mpardhi23 7be050e66f Add the ability to manage RAID settings
This patch adds the ability to get and set the settings for RAID

Change-Id: Ifc63ca7d9a30378e75b160739b709a1264ffe550
(cherry picked from commit c3bb9606aa32d3cd1b44e5baab4ec2f298ed1c83)
2020-04-09 07:33:25 -04:00

463 lines
19 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Common functionalities shared between different DRAC modules.
from dracclient import constants
import logging
from dracclient import exceptions
from dracclient import wsman
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NS_XMLSchema_Instance = ''
# ReturnValue constants
RET_CREATED = '4096'
'yes': constants.RebootRequired.true,
'no': constants.RebootRequired.false,
'optional': constants.RebootRequired.optional
def find_xml(doc, item, namespace, find_all=False):
"""Find the first or all elements in an ElementTree object.
:param doc: the element tree object.
:param item: the element name.
:param namespace: the namespace of the element.
:param find_all: Boolean value, if True find all elements, if False
find only the first one. Defaults to False.
:returns: if find_all is False the element object will be returned
if found, None if not found. If find_all is True a list of
element objects will be returned or an empty list if no
elements were found.
query = ('.//{%(namespace)s}%(item)s' % {'namespace': namespace,
'item': item})
if find_all:
return doc.findall(query)
return doc.find(query)
def _is_attr_non_nil(elem):
"""Return whether an element is non-nil.
:param elem: the element object.
:returns: whether the element is nil.
return elem.attrib.get('{%s}nil' % NS_XMLSchema_Instance) != 'true'
def get_wsman_resource_attr(doc, resource_uri, attr_name, nullable=False,
"""Find an attribute of a resource in an ElementTree object.
:param doc: the element tree object.
:param resource_uri: the resource URI of the namespace.
:param attr_name: the name of the attribute.
:param nullable: enables checking if the element contains an
XMLSchema-instance namespaced nil attribute that has a
value of True. In this case, it will return None.
:param allow_missing: if set to True, attributes missing from the XML
document will return None instead of raising
:raises: DRACMissingResponseField if the attribute is missing from the XML
doc and allow_missing is False.
:raises: DRACEmptyResponseField if the attribute is present in the XML doc
but it has no text and nullable is False.
:returns: value of the attribute
item = find_xml(doc, attr_name, resource_uri)
if item is None:
if allow_missing:
raise exceptions.DRACMissingResponseField(attr=attr_name)
if not nullable:
if item.text is None:
raise exceptions.DRACEmptyResponseField(attr=attr_name)
return item.text.strip()
if _is_attr_non_nil(item):
return item.text.strip()
def get_all_wsman_resource_attrs(doc, resource_uri, attr_name, nullable=False):
"""Find all instances of an attribute of a resource in an ElementTree.
:param doc: the element tree object.
:param resource_uri: the resource URI of the namespace.
:param attr_name: the name of the attribute.
:param nullable: enables checking if any of the elements contain an
XMLSchema-instance namespaced nil attribute that has a
value of True. In this case, these elements will not be
:raises: DRACEmptyResponseField if any of the attributes in the XML doc
have no text and nullable is False.
:returns: a list containing the value of each of the instances of the
items = find_xml(doc, attr_name, resource_uri, find_all=True)
if not nullable:
for item in items:
if item.text is None:
raise exceptions.DRACEmptyResponseField(attr=attr_name)
return [item.text.strip() for item in items]
return [item.text.strip() for item in items if _is_attr_non_nil(item)]
def build_return_dict(doc, resource_uri,
"""Builds a dictionary to be returned
Build a dictionary to be returned from WSMAN operations that are not
:param doc: the element tree object.
:param resource_uri: the resource URI of the namespace.
:param is_commit_required_value: The value to be returned for
is_commit_required, or None if the value should be determined
from the doc.
:param is_reboot_required_value: The value to be returned for
is_reboot_required, or None if the value should be determined
from the doc.
:param commit_required_value: The value to be returned for
commit_required, or None if the value should be determined
from the doc.
:parm include_commit_required: Indicates if the deprecated commit_required
should be returned in the result.
:returns: a dictionary containing:
- is_commit_required: indicates if a commit is required.
- is_reboot_required: indicates if a reboot is required.
