From dbb242b776908ca50ed8557ebfe7cfcd879366c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AmalaBasha <amala.alungal@RACKSPACE.COM>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 14:45:12 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Replace old httpclient with requests

This review implements blueprint python-request and replaces the old
http client implementation in favor of a new one based on

Major changes:
* raw_request and json_request removed since everything is now being
  handled by the same method "_request"
* New methods that match HTTP's methods were added:
    - get
    - put
    - post
    - head
    - patch
    - delete
* Content-Type is now being "inferred" based on the data being sent:
    - if it is file-like object it chunks the request
    - if it is a python type not instance of basestring then it'll try
      to serialize it to json
    - Every other case will keep the incoming content-type and will send
      the data as is.
* Glanceclient's HTTPSConnection implementation will be used if
  no-compression flag is set to True.

Co-Author:  Flavio Percoco<>
Change-Id: I09f70eee3e2777f52ce040296015d41649c2586a
 glanceclient/common/      | 582 ++++++-------------------------
 glanceclient/common/     | 274 +++++++++++++++
 glanceclient/common/     |  20 ++
 glanceclient/              |   2 +-
 glanceclient/v1/        |  14 +-
 glanceclient/v1/ |  10 +-
 glanceclient/v1/        |  49 ++-
 glanceclient/v2/ |  13 +-
 glanceclient/v2/    |   4 +-
 glanceclient/v2/        |  37 +-
 glanceclient/v2/       |   2 +-
 requirements.txt                 |   1 +
 tests/                |  10 +-
 tests/               | 405 ++++++---------------
 tests/              |  45 +--
 tests/                |  93 +++--
 tests/                   | 126 +++----
 tests/v1/          |   2 +-
 tests/v1/    |   2 +-
 tests/v1/           |  32 +-
 tests/v2/          |   4 +-
 tests/v2/        |  80 +----
 22 files changed, 744 insertions(+), 1063 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 glanceclient/common/

diff --git a/glanceclient/common/ b/glanceclient/common/
index 84714dfc..a990be5d 100644
--- a/glanceclient/common/
+++ b/glanceclient/common/
@@ -14,16 +14,11 @@
 #    under the License.
 import copy
-import errno
-import hashlib
 import logging
-import posixpath
 import socket
-import ssl
-import struct
+import requests
 import six
-from six.moves import http_client
 from six.moves.urllib import parse
@@ -36,9 +31,7 @@ if not hasattr(parse, 'parse_qsl'):
     import cgi
     parse.parse_qsl = cgi.parse_qsl
-import OpenSSL
-from glanceclient.common import utils
+from glanceclient.common import https
 from glanceclient import exc
 from glanceclient.openstack.common import importutils
 from glanceclient.openstack.common import network_utils
@@ -46,48 +39,15 @@ from glanceclient.openstack.common import strutils
 osprofiler_web = importutils.try_import("osprofiler.web")
-    from eventlet import patcher
-    # Handle case where we are running in a monkey patched environment
-    if patcher.is_monkey_patched('socket'):
-        from import HTTPSConnection
-        from import GreenConnection as Connection
-        from eventlet.greenio import GreenSocket
-        # TODO(mclaren): A getsockopt workaround: see 'getsockopt' doc string
-        GreenSocket.getsockopt = utils.getsockopt
-    else:
-        raise ImportError
-except ImportError:
-    HTTPSConnection = http_client.HTTPSConnection
-    from OpenSSL.SSL import Connection as Connection
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 USER_AGENT = 'python-glanceclient'
 CHUNKSIZE = 1024 * 64  # 64kB
-def to_bytes(s):
-    if isinstance(s, six.string_types):
-        return six.b(s)
-    else:
-        return s
 class HTTPClient(object):
     def __init__(self, endpoint, **kwargs):
         self.endpoint = endpoint
-        endpoint_parts = self.parse_endpoint(self.endpoint)
-        self.endpoint_scheme = endpoint_parts.scheme
-        self.endpoint_hostname = endpoint_parts.hostname
-        self.endpoint_port = endpoint_parts.port
-        self.endpoint_path = endpoint_parts.path
-        self.connection_class = self.get_connection_class(self.endpoint_scheme)
-        self.connection_kwargs = self.get_connection_kwargs(
-            self.endpoint_scheme, **kwargs)
         self.identity_headers = kwargs.get('identity_headers')
         self.auth_token = kwargs.get('token')
         if self.identity_headers:
@@ -95,71 +55,58 @@ class HTTPClient(object):
                 self.auth_token = self.identity_headers.get('X-Auth-Token')
                 del self.identity_headers['X-Auth-Token']
+        self.session = requests.Session()
+        self.session.headers["User-Agent"] = USER_AGENT
+        self.session.headers["X-Auth-Token"] = self.auth_token
+        self.timeout = float(kwargs.get('timeout', 600))
+        if self.endpoint.startswith("https"):
+            compression = kwargs.get('ssl_compression', True)
+            if not compression:
+                self.session.mount("https://", https.HTTPSAdapter())
+            self.session.verify = kwargs.get('cacert',
+                                             not kwargs.get('insecure', True))
+            self.session.cert = (kwargs.get('cert_file'),
+                                 kwargs.get('key_file'))
     def parse_endpoint(endpoint):
         return network_utils.urlsplit(endpoint)
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_connection_class(scheme):
-        if scheme == 'https':
-            return VerifiedHTTPSConnection
-        else:
-            return http_client.HTTPConnection
-    @staticmethod
-    def get_connection_kwargs(scheme, **kwargs):
-        _kwargs = {'timeout': float(kwargs.get('timeout', 600))}
-        if scheme == 'https':
-            _kwargs['cacert'] = kwargs.get('cacert', None)
-            _kwargs['cert_file'] = kwargs.get('cert_file', None)
-            _kwargs['key_file'] = kwargs.get('key_file', None)
-            _kwargs['insecure'] = kwargs.get('insecure', False)
-            _kwargs['ssl_compression'] = kwargs.get('ssl_compression', True)
-        return _kwargs
-    def get_connection(self):
-        _class = self.connection_class
-        try:
-            return _class(self.endpoint_hostname, self.endpoint_port,
-                          **self.connection_kwargs)
-        except http_client.InvalidURL:
-            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint()
-    def log_curl_request(self, method, url, kwargs):
+    def log_curl_request(self, method, url, headers, data, kwargs):
         curl = ['curl -i -X %s' % method]
-        for (key, value) in kwargs['headers'].items():
+        for (key, value) in self.session.headers.items():
             if key.lower() == 'x-auth-token':
                 value = '*' * 3
             header = '-H \'%s: %s\'' % (key, value)
-            curl.append(header)
+            curl.append(strutils.safe_encode(header))
-        conn_params_fmt = [
-            ('key_file', '--key %s'),
-            ('cert_file', '--cert %s'),
-            ('cacert', '--cacert %s'),
-        ]
-        for (key, fmt) in conn_params_fmt:
-            value = self.connection_kwargs.get(key)
-            if value:
-                curl.append(fmt % value)
-        if self.connection_kwargs.get('insecure'):
+        if not self.session.verify:
+        else:
+            if isinstance(self.session.verify, six.string_types):
+                curl.append(' --cacert %s' % self.session.verify)
-        if kwargs.get('body') is not None:
-            curl.append('-d \'%s\'' % kwargs['body'])
+        if self.session.cert:
+            curl.append(' --cert %s --key %s' % self.session.cert)
-        curl.append('%s%s' % (self.endpoint, url))
+        if data and isinstance(data, six.string_types):
+            curl.append('-d \'%s\'' % data)
+        if "//:" not in url:
+            url = '%s%s' % (self.endpoint, url)
+        curl.append(url)
         LOG.debug(strutils.safe_encode(' '.join(curl), errors='ignore'))
     def log_http_response(resp, body=None):
-        status = (resp.version / 10.0, resp.status, resp.reason)
+        status = (resp.raw.version / 10.0, resp.status_code, resp.reason)
         dump = ['\nHTTP/%.1f %s %s' % status]
-        headers = resp.getheaders()
+        headers = resp.headers.items()
         if 'X-Auth-Token' in headers:
             headers['X-Auth-Token'] = '*' * 3
         dump.extend(['%s: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in headers])
@@ -183,69 +130,59 @@ class HTTPClient(object):
         return dict((strutils.safe_encode(h), strutils.safe_encode(v))
                     for h, v in six.iteritems(headers))
-    def _http_request(self, url, method, **kwargs):
+    def _request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
         """Send an http request with the specified characteristics.
         Wrapper around httplib.HTTP(S)Connection.request to handle tasks such
         as setting headers and error handling.
         # Copy the kwargs so we can reuse the original in case of redirects
-        kwargs['headers'] = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.get('headers', {}))
-        kwargs['headers'].setdefault('User-Agent', USER_AGENT)
+        headers = kwargs.pop("headers", {})
+        headers = headers and copy.deepcopy(headers) or {}
-        if osprofiler_web:
-            kwargs['headers'].update(osprofiler_web.get_trace_id_headers())
+        # Default Content-Type is octet-stream
+        content_type = headers.get('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
-        if self.auth_token:
-            kwargs['headers'].setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.auth_token)
+        def chunk_body(body):
+            chunk = body
+            while chunk:
+                chunk =
+                yield chunk
-        if self.identity_headers:
-            for k, v in six.iteritems(self.identity_headers):
-                kwargs['headers'].setdefault(k, v)
+        data = kwargs.pop("data", None)
+        if data is not None and not isinstance(data, six.string_types):
+            try:
+                data = json.dumps(data)
+                content_type = 'application/json'
+            except TypeError:
+                # Here we assume it's
+                # a file-like object
+                # and we'll chunk it
+                data = chunk_body(data)
-        self.log_curl_request(method, url, kwargs)
-        conn = self.get_connection()
+        headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
         # Note(flaper87): Before letting headers / url fly,
         # they should be encoded otherwise httplib will
-        # complain. If we decide to rely on python-request
-        # this wont be necessary anymore.
-        kwargs['headers'] = self.encode_headers(kwargs['headers'])
+        # complain.
