# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import copy import logging from dracclient import constants from dracclient import exceptions from dracclient.resources import uris from dracclient import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) RAID_LEVELS = { 'non-raid': '1', '0': '2', '1': '4', '5': '64', '6': '128', '1+0': '2048', '5+0': '8192', '6+0': '16384', } REVERSE_RAID_LEVELS = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in RAID_LEVELS.items()) RAID_CONTROLLER_IS_REALTIME = { '1': True, '0': False } DISK_RAID_STATUS = { '0': 'unknown', '1': 'ready', '2': 'online', '3': 'foreign', '4': 'offline', '5': 'blocked', '6': 'failed', '7': 'degraded', '8': 'non-RAID', '9': 'missing' } VIRTUAL_DISK_PENDING_OPERATIONS = { '0': None, '1': 'fast_init', '2': 'pending_delete', '3': 'pending_create' } PHYSICAL_DISK_MEDIA_TYPE = { '0': 'hdd', '1': 'ssd' } PHYSICAL_DISK_BUS_PROTOCOL = { '0': 'unknown', '1': 'scsi', '2': 'pata', '3': 'fibre', '4': 'usb', '5': 'sata', '6': 'sas', '7': 'pcie', '8': 'nvme' } PhysicalDisk = collections.namedtuple( 'PhysicalDisk', ['id', 'description', 'controller', 'manufacturer', 'model', 'media_type', 'interface_type', 'size_mb', 'free_size_mb', 'serial_number', 'firmware_version', 'status', 'raid_status', 'sas_address', 'device_protocol', 'bus']) RAIDController = collections.namedtuple( 'RAIDController', ['id', 'description', 'manufacturer', 'model', 'primary_status', 'firmware_version', 'bus', 'supports_realtime']) VirtualDisk = collections.namedtuple( 'VirtualDisk', ['id', 'name', 'description', 'controller', 'raid_level', 'size_mb', 'status', 'raid_status', 'span_depth', 'span_length', 'pending_operations', 'physical_disks']) NO_FOREIGN_DRIVES = ["STOR058", "STOR018"] class RAIDAttribute(object): """Generic RAID attribute class""" def __init__(self, name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, read_only, fqdd): """Creates RAIDAttribute object :param name: name of the RAID attribute :param instance_id: InstanceID of the RAID attribute :param current_value: list containing the current values of the RAID attribute :param pending_value: pending value of the RAID attribute, reflecting an unprocessed change (eg. config job not completed) :param read_only: indicates whether this RAID attribute can be changed :param fqdd: Fully Qualified Device Description of the RAID Attribute """ self.name = name self.instance_id = instance_id self.current_value = current_value self.pending_value = pending_value self.read_only = read_only self.fqdd = fqdd def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ @classmethod def parse(cls, namespace, raid_attr_xml): """Parses XML and creates RAIDAttribute object""" name = utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, namespace, 'AttributeName') instance_id = utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, namespace, 'InstanceID') current_value = [attr.text for attr in utils.find_xml(raid_attr_xml, 'CurrentValue', namespace, find_all=True)] pending_value = utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, namespace, 'PendingValue', nullable=True) read_only = utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, namespace, 'IsReadOnly') fqdd = utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, namespace, 'FQDD') return cls(name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, (read_only == 'true'), fqdd) class RAIDEnumerableAttribute(RAIDAttribute): """Enumerable RAID attribute class""" namespace = uris.DCIM_RAIDEnumeration def __init__(self, name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, read_only, fqdd, possible_values): """Creates RAIDEnumerableAttribute object :param name: name of the RAID attribute :param instance_id: InstanceID of the RAID attribute :param current_value: list containing the current values of the RAID attribute :param pending_value: pending value of the RAID attribute, reflecting an unprocessed change (eg. config job not completed) :param read_only: indicates whether this RAID attribute can be changed :param fqdd: Fully Qualified Device Description of the RAID Attribute :param possible_values: list containing the allowed values for the RAID attribute """ super(RAIDEnumerableAttribute, self).