# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
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import copy
import json
import jsonpatch
import warlock.model as warlock

class SchemaBasedModel(warlock.Model):
    """Glance specific subclass of the warlock Model.

    This implementation alters the function of the patch property
    to take into account the schema's core properties. With this version
    undefined properties which are core will generated 'replace'
    operations rather than 'add' since this is what the Glance API

    def _make_custom_patch(self, new, original):
        if not self.get('tags'):
            tags_patch = []
            tags_patch = [{"path": "/tags",
                           "value": self.get('tags'),
                           "op": "replace"}]

        patch_string = jsonpatch.make_patch(original, new).to_string()
        patch = json.loads(patch_string)
        if not patch:
            return json.dumps(tags_patch)
            return json.dumps(patch + tags_patch)

    def patch(self):
        """Return a jsonpatch object representing the delta."""
        original = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__['__original__'])
        new = dict(self)
        if self.schema:
            for (name, prop) in self.schema['properties'].items():
                if (name not in original and name in new and
                        prop.get('is_base', True)):
                    original[name] = None

        original['tags'] = None
        new['tags'] = None
        return self._make_custom_patch(new, original)

class SchemaProperty(object):
    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
        self.name = name
        self.description = kwargs.get('description')
        self.is_base = kwargs.get('is_base', True)

def translate_schema_properties(schema_properties):
    """Parse the properties dictionary of a schema document.

    :returns: list of SchemaProperty objects
    properties = []
    for (name, prop) in schema_properties.items():
        properties.append(SchemaProperty(name, **prop))
    return properties

class Schema(object):
    def __init__(self, raw_schema):
        self._raw_schema = raw_schema
        self.name = raw_schema['name']
        raw_properties = raw_schema['properties']
        self.properties = translate_schema_properties(raw_properties)

    def is_core_property(self, property_name):
        """Check if a property with a given name is known to the schema.

        Determines if it is either a base property or a custom one
        registered in schema-image.json file

        :param property_name: name of the property
        :returns: True if the property is known, False otherwise
        return self._check_property(property_name, True)

    def is_base_property(self, property_name):
        """Checks if a property with a given name is a base property.

        :param property_name: name of the property
        :returns: True if the property is base, False otherwise
        return self._check_property(property_name, False)

    def _check_property(self, property_name, allow_non_base):
        for prop in self.properties:
            if property_name == prop.name:
                return prop.is_base or allow_non_base
        return False

    def raw(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self._raw_schema)

class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, http_client):
        self.http_client = http_client

    def get(self, schema_name):
        uri = '/v2/schemas/%s' % schema_name
        _, raw_schema = self.http_client.get(uri)
        return Schema(raw_schema)