Luka Peschke d070f6a68c Rewrite of the client
The client has been completely rewritten in order to use cliff. The code
should be easier to maintain: authentication is now entirely handled by
keystoneauth, CloudKitty's client and CK's OSC plugin use the exact same
classes (no code duplication).

New features for users:

  * Client-side CSV report generation: It is possible for users to generate
    CSV reports with the new client. There is a default format, but reports
    may also be configured through a yaml config file. (see documentation)

  * The documentation has been improved. (A few examples on how to use the
    python library + complete API bindings and CLI reference).

  * It is now possible to use the client without Keystone authentication (this
    requires that CK's API is configured to use the noauth auth strategy).

  * Various features are brought by cliff: completion, command output formatting
    (table, shell, yaml, json...).

New features for developpers:

  * Python 2.7/3.5 compatible 'python-cloudkittyclient' module.

  * Integration tests (for 'openstack rating' and 'cloudkitty') have been
    added. These allow to create gate jobs running against a CK devstack

  * Tests are now ran with stestr instead of testr, which allows a better
    control over execution.

  * The dependency list has been reduced and upper constraints have been set.

Change-Id: I7c6afa46138d499b37b8be3d049b23ab5302a928
Task: 6589
Story: 2001614
2018-06-15 12:08:21 +02:00

86 lines
3.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 Objectif Libre
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import csv
from cliff.formatters import base
import jsonpath_rw_ext as jp
from oslo_log import log
import yaml
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class DataframeToCsvFormatter(base.ListFormatter):
"""Cliff formatter allowing to customize CSV report content."""
default_config = [
('Begin', '$.begin'),
('End', '$.end'),
('Metric Type', '$.service'),
('Qty', '$.volume'),
('Cost', '$.rating'),
('Project ID', '$.desc.project_id'),
('Resource ID', '$.desc.resource_id'),
('User ID', '$.desc.user_id'),
def _load_config(self, filename):
config = self.default_config
if filename:
with open(filename, 'r') as fd:
yml_config = yaml.safe_load(
if len(yml_config):
config = [(list(item.keys())[0], list(item.values())[0])
for item in yml_config]
LOG.warning('Invalid config file {file}. Using default '
except (IOError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) as err:
LOG.warning('Error: {err}. Using default '
self.parsers = {}
for col, path in config:
self.parsers[col] = jp.parse(path)
return config
def add_argument_group(self, parser):
group = parser.add_argument_group('dataframe-to-csv formatter')
type=str, dest='format_config',
help='Config file for the dict-to-csv formatter')
def _get_csv_row(self, config, json_item):
row = {}
for col, parser in self.parsers.items():
items = parser.find(json_item)
row[col] = items[0].value if items else ''
return row
def emit_list(self, column_names, data, stdout, parsed_args):
config = self._load_config(vars(parsed_args).get('format_config'))
self.writer = csv.DictWriter(stdout,
fieldnames=[elem[0] for elem in config])
for dataframe in data:
rating_data = dataframe[3]
for item in rating_data:
item['begin'] = dataframe[0]
item['end'] = dataframe[1]
row = self._get_csv_row(config, item)