+        headers = self.encode_headers(headers)
-            if self.endpoint_path:
-                # NOTE(yuyangbj): this method _http_request could either be
-                # called by API layer, or be called recursively with
-                # redirection. For example, url would be '/v1/images/detail'
-                # from API layer, but url would be '
-                # v1/images/detail'  from recursion.
-                # See bug #1230032 and bug #1208618.
-                if url is not None:
-                    all_parts = parse.urlparse(url)
-                    if not (all_parts.scheme and all_parts.netloc):
-                        norm_parse = posixpath.normpath
-                        url = norm_parse('/'.join([self.endpoint_path, url]))
-                else:
-                    url = self.endpoint_path
-            conn_url = parse.urlsplit(url).geturl()
-            # Note(flaper87): Ditto, headers / url
-            # encoding to make httplib happy.
-            conn_url = strutils.safe_encode(conn_url)
-            if kwargs['headers'].get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked':
-                conn.putrequest(method, conn_url)
-                for header, value in kwargs['headers'].items():
-                    conn.putheader(header, value)
-                conn.endheaders()
-                chunk = kwargs['body'].read(CHUNKSIZE)
-                # Chunk it, baby...
-                while chunk:
-                    conn.send('%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(chunk), chunk))
-                    chunk = kwargs['body'].read(CHUNKSIZE)
-                conn.send('0\r\n\r\n')
-            else:
-                conn.request(method, conn_url, **kwargs)
-            resp = conn.getresponse()
+            conn_url = "%s/%s" % (self.endpoint, url)
+            self.log_curl_request(method, conn_url, headers, data, kwargs)
+            resp = self.session.request(method,
+                                        conn_url,
+                                        data=data,
+                                        stream=True,
+                                        headers=headers,
+                                        **kwargs)
+        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
+            message = ("Error communicating with %(endpoint)s %(e)s" %
+                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
+            raise exc.InvalidEndpoint(message=message)
+        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+            message = ("Error finding address for %(url)s: %(e)s" %
+                       dict(url=conn_url, e=e))
+            raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)
         except socket.gaierror as e:
             message = "Error finding address for %s: %s" % (
                 self.endpoint_hostname, e)
@@ -256,357 +193,46 @@ class HTTPClient(object):
                        {'endpoint': endpoint, 'e': e})
             raise exc.CommunicationError(message=message)
-        body_iter = ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
-        if resp.getheader('content-type', None) != 'application/octet-stream':
-            body_str = b''.join([to_bytes(chunk) for chunk in body_iter])
-            self.log_http_response(resp, body_str)
-            body_iter = six.BytesIO(body_str)
-        else:
-            self.log_http_response(resp)
-        if 400 <= resp.status < 600:
-            LOG.debug("Request returned failure status: %d" % resp.status)
-            raise exc.from_response(resp, body_str)
-        elif resp.status in (301, 302, 305):
-            # Redirected. Reissue the request to the new location.
-            return self._http_request(resp.getheader('location', None), method,
-                                      **kwargs)
-        elif resp.status == 300:
+        if not resp.ok:
+            LOG.error("Request returned failure status %s." % resp.status_code)
+            raise exc.from_response(resp, resp.content)
+        elif resp.status_code ==
             raise exc.from_response(resp)
+        content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type')
+        # Read body into string if it isn't obviously image data
+        if content_type == 'application/octet-stream':
+            # Do not read all response in memory when
+            # downloading an image.
+            body_iter = resp.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNKSIZE)
+            self.log_http_response(resp)
+        else:
+            content = resp.content
+            self.log_http_response(resp, content)
+            if content_type and content_type.startswith('application/json'):
+                # Let's use requests json method,
+                # it should take care of response
+                # encoding
+                body_iter = resp.json()
+            else:
+                body_iter = six.StringIO(content)
         return resp, body_iter
-    def json_request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
-        kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
-        kwargs['headers'].setdefault('Content-Type', 'application/json')
-        if 'body' in kwargs:
-            kwargs['body'] = json.dumps(kwargs['body'])
-        resp, body_iter = self._http_request(url, method, **kwargs)
-        if 'application/json' in resp.getheader('content-type', ''):
-            body = ''.join([chunk for chunk in body_iter])
-            try:
-                body = json.loads(body)
-            except ValueError:
-                LOG.error('Could not decode response body as JSON')
-        else:
-            body = None
-        return resp, body
-    def raw_request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
-        kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
-        kwargs['headers'].setdefault('Content-Type',
-                                     'application/octet-stream')
-        if 'content_length' in kwargs:
-            content_length = kwargs.pop('content_length')
-        else:
-            content_length = None
-        if (('body' in kwargs) and (hasattr(kwargs['body'], 'read') and
-                                    method.lower() in ('post', 'put'))):
-            # NOTE(dosaboy): only use chunked transfer if not setting a
-            # content length since setting it will implicitly disable
-            # chunking.
-            file_content_length = utils.get_file_size(kwargs['body'])
-            if content_length is None:
-                content_length = file_content_length
-            elif (file_content_length and
-                  (content_length != file_content_length)):
-                errmsg = ("supplied content-length (%s) does not match "
-                          "length of supplied data (%s)" %
-                          (content_length, file_content_length))
-                raise AttributeError(errmsg)
-            if content_length is None:
-                # We use 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' because
-                # body size may not always be known in advance.
-                kwargs['headers']['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
-            else:
-                kwargs['headers']['Content-Length'] = str(content_length)
-        return self._http_request(url, method, **kwargs)
-    def client_request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
-        # NOTE(akurilin): this method provides compatibility with methods which
-        # expects requests.Response object(for example - methods of
-        # class Managers from common code).
-        if 'json' in kwargs and 'body' not in kwargs:
-            kwargs['body'] = kwargs.pop('json')
-        resp, body = self.json_request(method, url, **kwargs)
-        resp.json = lambda: body
-        resp.content = bool(body)
-        resp.status_code = resp.status
-        return resp
     def head(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("HEAD", url, **kwargs)
+        return self._request('HEAD', url, **kwargs)
     def get(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("GET", url, **kwargs)
+        return self._request('GET', url, **kwargs)
     def post(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("POST", url, **kwargs)
+        return self._request('POST', url, **kwargs)
     def put(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("PUT", url, **kwargs)
-    def delete(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.raw_request("DELETE", url, **kwargs)
+        return self._request('PUT', url, **kwargs)
     def patch(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("PATCH", url, **kwargs)
+        return self._request('PATCH', url, **kwargs)
-class OpenSSLConnectionDelegator(object):
-    """
-    An OpenSSL.SSL.Connection delegator.
-    Supplies an additional 'makefile' method which httplib requires
-    and is not present in OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.
-    Note: Since it is not possible to inherit from OpenSSL.SSL.Connection
-    a delegator must be used.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.connection = Connection(*args, **kwargs)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        return getattr(self.connection, name)
-    def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        # Making sure socket is closed when this file is closed
-        # since we now avoid closing socket on connection close
-        # see new close method under VerifiedHTTPSConnection
-        kwargs['close'] = True
-        return socket._fileobject(self.connection, *args, **kwargs)
-class VerifiedHTTPSConnection(HTTPSConnection):
-    """
-    Extended HTTPSConnection which uses the OpenSSL library
-    for enhanced SSL support.
-    Note: Much of this functionality can eventually be replaced
-          with native Python 3.3 code.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, port=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
-                 cacert=None, timeout=None, insecure=False,
-                 ssl_compression=True):
-        # List of exceptions reported by Python3 instead of
-        # SSLConfigurationError
-        if six.PY3:
-            excp_lst = (TypeError, FileNotFoundError, ssl.SSLError)
-        else:
-            excp_lst = ()
-        try:
-            HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, host, port,
-                                     key_file=key_file,
-                                     cert_file=cert_file)
-            self.key_file = key_file
-            self.cert_file = cert_file
-            self.timeout = timeout
-            self.insecure = insecure
-            self.ssl_compression = ssl_compression
-            self.cacert = None if cacert is None else str(cacert)
-            self.setcontext()
-            # ssl exceptions are reported in various form in Python 3
-            # so to be compatible, we report the same kind as under
-            # Python2
-        except excp_lst as e:
-            raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(str(e))
-    @staticmethod
-    def host_matches_cert(host, x509):
-        """
-        Verify that the x509 certificate we have received
-        from 'host' correctly identifies the server we are
-        connecting to, i.e. that the certificate's Common Name
-        or a Subject Alternative Name matches 'host'.
-        """
-        def check_match(name):
-            # Directly match the name
-            if name == host:
-                return True
-            # Support single wildcard matching
-            if name.startswith('*.') and host.find('.') > 0:
-                if name[2:] == host.split('.', 1)[1]:
-                    return True
-        common_name = x509.get_subject().commonName
-        # First see if we can match the CN
-        if check_match(common_name):
-            return True
-        # Also try Subject Alternative Names for a match
-        san_list = None
-        for i in range(x509.get_extension_count()):
-            ext = x509.get_extension(i)
-            if ext.get_short_name() == b'subjectAltName':
-                san_list = str(ext)
-                for san in ''.join(san_list.split()).split(','):
-                    if san.startswith('DNS:'):
-                        if check_match(san.split(':', 1)[1]):
-                            return True
-        # Server certificate does not match host
-        msg = ('Host "%s" does not match x509 certificate contents: '
-               'CommonName "%s"' % (host, common_name))
-        if san_list is not None:
-            msg = msg + ', subjectAltName "%s"' % san_list
-        raise exc.SSLCertificateError(msg)
-    def verify_callback(self, connection, x509, errnum,
-                        depth, preverify_ok):
-        # NOTE(leaman): preverify_ok may be a non-boolean type
-        preverify_ok = bool(preverify_ok)
-        if x509.has_expired():
-            msg = "SSL Certificate expired on '%s'" % x509.get_notAfter()
-            raise exc.SSLCertificateError(msg)
-        if depth == 0 and preverify_ok:
-            # We verify that the host matches against the last
-            # certificate in the chain
-            return self.host_matches_cert(, x509)
-        else:
-            # Pass through OpenSSL's default result
-            return preverify_ok
-    def setcontext(self):
-        """
-        Set up the OpenSSL context.
