returned from auth.""" catalog = cs.client.service_catalog.catalog utils.print_dict(catalog['access']['user'], "User Credentials") utils.print_dict(catalog['access']['token'], "Token") _quota_resources = ['volumes', 'snapshots', 'gigabytes'] _quota_infos = ['Type', 'In_use', 'Reserved', 'Limit'] def _quota_show(quotas): quota_dict = {} for resource in quotas._info: good_name = False for name in _quota_resources: if resource.startswith(name): good_name = True if not good_name: continue quota_dict[resource] = getattr(quotas, resource, None) utils.print_dict(quota_dict) def _quota_usage_show(quotas): quota_list = [] for resource in quotas._info.keys(): good_name = False for name in _quota_resources: if resource.startswith(name): good_name = True if not good_name: continue quota_info = getattr(quotas, resource, None) quota_info['Type'] = resource quota_info = dict((k.capitalize(), v) for k, v in quota_info.items()) quota_list.append(quota_info) utils.print_list(quota_list, _quota_infos) def _quota_update(manager, identifier, args): updates = {} for resource in _quota_resources: val = getattr(args, resource, None) if val is not None: if args.volume_type: resource = resource + '_%s' % args.volume_type updates[resource] = val if updates: manager.update(identifier, **updates) @utils.arg('tenant', metavar='<tenant_id>', help='UUID of tenant to list the quotas for.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_quota_show(cs, args): """List the quotas for a tenant.""" _quota_show(cs.quotas.get(args.tenant)) @utils.arg('tenant', metavar='<tenant_id>', help='UUID of tenant to list the quota usage for.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_quota_usage(cs, args): """List the quota usage for a tenant.""" _quota_usage_show(cs.quotas.get(args.tenant, usage=True)) @utils.arg('tenant', metavar='<tenant_id>', help='UUID of tenant to list the default quotas for.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_quota_defaults(cs, args): """List the default quotas for a tenant.""" _quota_show(cs.quotas.defaults(args.tenant)) @utils.arg('tenant', metavar='<tenant_id>', help='UUID of tenant to set the quotas for.') @utils.arg('--volumes', metavar='<volumes>', type=int, default=None, help='New value for the "volumes" quota.') @utils.arg('--snapshots', metavar='<snapshots>', type=int, default=None, help='New value for the "snapshots" quota.') @utils.arg('--gigabytes', metavar='<gigabytes>', type=int, default=None, help='New value for the "gigabytes" quota.') @utils.arg('--volume-type', metavar='<volume_type_name>', default=None, help='Volume type (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_quota_update(cs, args): """Update the quotas for a tenant.""" _quota_update(cs.quotas, args.tenant, args) @utils.arg('class_name', metavar='<class>', help='Name of quota class to list the quotas for.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_quota_class_show(cs, args): """List the quotas for a quota class.""" _quota_show(cs.quota_classes.get(args.class_name)) @utils.arg('class_name', metavar='<class>', help='Name of quota class to set the quotas for.') @utils.arg('--volumes', metavar='<volumes>', type=int, default=None, help='New value for the "volumes" quota.') @utils.arg('--snapshots', metavar='<snapshots>', type=int, default=None, help='New value for the "snapshots" quota.') @utils.arg('--gigabytes', metavar='<gigabytes>', type=int, default=None, help='New value for the "gigabytes" quota.') @utils.arg('--volume-type', metavar='<volume_type_name>', default=None, help='Volume type (Optional, Default=None)') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_quota_class_update(cs, args): """Update the quotas for a quota class.""" _quota_update(cs.quota_classes, args.class_name, args) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_absolute_limits(cs, args): """Print a list of absolute limits for a user""" limits = cs.limits.get().absolute columns = ['Name', 'Value'] utils.print_list(limits, columns) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_rate_limits(cs, args): """Print a list of rate limits for a user""" limits = cs.limits.get().rate columns = ['Verb', 'URI', 'Value', 'Remain', 'Unit', 'Next_Available'] utils.print_list(limits, columns) def _print_type_extra_specs(vol_type): try: return vol_type.get_keys() except exceptions.NotFound: return "N/A" def _find_volume_type(cs, vtype): """Get a volume type by name or ID.""" return utils.find_resource(cs.volume_types, vtype) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume to upload to an image') @utils.arg('--force', metavar='<True|False>', help='Optional flag to indicate whether ' 'to upload a volume even if it\'s ' 'attached to an instance. (Default=False)', default=False) @utils.arg('--container-format', metavar='<container-format>', help='Optional type for container format ' '(Default=bare)', default='bare') @utils.arg('--disk-format', metavar='<disk-format>', help='Optional type for disk format ' '(Default=raw)', default='raw') @utils.arg('image_name', metavar='<image-name>', help='Name for created image') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_upload_to_image(cs, args): """Upload volume to image service as image.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) _print_volume_image(volume.upload_to_image(args.force, args.image_name, args.container_format, args.disk_format)) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume to backup.') @utils.arg('--container', metavar='<container>', help='Optional Backup container name. (Default=None)', default=None) @utils.arg('--display-name', metavar='<display-name>', help='Optional backup name. (Default=None)', default=None) @utils.arg('--display-description', metavar='<display-description>', help='Optional backup description. (Default=None)', default=None) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_backup_create(cs, args): """Creates a backup.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) backup = cs.backups.create(volume.id, args.container, args.display_name, args.display_description) info = {"volume_id": volume.id} info.update(backup._info) if 'links' in info: info.pop('links') utils.print_dict(info) @utils.arg('backup', metavar='<backup>', help='Name or ID of the backup.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_backup_show(cs, args): """Show details about a backup.""" backup = _find_backup(cs, args.backup) info = dict() info.update(backup._info) if 'links' in info: info.pop('links') utils.print_dict(info) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_backup_list(cs, args): """List all the backups.""" backups = cs.backups.list() columns = ['ID', 'Volume ID', 'Status', 'Name', 'Size', 'Object Count', 'Container'] utils.print_list(backups, columns) @utils.arg('backup', metavar='<backup>', help='Name or ID of the backup to delete.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_backup_delete(cs, args): """Remove a backup.""" backup = _find_backup(cs, args.backup) backup.delete() @utils.arg('backup', metavar='<backup>', help='ID of the backup to restore.') @utils.arg('--volume-id', metavar='<volume>', help='Optional ID(or name) of the volume to restore to.', default=None) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_backup_restore(cs, args): """Restore a backup.""" if args.volume_id: volume_id = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume_id).id else: volume_id = None cs.restores.restore(args.backup, volume_id) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume to transfer.') @utils.arg('--display-name', metavar='<display-name>', help='Optional transfer name. (Default=None)', default=None) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_transfer_create(cs, args): """Creates a volume transfer.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) transfer = cs.transfers.create(volume.id, args.display_name) info = dict() info.update(transfer._info) if 'links' in info: info.pop('links') utils.print_dict(info) @utils.arg('transfer', metavar='<transfer>', help='Name or ID of the transfer to delete.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_transfer_delete(cs, args): """Undo a transfer.""" transfer = _find_transfer(cs, args.transfer) transfer.delete() @utils.arg('transfer', metavar='<transfer>', help='ID of the transfer to accept.') @utils.arg('auth_key', metavar='<auth_key>', help='Auth key of the transfer to accept.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_transfer_accept(cs, args): """Accepts a volume transfer.""" transfer = cs.transfers.accept(args.transfer, args.auth_key) info = dict() info.update(transfer._info) if 'links' in info: info.pop('links') utils.print_dict(info) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_transfer_list(cs, args): """List all the transfers.""" transfers = cs.transfers.list() columns = ['ID', 'Volume ID', 'Name'] utils.print_list(transfers, columns) @utils.arg('transfer', metavar='<transfer>', help='Name or ID of the transfer to accept.