- commit_required: a deprecated key indicating if a commit is
required. This key actually has a value that indicates if a
reboot is required.
if is_reboot_required_value is not None and \
is_reboot_required_value not in constants.RebootRequired.all():
msg = ("is_reboot_required_value must be a member of the "
"RebootRequired enumeration or None. The passed value was "
"%(is_reboot_required_value)s" % {
'is_reboot_required_value': is_reboot_required_value})
raise exceptions.InvalidParameterValue(reason=msg)
result = {}
if is_commit_required_value is None:
is_commit_required_value = is_commit_required(doc, resource_uri)
result['is_commit_required'] = is_commit_required_value
if is_reboot_required_value is None:
is_reboot_required_value = reboot_required(doc, resource_uri)
result['is_reboot_required'] = is_reboot_required_value
# Include commit_required in the response for backwards compatibility
# TBD: Remove this parameter in the future
if include_commit_required:
if commit_required_value is None:
commit_required_value = is_reboot_required(doc, resource_uri)
result['commit_required'] = commit_required_value
return result
def is_commit_required(doc, resource_uri):
"""Check the response document if commit is required.
If SetResult contains "pending" in the response then a commit is required.
:param doc: the element tree object.
:param resource_uri: the resource URI of the namespace.
:returns: a boolean value indicating commit is required or not.
commit_required = find_xml(doc, 'SetResult', resource_uri)
return "pendingvalue" in commit_required.text.lower()
def is_reboot_required(doc, resource_uri):
"""Check the response document if reboot is requested.
RebootRequired attribute in the response indicates whether a config job
needs to be created and the node needs to be rebooted, so that the
Lifecycle controller can commit the pending changes.
:param doc: the element tree object.
:param resource_uri: the resource URI of the namespace.
:returns: a boolean value indicating reboot was requested or not.
reboot_required = find_xml(doc, 'RebootRequired', resource_uri)
return reboot_required.text.lower() == 'yes'
def reboot_required(doc, resource_uri):
"""Check the response document if reboot is requested.
RebootRequired attribute in the response indicates whether node needs to
be rebooted, so that the pending changes can be committed.
:param doc: the element tree object.
:param resource_uri: the resource URI of the namespace.
:returns: True if reboot is required, False if it is not, and the string
"optional" if reboot is optional.
reboot_required_value = find_xml(doc, 'RebootRequired', resource_uri)
return REBOOT_REQUIRED[reboot_required_value.text.lower()]
def validate_integer_value(value, attr_name, error_msgs):
"""Validate integer value"""
if value is None:
error_msgs.append("'%s' is not supplied" % attr_name)
except ValueError:
error_msgs.append("'%s' is not an integer value" % attr_name)
def list_settings(client, namespaces, by_name=True, fqdd_filter=None,
name_formatter=None, wait_for_idrac=True):
"""List the configuration settings
:param client: an instance of WSManClient.
:param namespaces: a list of URI/class pairs to retrieve.
:param by_name: controls whether returned dictionary uses
attribute name or instance_id as key.
:param fqdd_filter: An FQDD used to filter the instances. Note that
this is only used when by_name is True.
:param name_formatter: a method used to format the keys in the
returned dictionary. By default, will be used.
:param wait_for_idrac: indicates whether or not to wait for the
iDRAC to be ready to accept commands before
issuing the command.
:returns: a dictionary with the settings using name or instance_id as
the key.
:raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures
:raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response
:raises: DRACOperationFailed on error reported back by the DRAC
result = {}
for (namespace, attr_cls) in namespaces:
attribs = _get_config(client, namespace, attr_cls, by_name,
fqdd_filter, name_formatter, wait_for_idrac)
if not set(result).isdisjoint(set(attribs)):
raise exceptions.DRACOperationFailed(
drac_messages=('Colliding attributes %r' % (
set(result) & set(attribs))))
return result
def _get_config(client, resource, attr_cls, by_name, fqdd_filter,
name_formatter, wait_for_idrac):
result = {}
doc = client.enumerate(resource, wait_for_idrac=wait_for_idrac)
items = doc.find('.//{%s}Items' % wsman.NS_WSMAN)
for item in items:
attribute = attr_cls.parse(item)
if by_name:
# Filter out all instances without a matching FQDD
if fqdd_filter is None or fqdd_filter == attribute.fqdd:
if name_formatter is None:
name =
name = name_formatter(attribute)
result[name] = attribute
result[attribute.instance_id] = attribute
return result
def set_settings(settings_type,
"""Generically handles setting various types of settings on the iDRAC
This method pulls the current list of settings from the iDRAC then compares
that list against the passed new settings to determine if there are any
errors. If no errors exist then the settings are sent to the iDRAC using
the passed resource, target, etc.
