# Copyright 2013 OpenStack LLC. # Copyright (C) 2013 Yahoo! Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 import argparse import os import tempfile import mock from glanceclient import exc from glanceclient import shell as openstack_shell #NOTE (esheffield) Used for the schema caching tests from glanceclient.v2 import schemas as schemas import json from tests import utils DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL = '' DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'username' DEFAULT_PASSWORD = 'password' DEFAULT_TENANT_ID = 'tenant_id' DEFAULT_TENANT_NAME = 'tenant_name' DEFAULT_AUTH_URL = '' DEFAULT_AUTH_TOKEN = ' 3bcc3d3a03f44e3d8377f9247b0ad155' TEST_SERVICE_URL = '' class ShellTest(utils.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(ShellTest, self).setUp() global _old_env fake_env = { 'OS_USERNAME': DEFAULT_USERNAME, 'OS_PASSWORD': DEFAULT_PASSWORD, 'OS_TENANT_NAME': DEFAULT_TENANT_NAME, 'OS_AUTH_URL': DEFAULT_AUTH_URL, 'OS_IMAGE_URL': DEFAULT_IMAGE_URL, 'OS_AUTH_TOKEN': DEFAULT_AUTH_TOKEN} _old_env, os.environ = os.environ, fake_env.copy() global shell, _shell, assert_called, assert_called_anytime _shell = openstack_shell.OpenStackImagesShell() shell = lambda cmd: _shell.main(cmd.split()) def tearDown(self): super(ShellTest, self).tearDown() global _old_env os.environ = _old_env def test_help_unknown_command(self): shell = openstack_shell.OpenStackImagesShell() argstr = 'help foofoo' self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, shell.main, argstr.split()) def test_help(self): shell = openstack_shell.OpenStackImagesShell() argstr = 'help' actual = shell.main(argstr.split()) self.assertEqual(0, actual) def test_help_on_subcommand_error(self): self.assertRaises(exc.CommandError, shell, 'help bad') def test_get_base_parser(self): test_shell = openstack_shell.OpenStackImagesShell() actual_parser = test_shell.get_base_parser() description = 'Command-line interface to the OpenStack Images API.' expected = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='glance', usage=None, description=description, version=None, conflict_handler='error', add_help=False, formatter_class=openstack_shell.HelpFormatter,) # NOTE(guochbo): Can't compare ArgumentParser instances directly # Convert ArgumentPaser to string first. self.assertEqual(str(expected), str(actual_parser)) def test_get_image_url_by_ipv6Addr_host(self): fake_args = lambda: None setattr(fake_args, 'os_image_url', None) setattr(fake_args, 'host', '2011:2013:1:f101::1') setattr(fake_args, 'use_ssl', True) setattr(fake_args, 'port', '9292') expected_image_url = 'https://[2011:2013:1:f101::1]:9292/' test_shell = openstack_shell.OpenStackImagesShell() targeted_image_url = test_shell._get_image_url(fake_args) self.assertEqual(expected_image_url, targeted_image_url) class ShellCacheSchemaTest(utils.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(ShellCacheSchemaTest, self).setUp() self.shell = openstack_shell.OpenStackImagesShell() self._mock_client_setup() def _mock_client_setup(self): self.schema_dict = { 'name': 'image', 'properties': { 'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name of image'}, }, } self.client = mock.Mock() self.client.schemas.get.return_value = schemas.Schema(self.schema_dict) def _make_args(self, args): class Args(): def __init__(self, entries): self.__dict__.update(entries) return Args(args) def _write_file(self, path, text): with file(path, 'w') as f: f.write(text) def _read_file(self, path): with file(path, 'r') as f: text = f.read() return text def test_cache_schema_gets_when_not_exists(self): cache_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() cache_file = cache_dir + '/image_schema.json' if os.path.exists(cache_file): os.remove(cache_file) options = { 'get_schema': False } with mock.patch.object(self.shell, '_get_versioned_client')\ as mocked_get_client: mocked_get_client.return_value = self.client self.shell._cache_schema(self._make_args(options), home_dir=cache_dir) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cache_file)) def test_cache_schema_gets_when_forced(self): cache_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() cache_file = cache_dir + '/image_schema.json' dummy_schema = 'my dummy schema' self._write_file(cache_file, dummy_schema) options = { 'get_schema': True } with mock.patch.object(self.shell, '_get_versioned_client') \ as mocked_get_client: mocked_get_client.return_value = self.client self.shell._cache_schema(self._make_args(options), home_dir=cache_dir) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cache_file)) text = self._read_file(cache_file) self.assertEqual(text, json.dumps(self.schema_dict)) def test_cache_schema_leaves_when_present_not_forced(self): cache_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() cache_file = cache_dir + '/image_schema.json' dummy_schema = 'my dummy schema' self._write_file(cache_file, dummy_schema) options = { 'get_schema': False } with mock.patch.object(self.shell, '_get_versioned_client') \ as mocked_get_client: mocked_get_client.return_value = self.client self.shell._cache_schema(self._make_args(options), home_dir=cache_dir) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(cache_file)) text = self._read_file(cache_file) self.assertEqual(text, dummy_schema)