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_transfer_show(cs, args): """Show details about a transfer.""" transfer = _find_transfer(cs, args.transfer) info = dict() info.update(transfer._info) if 'links' in info: info.pop('links') utils.print_dict(info) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='Name or ID of the volume to extend.') @utils.arg('new_size', metavar='<new-size>', type=int, help='New size of volume in GB') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_extend(cs, args): """Attempt to extend the size of an existing volume.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) cs.volumes.extend(volume, args.new_size) @utils.arg('--host', metavar='<hostname>', default=None, help='Name of host.') @utils.arg('--binary', metavar='<binary>', default=None, help='Service binary.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_service_list(cs, args): """List all the services. Filter by host & service binary.""" result = cs.services.list(host=args.host, binary=args.binary) columns = ["Binary", "Host", "Zone", "Status", "State", "Updated_at"] utils.print_list(result, columns) @utils.arg('host', metavar='<hostname>', help='Name of host.') @utils.arg('binary', metavar='<binary>', help='Service binary.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_service_enable(cs, args): """Enable the service.""" cs.services.enable(args.host, args.binary) @utils.arg('host', metavar='<hostname>', help='Name of host.') @utils.arg('binary', metavar='<binary>', help='Service binary.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_service_disable(cs, args): """Disable the service.""" cs.services.disable(args.host, args.binary) def _treeizeAvailabilityZone(zone): """Build a tree view for availability zones.""" AvailabilityZone = availability_zones.AvailabilityZone az = AvailabilityZone(zone.manager, copy.deepcopy(zone._info), zone._loaded) result = [] # Zone tree view item az.zoneName = zone.zoneName az.zoneState = ('available' if zone.zoneState['available'] else 'not available') az._info['zoneName'] = az.zoneName az._info['zoneState'] = az.zoneState result.append(az) if getattr(zone, "hosts", None) and zone.hosts is not None: for (host, services) in zone.hosts.items(): # Host tree view item az = AvailabilityZone(zone.manager, copy.deepcopy(zone._info), zone._loaded) az.zoneName = '|- %s' % host az.zoneState = '' az._info['zoneName'] = az.zoneName az._info['zoneState'] = az.zoneState result.append(az) for (svc, state) in services.items(): # Service tree view item az = AvailabilityZone(zone.manager, copy.deepcopy(zone._info), zone._loaded) az.zoneName = '| |- %s' % svc az.zoneState = '%s %s %s' % ( 'enabled' if state['active'] else 'disabled', ':-)' if state['available'] else 'XXX', state['updated_at']) az._info['zoneName'] = az.zoneName az._info['zoneState'] = az.zoneState result.append(az) return result @utils.service_type('volume') def do_availability_zone_list(cs, _args): """List all the availability zones.""" try: availability_zones = cs.availability_zones.list() except exceptions.Forbidden as e: # policy doesn't allow probably try: availability_zones = cs.availability_zones.list(detailed=False) except Exception: raise e result = [] for zone in availability_zones: result += _treeizeAvailabilityZone(zone) _translate_availability_zone_keys(result) utils.print_list(result, ['Name', 'Status']) def _print_volume_encryption_type_list(encryption_types): """ Display a tabularized list of volume encryption types. :param encryption_types: a list of :class: VolumeEncryptionType instances """ utils.print_list(encryption_types, ['Volume Type ID', 'Provider', 'Cipher', 'Key Size', 'Control Location']) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_encryption_type_list(cs, args): """List encryption type information for all volume types (Admin Only).""" result = cs.volume_encryption_types.list() utils.print_list(result, ['Volume Type ID', 'Provider', 'Cipher', 'Key Size', 'Control Location']) @utils.arg('volume_type', metavar='<volume_type>', type=str, help="Name or ID of the volume type") @utils.service_type('volume') def