-        """
-        self.context = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
-        if self.ssl_compression is False:
-            self.context.set_options(0x20000)  # SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION
-        if self.insecure is not True:
-            self.context.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER,
-                                    self.verify_callback)
-        else:
-            self.context.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_NONE,
-                                    lambda *args: True)
-        if self.cert_file:
-            try:
-                self.context.use_certificate_file(self.cert_file)
-            except Exception as e:
-                msg = 'Unable to load cert from "%s" %s' % (self.cert_file, e)
-                raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
-            if self.key_file is None:
-                # We support having key and cert in same file
-                try:
-                    self.context.use_privatekey_file(self.cert_file)
-                except Exception as e:
-                    msg = ('No key file specified and unable to load key '
-                           'from "%s" %s' % (self.cert_file, e))
-                    raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
-        if self.key_file:
-            try:
-                self.context.use_privatekey_file(self.key_file)
-            except Exception as e:
-                msg = 'Unable to load key from "%s" %s' % (self.key_file, e)
-                raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
-        if self.cacert:
-            try:
-                self.context.load_verify_locations(to_bytes(self.cacert))
-            except Exception as e:
-                msg = ('Unable to load CA from "%(cacert)s" %(exc)s' %
-                       dict(cacert=self.cacert, exc=e))
-                raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
-        else:
-            self.context.set_default_verify_paths()
-    def connect(self):
-        """
-        Connect to an SSL port using the OpenSSL library and apply
-        per-connection parameters.
-        """
-        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        if self.timeout is not None:
-            # '0' microseconds
-            sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO,
-                            struct.pack('fL', self.timeout, 0))
-        self.sock = OpenSSLConnectionDelegator(self.context, sock)
-        self.sock.connect((, self.port))
-    def close(self):
-        if self.sock:
-            # Removing reference to socket but don't close it yet.
-            # Response close will close both socket and associated
-            # file. Closing socket too soon will cause response
-            # reads to fail with socket IO error 'Bad file descriptor'.
-            self.sock = None
-        # Calling close on HTTPConnection to continue doing that cleanup.
-        HTTPSConnection.close(self)
-class ResponseBodyIterator(object):
-    """
-    A class that acts as an iterator over an HTTP response.
-    This class will also check response body integrity when iterating over
-    the instance and if a checksum was supplied using `set_checksum` method,
-    else by default the class will not do any integrity check.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, resp):
-        self._resp = resp
-        self._checksum = None
-        self._size = int(resp.getheader('content-length', 0))
-        self._end_reached = False
-    def set_checksum(self, checksum):
-        """
-        Set checksum to check against when iterating over this instance.
-        :raise: AttributeError if iterator is already consumed.
-        """
-        if self._end_reached:
-            raise AttributeError("Can't set checksum for an already consumed"
-                                 " iterator")
-        self._checksum = checksum
-    def __len__(self):
-        return int(self._size)
-    def __iter__(self):
-        md5sum = hashlib.md5()
-        while True:
-            try:
-                chunk =
-            except StopIteration:
-                self._end_reached = True
-                # NOTE(mouad): Check image integrity when the end of response
-                # body is reached.
-                md5sum = md5sum.hexdigest()
-                if self._checksum is not None and md5sum != self._checksum:
-                    raise IOError(errno.EPIPE,
-                                  'Corrupted image. Checksum was %s '
-                                  'expected %s' % (md5sum, self._checksum))
-                raise
-            else:
-                yield chunk
-                if isinstance(chunk, six.string_types):
-                    chunk = six.b(chunk)
-                md5sum.update(chunk)
-    def next(self):
-        chunk =
-        if chunk:
-            return chunk
-        else:
-            raise StopIteration()
+    def delete(self, url, **kwargs):
+        return self._request('DELETE', url, **kwargs)
diff --git a/glanceclient/common/ b/glanceclient/common/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6416c191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glanceclient/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc
+# All Rights Reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import socket
+import struct
+import OpenSSL
+from requests import adapters
+    from requests.packages.urllib3 import connectionpool
+    from requests.packages.urllib3 import poolmanager
+except ImportError:
+    from urllib3 import connectionpool
+    from urllib3 import poolmanager
+import six
+import ssl
+from glanceclient.common import utils
+    from eventlet import patcher
+    # Handle case where we are running in a monkey patched environment
+    if patcher.is_monkey_patched('socket'):
+        from import HTTPSConnection
+        from import GreenConnection as Connection
+        from eventlet.greenio import GreenSocket
+        # TODO(mclaren): A getsockopt workaround: see 'getsockopt' doc string
+        GreenSocket.getsockopt = utils.getsockopt
+    else:
+        raise ImportError
+except ImportError:
+    try:
+        from httplib import HTTPSConnection
+    except ImportError:
+        from http.client import HTTPSConnection
+    from OpenSSL.SSL import Connection as Connection
+from glanceclient import exc
+def to_bytes(s):
+    if isinstance(s, six.string_types):
+        return six.b(s)
+    else:
+        return s
+class HTTPSAdapter(adapters.HTTPAdapter):
+    """
+    This adapter will be used just when
+    ssl compression should be disabled.
+    The init method overwrites the default
+    https pool by setting glanceclient's
+    one.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # NOTE(flaper87): This line forces poolmanager to use
+        # glanceclient HTTPSConnection
+        poolmanager.pool_classes_by_scheme["https"] = HTTPSConnectionPool
+        super(HTTPSAdapter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert):
+        super(HTTPSAdapter, self).cert_verify(conn, url, verify, cert)
+        conn.insecure = not verify
+class HTTPSConnectionPool(connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool):
+    """
+    HTTPSConnectionPool will be instantiated when a new
+    connection is requested to the HTTPSAdapter.This
+    implementation overwrites the _new_conn method and
+    returns an instances of glanceclient's VerifiedHTTPSConnection
+    which handles no compression.
+    ssl_compression is hard-coded to False because this will
+    be used just when the user sets --no-ssl-compression.
+    """
+    scheme = 'https'
+    def _new_conn(self):
+        self.num_connections += 1
+        return VerifiedHTTPSConnection(,
+                                       port=self.port,
+                                       key_file=self.key_file,
+                                       cert_file=self.cert_file,
+                                       cacert=self.ca_certs,
+                                       insecure=self.insecure,
+                                       ssl_compression=False)
+class OpenSSLConnectionDelegator(object):
+    """
+    An OpenSSL.SSL.Connection delegator.
+    Supplies an additional 'makefile' method which httplib requires
+    and is not present in OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.
+    Note: Since it is not possible to inherit from OpenSSL.SSL.Connection
+    a delegator must be used.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.connection = Connection(*args, **kwargs)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        return getattr(self.connection, name)
+    def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return socket._fileobject(self.connection, *args, **kwargs)
+class VerifiedHTTPSConnection(HTTPSConnection):
+    """
+    Extended HTTPSConnection which uses the OpenSSL library
+    for enhanced SSL support.
+    Note: Much of this functionality can eventually be replaced
+          with native Python 3.3 code.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, host, port=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
+                 cacert=None, timeout=None, insecure=False,
+                 ssl_compression=True):
+        # List of exceptions reported by Python3 instead of
+        # SSLConfigurationError
+        if six.PY3:
+            excp_lst = (TypeError, FileNotFoundError, ssl.SSLError)
+        else:
+            excp_lst = ()
+        try:
+            HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, host, port,
+                                     key_file=key_file,
+                                     cert_file=cert_file)
+            self.key_file = key_file
+            self.cert_file = cert_file
+            self.timeout = timeout
+            self.insecure = insecure
+            self.ssl_compression = ssl_compression
+            self.cacert = None if cacert is None else str(cacert)
+            self.set_context()
+            # ssl exceptions are reported in various form in Python 3
+            # so to be compatible, we report the same kind as under
+            # Python2
+        except excp_lst as e:
+            raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(str(e))
+    @staticmethod
+    def host_matches_cert(host, x509):
+        """
+        Verify that the x509 certificate we have received
+        from 'host' correctly identifies the server we are
+        connecting to, ie that the certificate's Common Name
+        or a Subject Alternative Name matches 'host'.
+        """
+        def check_match(name):
+            # Directly match the name
+            if name == host:
+                return True
+            # Support single wildcard matching
+            if name.startswith('*.') and host.find('.') > 0:
+                if name[2:] == host.split('.', 1)[1]:
+                    return True
+        common_name = x509.get_subject().commonName
+        # First see if we can match the CN
+        if check_match(common_name):
+            return True
+            # Also try Subject Alternative Names for a match
+        san_list = None
+        for i in range(x509.get_extension_count()):
+            ext = x509.get_extension(i)
+            if ext.get_short_name() == b'subjectAltName':
+                san_list = str(ext)
+                for san in ''.join(san_list.split()).split(','):
+                    if san.startswith('DNS:'):
+                        if check_match(san.split(':', 1)[1]):
+                            return True
+        # Server certificate does not match host
+        msg = ('Host "%s" does not match x509 certificate contents: '
+               'CommonName "%s"' % (host, common_name))
+        if san_list is not None:
+            msg = msg + ', subjectAltName "%s"' % san_list
+        raise exc.SSLCertificateError(msg)
+    def verify_callback(self, connection, x509, errnum,
+                        depth, preverify_ok):
+        if x509.has_expired():
+            msg = "SSL Certificate expired on '%s'" % x509.get_notAfter()
+            raise exc.SSLCertificateError(msg)
+        if depth == 0 and preverify_ok:
+            # We verify that the host matches against the last
+            # certificate in the chain
+            return self.host_matches_cert(, x509)
+        else:
+            # Pass through OpenSSL's default result
+            return preverify_ok
+    def set_context(self):
+        """
+        Set up the OpenSSL context.