__init__(name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, read_only, fqdd) self.possible_values = possible_values @classmethod def parse(cls, raid_attr_xml): """Parses XML and creates RAIDEnumerableAttribute object""" raid_attr = RAIDAttribute.parse(cls.namespace, raid_attr_xml) possible_values = [attr.text for attr in utils.find_xml(raid_attr_xml, 'PossibleValues', cls.namespace, find_all=True)] return cls(raid_attr.name, raid_attr.instance_id, raid_attr.current_value, raid_attr.pending_value, raid_attr.read_only, raid_attr.fqdd, possible_values) def validate(self, new_value): """Validates new value""" if str(new_value) not in self.possible_values: msg = ("Attribute '%(attr)s' cannot be set to value '%(val)s'." " It must be in %(possible_values)r.") % { 'attr': self.name, 'val': new_value, 'possible_values': self.possible_values} return msg class RAIDStringAttribute(RAIDAttribute): """String RAID attribute class""" namespace = uris.DCIM_RAIDString def __init__(self, name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, read_only, fqdd, min_length, max_length): """Creates RAIDStringAttribute object :param name: name of the RAID attribute :param instance_id: InstanceID of the RAID attribute :param current_value: list containing the current values of the RAID attribute :param pending_value: pending value of the RAID attribute, reflecting an unprocessed change (eg. config job not completed) :param read_only: indicates whether this RAID attribute can be changed :param fqdd: Fully Qualified Device Description of the RAID Attribute :param min_length: minimum length of the string :param max_length: maximum length of the string """ super(RAIDStringAttribute, self).__init__(name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, read_only, fqdd) self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length @classmethod def parse(cls, raid_attr_xml): """Parses XML and creates RAIDStringAttribute object""" raid_attr = RAIDAttribute.parse(cls.namespace, raid_attr_xml) min_length = int(utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, cls.namespace, 'MinLength')) max_length = int(utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, cls.namespace, 'MaxLength')) return cls(raid_attr.name, raid_attr.instance_id, raid_attr.current_value, raid_attr.pending_value, raid_attr.read_only, raid_attr.fqdd, min_length, max_length) class RAIDIntegerAttribute(RAIDAttribute): """Integer RAID attribute class""" namespace = uris.DCIM_RAIDInteger def __init__(self, name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, read_only, fqdd, lower_bound, upper_bound): """Creates RAIDIntegerAttribute object :param name: name of the RAID attribute :param instance_id: InstanceID of the RAID attribute :param current_value: list containing the current value of the RAID attribute :param pending_value: pending value of the RAID attribute, reflecting an unprocessed change (eg. config job not completed) :param read_only: indicates whether this RAID attribute can be changed :param fqdd: Fully Qualified Device Description of the RAID Attribute :param lower_bound: minimum value for the RAID attribute :param upper_bound: maximum value for the RAID attribute """ super(RAIDIntegerAttribute, self).__init__(name, instance_id, current_value, pending_value, read_only, fqdd) self.lower_bound = lower_bound self.upper_bound = upper_bound @classmethod def parse(cls, raid_attr_xml): """Parses XML and creates RAIDIntegerAttribute object""" raid_attr = RAIDAttribute.parse(cls.namespace, raid_attr_xml) lower_bound = utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, cls.namespace, 'LowerBound') upper_bound = utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( raid_attr_xml, cls.namespace, 'UpperBound') if raid_attr.current_value: raid_attr.current_value = int(raid_attr.current_value[0]) if raid_attr.pending_value: raid_attr.pending_value = int(raid_attr.pending_value) return cls(raid_attr.name, raid_attr.instance_id, raid_attr.current_value, raid_attr.pending_value, raid_attr.read_only, raid_attr.fqdd, int(lower_bound), int(upper_bound)) def validate(self, new_value): """Validates new value""" val = int(new_value) if val < self.lower_bound or val > self.upper_bound: msg = ('Attribute %(attr)s cannot be set to value %(val)d.' ' It must be between %(lower)d and %(upper)d.') % { 'attr': self.name, 'val': new_value, 'lower': self.lower_bound, 'upper': self.upper_bound} return msg class RAIDManagement(object): NAMESPACES = [(uris.DCIM_RAIDEnumeration, RAIDEnumerableAttribute), (uris.DCIM_RAIDString, RAIDStringAttribute), (uris.DCIM_RAIDInteger, RAIDIntegerAttribute)] def __init__(self, client): """Creates RAIDManagement object :param client: an instance of WSManClient """ self.client = client def list_raid_settings(self): """List the RAID configuration settings :returns: a dictionary with the RAID settings using InstanceID as the key. The attributes are either RAIDEnumerableAttribute, RAIDStringAttribute objects. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface """ return utils.list_settings(self.client, self.NAMESPACES, by_name=False) def set_raid_settings(self, raid_fqdd, new_settings): """Sets the RAID configuration It sets the pending_value parameter for each of the attributes passed in. For the values to be applied, a config job must be created. :param raid_fqdd: the FQDD of the RAID setting. :param new_settings: a dictionary containing the proposed values, with each key being the name of attribute and the value being the proposed value. :returns: a dictionary containing: - The is_commit_required key with a boolean value indicating whether a config job must be created for the values to be applied. - The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated value indicating whether the server must be rebooted for the values to be applied. Possible values are true and false. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface """ return utils.set_settings('RAID', self.client, self.NAMESPACES, new_settings, uris.DCIM_RAIDService, "DCIM_RAIDService", "DCIM:RAIDService", raid_fqdd, by_name=False) def list_raid_controllers(self): """Returns the list of RAID controllers :returns: a list of RAIDController objects :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface """ doc = self.client.enumerate(uris.DCIM_ControllerView) drac_raid_controllers = utils.find_xml(doc, 'DCIM_ControllerView', uris.DCIM_ControllerView, find_all=True) return [self._parse_drac_raid_controller(controller) for controller in drac_raid_controllers] def _parse_drac_raid_controller(self, drac_controller): return RAIDController( id=self._get_raid_controller_attr(drac_controller, 'FQDD'), description=self._get_raid_controller_attr( drac_controller, 'DeviceDescription'), manufacturer=self._get_raid_controller_attr( drac_controller, 'DeviceCardManufacturer'), model=self._get_raid_controller_attr( drac_controller, 'ProductName'), primary_status=constants.PRIMARY_STATUS[ self._get_raid_controller_attr(drac_controller, 'PrimaryStatus')], firmware_version=self._get_raid_controller_attr( drac_controller, 'ControllerFirmwareVersion'), bus=self._get_raid_controller_attr(drac_controller, 'Bus').upper(), supports_realtime=RAID_CONTROLLER_IS_REALTIME[ self._get_raid_controller_attr( drac_controller, 'RealtimeCapability')]) def _get_raid_controller_attr(self, drac_controller, attr_name): return utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( drac_controller, uris.DCIM_ControllerView, attr_name, nullable=True) def list_virtual_disks(self): """Returns the list of virtual disks :returns: a list of VirtualDisk objects :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface """ doc = self.client.enumerate(uris.DCIM_VirtualDiskView) drac_virtual_disks = utils.find_xml(doc, 'DCIM_VirtualDiskView', uris.DCIM_VirtualDiskView, find_all=True) return [self._parse_drac_virtual_disk(disk) for disk in drac_virtual_disks] def _parse_drac_virtual_disk(self, drac_disk): fqdd = self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'FQDD') drac_raid_level = self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'RAIDTypes') size_b = self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'SizeInBytes') drac_status = self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'PrimaryStatus') drac_raid_status = self._get_virtual_disk_attr( drac_disk, 'RAIDStatus', allow_missing=True) if drac_raid_status is None: drac_raid_status = self._get_virtual_disk_attr( drac_disk, 'RaidStatus') drac_pending_operations = self._get_virtual_disk_attr( drac_disk, 'PendingOperations') return VirtualDisk( id=fqdd, name=self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'Name', nullable=True), description=self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'DeviceDescription', nullable=True), controller=fqdd.split(':')[-1], raid_level=REVERSE_RAID_LEVELS[drac_raid_level], size_mb=int(size_b) // 2 ** 20, status=constants.PRIMARY_STATUS[drac_status], raid_status=DISK_RAID_STATUS[drac_raid_status], span_depth=int(self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'SpanDepth')), span_length=int(self._get_virtual_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'SpanLength')), pending_operations=( VIRTUAL_DISK_PENDING_OPERATIONS[drac_pending_operations]), physical_disks=self._get_virtual_disk_attrs(drac_disk, 