do_encryption_type_show(cs, args): """Show the encryption type information for a volume type (Admin Only).""" volume_type = _find_volume_type(cs, args.volume_type) result = cs.volume_encryption_types.get(volume_type) # Display result or an empty table if no result if hasattr(result, 'volume_type_id'): _print_volume_encryption_type_list([result]) else: _print_volume_encryption_type_list([]) @utils.arg('volume_type', metavar='<volume_type>', type=str, help="Name or ID of the volume type") @utils.arg('provider', metavar='<provider>', type=str, help="Class providing encryption support (e.g. LuksEncryptor)") @utils.arg('--cipher', metavar='<cipher>', type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Encryption algorithm/mode to use (e.g., aes-xts-plain64) " "(Optional, Default=None)") @utils.arg('--key_size', metavar='<key_size>', type=int, required=False, default=None, help="Size of the encryption key, in bits (e.g., 128, 256) " "(Optional, Default=None)") @utils.arg('--control_location', metavar='<control_location>', choices=['front-end', 'back-end'], type=str, required=False, default=None, help="Notional service where encryption is performed (e.g., " "front-end=Nova). Values: 'front-end', 'back-end' " "(Optional, Default=None)") @utils.service_type('volume') def do_encryption_type_create(cs, args): """Create a new encryption type for a volume type (Admin Only).""" volume_type = _find_volume_type(cs, args.volume_type) body = {} body['provider'] = args.provider body['cipher'] = args.cipher body['key_size'] = args.key_size body['control_location'] = args.control_location result = cs.volume_encryption_types.create(volume_type, body) _print_volume_encryption_type_list([result]) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='ID of the volume to migrate') @utils.arg('host', metavar='<host>', help='Destination host') @utils.arg('--force-host-copy', metavar='<True|False>', choices=['True', 'False'], required=False, help='Optional flag to force the use of the generic ' 'host-based migration mechanism, bypassing driver ' 'optimizations (Default=False).', default=False) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_migrate(cs, args): """Migrate the volume to the new host.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) volume.migrate_volume(args.host, args.force_host_copy) def _print_qos_specs(qos_specs): utils.print_dict(qos_specs._info) def _print_qos_specs_list(q_specs): utils.print_list(q_specs, ['ID', 'Name', 'Consumer', 'specs']) def _print_qos_specs_and_associations_list(q_specs): utils.print_list(q_specs, ['ID', 'Name', 'Consumer', 'specs']) def _print_associations_list(associations): utils.print_list(associations, ['Association_Type', 'Name', 'ID']) @utils.arg('name', metavar='<name>', help="Name of the new QoS specs") @utils.arg('metadata', metavar='<key=value>', nargs='+', default=[], help='Specifications for QoS') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_create(cs, args): """Create a new qos specs.""" keypair = None if args.metadata is not None: keypair = _extract_metadata(args) qos_specs = cs.qos_specs.create(args.name, keypair) _print_qos_specs(qos_specs) @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_list(cs, args): """Get full list of qos specs.""" qos_specs = cs.qos_specs.list() _print_qos_specs_list(qos_specs) @utils.arg('qos_specs', metavar='<qos_specs>', help='ID of the qos_specs to show.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_show(cs, args): """Get a specific qos specs.""" qos_specs = _find_qos_specs(cs, args.qos_specs) _print_qos_specs(qos_specs) @utils.arg('qos_specs', metavar='<qos_specs>', help='ID of the qos_specs to delete.') @utils.arg('--force', metavar='<True|False>', default=False, help='Optional flag that indicates whether to delete ' 'specified qos specs even if it is in-use.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_delete(cs, args): """Delete a specific qos specs.""" force = strutils.bool_from_string(args.force) qos_specs = _find_qos_specs(cs, args.qos_specs) cs.qos_specs.delete(qos_specs, force) @utils.arg('qos_specs', metavar='<qos_specs>', help='ID of qos_specs.') @utils.arg('vol_type_id', metavar='<volume_type_id>', help='ID of volume type to be associated with.