+        """
+        self.context = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
+        if self.ssl_compression is False:
+            self.context.set_options(0x20000)  # SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION
+        if self.insecure is not True:
+            self.context.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_PEER,
+                                    self.verify_callback)
+        else:
+            self.context.set_verify(OpenSSL.SSL.VERIFY_NONE,
+                                    lambda *args: True)
+        if self.cert_file:
+            try:
+                self.context.use_certificate_file(self.cert_file)
+            except Exception as e:
+                msg = 'Unable to load cert from "%s" %s' % (self.cert_file, e)
+                raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
+            if self.key_file is None:
+                # We support having key and cert in same file
+                try:
+                    self.context.use_privatekey_file(self.cert_file)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    msg = ('No key file specified and unable to load key '
+                           'from "%s" %s' % (self.cert_file, e))
+                    raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
+        if self.key_file:
+            try:
+                self.context.use_privatekey_file(self.key_file)
+            except Exception as e:
+                msg = 'Unable to load key from "%s" %s' % (self.key_file, e)
+                raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
+        if self.cacert:
+            try:
+                self.context.load_verify_locations(to_bytes(self.cacert))
+            except Exception as e:
+                msg = 'Unable to load CA from "%s" %s' % (self.cacert, e)
+                raise exc.SSLConfigurationError(msg)
+        else:
+            self.context.set_default_verify_paths()
+    def connect(self):
+        """
+        Connect to an SSL port using the OpenSSL library and apply
+        per-connection parameters.
+        """
+        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        if self.timeout is not None:
+            # '0' microseconds
+            sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO,
+                            struct.pack('LL', self.timeout, 0))
+        self.sock = OpenSSLConnectionDelegator(self.context, sock)
+        self.sock.connect((, self.port))
diff --git a/glanceclient/common/ b/glanceclient/common/
index 6cdc364a..04f5addc 100644
--- a/glanceclient/common/
+++ b/glanceclient/common/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
 import errno
+import hashlib
 import os
 import re
 import sys
@@ -335,3 +336,22 @@ def print_image(image_obj, max_col_width=None):
         print_dict(image, max_column_width=max_col_width)
+def integrity_iter(iter, checksum):
+    """
+    Check image data integrity.
+    :raises: IOError
+    """
+    md5sum = hashlib.md5()
+    for chunk in iter:
+        yield chunk
+        if isinstance(chunk, six.string_types):
+            chunk = six.b(chunk)
+        md5sum.update(chunk)
+    md5sum = md5sum.hexdigest()
+    if md5sum != checksum:
+        raise IOError(errno.EPIPE,
+                      'Corrupt image download. Checksum was %s expected %s' %
+                      (md5sum, checksum))
diff --git a/glanceclient/ b/glanceclient/
index 9caa24d4..3eeaffa1 100644
--- a/glanceclient/
+++ b/glanceclient/
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ for obj_name in dir(sys.modules[__name__]):
 def from_response(response, body=None):
     """Return an instance of an HTTPException based on httplib response."""
-    cls = _code_map.get(response.status, HTTPException)
+    cls = _code_map.get(response.status_code, HTTPException)
     if body:
         details = body.replace('\n\n', '\n')
         return cls(details=details)
diff --git a/glanceclient/v1/ b/glanceclient/v1/
index 23bb7377..aeb94a2a 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v1/
+++ b/glanceclient/v1/
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-from glanceclient.common import http
+from glanceclient.common.http import HTTPClient
 from glanceclient.common import utils
-from glanceclient.v1 import image_members
-from glanceclient.v1 import images
+from glanceclient.v1.image_members import ImageMemberManager
+from glanceclient.v1.images import ImageManager
 class Client(object):
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Client(object):
     def __init__(self, endpoint, *args, **kwargs):
         """Initialize a new client for the Images v1 API."""
-        self.http_client = http.HTTPClient(utils.strip_version(endpoint),
-                                           *args, **kwargs)
-        self.images = images.ImageManager(self.http_client)
-        self.image_members = image_members.ImageMemberManager(self.http_client)
+        self.http_client = HTTPClient(utils.strip_version(endpoint),
+                                      *args, **kwargs)
+        self.images = ImageManager(self.http_client)
+        self.image_members = ImageMemberManager(self.http_client)
diff --git a/glanceclient/v1/ b/glanceclient/v1/
index f464fb8c..d940a5f8 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v1/
+++ b/glanceclient/v1/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class ImageMemberManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
     def get(self, image, member_id):
         image_id = base.getid(image)
         url = '/v1/images/%s/members/%s' % (image_id, member_id)
-        resp, body = self.client.json_request('GET', url)
+        resp, body = self.client.get(url)
         member = body['member']
         member['image_id'] = image_id
         return ImageMember(self, member, loaded=True)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class ImageMemberManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
     def _list_by_image(self, image):
         image_id = base.getid(image)
         url = '/v1/images/%s/members' % image_id
-        resp, body = self.client.json_request('GET', url)
+        resp, body = self.client.get(url)
         out = []
         for member in body['members']:
             member['image_id'] = image_id
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ImageMemberManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
     def _list_by_member(self, member):
         member_id = base.getid(member)
         url = '/v1/shared-images/%s' % member_id
-        resp, body = self.client.json_request('GET', url)
+        resp, body = self.client.get(url)
         out = []
         for member in body['shared_images']:
             member['member_id'] = member_id
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ImageMemberManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
         """Creates an image."""
         url = '/v1/images/%s/members/%s' % (base.getid(image), member_id)
         body = {'member': {'can_share': can_share}}
-        self._put(url, json=body)
+        self.client.put(url, data=body)
     def replace(self, image, members):
         memberships = []
@@ -100,4 +100,4 @@ class ImageMemberManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
                     obj['can_share'] = member['can_share']
         url = '/v1/images/%s/members' % base.getid(image)
-        self.client.json_request('PUT', url, {}, {'memberships': memberships})
+        self.client.put(url, data={'memberships': memberships})
diff --git a/glanceclient/v1/ b/glanceclient/v1/
index d2af5954..87060c23 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v1/
+++ b/glanceclient/v1/
@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@
 #    under the License.
 import copy
-import json
 import six
-from six.moves.urllib import parse
+import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
 from glanceclient.common import utils
 from glanceclient.openstack.common.apiclient import base
@@ -60,12 +59,12 @@ class ImageManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
     resource_class = Image
     def _list(self, url, response_key, obj_class=None, body=None):
-        resp = self.client.get(url)
+        resp, body = self.client.get(url)
         if obj_class is None:
             obj_class = self.resource_class
-        data = resp.json()[response_key]
+        data = body[response_key]
         return ([obj_class(self, res, loaded=True) for res in data if res],
@@ -123,13 +122,12 @@ class ImageManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
         :rtype: :class:`Image`
         image_id = base.getid(image)
-        resp, body = self.client.raw_request(
-            'HEAD', '/v1/images/%s' % parse.quote(str(image_id)))
-        meta = self._image_meta_from_headers(dict(resp.getheaders()))
+        resp, body = self.client.head('/v1/images/%s'
+                                      % urlparse.quote(str(image_id)))
+        meta = self._image_meta_from_headers(resp.headers)
         return_request_id = kwargs.get('return_req_id', None)
         if return_request_id is not None:
-            return_request_id.append(resp.getheader(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
+            return_request_id.append(resp.headers.get(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
         return Image(self, meta)
     def data(self, image, do_checksum=True, **kwargs):
@@ -140,14 +138,14 @@ class ImageManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
         :rtype: iterable containing image data
         image_id = base.getid(image)
-        resp, body = self.client.raw_request(
-            'GET', '/v1/images/%s' % parse.quote(str(image_id)))
-        checksum = resp.getheader('x-image-meta-checksum', None)
+        resp, body = self.client.get('/v1/images/%s'
+                                     % urlparse.quote(str(image_id)))
+        checksum = resp.headers.get('x-image-meta-checksum', None)
         if do_checksum and checksum is not None:
-            body.set_checksum(checksum)
+            return utils.integrity_iter(body, checksum)
         return_request_id = kwargs.get('return_req_id', None)
         if return_request_id is not None:
-            return_request_id.append(resp.getheader(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
+            return_request_id.append(resp.headers.get(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
         return body
@@ -194,11 +192,11 @@ class ImageManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
                     # trying to encode them
                     qp[param] = strutils.safe_encode(value)
-            url = '/v1/images/detail?%s' % parse.urlencode(qp)
+            url = '/v1/images/detail?%s' % urlparse.urlencode(qp)
             images, resp = self._list(url, "images")
             if return_request_id is not None:
-                return_request_id.append(resp.getheader(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
+                return_request_id.append(resp.headers.get(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
             for image in images:
                 if filter_owner(owner, image):
@@ -253,10 +251,11 @@ class ImageManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
     def delete(self, image, **kwargs):
         """Delete an image."""
