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Client for Congress

Client for Standalone Congress

To execute CLI commands to standalone congress set with noauth:

  • Install python-openstackclient:

    $ pip install python-openstackclient
  • Clone repository & install python-congressclient:

    $ git clone
    $ cd python-congressclient
    $ python install
  • Read the HTML documentation:: Install python-sphinx and the oslosphinx extension if missing. $ sudo pip install sphinx $ sudo pip install oslosphinx

    Build the docs $ make docs

    Open doc/html/index.html in a browser

  • To execute CLI commands:

    $ cd python-congressclient
    For example:
    $ export CONGRESS_URL=""
    $ openstack --os-token foo --os-url $CONGRESS_URL
    (openstack) congress policy create test_policy
    | Field        | Value                                |
    | abbreviation | test_                                |
    | description  |                                      |
    | id           | 8595f24a-7d74-45ee-8168-0b3e937b8419 |
    | kind         | nonrecursive                         |
    | name         | test_policy                          |
    | owner_id     | user                                 |
    (openstack) congress policy rule create test_policy "p(5)"
    | Field   | Value                                |
    | comment | None                                 |
    | id      | 5ce7fb18-a227-447e-bec8-93e99c0052a5 |
    | name    | None                                 |
    | rule    | p(5)                                 |
    (openstack) congress policy rule list test_policy
    // ID: 5ce7fb18-a227-447e-bec8-93e99c0052a5
    // Name: None
    (openstack) exit


  • TODO