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_associate(cs, args): """Associate qos specs with specific volume type.""" cs.qos_specs.associate(args.qos_specs, args.vol_type_id) @utils.arg('qos_specs', metavar='<qos_specs>', help='ID of qos_specs.') @utils.arg('vol_type_id', metavar='<volume_type_id>', help='ID of volume type to be associated with.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_disassociate(cs, args): """Disassociate qos specs from specific volume type.""" cs.qos_specs.disassociate(args.qos_specs, args.vol_type_id) @utils.arg('qos_specs', metavar='<qos_specs>', help='ID of qos_specs to be operate on.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_disassociate_all(cs, args): """Disassociate qos specs from all of its associations.""" cs.qos_specs.disassociate_all(args.qos_specs) @utils.arg('qos_specs', metavar='<qos_specs>', help='ID of qos specs') @utils.arg('action', metavar='<action>', choices=['set', 'unset'], help="Actions: 'set' or 'unset'") @utils.arg('metadata', metavar='key=value', nargs='+', default=[], help='QoS specs to set/unset (only key is necessary on unset)') def do_qos_key(cs, args): """Set or unset specifications for a qos spec.""" keypair = _extract_metadata(args) if args.action == 'set': cs.qos_specs.set_keys(args.qos_specs, keypair) elif args.action == 'unset': cs.qos_specs.unset_keys(args.qos_specs, list(keypair)) @utils.arg('qos_specs', metavar='<qos_specs>', help='ID of the qos_specs.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_qos_get_association(cs, args): """Get all associations of specific qos specs.""" associations = cs.qos_specs.get_associations(args.qos_specs) _print_associations_list(associations) @utils.arg('snapshot', metavar='<snapshot>', help='ID of the snapshot to update metadata on.') @utils.arg('action', metavar='<action>', choices=['set', 'unset'], help="Actions: 'set' or 'unset'") @utils.arg('metadata', metavar='<key=value>', nargs='+', default=[], help='Metadata to set/unset (only key is necessary on unset)') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_metadata(cs, args): """Set or Delete metadata of a snapshot.""" snapshot = _find_volume_snapshot(cs, args.snapshot) metadata = _extract_metadata(args) if args.action == 'set': metadata = snapshot.set_metadata(metadata) utils.print_dict(metadata._info) elif args.action == 'unset': snapshot.delete_metadata(list(metadata.keys())) @utils.arg('snapshot', metavar='<snapshot>', help='ID of snapshot') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_metadata_show(cs, args): """Show metadata of given snapshot.""" snapshot = _find_volume_snapshot(cs, args.snapshot) utils.print_dict(snapshot._info['metadata'], 'Metadata-property') @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='ID of volume') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_metadata_show(cs, args): """Show metadata of given volume.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) utils.print_dict(volume._info['metadata'], 'Metadata-property') @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='ID of the volume to update metadata on.') @utils.arg('metadata', metavar='<key=value>', nargs='+', default=[], help='Metadata entry/entries to update.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_metadata_update_all(cs, args): """Update all metadata of a volume.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) metadata = _extract_metadata(args) metadata = volume.update_all_metadata(metadata) utils.print_dict(metadata) @utils.arg('snapshot', metavar='<snapshot>', help='ID of the snapshot to update metadata on.') @utils.arg('metadata', metavar='<key=value>', nargs='+', default=[], help='Metadata entry/entries to update.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_snapshot_metadata_update_all(cs, args): """Update all metadata of a snapshot.""" snapshot = _find_volume_snapshot(cs, args.snapshot) metadata = _extract_metadata(args) metadata = snapshot.update_all_metadata(metadata) utils.print_dict(metadata) @utils.arg('volume', metavar='<volume>', help='ID of the volume to update.') @utils.arg('read_only', metavar='<True|true|False|false>', choices=['True', 'true', 'False', 'false'], help='Flag to indicate whether to update volume to ' 'read-only access mode.') @utils.service_type('volume') def do_readonly_mode_update(cs, args): """Update volume read-only access mode read_only.""" volume = utils.find_volume(cs, args.volume) cs.volumes.update_readonly_flag(volume, strutils.bool_from_string(args.read_only))