# Copyright 2011 Denali Systems, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
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Volume interface (1.1 extension).

    from urllib import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlencode
import six
from cinderclient import base

class Volume(base.Resource):
    """A volume is an extra block level storage to the OpenStack instances."""
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Volume: %s>" % self.id

    def delete(self):
        """Delete this volume."""

    def update(self, **kwargs):
        """Update the display_name or display_description for this volume."""
        self.manager.update(self, **kwargs)

    def attach(self, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode='rw'):
        """Set attachment metadata.

        :param instance_uuid: uuid of the attaching instance.
        :param mountpoint: mountpoint on the attaching instance.
        :param mode: the access mode
        return self.manager.attach(self, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode)

    def detach(self):
        """Clear attachment metadata."""
        return self.manager.detach(self)

    def reserve(self, volume):
        """Reserve this volume."""
        return self.manager.reserve(self)

    def unreserve(self, volume):
        """Unreserve this volume."""
        return self.manager.unreserve(self)

    def begin_detaching(self, volume):
        """Begin detaching volume."""
        return self.manager.begin_detaching(self)

    def roll_detaching(self, volume):
        """Roll detaching volume."""
        return self.manager.roll_detaching(self)

    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
        """Initialize a volume connection.

        :param connector: connector dict from nova.
        return self.manager.initialize_connection(self, connector)

    def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
        """Terminate a volume connection.

        :param connector: connector dict from nova.
        return self.manager.terminate_connection(self, connector)

    def set_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
        """Set or Append metadata to a volume.

        :param volume : The :class: `Volume` to set metadata on
        :param metadata: A dict of key/value pairs to set
        return self.manager.set_metadata(self, metadata)

    def upload_to_image(self, force, image_name, container_format,
        """Upload a volume to image service as an image."""
        return self.manager.upload_to_image(self, force, image_name,
                                            container_format, disk_format)

    def force_delete(self):
        """Delete the specified volume ignoring its current state.

        :param volume: The UUID of the volume to force-delete.

    def reset_state(self, state):
        """Update the volume with the provided state."""
        self.manager.reset_state(self, state)

    def extend(self, volume, new_size):
        """Extend the size of the specified volume.

        :param volume: The UUID of the volume to extend.
        :param new_size: The desired size to extend volume to.
        self.manager.extend(self, volume, new_size)

    def migrate_volume(self, host, force_host_copy):
        """Migrate the volume to a new host."""
        self.manager.migrate_volume(self, host, force_host_copy)

#    def migrate_volume_completion(self, old_volume, new_volume, error):
#        """Complete the migration of the volume."""
#        self.manager.migrate_volume_completion(self, old_volume,
#                                               new_volume, error)

    def update_all_metadata(self, metadata):
        """Update all metadata of this volume."""
        return self.manager.update_all_metadata(self, metadata)

    def update_readonly_flag(self, volume, read_only):
        """Update the read-only access mode flag of the specified volume.

        :param volume: The UUID of the volume to update.
        :param read_only: The value to indicate whether to update volume to
            read-only access mode.
        self.manager.update_readonly_flag(self, volume, read_only)

class VolumeManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
    Manage :class:`Volume` resources.
    resource_class = Volume

    def create(self, size, snapshot_id=None, source_volid=None,
               display_name=None, display_description=None,
               volume_type=None, user_id=None,
               project_id=None, availability_zone=None,
               metadata=None, imageRef=None):
        Create a volume.

        :param size: Size of volume in GB
        :param snapshot_id: ID of the snapshot
        :param display_name: Name of the volume
        :param display_description: Description of the volume
        :param volume_type: Type of volume
        :param user_id: User id derived from context
        :param project_id: Project id derived from context
        :param availability_zone: Availability Zone to use
        :param metadata: Optional metadata to set on volume creation
        :param imageRef: reference to an image stored in glance
        :param source_volid: ID of source volume to clone from
        :rtype: :class:`Volume`

        if metadata is None:
            volume_metadata = {}
            volume_metadata = metadata

        body = {'volume': {'size': size,
                           'snapshot_id': snapshot_id,
                           'display_name': display_name,
                           'display_description': display_description,
                           'volume_type': volume_type,
                           'user_id': user_id,
                           'project_id': project_id,
                           'availability_zone': availability_zone,
                           'status': "creating",
                           'attach_status': "detached",
                           'metadata': volume_metadata,
                           'imageRef': imageRef,
                           'source_volid': source_volid,
        return self._create('/volumes', body, 'volume')

    def get(self, volume_id):
        Get a volume.

        :param volume_id: The ID of the volume to delete.
        :rtype: :class:`Volume`
        return self._get("/volumes/%s" % volume_id, "volume")

    def list(self, detailed=True, search_opts=None):
        Get a list of all volumes.