-        resp = self._delete("/v1/images/%s" % base.getid(image))[0]
+        url = "/v1/images/%s" % base.getid(image)
+        resp, body = self.client.delete(url)
         return_request_id = kwargs.get('return_req_id', None)
         if return_request_id is not None:
-            return_request_id.append(resp.getheader(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
+            return_request_id.append(resp.headers.get(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
     def create(self, **kwargs):
         """Create an image
@@ -284,12 +283,12 @@ class ImageManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
         if copy_from is not None:
             hdrs['x-glance-api-copy-from'] = copy_from
-        resp, body_iter = self.client.raw_request(
-            'POST', '/v1/images', headers=hdrs, body=image_data)
-        body = json.loads(''.join([c for c in body_iter]))
+        resp, body ='/v1/images',
+                                      headers=hdrs,
+                                      data=image_data)
         return_request_id = kwargs.get('return_req_id', None)
         if return_request_id is not None:
-            return_request_id.append(resp.getheader(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
+            return_request_id.append(resp.headers.get(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
         return Image(self, self._format_image_meta_for_user(body['image']))
@@ -327,11 +326,9 @@ class ImageManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
             hdrs['x-glance-api-copy-from'] = copy_from
         url = '/v1/images/%s' % base.getid(image)
-        resp, body_iter = self.client.raw_request(
-            'PUT', url, headers=hdrs, body=image_data)
-        body = json.loads(''.join([c for c in body_iter]))
+        resp, body = self.client.put(url, headers=hdrs, data=image_data)
         return_request_id = kwargs.get('return_req_id', None)
         if return_request_id is not None:
-            return_request_id.append(resp.getheader(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
+            return_request_id.append(resp.headers.get(OS_REQ_ID_HDR, None))
         return Image(self, self._format_image_meta_for_user(body['image']))
diff --git a/glanceclient/v2/ b/glanceclient/v2/
index b2632a29..dcf4ac25 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v2/
+++ b/glanceclient/v2/
@@ -21,25 +21,22 @@ class Controller(object):
     def list(self, image_id):
         url = '/v2/images/%s/members' % image_id
-        resp, body = self.http_client.json_request('GET', url)
+        resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
         for member in body['members']:
             yield self.model(member)
     def delete(self, image_id, member_id):
-        self.http_client.json_request('DELETE',
-                                      '/v2/images/%s/members/%s' %
-                                      (image_id, member_id))
+        self.http_client.delete('/v2/images/%s/members/%s' %
+                                (image_id, member_id))
     def update(self, image_id, member_id, member_status):
         url = '/v2/images/%s/members/%s' % (image_id, member_id)
         body = {'status': member_status}
-        resp, updated_member = self.http_client.json_request('PUT', url,
-                                                             body=body)
+        resp, updated_member = self.http_client.put(url, data=body)
         return self.model(updated_member)
     def create(self, image_id, member_id):
         url = '/v2/images/%s/members' % image_id
         body = {'member': member_id}
-        resp, created_member = self.http_client.json_request('POST', url,
-                                                             body=body)
+        resp, created_member =, data=body)
         return self.model(created_member)
diff --git a/glanceclient/v2/ b/glanceclient/v2/
index a943d6a5..5c036483 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v2/
+++ b/glanceclient/v2/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Controller(object):
         :param tag_value:   value of the tag.
         url = '/v2/images/%s/tags/%s' % (image_id, tag_value)
-        self.http_client.json_request('PUT', url)
+        self.http_client.put(url)
     def delete(self, image_id, tag_value):
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ class Controller(object):
         :param tag_value:   tag value to be deleted.
         url = '/v2/images/%s/tags/%s' % (image_id, tag_value)
-        self.http_client.json_request('DELETE', url)
+        self.http_client.delete(url)
diff --git a/glanceclient/v2/ b/glanceclient/v2/
index 10b78645..1144e6f2 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v2/
+++ b/glanceclient/v2/
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 import json
 import six
 from six.moves.urllib import parse
 import warlock
 from glanceclient.common import utils
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ class Controller(object):
         empty_fun = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
         def paginate(url):
-            resp, body = self.http_client.json_request('GET', url)
+            resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
             for image in body['images']:
                 # NOTE(bcwaldon): remove 'self' for now until we have
                 # an elegant way to pass it into the model constructor
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ class Controller(object):
     def get(self, image_id):
         url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
-        resp, body = self.http_client.json_request('GET', url)
+        resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
         #NOTE(bcwaldon): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant
         # way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict
         body.pop('self', None)
@@ -108,11 +107,12 @@ class Controller(object):
         :param do_checksum: Enable/disable checksum validation.
         url = '/v2/images/%s/file' % image_id
-        resp, body = self.http_client.raw_request('GET', url)
-        checksum = resp.getheader('content-md5', None)
+        resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
+        checksum = resp.headers.get('content-md5', None)
         if do_checksum and checksum is not None:
-            body.set_checksum(checksum)
-        return body
+            return utils.integrity_iter(body, checksum)
+        else:
+            return body
     def upload(self, image_id, image_data, image_size=None):
@@ -124,14 +124,17 @@ class Controller(object):
         url = '/v2/images/%s/file' % image_id
         hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
-        self.http_client.raw_request('PUT', url,
-                                     headers=hdrs,
-                                     body=image_data,
-                                     content_length=image_size)
+        if image_size:
+            body = {'image_data': image_data,
+                    'image_size': image_size}
+        else:
+            body = image_data
+        self.http_client.put(url, headers=hdrs, data=body)
     def delete(self, image_id):
         """Delete an image."""
-        self.http_client.json_request('DELETE', '/v2/images/%s' % image_id)
+        url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
+        self.http_client.delete(url)
     def create(self, **kwargs):
         """Create an image."""
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ class Controller(object):
             except warlock.InvalidOperation as e:
                 raise TypeError(utils.exception_to_str(e))
-        resp, body = self.http_client.json_request('POST', url, body=image)
+        resp, body =, data=image)
         #NOTE(esheffield): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant
         # way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict
         body.pop('self', None)
@@ -178,9 +181,7 @@ class Controller(object):
         url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
         hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'}
-        self.http_client.raw_request('PATCH', url,
-                                     headers=hdrs,
-                                     body=image.patch)
+        self.http_client.patch(url, headers=hdrs, data=image.patch)
         #NOTE(bcwaldon): calling image.patch doesn't clear the changes, so
         # we need to fetch the image again to get a clean history. This is
@@ -197,9 +198,7 @@ class Controller(object):
     def _send_image_update_request(self, image_id, patch_body):
         url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
         hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'}
-        self.http_client.raw_request('PATCH', url,
-                                     headers=hdrs,
-                                     body=json.dumps(patch_body))
+        self.http_client.patch(url, headers=hdrs, data=json.dumps(patch_body))
     def add_location(self, image_id, url, metadata):
         """Add a new location entry to an image's list of locations.
diff --git a/glanceclient/v2/ b/glanceclient/v2/
index 57f6cc7f..7cd169d0 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v2/
+++ b/glanceclient/v2/
@@ -81,5 +81,5 @@ class Controller(object):
     def get(self, schema_name):
         uri = '/v2/schemas/%s' % schema_name
-        _, raw_schema = self.http_client.json_request('GET', uri)
+        _, raw_schema = self.http_client.get(uri)
         return Schema(raw_schema)
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index b2d752f3..dfae8b71 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ argparse
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d5105bcb..c8ad2dfc 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -12,18 +12,16 @@
 #    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import collections
+import mock
 import testtools
 from glanceclient import exc
-FakeResponse = collections.namedtuple('HTTPResponse', ['status'])
 class TestHTTPExceptions(testtools.TestCase):
     def test_from_response(self):
         """exc.from_response should return instance of an HTTP exception."""
-        out = exc.from_response(FakeResponse(400))
+        mock_resp = mock.Mock()
+        mock_resp.status_code = 400
+        out = exc.from_response(mock_resp)
         self.assertIsInstance(out, exc.HTTPBadRequest)
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 8dabdba7..0c8a4acd 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -12,21 +12,18 @@
 #    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import json
-import errno
-import socket
-import mock
 from mox3 import mox
+import requests
 import six
-from six.moves import http_client
 from six.moves.urllib import parse
-import tempfile
 import testtools
+import types
 import glanceclient
 from glanceclient.common import http
-from glanceclient.common import utils as client_utils
+from glanceclient.common import https
 from glanceclient import exc
 from tests import utils
@@ -36,8 +33,7 @@ class TestClient(testtools.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestClient, self).setUp()
         self.mock = mox.Mox()
-        self.mock.StubOutWithMock(http_client.HTTPConnection, 'request')
-        self.mock.StubOutWithMock(http_client.HTTPConnection, 'getresponse')
+        self.mock.StubOutWithMock(requests.Session, 'request')
         self.endpoint = ''
         self.client = http.HTTPClient(self.endpoint, token=u'abc123')
@@ -85,14 +81,16 @@ class TestClient(testtools.TestCase):
         And the error should list the host and port that refused the
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.request(
+        requests.Session.request(
+            data=mox.IgnoreArg(),
-        ).AndRaise(socket.error())
+            stream=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        ).AndRaise(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError())
-            self.client.json_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail?limit=20')
+            self.client.get('/v1/images/detail?limit=20')
             #NOTE(alaski) We expect exc.CommunicationError to be raised
             # so we should never reach this point.  try/except is used here
             # rather than assertRaises() so that we can check the body of
@@ -103,47 +101,23 @@ class TestClient(testtools.TestCase):
                        (comm_err.message, self.endpoint))
             self.assertTrue(self.endpoint in comm_err.message, fail_msg)
-    def test_request_redirected(self):
-        resp = utils.FakeResponse({'location': ''},
-                                  status=302, body=six.BytesIO())
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.request(
-            mox.IgnoreArg(),
-            mox.IgnoreArg(),
-            headers=mox.IgnoreArg(),
-        )
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.getresponse().AndReturn(resp)
-        # The second request should be to the redirected location
-        expected_response = b'Ok'
-        resp2 = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(expected_response))
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.request(
-            'GET',
-            '',
-            headers=mox.IgnoreArg(),
-        )
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.getresponse().AndReturn(resp2)
-        self.mock.ReplayAll()
-        self.client.json_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail')
     def test_http_encoding(self):
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.request(
-            mox.IgnoreArg(),
-            mox.IgnoreArg(),
-            headers=mox.IgnoreArg())
         # Lets fake the response
-        # returned by httplib
-        expected_response = b'Ok'
-        fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(expected_response))
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.getresponse().AndReturn(fake)
+        # returned by requests
+        response = 'Ok'
+        headers = {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}
+        fake = utils.FakeResponse(headers, six.StringIO(response))
+        requests.Session.request(
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            data=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            stream=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(fake)
         headers = {"test": u'ni\xf1o'}
-        resp, body = self.client.raw_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail',
-                                                    headers=headers)
-        self.assertEqual(fake, resp)
+        resp, body = self.client.get('/v1/images/detail', headers=headers)
+        self.assertEqual(resp, fake)
     def test_headers_encoding(self):
         value = u'ni\xf1o'
@@ -156,153 +130,19 @@ class TestClient(testtools.TestCase):
     def test_raw_request(self):
         " Verify the path being used for HTTP requests reflects accurately. "
-        def check_request(method, path, **kwargs):
-            self.assertEqual('GET', method)
-            # NOTE(kmcdonald): See bug #1179984 for more details.
