
509 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack, LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
DEPRECATED functions that implement the same command line interface as the
legacy glance client.
import argparse
import sys
import urlparse
from glanceclient.common import utils
def get_image_fields_from_args(args):
Validate the set of arguments passed as field name/value pairs
and return them as a mapping.
fields = {}
for arg in args:
pieces = arg.strip(',').split('=')
if len(pieces) != 2:
msg = ("Arguments should be in the form of field=value. "
"You specified %s." % arg)
raise RuntimeError(msg)
fields[pieces[0]] = pieces[1]
return fields
def get_image_filters_from_args(args):
"""Build a dictionary of query filters based on the supplied args."""
fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args)
except RuntimeError as e:
print e
return FAILURE
SUPPORTED_FILTERS = ['name', 'disk_format', 'container_format', 'status',
'min_ram', 'min_disk', 'size_min', 'size_max',
filters = {}
for (key, value) in fields.items():
if key not in SUPPORTED_FILTERS:
key = 'property-%s' % (key,)
filters[key] = value
return filters
def print_image_formatted(client, image):
Formatted print of image metadata.
:param client: The Glance client object
:param image: The image metadata
uri_parts = urlparse.urlparse(client.endpoint)
if uri_parts.port:
hostbase = "%s:%s" % (uri_parts.hostname, uri_parts.port)
hostbase = uri_parts.hostname
print "URI: %s://%s/v1/images/%s" % (uri_parts.scheme, hostbase,
print "Id: %s" %
print "Public: " + (image.is_public and "Yes" or "No")
print "Protected: " + (image.protected and "Yes" or "No")
print "Name: %s" % getattr(image, 'name', '')
print "Status: %s" % image.status
print "Size: %d" % int(image.size)
print "Disk format: %s" % getattr(image, 'disk_format', '')
print "Container format: %s" % getattr(image, 'container_format', '')
print "Minimum Ram Required (MB): %s" % image.min_ram
print "Minimum Disk Required (GB): %s" % image.min_disk
if hasattr(image, 'owner'):
print "Owner: %s" % image.owner
if len( > 0:
for k, v in
print "Property '%s': %s" % (k, v)
print "Created at: %s" % image.created_at
if hasattr(image, 'deleted_at'):
print "Deleted at: %s" % image.deleted_at
if hasattr(image, 'updated_at'):
print "Updated at: %s" % image.updated_at
@utils.arg('--silent-upload', action="store_true",
help="DEPRECATED! Animations are always off.")
@utils.arg('fields', default=[], nargs='*', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
def do_add(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use image-create instead."""
fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args.fields)
except RuntimeError as e:
print e
return FAILURE
image_meta = {
'is_public': utils.string_to_bool(
fields.pop('is_public', 'False')),
'protected': utils.string_to_bool(
fields.pop('protected', 'False')),
'min_disk': fields.pop('min_disk', 0),
'min_ram': fields.pop('min_ram', 0),
#NOTE(bcwaldon): Use certain properties only if they are explicitly set
optional = ['id', 'name', 'disk_format', 'container_format']
for field in optional:
if field in fields:
image_meta[field] = fields.pop(field)
# Strip any args that are not supported
unsupported_fields = ['status', 'size']
for field in unsupported_fields:
if field in fields.keys():
print 'Found non-settable field %s. Removing.' % field
# We need either a location or image data/stream to add...
image_data = None
if 'location' in fields.keys():
image_meta['location'] = fields.pop('location')
if 'checksum' in fields.keys():
image_meta['checksum'] = fields.pop('checksum')
elif 'copy_from' in fields.keys():
image_meta['copy_from'] = fields.pop('copy_from')
# Grab the image data stream from stdin or redirect,
# otherwise error out
image_data = sys.stdin
image_meta['data'] = image_data
# allow owner to be set when image is created
if 'owner' in fields.keys():
image_meta['owner'] = fields.pop('owner')
# Add custom attributes, which are all the arguments remaining
image_meta['properties'] = fields
if not args.dry_run:
image = gc.images.create(**image_meta)
print "Added new image with ID: %s" %
if args.verbose:
print "Returned the following metadata for the new image:"
for k, v in sorted(image.to_dict().items()):
print " %(k)30s => %(v)s" % locals()
print "Dry run. We would have done the following:"
def _dump(dict):
for k, v in sorted(dict.items()):
print " %(k)30s => %(v)s" % locals()
print "Add new image with metadata:"
return SUCCESS
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', help='ID of image to describe.')