'PhysicalDiskIDs')) def _get_virtual_disk_attr( self, drac_disk, attr_name, nullable=False, allow_missing=False): return utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( drac_disk, uris.DCIM_VirtualDiskView, attr_name, nullable=nullable, allow_missing=allow_missing) def _get_virtual_disk_attrs(self, drac_disk, attr_name): return utils.get_all_wsman_resource_attrs( drac_disk, uris.DCIM_VirtualDiskView, attr_name, nullable=False) def list_physical_disks(self): """Returns the list of physical disks :returns: a list of PhysicalDisk objects :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface """ doc = self.client.enumerate(uris.DCIM_PhysicalDiskView) drac_physical_disks = utils.find_xml(doc, 'DCIM_PhysicalDiskView', uris.DCIM_PhysicalDiskView, find_all=True) physical_disks = [self._parse_drac_physical_disk(disk) for disk in drac_physical_disks] drac_pcie_disks = utils.find_xml(doc, 'DCIM_PCIeSSDView', uris.DCIM_PCIeSSDView, find_all=True) pcie_disks = [self._parse_drac_physical_disk(disk, uris.DCIM_PCIeSSDView) for disk in drac_pcie_disks] return physical_disks + pcie_disks def _parse_drac_physical_disk(self, drac_disk, uri=uris.DCIM_PhysicalDiskView): fqdd = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'FQDD', uri) size_b = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'SizeInBytes', uri) free_size_b = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'FreeSizeInBytes', uri) if free_size_b is not None: free_size_mb = int(free_size_b) // 2 ** 20 else: free_size_mb = None drac_status = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'PrimaryStatus', uri) drac_raid_status = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'RaidStatus', uri) if drac_raid_status is not None: raid_status = DISK_RAID_STATUS[drac_raid_status] else: raid_status = None drac_media_type = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'MediaType', uri) drac_bus_protocol = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'BusProtocol', uri) bus = self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'Bus', uri, allow_missing=True) if bus is not None: bus = bus.upper() return PhysicalDisk( id=fqdd, description=self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'DeviceDescription', uri), controller=fqdd.split(':')[-1], manufacturer=self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'Manufacturer', uri), model=self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'Model', uri), media_type=PHYSICAL_DISK_MEDIA_TYPE[drac_media_type], interface_type=PHYSICAL_DISK_BUS_PROTOCOL[drac_bus_protocol], size_mb=int(size_b) // 2 ** 20, free_size_mb=free_size_mb, serial_number=self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'SerialNumber', uri), firmware_version=self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'Revision', uri), status=constants.PRIMARY_STATUS[drac_status], raid_status=raid_status, sas_address=self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'SASAddress', uri, allow_missing=True), device_protocol=self._get_physical_disk_attr(drac_disk, 'DeviceProtocol', uri, allow_missing=True), bus=bus) def _get_physical_disk_attr(self, drac_disk, attr_name, uri, allow_missing=False): return utils.get_wsman_resource_attr( drac_disk, uri, attr_name, nullable=True, allow_missing=allow_missing) def convert_physical_disks(self, physical_disks, raid_enable): """Converts a list of physical disks into or out of RAID mode. Disks can be enabled or disabled for RAID mode. :param physical_disks: list of FQDD ID strings of the physical disks to update :param raid_enable: boolean flag, set to True if the disk is to become part of the RAID. The same flag is applied to all listed disks :returns: a dictionary containing: - The is_commit_required key with the value always set to True indicating that a config job must be created to complete disk conversion. - The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to complete disk conversion. """ invocation = 'ConvertToRAID' if raid_enable else 'ConvertToNonRAID' selectors = {'SystemCreationClassName': 'DCIM_ComputerSystem', 'CreationClassName': 'DCIM_RAIDService', 'SystemName': 'DCIM:ComputerSystem', 'Name': 'DCIM:RAIDService'} properties = {'PDArray': physical_disks} doc = self.client.invoke(uris.DCIM_RAIDService, invocation, selectors, properties, expected_return_value=utils.RET_SUCCESS) return utils.build_return_dict(doc, uris.DCIM_RAIDService, is_commit_required_value=True) def create_virtual_disk(self, raid_controller, physical_disks, raid_level, size_mb, disk_name=None, span_length=None, span_depth=None): """Creates a virtual disk The created virtual disk will be in pending state. For the changes to be applied, a config job must be created and the node must be rebooted. :param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller :param physical_disks: ids of the physical disks :param raid_level: RAID level of the virtual disk :param size_mb: size of the virtual disk in megabytes :param disk_name: name of the virtual disk (optional) :param span_length: number of disks per span (optional) :param span_depth: number of spans in virtual disk (optional) :returns: a dictionary containing: - The is_commit_required key with the value always set to True indicating that a config job must be created to complete virtual disk creation. - The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to complete virtual disk creation. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface :raises: DRACUnexpectedReturnValue on return value mismatch :raises: InvalidParameterValue on invalid input parameter """ virtual_disk_prop_names = [] virtual_disk_prop_values = [] error_msgs = [] # RAID controller validation if not raid_controller: error_msgs.append("'raid_controller' is not supplied") # physical disks validation if not physical_disks: error_msgs.append("'physical_disks' is not supplied") # size validation utils.validate_integer_value(size_mb, 'size_mb', error_msgs) virtual_disk_prop_names.append('Size') virtual_disk_prop_values.append(str(size_mb)) # RAID level validation virtual_disk_prop_names.append('RAIDLevel') try: virtual_disk_prop_values.append(RAID_LEVELS[str(raid_level)]) except KeyError: error_msgs.append("'raid_level' is invalid") if disk_name is not None: virtual_disk_prop_names.append('VirtualDiskName') virtual_disk_prop_values.append(disk_name) if span_depth is not None: utils.validate_integer_value(span_depth, 'span_depth', error_msgs) virtual_disk_prop_names.append('SpanDepth') virtual_disk_prop_values.append(str(span_depth)) if span_length is not None: utils.validate_integer_value(span_length, 'span_length', error_msgs) virtual_disk_prop_names.append('SpanLength') virtual_disk_prop_values.append(str(span_length)) if error_msgs: msg = ('The following errors were encountered while parsing ' 'the provided parameters: %r') % ','.join(error_msgs) raise exceptions.InvalidParameterValue(reason=msg) selectors = {'SystemCreationClassName': 'DCIM_ComputerSystem', 'CreationClassName': 'DCIM_RAIDService', 'SystemName': 'DCIM:ComputerSystem', 'Name': 'DCIM:RAIDService'} properties = {'Target': raid_controller, 'PDArray': physical_disks, 'VDPropNameArray': virtual_disk_prop_names, 'VDPropValueArray': virtual_disk_prop_values} doc = self.client.invoke(uris.DCIM_RAIDService, 'CreateVirtualDisk', selectors, properties, expected_return_value=utils.RET_SUCCESS) return utils.build_return_dict(doc, uris.DCIM_RAIDService, is_commit_required_value=True) def delete_virtual_disk(self, virtual_disk): """Deletes a virtual disk The deleted virtual disk will be in pending state. For the changes to be applied, a config job must be created and the node must be rebooted. :param virtual_disk: id of the virtual disk :returns: a dictionary containing: - The is_commit_required key with the value always set to True indicating that a config job must be created to complete virtual disk deletion. - The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to complete virtual disk deletion. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface :raises: DRACUnexpectedReturnValue on return value mismatch """ selectors = {'SystemCreationClassName': 'DCIM_ComputerSystem', 'CreationClassName': 'DCIM_RAIDService', 'SystemName': 'DCIM:ComputerSystem', 'Name': 'DCIM:RAIDService'} properties = {'Target': virtual_disk} doc = self.client.invoke(uris.DCIM_RAIDService, 'DeleteVirtualDisk', selectors, properties, expected_return_value=utils.RET_SUCCESS) return utils.build_return_dict(doc, uris.DCIM_RAIDService, is_commit_required_value=True) def is_jbod_capable(self, raid_controller_fqdd): """Find out if raid controller supports jbod :param raid_controller_fqdd: The raid controller's fqdd being being checked to see if it is jbod capable. :raises: DRACRequestFailed if unable to find any disks in the Ready or non-RAID states :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC and the exception message does not contain NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG constant """ is_jbod_capable = False # Grab all the disks associated with the RAID controller all_physical_disks = self.list_physical_disks() physical_disks = [physical_disk for physical_disk in all_physical_disks if physical_disk.controller == raid_controller_fqdd] # If there is a disk in the Non-RAID state, then the controller is JBOD # capable ready_disk = None for physical_disk in physical_disks: if physical_disk.raid_status == 'non-RAID': is_jbod_capable = True break elif not ready_disk and physical_disk.raid_status == 'ready': ready_disk = physical_disk if not is_jbod_capable: if not ready_disk: msg = "Unable to find a disk in the Ready state" raise exceptions.DRACRequestFailed(msg) # Try moving a disk in the Ready state to JBOD mode try: self.convert_physical_disks([ready_disk.id], False) is_jbod_capable = True # Flip the disk back to the Ready state. This results in the # pending value being reset to nothing, so it effectively # undoes the last command and makes the check non-destructive self.convert_physical_disks([ready_disk.id], True) except exceptions.DRACOperationFailed as ex: # Fix for python 3, Exception.message no longer # a valid attribute, str(ex) works for both 2.7 # and 3.x if constants.NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG in str(ex): pass else: raise return is_jbod_capable def is_raid_controller(self, raid_controller_fqdd, raid_controllers=None): """Find out if object's fqdd is for a raid controller or not :param raid_controller_fqdd: The object's fqdd we are testing to see if it is a raid controller or not. :param raid_controllers: A list of RAIDControllers used to check for the presence of BOSS cards. If None, the iDRAC will be queried for the list of controllers. :returns: boolean, True if the device is a RAID controller, False if not. """ return raid_controller_fqdd.startswith('RAID.') or \ self.is_boss_controller(raid_controller_fqdd, raid_controllers) def is_boss_controller(self, raid_controller_fqdd, raid_controllers=None): """Find out if a RAID controller a BOSS card or not :param raid_controller_fqdd: The object's fqdd we are testing to see if it is a BOSS card or not. :param raid_controllers: A list of RAIDController to scan for presence of BOSS card, if None the drac will be queried for the list of controllers which will then be scanned. :returns: boolean, True if the device is a BOSS card, False if not. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface """ if raid_controllers is None: raid_controllers = self.list_raid_controllers() boss_raid_controllers = [ c.id for c in raid_controllers if c.model.startswith('BOSS')] return raid_controller_fqdd in boss_raid_controllers def _check_disks_status(self, mode, physical_disks, controllers_to_physical_disk_ids): """Find disks that failed, need to be configured, or need no change. Inspect all the controllers drives and: - See if there are any disks in a failed or unknown state and raise a ValueException where appropriate. - If a controller has disks that still need to be configured add them to the controllers_to_physical_disk_ids dict for the appropriate controller. - If a disk is already in the appropriate state, do nothing, this function should behave in an idempotent manner. :param mode: constants.RaidStatus enumeration used to determine what raid status to check for. :param physical_disks: all physical disks :param controllers_to_physical_disk_ids: Dictionary of controllers and corresponding disk ids to convert to the requested mode. :returns: a dictionary mapping controller FQDDs to the list of physical disks that need to be converted for that controller. :raises: ValueError: Exception message will list failed drives and drives whose state cannot be changed at this time, drive state is not "ready" or "non-RAID". """ controllers_to_physical_disk_ids = copy.deepcopy( controllers_to_physical_disk_ids) p_disk_id_to_status = {} for physical_disk in physical_disks: p_disk_id_to_status[physical_disk.id] = physical_disk.raid_status failed_disks = [] bad_disks = [] jbod = constants.RaidStatus.jbod raid = constants.RaidStatus.raid for controller, physical_disk_ids \ in controllers_to_physical_disk_ids.items(): final_physical_disk_ids = [] for physical_disk_id in physical_disk_ids: raid_status = p_disk_id_to_status[physical_disk_id] LOG.debug("RAID status for disk id: %s is: %s", physical_disk_id, raid_status) if ((mode == jbod and raid_status == "non-RAID") or (mode == raid and raid_status == "ready")): # This means the disk is already in the desired state, # so skip it continue elif ((mode == jbod and raid_status == "ready") or (mode == raid and raid_status == "non-RAID")): # This disk is moving from a state we expect to RAID or # JBOD, so keep it final_physical_disk_ids.append(physical_disk_id) elif raid_status == "failed": failed_disks.append(physical_disk_id) else: # This disk is in one of many states that we don't know # what to do with, so pitch it bad_disks.append("{} ({})".format(physical_disk_id, raid_status)) controllers_to_physical_disk_ids[controller] = ( final_physical_disk_ids) if failed_disks or bad_disks: error_msg = "" if failed_disks: error_msg += ("The following drives have failed: " "{failed_disks}. Manually check the status" " of all drives and replace as necessary, then" " try again.").format( failed_disks=" ".join(failed_disks)) if bad_disks: if failed_disks: error_msg += "\n" error_msg += ("Unable to change the state of the following " "drives because their status is not ready " "or non-RAID: {}. Bring up the RAID " "controller GUI on this node and change the " "drives' status to ready or non-RAID.").format( ", ".join(bad_disks)) raise ValueError(error_msg) return controllers_to_physical_disk_ids def change_physical_disk_state(self, mode, controllers_to_physical_disk_ids=None): """Convert disks RAID status This method intelligently converts the requested physical disks from RAID to JBOD or vice versa. It does this by only converting the disks that are not already in the correct state. When converting Dell EMC PERC H755 RAID controller physical disks to non-RAID mode, RAID-0 virtual disks get created for each physical disk and disks moved to 'Online' state. This is different from other controllers supporting non-RAID conversion and takes up physical disks that cannot be later used for user intended RAID configuration. H755 RAID controllers are excluded when converting to non-RAID mode leaving disks in 'Ready' state. :param mode: constants.RaidStatus enumeration that indicates the mode to change the disks to. :param controllers_to_physical_disk_ids: Dictionary of controllers and corresponding disk ids to convert to the requested mode. :returns: a dictionary containing: - conversion_results, a dictionary that maps controller ids to the conversion results for that controller. The conversion results are a dict that contains: - The is_commit_required key with the value always set to True indicating that a config job must be created to complete disk conversion. - The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to complete disk conversion. :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC and the exception message does not contain NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG constant. :raises: Exception on unknown error. """ physical_disks = self.list_physical_disks() raid = constants.RaidStatus.raid jbod = constants.RaidStatus.jbod all_controllers = self.list_raid_controllers() if not controllers_to_physical_disk_ids: controllers_to_physical_disk_ids = collections.defaultdict(list) for physical_d in physical_disks: # Weed out disks that are not attached to a RAID controller if self.is_raid_controller(physical_d.controller, all_controllers): physical_disk_ids = controllers_to_physical_disk_ids[ physical_d.controller] physical_disk_ids.append(physical_d.id) controllers_to_results = {} # Filter out PERC H755 controller as it creates RAID-0 virtual disks # when in non-RAID mode. Returns conversion result dictionary # containing is_commit_required and is_reboot_required key with # the value always set to False. if mode == jbod: for cntlr in all_controllers: if cntlr.model.startswith("PERC H755") and \ cntlr.id in controllers_to_physical_disk_ids: LOG.debug("Excluding {} from converting to " "non-RAID mode".format(cntlr.model)) del controllers_to_physical_disk_ids[cntlr.id] controllers_to_results[cntlr.id] = \ utils.build_return_dict( doc=None, resource_uri=None, is_commit_required_value=False, is_reboot_required_value=constants. RebootRequired.false) '''Modify controllers_to_physical_disk_ids dict by inspecting desired status vs current status of each controller's disks. Raise exception if there are any failed drives or drives not in status 'ready' or 'non-RAID' ''' final_ctls_to_phys_disk_ids = self._check_disks_status( mode, physical_disks, controllers_to_physical_disk_ids) for controller, physical_disk_ids \ in final_ctls_to_phys_disk_ids.items(): if physical_disk_ids: LOG.debug("Converting the following disks to {} on RAID " "controller {}: {}".format( mode, controller, str(physical_disk_ids))) try: conversion_results = \ self.convert_physical_disks(physical_disk_ids, mode == raid) except exceptions.DRACOperationFailed as ex: if constants.NOT_SUPPORTED_MSG in str(ex): LOG.debug("Controller {} does not support " "JBOD mode".format(controller)) controllers_to_results[controller] = \ utils.build_return_dict( doc=None, resource_uri=None, is_commit_required_value=False, is_reboot_required_value=constants. RebootRequired.false) else: raise else: controllers_to_results[controller] = conversion_results else: controllers_to_results[controller] = \ utils.build_return_dict( doc=None, resource_uri=None, is_commit_required_value=False, is_reboot_required_value=constants. RebootRequired.false) return {'conversion_results': controllers_to_results} def is_realtime_supported(self, raid_controller_fqdd): """Find if controller supports realtime or not :param raid_controller_fqdd: ID of RAID controller :returns: True or False """ drac_raid_controllers = self.list_raid_controllers() realtime_controller = [cnt.id for cnt in drac_raid_controllers if cnt.supports_realtime] if raid_controller_fqdd in realtime_controller: return True return False def reset_raid_config(self, raid_controller): """Delete all virtual disk and unassign all hotspares The job to reset the RAID controller config will be in pending state. For the changes to be applied, a config job must be created. :param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller :returns: a dictionary containing: - The is_commit_required key with the value always set to True indicating that a config job must be created to reset configuration. - The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to reset configuration. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface :raises: DRACUnexpectedReturnValue on return value mismatch """ selectors = {'SystemCreationClassName': 'DCIM_ComputerSystem', 'CreationClassName': 'DCIM_RAIDService', 'SystemName': 'DCIM:ComputerSystem', 'Name': 'DCIM:RAIDService'} properties = {'Target': raid_controller} doc = self.client.invoke(uris.DCIM_RAIDService, 'ResetConfig', selectors, properties, expected_return_value=utils.RET_SUCCESS) return utils.build_return_dict(doc, uris.DCIM_RAIDService, is_commit_required_value=True) def clear_foreign_config(self, raid_controller): """Free up foreign drives The job to clear foreign config will be in pending state. For the changes to be applied, a config job must be created. :param raid_controller: id of the RAID controller :returns: a dictionary containing: - The is_commit_required key with the value always set to True indicating that a config job must be created to clear foreign configuration. - The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated value indicating whether the server must be rebooted to clear foreign configuration. :raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures :raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response :raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC interface :raises: DRACUnexpectedReturnValue on return value mismatch """ selectors = {'SystemCreationClassName': 'DCIM_ComputerSystem', 'CreationClassName': 'DCIM_RAIDService', 'SystemName': 'DCIM:ComputerSystem', 'Name': 'DCIM:RAIDService'} properties = {'Target': raid_controller} doc = self.client.invoke(uris.DCIM_RAIDService, 'ClearForeignConfig', selectors, properties, check_return_value=False) is_commit_required_value = True is_reboot_required_value = None ret_value = utils.find_xml(doc, 'ReturnValue', uris.DCIM_RAIDService).text if ret_value == utils.RET_ERROR: message_id = utils.find_xml(doc, 'MessageID', uris.DCIM_RAIDService).text # A MessageID 'STOR018'/'STOR058' indicates no foreign drive was # detected. Return a value which informs the caller nothing # further needs to be done. no_foreign_drives_detected = any( stor_id == message_id for stor_id in NO_FOREIGN_DRIVES) if no_foreign_drives_detected: is_commit_required_value = False is_reboot_required_value = constants.RebootRequired.false else: message = utils.find_xml(doc, 'Message', uris.DCIM_RAIDService).text raise exceptions.DRACOperationFailed( drac_messages=message) return utils.build_return_dict( doc, uris.DCIM_RAIDService, is_commit_required_value=is_commit_required_value, is_reboot_required_value=is_reboot_required_value)