-            self.assertEqual('/v1/images/detail', path)
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.request(
+        headers = {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}
+        response = 'Ok'
+        fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.StringIO(response))
+        requests.Session.request(
-            headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).WithSideEffects(check_request)
-        # fake the response returned by httplib
-        fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(b'Ok'))
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.getresponse().AndReturn(fake)
+            data=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            stream=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(fake)
-        resp, body = self.client.raw_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail')
-        self.assertEqual(fake, resp)
-    def test_customized_path_raw_request(self):
-        """
-        Verify the customized path being used for HTTP requests
-        reflects accurately
-        """
-        def check_request(method, path, **kwargs):
-            self.assertEqual('GET', method)
-            self.assertEqual('/customized-path/v1/images/detail', path)
-        # NOTE(yuyangbj): see bug 1230032 to get more info
-        endpoint = ''
-        client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'abc123')
-        self.assertEqual('/customized-path', client.endpoint_path)
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.request(
-            mox.IgnoreArg(),
-            mox.IgnoreArg(),
-            headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).WithSideEffects(check_request)
-        # fake the response returned by httplib
-        fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(b'Ok'))
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.getresponse().AndReturn(fake)
-        self.mock.ReplayAll()
-        resp, body = client.raw_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail')
-        self.assertEqual(fake, resp)
-    def test_raw_request_no_content_length(self):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as test_file:
-            test_file.write(b'abcd')
-            data_length = 4
-            self.assertEqual(data_length,
-                             client_utils.get_file_size(test_file))
-            exp_resp = {'body': test_file}
-            exp_resp['headers'] = {'Content-Length': str(data_length),
-                                   'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
-            def mock_request(url, method, **kwargs):
-                return kwargs
-            rq_kwargs = {'body': test_file, 'content_length': None}
-            with mock.patch.object(self.client, '_http_request') as mock_rq:
-                mock_rq.side_effect = mock_request
-                resp = self.client.raw_request('PUT', '/v1/images/detail',
-                                               **rq_kwargs)
-                rq_kwargs.pop('content_length')
-                headers = {'Content-Length': str(data_length),
-                           'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
-                rq_kwargs['headers'] = headers
-                mock_rq.assert_called_once_with('/v1/images/detail', 'PUT',
-                                                **rq_kwargs)
-            self.assertEqual(exp_resp, resp)
-    def test_raw_request_w_content_length(self):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as test_file:
-            test_file.write(b'abcd')
-            data_length = 4
-            self.assertEqual(data_length,
-                             client_utils.get_file_size(test_file))
-            exp_resp = {'body': test_file}
-            # NOTE: we expect the actual file size to be overridden by the
-            # supplied content length.
-            exp_resp['headers'] = {'Content-Length': '4',
-                                   'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
-            def mock_request(url, method, **kwargs):
-                return kwargs
-            rq_kwargs = {'body': test_file, 'content_length': data_length}
-            with mock.patch.object(self.client, '_http_request') as mock_rq:
-                mock_rq.side_effect = mock_request
-                resp = self.client.raw_request('PUT', '/v1/images/detail',
-                                               **rq_kwargs)
-                rq_kwargs.pop('content_length')
-                headers = {'Content-Length': str(data_length),
-                           'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
-                rq_kwargs['headers'] = headers
-                mock_rq.assert_called_once_with('/v1/images/detail', 'PUT',
-                                                **rq_kwargs)
-            self.assertEqual(exp_resp, resp)
-    def test_raw_request_w_bad_content_length(self):
-        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as test_file:
-            test_file.write(b'abcd')
-            self.assertEqual(4, client_utils.get_file_size(test_file))
-            def mock_request(url, method, **kwargs):
-                return kwargs
-            with mock.patch.object(self.client, '_http_request', mock_request):
-                self.assertRaises(AttributeError, self.client.raw_request,
-                                  'PUT', '/v1/images/detail', body=test_file,
-                                  content_length=32)
-    def test_connection_refused_raw_request(self):
-        """
-        Should receive a CommunicationError if connection refused.
-        And the error should list the host and port that refused the
-        connection
-        """
-        endpoint = ''
-        client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'abc123')
-        http_client.HTTPConnection.request(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
-                                           headers=mox.IgnoreArg()
-                                           ).AndRaise(socket.error())
-        self.mock.ReplayAll()
-        try:
-            client.raw_request('GET', '/v1/images/detail?limit=20')
-  'An exception should have bypassed this line.')
-        except exc.CommunicationError as comm_err:
-            fail_msg = ("Exception message '%s' should contain '%s'" %
-                        (comm_err.message, endpoint))
-            self.assertTrue(endpoint in comm_err.message, fail_msg)
+        resp, body = self.client.get('/v1/images/detail', headers=headers)
+        self.assertEqual(resp, fake)
     def test_parse_endpoint(self):
         endpoint = ''
@@ -313,81 +153,84 @@ class TestClient(testtools.TestCase):
                                      query='', fragment='')
         self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
-    def test_get_connection_class(self):
-        endpoint = ''
-        test_client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'adc123')
-        actual = (test_client.get_connection_class('https'))
-        self.assertEqual(http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection, actual)
     def test_get_connections_kwargs_http(self):
         endpoint = ''
         test_client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'adc123')
-        actual = test_client.get_connection_kwargs('http', insecure=True)
-        self.assertEqual({'timeout': 600.0}, actual)
+        self.assertEqual(test_client.timeout, 600.0)
-    def test_get_connections_kwargs_https(self):
-        endpoint = ''
-        test_client = http.HTTPClient(endpoint, token=u'adc123')
-        actual = test_client.get_connection_kwargs('https', insecure=True)
-        expected = {'cacert': None,
-                    'cert_file': None,
-                    'insecure': True,
-                    'key_file': None,
-                    'ssl_compression': True,
-                    'timeout': 600.0}
-        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
-    def test_log_curl_request_with_non_ascii_char(self):
-        try:
-            headers = {'header1': 'value1\xa5\xa6'}
-            http_client_object = http.HTTPClient(self.endpoint)
-            http_client_object.log_curl_request('GET',
-                                                '\xa5',
-                                                {'headers': headers})
-        except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
-  "Unexpected UnicodeDecodeError exception '%s'" % e)
-class TestHostResolutionError(testtools.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestHostResolutionError, self).setUp()
-        self.mock = mox.Mox()
-        self.invalid_host = ""
-    def test_incorrect_domain_error(self):
-        """
-        Make sure that using a domain which does not resolve causes an
-        exception which mentions that specific hostname as a reason for
-        failure.
-        """
-        class FailingConnectionClass(object):
-            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-                pass
-            def putrequest(self, *args, **kwargs):
-                raise socket.gaierror(-2, "Name or service not known")
-            def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
-                raise socket.gaierror(-2, "Name or service not known")
-        self.endpoint = 'http://%s:9292' % (self.invalid_host,)
-        self.client = http.HTTPClient(self.endpoint, token=u'abc123')
-        self.mock.StubOutWithMock(self.client, 'get_connection')
-        self.client.get_connection().AndReturn(FailingConnectionClass())
+    def test_http_chunked_request(self):
+        # Lets fake the response
+        # returned by requests
+        response = "Ok"
+        data = six.StringIO(response)
+        fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, data)
+        requests.Session.request(
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            stream=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            data=mox.IsA(types.GeneratorType),
+            headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(fake)
-        try:
-            self.client.raw_request('GET', '/example/path')
-  "gaierror should be raised")
-        except exc.InvalidEndpoint as e:
-            self.assertTrue(self.invalid_host in str(e),
-                            "exception should contain the hostname")
+        headers = {"test": u'chunked_request'}
+        resp, body ='/v1/images/',
+                                      headers=headers, data=data)
+        self.assertEqual(resp, fake)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        super(TestHostResolutionError, self).tearDown()
-        self.mock.UnsetStubs()
+    def test_http_json(self):
+        data = {"test": "json_request"}
+        fake = utils.FakeResponse({}, "OK")
+        def test_json(passed_data):
+            """
+            This function tests whether the data
+            being passed to request's method is
+            a valid json or not.
+            This function will be called by pymox
+            :params passed_data: The data being
+                passed to requests.Session.request.
+            """
+            if not isinstance(passed_data, six.string_types):
+                return False
+            try:
+                passed_data = json.loads(passed_data)
+                return data == passed_data
+            except (TypeError, ValueError):
+                return False
+        requests.Session.request(
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            stream=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            data=mox.Func(test_json),
+            headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(fake)
+        self.mock.ReplayAll()
+        headers = {"test": u'chunked_request'}
+        resp, body ='/v1/images/',
+                                      headers=headers,
+                                      data=data)
+        self.assertEqual(resp, fake)
+    def test_http_chunked_response(self):
+        headers = {"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"}
+        data = "TEST"
+        fake = utils.FakeResponse(headers, six.StringIO(data))
+        requests.Session.request(
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            stream=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            data=mox.IgnoreArg(),
+            headers=mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(fake)
+        self.mock.ReplayAll()
+        headers = {"test": u'chunked_request'}
+        resp, body = self.client.get('/v1/images/')
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(body, types.GeneratorType))
+        self.assertEqual([data], list(body))
 class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
@@ -396,7 +239,7 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
     def test_setcontext_unable_to_load_cacert(self):
         """Add this UT case with Bug#1265730."""
-                          http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection,
+                          https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection,
@@ -405,45 +248,3 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
-class TestResponseBodyIterator(testtools.TestCase):
-    def test_iter_default_chunk_size_64k(self):
-        resp = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(b'X' * 98304))
-        iterator = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-        chunks = list(iterator)
-        self.assertEqual([b'X' * 65536, b'X' * 32768], chunks)
-    def test_integrity_check_with_correct_checksum(self):
-        resp = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(b'CCC'))
-        body = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-        body.set_checksum('defb99e69a9f1f6e06f15006b1f166ae')
-        list(body)
-    def test_integrity_check_with_wrong_checksum(self):
-        resp = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(b'BB'))
-        body = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-        body.set_checksum('wrong')
-        try:
-            list(body)
-  'integrity checked passed with wrong checksum')
-        except IOError as e:
-            self.assertEqual(errno.EPIPE, e.errno)
-    def test_set_checksum_in_consumed_iterator(self):
-        resp = utils.FakeResponse({}, six.BytesIO(b'CCC'))
-        body = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-        list(body)
-        # Setting checksum for an already consumed iterator should raise an
-        # AttributeError.