:param settings_type: a string indicating the settings type
:param client: an instance of WSManClient
:param namespaces: a list of URI/class pairs to retrieve.
:param new_settings: a dictionary containing the proposed values, with
each key being the name of attribute and the
value being the proposed value.
:param resource_uri: URI of resource to invoke
:param cim_creation_class_name: creation class name of the CIM object
:param cim_name: name of the CIM object
:param target: target device
:param name_formatter: a method used to format the keys in the
returned dictionary. By default, will be used.
:parm include_commit_required: Indicates if the deprecated commit_required
should be returned in the result.
:param wait_for_idrac: indicates whether or not to wait for the
iDRAC to be ready to accept commands before issuing
the command
:param by_name: Controls whether returned dictionary uses RAID
attribute name or instance_id as key.
:returns: a dictionary containing:
- The commit_required key with a boolean value indicating
whether a config job must be created for the values to be
applied. This key actually has a value that indicates if
a reboot is required. This key has been deprecated and
will be removed in a future release.
- The is_commit_required key with a boolean value indicating
whether a config job must be created for the values to be
- The is_reboot_required key with a RebootRequired enumerated
value indicating whether the server must be rebooted for the
values to be applied. Possible values are true and false.
:raises: WSManRequestFailure on request failures
:raises: WSManInvalidResponse when receiving invalid response
:raises: DRACOperationFailed on new settings with invalid values or
attempting to set read-only settings or when an error is reported
back by the iDRAC interface
:raises: DRACUnexpectedReturnValue on return value mismatch
:raises: InvalidParameterValue on invalid new setting
current_settings = list_settings(client, namespaces, by_name=by_name,
unknown_keys = set(new_settings) - set(current_settings)
if unknown_keys:
msg = ('Unknown %(settings_type)s attributes found: %(unknown_keys)r' %
{'settings_type': settings_type, 'unknown_keys': unknown_keys})
raise exceptions.InvalidParameterValue(reason=msg)
read_only_keys = []
unchanged_attribs = []
invalid_attribs_msgs = []
attrib_names = []
candidates = set(new_settings)
for attr in candidates:
# There are RAID settings that can have multiple values,
# however these are all read-only attributes.
# Filter out all read-only attributes first so that we exclude
# these settings from further consideration
current_setting_value = current_settings[attr].current_value
if type(current_setting_value) is list:
current_setting_value = current_setting_value[0]
if current_settings[attr].read_only:
elif str(new_settings[attr]) == str(current_setting_value):
validation_msg = current_settings[attr].validate(
if not validation_msg:
if unchanged_attribs:
LOG.debug('Ignoring unchanged %(settings_type)s attributes: '
'%(unchanged_attribs)r' %
{'settings_type': settings_type,
'unchanged_attribs': unchanged_attribs})
if invalid_attribs_msgs or read_only_keys:
if read_only_keys:
read_only_msg = ['Cannot set read-only %(settings_type)s '
'attributes: %(read_only_keys)r.' %
{'settings_type': settings_type,
'read_only_keys': read_only_keys}]
read_only_msg = []
drac_messages = '\n'.join(invalid_attribs_msgs + read_only_msg)
raise exceptions.DRACOperationFailed(
if not attrib_names:
return build_return_dict(
selectors = {'CreationClassName': cim_creation_class_name,
'Name': cim_name,
'SystemCreationClassName': 'DCIM_ComputerSystem',
'SystemName': 'DCIM:ComputerSystem'}
properties = {'Target': target,
'AttributeValue': [new_settings[attr] for attr
in attrib_names]}
# To set RAID settings, above we fetched list raid settings using
# instance_id to retrieve attribute values. When we pass instance_id in
# setattribute method for setting any new RAID settings, wsman raises
# an error. So another approach to set those settings is to list raid
# settings using instance_id and for settings new settings, pass the
# attribute names in list to SetAttributes method along with the target.
# That's the reason, we need to handle RAID specific settings like below
if settings_type == 'RAID':
properties['AttributeName'] = [current_settings[attr].name for
attr in attrib_names]
properties['AttributeName'] = attrib_names
doc = client.invoke(resource_uri, 'SetAttributes',
selectors, properties,
return build_return_dict(doc, resource_uri,