@utils.arg('fields', default=[], nargs='*', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
def do_update(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use image-update instead."""
fields = get_image_fields_from_args(args.fields)
except RuntimeError as e:
print e
return FAILURE
image_meta = {}
# Strip any args that are not supported
nonmodifiable_fields = ['created_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted',
'updated_at', 'size', 'status']
for field in nonmodifiable_fields:
if field in fields.keys():
print 'Found non-modifiable field %s. Removing.' % field
base_image_fields = ['disk_format', 'container_format', 'name',
'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'location', 'owner',
for field in base_image_fields:
fvalue = fields.pop(field, None)
if fvalue is not None:
image_meta[field] = fvalue
# Have to handle "boolean" values specially...
if 'is_public' in fields:
image_meta['is_public'] = utils.string_to_bool(fields.pop('is_public'))
if 'protected' in fields:
image_meta['protected'] = utils.string_to_bool(fields.pop('protected'))
# Add custom attributes, which are all the arguments remaining
image_meta['properties'] = fields
if not args.dry_run:
image = gc.images.update(, **image_meta)
print "Updated image %s" %
if args.verbose:
print "Updated image metadata for image %s:" %
print_image_formatted(gc, image)
def _dump(dict):
for k, v in sorted(dict.items()):
print " %(k)30s => %(v)s" % locals()
print "Dry run. We would have done the following:"
print "Update existing image with metadata:"
return SUCCESS
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', help='ID of image to describe.')
def do_delete(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use image-delete instead."""
if not (args.force or
user_confirm("Delete image %s?" %, default=False)):
print 'Not deleting image %s' %
return FAILURE
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', help='ID of image to describe.')
def do_show(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use image-show instead."""
image = gc.images.get(
print_image_formatted(gc, image)
return SUCCESS
def _get_images(gc, args):
parameters = {
'filters': get_image_filters_from_args(args.filters),
'page_size': args.limit,
optional_kwargs = ['marker', 'sort_key', 'sort_dir']
for kwarg in optional_kwargs:
value = getattr(args, kwarg, None)
if value is not None:
parameters[kwarg] = value
return gc.images.list(**parameters)
@utils.arg('--limit', dest="limit", metavar="LIMIT", default=10,
type=int, help="Page size to use while requesting image metadata")
@utils.arg('--marker', dest="marker", metavar="MARKER",
default=None, help="Image index after which to begin pagination")
@utils.arg('--sort_key', dest="sort_key", metavar="KEY",
help="Sort results by this image attribute.")
@utils.arg('--sort_dir', dest="sort_dir", metavar="[desc|asc]",
help="Sort results in this direction.")
@utils.arg('filters', default=[], nargs='*', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
def do_index(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use image-list instead."""
images = _get_images(gc, args)
if not images:
return SUCCESS
pretty_table = PrettyTable()
pretty_table.add_column(36, label="ID")
pretty_table.add_column(30, label="Name")
pretty_table.add_column(20, label="Disk Format")
pretty_table.add_column(20, label="Container Format")
pretty_table.add_column(14, label="Size", just="r")
print pretty_table.make_header()
for image in images:
print pretty_table.make_row(,,
@utils.arg('--limit', dest="limit", metavar="LIMIT", default=10,
type=int, help="Page size to use while requesting image metadata")
@utils.arg('--marker', dest="marker", metavar="MARKER",
default=None, help="Image index after which to begin pagination")
@utils.arg('--sort_key', dest="sort_key", metavar="KEY",
help="Sort results by this image attribute.")
@utils.arg('--sort_dir', dest="sort_dir", metavar="[desc|asc]",
help="Sort results in this direction.")
@utils.arg('filters', default='', nargs='*', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
def do_details(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use image-list instead."""
images = _get_images(gc, args)
for i, image in enumerate(images):
if i == 0:
print "=" * 80
print_image_formatted(gc, image)
print "=" * 80
def do_clear(gc, args):
if not (args.force or
user_confirm("Delete all images?", default=False)):
print 'Not deleting any images'
return FAILURE
images = gc.images.list()
for image in images:
if args.verbose:
print 'Deleting image %s "%s" ...' % (,,
if args.verbose:
print 'done'
except Exception as e:
print 'Failed to delete image %s' %
print e
return FAILURE
return SUCCESS
@utils.arg('image_id', help='Image ID to filters members with.')
def do_image_members(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use member-list instead."""
members = gc.image_members.list(image=args.image_id)
sharers = 0
# Output the list of members
for memb in members:
can_share = ''
if memb.can_share:
can_share = ' *'
sharers += 1
print "%s%s" % (memb.member_id, can_share)
# Emit a footnote
if sharers > 0:
print "\n(*: Can share image)"
@utils.arg('--can-share', default=False, action="store_true",
help="Allow member to further share image.")
help='ID of member (typically tenant) to grant access.')
def do_member_images(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use member-list instead."""
members = gc.image_members.list(member=args.member_id)
if not len(members):
print "No images shared with member %s" % args.member_id
return SUCCESS
sharers = 0
# Output the list of images
for memb in members:
can_share = ''
if memb.can_share:
can_share = ' *'
sharers += 1
print "%s%s" % (memb.image_id, can_share)
# Emit a footnote
if sharers > 0:
print "\n(*: Can share image)"
@utils.arg('--can-share', default=False, action="store_true",
help="Allow member to further share image.")
@utils.arg('image_id', help='ID of image to describe.')
help='ID of member (typically tenant) to grant access.')
def do_members_replace(gc, args):
if not args.dry_run:
for member in gc.image_members.list(image=args.image_id):
gc.image_members.delete(args.image_id, member.member_id)
gc.image_members.create(args.image_id, args.member_id, args.can_share)
print "Dry run. We would have done the following:"
print ('Replace members of image %s with "%s"'
% (args.image_id, args.member_id))
if args.can_share:
print "New member would have been able to further share image."
@utils.arg('--can-share', default=False, action="store_true",
help="Allow member to further share image.")
@utils.arg('image_id', help='ID of image to describe.')
help='ID of member (typically tenant) to grant access.')
def do_member_add(gc, args):
"""DEPRECATED! Use member-create instead."""
if not args.dry_run:
gc.image_members.create(args.image_id, args.member_id, args.can_share)
print "Dry run. We would have done the following:"
print ('Add "%s" to membership of image %s' %
(args.member_id, args.image_id))
if args.can_share:
print "New member would have been able to further share image."
def user_confirm(prompt, default=False):
Yes/No question dialog with user.
:param prompt: question/statement to present to user (string)
:param default: boolean value to return if empty string
is received as response to prompt
if default:
prompt_default = "[Y/n]"
prompt_default = "[y/N]"
# for bug 884116, don't issue the prompt if stdin isn't a tty
if not (hasattr(sys.stdin, 'isatty') and sys.stdin.isatty()):
return default
answer = raw_input("%s %s " % (prompt, prompt_default))
if answer == "":
return default
return answer.lower() in ("yes", "y")
class PrettyTable(object):
"""Creates an ASCII art table
ID Name Size Hits
--- ----------------- ------------ -----
122 image 22 0
def __init__(self):
self.columns = []
def add_column(self, width, label="", just='l'):
"""Add a column to the table
:param width: number of characters wide the column should be
:param label: column heading
:param just: justification for the column, 'l' for left,
'r' for right
self.columns.append((width, label, just))
def make_header(self):
label_parts = []
break_parts = []
for width, label, _ in self.columns:
# NOTE(sirp): headers are always left justified
label_part = self._clip_and_justify(label, width, 'l')
break_part = '-' * width
label_line = ' '.join(label_parts)
break_line = ' '.join(break_parts)
return '\n'.join([label_line, break_line])
def make_row(self, *args):
row = args
row_parts = []
for data, (width, _, just) in zip(row, self.columns):
row_part = self._clip_and_justify(data, width, just)
row_line = ' '.join(row_parts)
return row_line
def _clip_and_justify(data, width, just):
# clip field to column width
clipped_data = str(data)[:width]
if just == 'r':
# right justify
justified = clipped_data.rjust(width)
# left justify
justified = clipped_data.ljust(width)
return justified