Cindy Pallares 997c12d3ab Import only modules and update tox.ini
As stated in the OpenStack Hacking Guidelines, it is prefered
that only modules should be imported.

Also updated tox.ini to ignore opestack/common among others.

Change-Id: I2f0a603c31052eadee581c11880c0ec6bd392829
2015-06-17 10:56:37 -05:00

840 lines
34 KiB

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from glanceclient.common import progressbar
from glanceclient.common import utils
from glanceclient import exc
from glanceclient.v2 import image_members
from glanceclient.v2 import images
from glanceclient.v2 import tasks
import json
import os
def get_image_schema():
if IMAGE_SCHEMA is None:
schema_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.glanceclient/image_schema.json")
if os.path.isfile(schema_path):
with open(schema_path, "r") as f:
schema_raw =
IMAGE_SCHEMA = json.loads(schema_raw)
@utils.schema_args(get_image_schema, omit=['created_at', 'updated_at', 'file',
'checksum', 'virtual_size', 'size',
'status', 'schema', 'direct_url',
@utils.arg('--property', metavar="<key=value>", action='append',
default=[], help=('Arbitrary property to associate with image.'
' May be used multiple times.'))
@utils.arg('--file', metavar='<FILE>',
help='Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded '
'during creation. Must be present if images are not passed '
'to the client via stdin.')
@utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Show upload progress bar.')
def do_image_create(gc, args):
"""Create a new image."""
schema = gc.schemas.get("image")
_args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()]
fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and
(x[0] == 'property' or
raw_properties = fields.pop('property', [])
for datum in raw_properties:
key, value = datum.split('=', 1)
fields[key] = value
file_name = fields.pop('file', None)
if file_name is not None and os.access(file_name, os.R_OK) is False:
utils.exit("File %s does not exist or user does not have read "
"privileges to it" % file_name)
image = gc.images.create(**fields)
if utils.get_data_file(args) is not None: = image['id']
args.size = None
do_image_upload(gc, args)
image = gc.images.get(
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', help='ID of image to update.')
@utils.schema_args(get_image_schema, omit=['id', 'locations', 'created_at',
'updated_at', 'file', 'checksum',
'virtual_size', 'size', 'status',
'schema', 'direct_url', 'tags'])
@utils.arg('--property', metavar="<key=value>", action='append',
default=[], help=('Arbitrary property to associate with image.'
' May be used multiple times.'))
@utils.arg('--remove-property', metavar="key", action='append', default=[],
help="Name of arbitrary property to remove from the image.")
def do_image_update(gc, args):
"""Update an existing image."""
schema = gc.schemas.get("image")
_args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()]
fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and
(x[0] in ['property', 'remove_property'] or
raw_properties = fields.pop('property', [])
for datum in raw_properties:
key, value = datum.split('=', 1)
fields[key] = value
remove_properties = fields.pop('remove_property', None)
image_id = fields.pop('id')
image = gc.images.update(image_id, remove_properties, **fields)
@utils.arg('--limit', metavar='<LIMIT>', default=None, type=int,
help='Maximum number of images to get.')
@utils.arg('--page-size', metavar='<SIZE>', default=None, type=int,
help='Number of images to request in each paginated request.')
@utils.arg('--visibility', metavar='<VISIBILITY>',
help='The visibility of the images to display.')
@utils.arg('--member-status', metavar='<MEMBER_STATUS>',
help='The status of images to display.')
@utils.arg('--owner', metavar='<OWNER>',
help='Display images owned by <OWNER>.')
@utils.arg('--property-filter', metavar='<KEY=VALUE>',
help="Filter images by a user-defined image property.",
action='append', dest='properties', default=[])
@utils.arg('--checksum', metavar='<CHECKSUM>',
help='Displays images that match the checksum.')
@utils.arg('--tag', metavar='<TAG>', action='append',
help="Filter images by a user-defined tag.")
@utils.arg('--sort-key', default=[], action='append',
help='Sort image list by specified fields.')
@utils.arg('--sort-dir', default=[], action='append',
help='Sort image list in specified directions.')