        :rtype: list of :class:`Volume`
        if search_opts is None:
            search_opts = {}

        qparams = {}

        for opt, val in six.iteritems(search_opts):
            if val:
                qparams[opt] = val

        query_string = "?%s" % urlencode(qparams) if qparams else ""

        detail = ""
        if detailed:
            detail = "/detail"

        return self._list("/volumes%s%s" % (detail, query_string),

    def delete(self, volume):
        Delete a volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to delete.
        self._delete("/volumes/%s" % base.getid(volume))

    def update(self, volume, **kwargs):
        Update the display_name or display_description for a volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to update.
        if not kwargs:

        body = {"volume": kwargs}

        self._update("/volumes/%s" % base.getid(volume), body)

    def _action(self, action, volume, info=None, **kwargs):
        Perform a volume "action."
        body = {action: info}
        self.run_hooks('modify_body_for_action', body, **kwargs)
        url = '/volumes/%s/action' % base.getid(volume)
        return self.api.client.post(url, body=body)

    def attach(self, volume, instance_uuid, mountpoint, mode='rw'):
        Set attachment metadata.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
                       you would like to attach.
        :param instance_uuid: uuid of the attaching instance.
        :param mountpoint: mountpoint on the attaching instance.
        :param mode: the access mode.
        return self._action('os-attach',
                            {'instance_uuid': instance_uuid,
                             'mountpoint': mountpoint,
                             'mode': mode})

    def detach(self, volume):
        Clear attachment metadata.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
                       you would like to detach.
        return self._action('os-detach', volume)

    def reserve(self, volume):
        Reserve this volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
                       you would like to reserve.
        return self._action('os-reserve', volume)

    def unreserve(self, volume):
        Unreserve this volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
                       you would like to unreserve.
        return self._action('os-unreserve', volume)

    def begin_detaching(self, volume):
        Begin detaching this volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
                       you would like to detach.
        return self._action('os-begin_detaching', volume)

    def roll_detaching(self, volume):
        Roll detaching this volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID)
                       you would like to roll detaching.
        return self._action('os-roll_detaching', volume)

    def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
        Initialize a volume connection.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID).
        :param connector: connector dict from nova.
        return self._action('os-initialize_connection', volume,
                            {'connector': connector})[1]['connection_info']

    def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
        Terminate a volume connection.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` (or its ID).
        :param connector: connector dict from nova.
        self._action('os-terminate_connection', volume,
                     {'connector': connector})

    def set_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
        Update/Set a volumes metadata.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
        :param metadata: A list of keys to be set.
        body = {'metadata': metadata}
        return self._create("/volumes/%s/metadata" % base.getid(volume),
                            body, "metadata")

    def delete_metadata(self, volume, keys):
        Delete specified keys from volumes metadata.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
        :param keys: A list of keys to be removed.
        for k in keys:
            self._delete("/volumes/%s/metadata/%s" % (base.getid(volume), k))

    def upload_to_image(self, volume, force, image_name, container_format,
        Upload volume to image service as image.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to upload.
        return self._action('os-volume_upload_image',
                            {'force': force,
                            'image_name': image_name,
                            'container_format': container_format,
                            'disk_format': disk_format})

    def force_delete(self, volume):
        return self._action('os-force_delete', base.getid(volume))

    def reset_state(self, volume, state):
        """Update the provided volume with the provided state."""
        return self._action('os-reset_status', volume, {'status': state})

    def extend(self, volume, new_size):
        return self._action('os-extend',
                            {'new_size': new_size})

    def get_encryption_metadata(self, volume_id):
        Retrieve the encryption metadata from the desired volume.

        :param volume_id: the id of the volume to query
        :return: a dictionary of volume encryption metadata
        return self._get("/volumes/%s/encryption" % volume_id)._info

    def migrate_volume(self, volume, host, force_host_copy):
        """Migrate volume to new host.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to migrate
        :param host: The destination host
        :param force_host_copy: Skip driver optimizations

        return self._action('os-migrate_volume',
                            {'host': host, 'force_host_copy': force_host_copy})

    def migrate_volume_completion(self, old_volume, new_volume, error):
        """Complete the migration from the old volume to the temp new one.

        :param old_volume: The original :class:`Volume` in the migration
        :param new_volume: The new temporary :class:`Volume` in the migration
        :param error: Inform of an error to cause migration cleanup

        new_volume_id = base.getid(new_volume)
        return self._action('os-migrate_volume_completion',
                            {'new_volume': new_volume_id, 'error': error})[1]

    def update_all_metadata(self, volume, metadata):
        """Update all metadata of a volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume`.
        :param metadata: A list of keys to be updated.
        body = {'metadata': metadata}
        return self._update("/volumes/%s/metadata" % base.getid(volume),

    def update_readonly_flag(self, volume, flag):
        return self._action('os-update_readonly_flag',
                            {'readonly': flag})