-        self.assertRaises(
-            AttributeError, body.set_checksum,
-            'defb99e69a9f1f6e06f15006b1f166ae')
-    def test_body_size(self):
-        size = 1000000007
-        resp = utils.FakeResponse(
-            {'content-length': str(size)}, six.BytesIO(b'BB'))
-        body = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-        self.assertEqual(size, len(body))
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index ebe77e08..28f6b132 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -105,13 +105,11 @@ class ShellCacheSchemaTest(utils.TestCase):
         super(ShellCacheSchemaTest, self).setUp()
-        os.path.exists = mock.MagicMock()
         self.cache_dir = '/dir_for_cached_schema'
         self.cache_file = self.cache_dir + '/image_schema.json'
     def tearDown(self):
         super(ShellCacheSchemaTest, self).tearDown()
-        os.path.exists.reset_mock()
     def _mock_client_setup(self):
         self.schema_dict = {
@@ -137,27 +135,8 @@ class ShellCacheSchemaTest(utils.TestCase):
         return Args(args)
     @mock.patch('', new=mock.mock_open(), create=True)
-    def test_cache_schema_gets_when_not_exists(self):
-        mocked_path_exists_result_lst = [True, False]
-        os.path.exists.side_effect = \
-            lambda *args: mocked_path_exists_result_lst.pop(0)
-        options = {
-            'get_schema': False
-        }
-                                 home_dir=self.cache_dir)
-        self.assertEqual(4, open.mock_calls.__len__())
-        self.assertEqual(, 'w'), open.mock_calls[0])
-        self.assertEqual(,
-                         open.mock_calls[2])
-    @mock.patch('', new=mock.mock_open(), create=True)
-    def test_cache_schema_gets_when_forced(self):
-        os.path.exists.return_value = True
+    @mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True)
+    def test_cache_schema_gets_when_forced(self, exists_mock):
         options = {
             'get_schema': True
@@ -171,9 +150,23 @@ class ShellCacheSchemaTest(utils.TestCase):
     @mock.patch('', new=mock.mock_open(), create=True)
-    def test_cache_schema_leaves_when_present_not_forced(self):
-        os.path.exists.return_value = True
+    @mock.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=[True, False])
+    def test_cache_schema_gets_when_not_exists(self, exists_mock):
+        options = {
+            'get_schema': False
+        }
+                                 home_dir=self.cache_dir)
+        self.assertEqual(4, open.mock_calls.__len__())
+        self.assertEqual(, 'w'), open.mock_calls[0])
+        self.assertEqual(,
+                         open.mock_calls[2])
+    @mock.patch('', new=mock.mock_open(), create=True)
+    @mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True)
+    def test_cache_schema_leaves_when_present_not_forced(self, exists_mock):
         options = {
             'get_schema': False
@@ -183,5 +176,5 @@ class ShellCacheSchemaTest(utils.TestCase):
-        self.assertEqual(2, os.path.exists.call_count)
+        self.assertEqual(2, exists_mock.call_count)
         self.assertEqual(0, open.mock_calls.__len__())
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index f8278a77..ecbccfa6 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@
 import os
 from OpenSSL import crypto
+from requests.packages.urllib3 import poolmanager
 import testtools
 from glanceclient.common import http
+from glanceclient.common import https
 from glanceclient import exc
@@ -26,6 +28,26 @@ TEST_VAR_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+class TestRequestsIntegration(testtools.TestCase):
+    def test_pool_patch(self):
+        client = http.HTTPClient("https://localhost",
+                                 ssl_compression=True)
+        self.assertNotEqual(https.HTTPSConnectionPool,
+                            poolmanager.pool_classes_by_scheme["https"])
+        adapter = client.session.adapters.get("https://")
+        self.assertFalse(isinstance(adapter, https.HTTPSAdapter))
+        client = http.HTTPClient("https://localhost",
+                                 ssl_compression=False)
+        self.assertEqual(https.HTTPSConnectionPool,
+                         poolmanager.pool_classes_by_scheme["https"])
+        adapter = client.session.adapters.get("https://")
+        self.assertTrue(isinstance(adapter, https.HTTPSAdapter))
 class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
     def test_ssl_init_ok(self):
@@ -35,10 +57,10 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'certificate.crt')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'ca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
-                                         key_file=key_file,
-                                         cert_file=cert_file,
-                                         cacert=cacert)
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
+                                          key_file=key_file,
+                                          cert_file=cert_file,
+                                          cacert=cacert)
         except exc.SSLConfigurationError:
   'Failed to init VerifiedHTTPSConnection.')
@@ -49,9 +71,9 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'certificate.crt')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'ca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
-                                         cert_file=cert_file,
-                                         cacert=cacert)
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
+                                          cert_file=cert_file,
+                                          cacert=cacert)
   'Failed to raise assertion.')
         except exc.SSLConfigurationError:
@@ -63,9 +85,9 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         key_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'privatekey.key')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'ca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
-                                         key_file=key_file,
-                                         cacert=cacert)
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
+                                          key_file=key_file,
+                                          cacert=cacert)
         except exc.SSLConfigurationError:
         except Exception:
@@ -78,9 +100,9 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'certificate.crt')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'ca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
-                                         cert_file=cert_file,
-                                         cacert=cacert)
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
+                                          cert_file=cert_file,
+                                          cacert=cacert)
   'Failed to raise assertion.')
         except exc.SSLConfigurationError:
@@ -92,9 +114,9 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'badcert.crt')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'ca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
-                                         cert_file=cert_file,
-                                         cacert=cacert)
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
+                                          cert_file=cert_file,
+                                          cacert=cacert)
   'Failed to raise assertion.')
         except exc.SSLConfigurationError:
@@ -106,9 +128,9 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'certificate.crt')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'badca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
-                                         cert_file=cert_file,
-                                         cacert=cacert)
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
+                                          cert_file=cert_file,
+                                          cacert=cacert)
   'Failed to raise assertion.')
         except exc.SSLConfigurationError:
@@ -123,7 +145,7 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         # The expected cert should have CN=
         self.assertEqual('', cert.get_subject().commonName)
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
             conn.verify_callback(None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
         except Exception:
   'Unexpected exception.')
@@ -138,7 +160,7 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         # The expected cert should have CN=*
         self.assertEqual('*', cert.get_subject().commonName)
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
             conn.verify_callback(None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
         except Exception:
   'Unexpected exception.')
@@ -153,13 +175,13 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         # The expected cert should have CN=
         self.assertEqual('', cert.get_subject().commonName)
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
             conn.verify_callback(None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
         except Exception:
   'Unexpected exception.')
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
             conn.verify_callback(None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
         except Exception:
   'Unexpected exception.')
@@ -174,19 +196,19 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         # The expected cert should have CN=
         self.assertEqual('', cert.get_subject().commonName)
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
             conn.verify_callback(None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
         except Exception:
   'Unexpected exception.')
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
             conn.verify_callback(None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
         except Exception:
   'Unexpected exception.')
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
             conn.verify_callback(None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
   'Failed to raise assertion.')
         except exc.SSLCertificateError:
@@ -202,7 +224,7 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         # The expected cert should have CN=
         self.assertEqual('', cert.get_subject().commonName)
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
         except Exception:
   'Failed to init VerifiedHTTPSConnection.')
@@ -220,10 +242,9 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
-            conn = http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
+            conn = https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0)
         except Exception:
   'Failed to init VerifiedHTTPSConnection.')
                           conn.verify_callback, None, cert, 0, 0, 1)
@@ -236,7 +257,7 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         key_file = 'fake.key'
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection, '',
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection, '',
             0, key_file=key_file,
             cert_file=cert_file, cacert=cacert)
@@ -248,7 +269,7 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'certificate.crt')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'ca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection(
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection(
                 '', 0,
@@ -264,7 +285,7 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'certificate.crt')
         cacert = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'ca.crt')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection(
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection(
                 '', 0,
@@ -286,9 +307,9 @@ class TestVerifiedHTTPSConnection(testtools.TestCase):
         cert_file = cert_file.encode('ascii', 'strict').decode('utf-8')
         cacert = cacert.encode('ascii', 'strict').decode('utf-8')
-            http.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
-                                         key_file=key_file,
-                                         cert_file=cert_file,
-                                         cacert=cacert)
+            https.VerifiedHTTPSConnection('', 0,
+                                          key_file=key_file,
+                                          cert_file=cert_file,
+                                          cacert=cacert)
         except exc.SSLConfigurationError:
   'Failed to init VerifiedHTTPSConnection.')
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 2eb5f02d..0fa0e2e4 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -14,64 +14,53 @@
 #    under the License.
 import copy
-import requests
+import json
 import six
 import testtools
-from glanceclient.common import http
 class FakeAPI(object):
     def __init__(self, fixtures):
         self.fixtures = fixtures
         self.calls = []
-    def _request(self, method, url, headers=None, body=None,
+    def _request(self, method, url, headers=None, data=None,
-        call = (method, url, headers or {}, body)
+        call = (method, url, headers or {}, data)
         if content_length is not None:
             call = tuple(list(call) + [content_length])
-        return self.fixtures[url][method]
+        fixture = self.fixtures[url][method]
-    def raw_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        fixture = self._request(*args, **kwargs)
-        resp = FakeResponse(fixture[0], six.StringIO(fixture[1]))
-        body_iter = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-        return resp, body_iter
+        data = fixture[1]
+        if isinstance(fixture[1], six.string_types):
+            try:
+                data = json.loads(fixture[1])
+            except ValueError:
+                data = six.StringIO(fixture[1])
-    def json_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        fixture = self._request(*args, **kwargs)
-        return FakeResponse(fixture[0]), fixture[1]
+        return FakeResponse(fixture[0], fixture[1]), data
-    def client_request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
-        if 'json' in kwargs and 'body' not in kwargs:
-            kwargs['body'] = kwargs.pop('json')
-        resp, body = self.json_request(method, url, **kwargs)
-        resp.json = lambda: body
-        resp.content = bool(body)
-        return resp
+    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._request('GET', *args, **kwargs)
-    def head(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("HEAD", url, **kwargs)
+    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._request('POST', *args, **kwargs)
-    def get(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("GET", url, **kwargs)
+    def put(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._request('PUT', *args, **kwargs)
-    def post(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("POST", url, **kwargs)
+    def patch(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._request('PATCH', *args, **kwargs)
-    def put(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("PUT", url, **kwargs)
+    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._request('DELETE', *args, **kwargs)
-    def delete(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.raw_request("DELETE", url, **kwargs)
-    def patch(self, url, **kwargs):
-        return self.client_request("PATCH", url, **kwargs)
+    def head(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self._request('HEAD', *args, **kwargs)
-class FakeResponse(object):
+class RawRequest(object):
     def __init__(self, headers, body=None,
                  version=1.0, status=200, reason="Ok"):
@@ -97,36 +86,55 @@ class FakeResponse(object):
+class FakeResponse(object):
+    def __init__(self, headers=None, body=None,
+                 version=1.0, status_code=200, reason="Ok"):
+        """
+        :param headers: dict representing HTTP response headers
+        :param body: file-like object
+        :param version: HTTP Version
+        :param status: Response status code
+        :param reason: Status code related message.