@utils.arg('--sort', metavar='<key>[:<direction>]', default=None,
help=(("Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions in the "
"form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: %s. OPTIONAL: "
"Default='name:asc'.") % ', '.join(images.SORT_KEY_VALUES)))
def do_image_list(gc, args):
"""List images you can access."""
filter_keys = ['visibility', 'member_status', 'owner', 'checksum', 'tag']
filter_items = [(key, getattr(args, key)) for key in filter_keys]
filter_properties = [prop.split('=', 1) for prop in]
if any(len(pair) != 2 for pair in filter_properties):
utils.exit('Argument --property-filter expected properties in the'
' format KEY=VALUE')
filter_items += filter_properties
filters = dict([item for item in filter_items if item[1] is not None])
kwargs = {'filters': filters}
if args.limit is not None:
kwargs['limit'] = args.limit
if args.page_size is not None:
kwargs['page_size'] = args.page_size
if args.sort_key:
kwargs['sort_key'] = args.sort_key
if args.sort_dir:
kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir
if args.sort is not None:
kwargs['sort'] = args.sort
elif not args.sort_dir and not args.sort_key:
kwargs['sort'] = 'name:asc'
columns = ['ID', 'Name']
if args.verbose:
columns += ['owner', 'status']
images = gc.images.list(**kwargs)
utils.print_list(images, columns)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', help='ID of image to describe.')
@utils.arg('--human-readable', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Print image size in a human-friendly format.')
@utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80,
help='The max column width of the printed table.')
def do_image_show(gc, args):
"""Describe a specific image."""
image = gc.images.get(
utils.print_image(image, args.human_readable, int(args.max_column_width))
@utils.arg('--image-id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', required=True,
help='Image to display members of.')
def do_member_list(gc, args):
"""Describe sharing permissions by image."""
members = gc.image_members.list(args.image_id)
columns = ['Image ID', 'Member ID', 'Status']
utils.print_list(members, columns)
@utils.arg('image_id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>',
help='Image from which to remove member.')
@utils.arg('member_id', metavar='<MEMBER_ID>',
help='Tenant to remove as member.')
def do_member_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete image member."""
if not (args.image_id and args.member_id):
utils.exit('Unable to delete member. Specify image_id and member_id')
gc.image_members.delete(args.image_id, args.member_id)
@utils.arg('image_id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>',
help='Image from which to update member.')
@utils.arg('member_id', metavar='<MEMBER_ID>',
help='Tenant to update.')
@utils.arg('member_status', metavar='<MEMBER_STATUS>',
help='Updated status of member.'
' Valid Values: %s' %
', '.join(str(val) for val in MEMBER_STATUS_VALUES))
def do_member_update(gc, args):
"""Update the status of a member for a given image."""
if not (args.image_id and args.member_id and args.member_status):
utils.exit('Unable to update member. Specify image_id, member_id and'
' member_status')
member = gc.image_members.update(args.image_id, args.member_id,
member = [member]
columns = ['Image ID', 'Member ID', 'Status']
utils.print_list(member, columns)
@utils.arg('image_id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>',
help='Image with which to create member.')
@utils.arg('member_id', metavar='<MEMBER_ID>',
help='Tenant to add as member.')
def do_member_create(gc, args):
"""Create member for a given image."""
if not (args.image_id and args.member_id):
utils.exit('Unable to create member. Specify image_id and member_id')
member = gc.image_members.create(args.image_id, args.member_id)
member = [member]
columns = ['Image ID', 'Member ID', 'Status']
utils.print_list(member, columns)
@utils.arg('model', metavar='<MODEL>', help='Name of model to describe.')
def do_explain(gc, args):
"""Describe a specific model."""
schema = gc.schemas.get(args.model)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
utils.exit('Unable to find requested model \'%s\'' % args.model)
formatters = {'Attribute': lambda m:}
columns = ['Attribute', 'Description']
utils.print_list(, columns, formatters)
@utils.arg('--file', metavar='<FILE>',
help='Local file to save downloaded image data to. '
'If this is not specified and there is no redirection '
'the image data will be not be saved.')
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', help='ID of image to download.')
@utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Show download progress bar.')
def do_image_download(gc, args):
"""Download a specific image."""
body =
if args.progress:
body = progressbar.VerboseIteratorWrapper(body, len(body))
if not (sys.stdout.isatty() and args.file is None):
utils.save_image(body, args.file)
msg = ('No redirection or local file specified for downloaded image '
'data. Please specify a local file with --file to save '
'downloaded image or redirect output to another source.')
@utils.arg('--file', metavar='<FILE>',
help=('Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded.'
' Alternatively, images can be passed'
' to the client via stdin.'))
