[tox] envlist = py26,py27,py33,py34,pypy,pep8 minversion = 1.6 skipsdist = True [testenv] usedevelop = True install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages} setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} OS_STDOUT_NOCAPTURE=False OS_STDERR_NOCAPTURE=False PYTHONHASHSEED=0 deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt commands = python setup.py testr --testr-args='{posargs}' [testenv:pep8] commands = flake8 [testenv:venv] commands = {posargs} [testenv:functional] setenv = OS_TEST_PATH = ./glanceclient/tests/functional [testenv:cover] commands = python setup.py testr --coverage --testr-args='{posargs}' [testenv:docs] commands= python setup.py build_sphinx [tox:jenkins] downloadcache = ~/cache/pip [flake8] # H233 Python 3.x incompatible use of print operator # H302 import only modules # H303 no wildcard import # H404 multi line docstring should start with a summary # TODO(kragniz) fix these and remove from the ignore list # E265 block comment should start with '# ' # H405 multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line # E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line # H238 old style class declaration, use new style (inherit from `object`) # E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent ignore = F403,F812,F821,H233,H302,H303,H404,E265,H405,E123,H238,E128 show-source = True exclude = .venv,.tox,dist,*egg,build