+        """
+        self.body = body
+        self.reason = reason
+        self.version = version
+        self.headers = headers
+        self.status_code = status_code
+        self.raw = RawRequest(headers, body=body, reason=reason,
+                              version=version, status=status_code)
+    @property
+    def ok(self):
+        return (self.status_code < 400 or
+                self.status_code >= 600)
+    def read(self, amt):
+        return
+    @property
+    def content(self):
+        if hasattr(self.body, "read"):
+            return
+        return self.body
+    def json(self, **kwargs):
+        return self.body and json.loads(self.content) or ""
+    def iter_content(self, chunk_size=1, decode_unicode=False):
+        while True:
+            chunk =
+            if not chunk:
+                break
+            yield chunk
 class TestCase(testtools.TestCase):
         'config': {'danger_mode': False},
         'verify': True}
-class TestResponse(requests.Response):
-    """
-    Class used to wrap requests.Response and provide some
-    convenience to initialize with a dict
-    """
-    def __init__(self, data):
-        self._text = None
-        super(TestResponse, self)
-        if isinstance(data, dict):
-            self.status_code = data.get('status_code', None)
-            self.headers = data.get('headers', None)
-            # Fake the text attribute to streamline Response creation
-            self._text = data.get('text', None)
-        else:
-            self.status_code = data
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
-    @property
-    def text(self):
-        return self._text
 class FakeTTYStdout(six.StringIO):
     """A Fake stdout that try to emulate a TTY device as much as possible."""
diff --git a/tests/v1/ b/tests/v1/
index b42cd829..e63634f7 100644
--- a/tests/v1/
+++ b/tests/v1/
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ class ParameterFakeAPI(utils.FakeAPI):
-    def json_request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
+    def get(self, url, **kwargs):
         self.url = url
         return utils.FakeResponse({}), ParameterFakeAPI.image_list
diff --git a/tests/v1/ b/tests/v1/
index e86d6e65..2ccb748e 100644
--- a/tests/v1/
+++ b/tests/v1/
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ class LegacyShellV1Test(testtools.TestCase):
         args = Image()
         gc = client.Client('1', 'http://is.invalid')
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint, test_shell.do_update, gc, args)
+            exc.CommunicationError, test_shell.do_update, gc, args)
     def test_do_update(self):
         class Image():
diff --git a/tests/v1/ b/tests/v1/
index d9cccd5f..71ee11b9 100644
--- a/tests/v1/
+++ b/tests/v1/
@@ -224,81 +224,81 @@ class ShellInvalidEndpointandParameterTest(utils.TestCase):
     def test_image_list_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint, self.run_command, 'image-list')
+            exc.CommunicationError, self.run_command, 'image-list')
     def test_image_details_invalid_endpoint_legacy(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint, self.run_command, 'details')
+            exc.CommunicationError, self.run_command, 'details')
     def test_image_update_invalid_endpoint_legacy(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'update {"name":""test}')
     def test_image_index_invalid_endpoint_legacy(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'index')
     def test_image_create_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'image-create')
     def test_image_delete_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'image-delete <fake>')
     def test_image_download_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'image-download <fake>')
     def test_image_members_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'image-members fake_id')
     def test_members_list_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'member-list --image-id fake')
     def test_member_replace_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'members-replace image_id member_id')
     def test_image_show_invalid_endpoint_legacy(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint, self.run_command, 'show image')
+            exc.CommunicationError, self.run_command, 'show image')
     def test_image_show_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'image-show --human-readable <IMAGE_ID>')
     def test_member_images_invalid_endpoint_legacy(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             self.run_command, 'member-images member_id')
     def test_member_create_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             'member-create --can-share <IMAGE_ID> <TENANT_ID>')
     def test_member_delete_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             'member-delete  <IMAGE_ID> <TENANT_ID>')
     def test_member_add_invalid_endpoint(self):
-            exc.InvalidEndpoint,
+            exc.CommunicationError,
             'member-add  <IMAGE_ID> <TENANT_ID>')
diff --git a/tests/v2/ b/tests/v2/
index c93e34ed..d231a31d 100644
--- a/tests/v2/
+++ b/tests/v2/
@@ -514,9 +514,11 @@ class TestController(testtools.TestCase):
         image_data = 'CCC'
         image_id = '606b0e88-7c5a-4d54-b5bb-046105d4de6f'
         self.controller.upload(image_id, image_data, image_size=3)
+        body = {'image_data': image_data,
+                'image_size': 3}
         expect = [('PUT', '/v2/images/%s/file' % image_id,
                   {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'},
-                  image_data, 3)]
+                  body)]
         self.assertEqual(expect, self.api.calls)
     def test_data_without_checksum(self):
diff --git a/tests/v2/ b/tests/v2/
index 38d2afb4..6d0a3d94 100644
--- a/tests/v2/
+++ b/tests/v2/
@@ -13,17 +13,12 @@
 #    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
 import json
 import mock
-import six
 import testtools
-from glanceclient.common import http
-from glanceclient.common import progressbar
 from glanceclient.common import utils
 from glanceclient.v2 import shell as test_shell
-from tests import utils as test_utils
 class ShellV2Test(testtools.TestCase):
@@ -208,16 +203,18 @@ class ShellV2Test(testtools.TestCase):
                 'id': 'pass', 'name': 'IMG-01', 'disk_format': 'vhd'})
-    def test_do_location_add_update_with_invalid_json_metadata(self):
-        args = self._make_args({'id': 'pass',
-                                'url': 'http://foo/bar',
-                                'metadata': '{1, 2, 3}'})
-        self.assert_exits_with_msg(test_shell.do_location_add,
-                                   args,
-                                   'Metadata is not a valid JSON object.')
-        self.assert_exits_with_msg(test_shell.do_location_update,
-                                   args,
-                                   'Metadata is not a valid JSON object.')
+    def test_do_explain(self):
+        input = {
+            'page_size': 18,
+            'id': 'pass',
+            'schemas': 'test',
+            'model': 'test',
+        }
+        args = self._make_args(input)
+        with mock.patch.object(utils, 'print_list'):
+            test_shell.do_explain(self.gc, args)
+            self.gc.schemas.get.assert_called_once_with('test')
     def test_do_location_add(self):
         gc = self.gc
@@ -260,19 +257,6 @@ class ShellV2Test(testtools.TestCase):
-    def test_do_explain(self):
-        input = {
-            'page_size': 18,
-            'id': 'pass',
-            'schemas': 'test',
-            'model': 'test',
-        }
-        args = self._make_args(input)
-        with mock.patch.object(utils, 'print_list'):
-            test_shell.do_explain(self.gc, args)
-            self.gc.schemas.get.assert_called_once_with('test')
     def test_image_upload(self):
         args = self._make_args(
             {'id': 'IMG-01', 'file': 'test', 'size': 1024, 'progress': False})
@@ -283,46 +267,6 @@ class ShellV2Test(testtools.TestCase):
             test_shell.do_image_upload(self.gc, args)
             mocked_upload.assert_called_once_with('IMG-01', 'testfile', 1024)
-    def test_image_upload_with_progressbar(self):
-        args = self._make_args(
-            {'id': 'IMG-01', 'file': 'test', 'size': 1024, 'progress': True})
-        with mock.patch.object(self.gc.images, 'upload') as mocked_upload:
-            utils.get_data_file = mock.Mock(return_value='testfile')
-            utils.get_file_size = mock.Mock(return_value=8)
-            mocked_upload.return_value = None
-            test_shell.do_image_upload(self.gc, args)
-            self.assertIsInstance(mocked_upload.call_args[0][1],
-                                  progressbar.VerboseFileWrapper)
-    def test_image_download(self):
-        args = self._make_args(
-            {'id': 'pass', 'file': 'test', 'progress': False})
-        with mock.patch.object(self.gc.images, 'data') as mocked_data:
-            resp = test_utils.FakeResponse({}, six.StringIO('CCC'))
-            ret = mocked_data.return_value = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-            test_shell.do_image_download(self.gc, args)
-            mocked_data.assert_called_once_with('pass')
-            utils.save_image.assert_called_once_with(ret, 'test')
-    def test_image_download_with_progressbar(self):
-        args = self._make_args(
-            {'id': 'pass', 'file': 'test', 'progress': True})
-        with mock.patch.object(self.gc.images, 'data') as mocked_data:
-            resp = test_utils.FakeResponse({}, six.StringIO('CCC'))
-            mocked_data.return_value = http.ResponseBodyIterator(resp)
-            test_shell.do_image_download(self.gc, args)
-            mocked_data.assert_called_once_with('pass')
-            utils.save_image.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, 'test')
-            self.assertIsInstance(
-                utils.save_image.call_args[0][0],
-                progressbar.VerboseIteratorWrapper
-            )
     def test_do_image_delete(self):
         args = self._make_args({'id': 'pass', 'file': 'test'})
         with mock.patch.object(self.gc.images, 'delete') as mocked_delete: