- job: name: glanceclient-dsvm-functional parent: devstack-tox-functional description: | Devstack-based functional tests for glanceclient. These test glanceclient against Image API v2 only. required-projects: - openstack/python-glanceclient timeout: 4200 vars: devstack_localrc: LIBS_FROM_GIT: python-glanceclient devstack_services: # turn off ceilometer ceilometer-acentral: false ceilometer-acompute: false ceilometer-alarm-evaluator: false ceilometer-alarm-notifier: false ceilometer-anotification: false ceilometer-api: false ceilometer-collector: false # turn on swift s-account: true s-container: true s-object: true s-proxy: true # Hardcode glanceclient path so the job can be run on glance patches zuul_work_dir: src/opendev.org/openstack/python-glanceclient irrelevant-files: - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ - ^.*\.rst$ - ^(test-|)requirements.txt$ - ^setup.cfg$ - job: name: glanceclient-tox-keystone-tips-base parent: tox abstract: true description: Abstract job for glanceclient vs. keystone required-projects: - name: openstack/keystoneauth - job: name: glanceclient-tox-py3-keystone-tips parent: glanceclient-tox-keystone-tips-base description: | glanceclient py3 unit tests vs. keystone masters vars: tox_envlist: py3 - job: name: glanceclient-tox-oslo-tips-base parent: tox abstract: true description: Abstract job for glanceclient vs. oslo required-projects: - name: openstack/oslo.i18n - name: openstack/oslo.utils - job: name: glanceclient-tox-py3-oslo-tips parent: glanceclient-tox-oslo-tips-base description: | glanceclient py3 unit tests vs. oslo masters vars: tox_envlist: py3 - job: name: glanceclient-dsvm-functional-py3 parent: glanceclient-dsvm-functional vars: devstack_localrc: USE_PYTHON3: true - project: templates: - check-requirements - lib-forward-testing-python3 - openstack-cover-jobs - openstack-python3-yoga-jobs - publish-openstack-docs-pti - release-notes-jobs-python3 check: jobs: - glanceclient-dsvm-functional gate: jobs: - glanceclient-dsvm-functional periodic: jobs: # NOTE(rosmaita): we only want the "tips" jobs to be run against # master, hence the 'branches' qualifiers below. Without them, when # a stable branch is cut, the tests would be run against the stable # branch as well, which is pointless because these libraries are # frozen (more or less) in the stable branches. # # The "tips" jobs can be removed from the stable branch .zuul.yaml # files if someone is so inclined, but that would require manual # maintenance, so we do not do it by default. Another option is # to define these jobs in the openstack/project-config repo. # That would make us less agile in adjusting these tests, so we # aren't doing that either. - glanceclient-tox-py3-keystone-tips: branches: master - glanceclient-tox-py3-oslo-tips: branches: master experimental: jobs: - glanceclient-dsvm-functional-py3