@utils.arg('--size', metavar='<IMAGE_SIZE>', type=int,
help='Size in bytes of image to be uploaded. Default is to get '
'size from provided data object but this is supported in case '
'where size cannot be inferred.',
@utils.arg('--progress', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Show upload progress bar.')
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>',
help='ID of image to upload data to.')
def do_image_upload(gc, args):
"""Upload data for a specific image."""
image_data = utils.get_data_file(args)
if args.progress:
filesize = utils.get_file_size(image_data)
if filesize is not None:
# NOTE(kragniz): do not show a progress bar if the size of the
# input is unknown (most likely a piped input)
image_data = progressbar.VerboseFileWrapper(image_data, filesize)
gc.images.upload(, image_data, args.size)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>', help='ID of image to delete.')
def do_image_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete specified image."""
image = gc.images.get(
if image and image.status == "deleted":
msg = "No image with an ID of '%s' exists." %
@utils.arg('image_id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>',
help='Image to be updated with the given tag.')
@utils.arg('tag_value', metavar='<TAG_VALUE>',
help='Value of the tag.')
def do_image_tag_update(gc, args):
"""Update an image with the given tag."""
if not (args.image_id and args.tag_value):
utils.exit('Unable to update tag. Specify image_id and tag_value')
gc.image_tags.update(args.image_id, args.tag_value)
image = gc.images.get(args.image_id)
image = [image]
columns = ['ID', 'Tags']
utils.print_list(image, columns)
@utils.arg('image_id', metavar='<IMAGE_ID>',
help='ID of the image from which to delete tag.')
@utils.arg('tag_value', metavar='<TAG_VALUE>',
help='Value of the tag.')
def do_image_tag_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete the tag associated with the given image."""
if not (args.image_id and args.tag_value):
utils.exit('Unable to delete tag. Specify image_id and tag_value')
gc.image_tags.delete(args.image_id, args.tag_value)
@utils.arg('--url', metavar='<URL>', required=True,
help='URL of location to add.')
@utils.arg('--metadata', metavar='<STRING>', default='{}',
help=('Metadata associated with the location. '
'Must be a valid JSON object (default: %(default)s)'))
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<ID>',
help='ID of image to which the location is to be added.')
def do_location_add(gc, args):
"""Add a location (and related metadata) to an image."""
metadata = json.loads(args.metadata)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Metadata is not a valid JSON object.')
image = gc.images.add_location(, args.url, metadata)
@utils.arg('--url', metavar='<URL>', action='append', required=True,
help='URL of location to remove. May be used multiple times.')
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<ID>',
help='ID of image whose locations are to be removed.')
def do_location_delete(gc, args):
"""Remove locations (and related metadata) from an image."""
gc.images.delete_locations(, set(args.url))
@utils.arg('--url', metavar='<URL>', required=True,
help='URL of location to update.')
@utils.arg('--metadata', metavar='<STRING>', default='{}',
help=('Metadata associated with the location. '
'Must be a valid JSON object (default: %(default)s)'))
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<ID>',
help='ID of image whose location is to be updated.')
def do_location_update(gc, args):
"""Update metadata of an image's location."""
metadata = json.loads(args.metadata)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Metadata is not a valid JSON object.')
image = gc.images.update_location(, args.url, metadata)
# Metadata - catalog
def get_namespace_schema():
schema_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.glanceclient/"
if os.path.isfile(schema_path):
with open(schema_path, "r") as f:
schema_raw =
NAMESPACE_SCHEMA = json.loads(schema_raw)
def _namespace_show(namespace, max_column_width=None):
namespace = dict(namespace) # Warlock objects are compatible with dicts
# Flatten dicts for display
if 'properties' in namespace:
props = [k for k in namespace['properties']]
namespace['properties'] = props
if 'resource_type_associations' in namespace:
assocs = [assoc['name']
for assoc in namespace['resource_type_associations']]
namespace['resource_type_associations'] = assocs
if 'objects' in namespace:
objects = [obj['name'] for obj in namespace['objects']]
namespace['objects'] = objects
if max_column_width:
utils.print_dict(namespace, max_column_width)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of the namespace.')
@utils.schema_args(get_namespace_schema, omit=['namespace', 'property_count',
'properties', 'tag_count',
'tags', 'object_count',
'objects', 'resource_types'])
def do_md_namespace_create(gc, args):
"""Create a new metadata definitions namespace."""
schema = gc.schemas.get('metadefs/namespace')
_args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()]
fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and
namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.create(**fields)
@utils.arg('--file', metavar='<FILEPATH>',
help='Path to file with namespace schema to import. Alternatively, '
'namespaces schema can be passed to the client via stdin.')
def do_md_namespace_import(gc, args):
"""Import a metadata definitions namespace from file or standard input."""
namespace_data = utils.get_data_file(args)
if not namespace_data:
utils.exit('No metadata definition namespace passed via stdin or '
'--file argument.')
namespace_json = json.load(namespace_data)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.')
namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.create(**namespace_json)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace to update.')
@utils.schema_args(get_namespace_schema, omit=['property_count', 'properties',
'tag_count', 'tags',
'object_count', 'objects',
def do_md_namespace_update(gc, args):
"""Update an existing metadata definitions namespace."""
schema = gc.schemas.get('metadefs/namespace')
_args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()]
fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and
namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.update(, **fields)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace to describe.')
@utils.arg('--resource-type', metavar='<RESOURCE_TYPE>',
help='Applies prefix of given resource type associated to a '
'namespace to all properties of a namespace.', default=None)
@utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80,
help='The max column width of the printed table.')
def do_md_namespace_show(gc, args):
"""Describe a specific metadata definitions namespace.
Lists also the namespace properties, objects and resource type
kwargs = {}
if args.resource_type:
kwargs['resource_type'] = args.resource_type
namespace = gc.metadefs_namespace.get(args.namespace, **kwargs)
_namespace_show(namespace, int(args.max_column_width))
@utils.arg('--resource-types', metavar='<RESOURCE_TYPES>', action='append',
help='Resource type to filter namespaces.')
@utils.arg('--visibility', metavar='<VISIBILITY>',
help='Visibility parameter to filter namespaces.')
@utils.arg('--page-size', metavar='<SIZE>', default=None, type=int,
help='Number of namespaces to request in each paginated request.')
def do_md_namespace_list(gc, args):
"""List metadata definitions namespaces."""
filter_keys = ['resource_types', 'visibility']
filter_items = [(key, getattr(args, key, None)) for key in filter_keys]
filters = dict([item for item in filter_items if item[1] is not None])
kwargs = {'filters': filters}
if args.page_size is not None:
kwargs['page_size'] = args.page_size
namespaces = gc.metadefs_namespace.list(**kwargs)
columns = ['namespace']
utils.print_list(namespaces, columns)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace to delete.')
def do_md_namespace_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete specified metadata definitions namespace with its contents."""
# Metadata - catalog
def get_resource_type_schema():
schema_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.glanceclient/"
if os.path.isfile(schema_path):
with open(schema_path, "r") as f:
schema_raw =
RESOURCE_TYPE_SCHEMA = json.loads(schema_raw)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace.')
def do_md_resource_type_associate(gc, args):
"""Associate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace."""
schema = gc.schemas.get('metadefs/resource_type')
_args = [(x[0].replace('-', '_'), x[1]) for x in vars(args).items()]
fields = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None and
resource_type = gc.metadefs_resource_type.associate(args.namespace,
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace.')
@utils.arg('resource_type', metavar='<RESOURCE_TYPE>',
help='Name of resource type.')
def do_md_resource_type_deassociate(gc, args):
"""Deassociate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace."""
gc.metadefs_resource_type.deassociate(args.namespace, args.resource_type)
def do_md_resource_type_list(gc, args):
"""List available resource type names."""
resource_types = gc.metadefs_resource_type.list()
utils.print_list(resource_types, ['name'])
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace.')
def do_md_namespace_resource_type_list(gc, args):
"""List resource types associated to specific namespace."""
resource_types = gc.metadefs_resource_type.get(args.namespace)
utils.print_list(resource_types, ['name', 'prefix', 'properties_target'])
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the property will belong.')
@utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', required=True,
help='Internal name of a property.')
@utils.arg('--title', metavar='<TITLE>', required=True,
help='Property name displayed to the user.')
@utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', required=True,
help='Valid JSON schema of a property.')
def do_md_property_create(gc, args):
"""Create a new metadata definitions property inside a namespace."""
schema = json.loads(args.schema)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.')
fields = {'name':, 'title': args.title}
new_property = gc.metadefs_property.create(args.namespace, **fields)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the property belongs.')
@utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help='Name of a property.')
@utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', default=None,
help='New name of a property.')
@utils.arg('--title', metavar='<TITLE>', default=None,
help='Property name displayed to the user.')
@utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', default=None,
help='Valid JSON schema of a property.')
def do_md_property_update(gc, args):
"""Update metadata definitions property inside a namespace."""
fields = {}
fields['name'] =
if args.title:
fields['title'] = args.title
if args.schema:
schema = json.loads(args.schema)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.')
new_property = gc.metadefs_property.update(args.namespace,,
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the property belongs.')
@utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help='Name of a property.')
@utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80,
help='The max column width of the printed table.')
def do_md_property_show(gc, args):
"""Describe a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace."""
prop = gc.metadefs_property.get(args.namespace,
utils.print_dict(prop, int(args.max_column_width))
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the property belongs.')
@utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help='Name of a property.')
def do_md_property_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace."""
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace.')
def do_md_namespace_properties_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete all metadata definitions property inside a specific namespace."""
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace.')
def do_md_property_list(gc, args):
"""List metadata definitions properties inside a specific namespace."""
properties = gc.metadefs_property.list(args.namespace)
columns = ['name', 'title', 'type']
utils.print_list(properties, columns)
def _object_show(obj, max_column_width=None):
obj = dict(obj) # Warlock objects are compatible with dicts
# Flatten dicts for display
if 'properties' in obj:
objects = [k for k in obj['properties']]
obj['properties'] = objects
if max_column_width:
utils.print_dict(obj, max_column_width)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the object will belong.')
@utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', required=True,
help='Internal name of an object.')
@utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', required=True,
help='Valid JSON schema of an object.')
def do_md_object_create(gc, args):
"""Create a new metadata definitions object inside a namespace."""
schema = json.loads(args.schema)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.')
fields = {'name':}
new_object = gc.metadefs_object.create(args.namespace, **fields)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the object belongs.')
@utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help='Name of an object.')
@utils.arg('--name', metavar='<NAME>', default=None,
help='New name of an object.')
@utils.arg('--schema', metavar='<SCHEMA>', default=None,
help='Valid JSON schema of an object.')
def do_md_object_update(gc, args):
"""Update metadata definitions object inside a namespace."""
fields = {}
fields['name'] =
if args.schema:
schema = json.loads(args.schema)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Schema is not a valid JSON object.')
new_object = gc.metadefs_object.update(args.namespace, args.object,
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the object belongs.')
@utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help='Name of an object.')
@utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80,
help='The max column width of the printed table.')
def do_md_object_show(gc, args):
"""Describe a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace."""
obj = gc.metadefs_object.get(args.namespace, args.object)
_object_show(obj, int(args.max_column_width))
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the object belongs.')
@utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help='Name of an object.')
@utils.arg('property', metavar='<PROPERTY>', help='Name of a property.')
@utils.arg('--max-column-width', metavar='<integer>', default=80,
help='The max column width of the printed table.')
def do_md_object_property_show(gc, args):
"""Describe a specific metadata definitions property inside an object."""
obj = gc.metadefs_object.get(args.namespace, args.object)
prop = obj['properties'][]
prop['name'] =
except KeyError:
utils.exit('Property %s not found in object %s.' % (,
utils.print_dict(prop, int(args.max_column_width))
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>',
help='Name of namespace the object belongs.')
@utils.arg('object', metavar='<OBJECT>', help='Name of an object.')
def do_md_object_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace."""
gc.metadefs_object.delete(args.namespace, args.object)
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace.')
def do_md_namespace_objects_delete(gc, args):
"""Delete all metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace."""
@utils.arg('namespace', metavar='<NAMESPACE>', help='Name of namespace.')
def do_md_object_list(gc, args):
"""List metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace."""
objects = gc.metadefs_object.list(args.namespace)
columns = ['name', 'description']
column_settings = {
"description": {
"max_width": 50,
"align": "l"
utils.print_list(objects, columns, field_settings=column_settings)
@utils.arg('--sort-key', default='status',
help='Sort task list by specified field.')
@utils.arg('--sort-dir', default='desc',
help='Sort task list in specified direction.')
@utils.arg('--page-size', metavar='<SIZE>', default=None, type=int,
help='Number of tasks to request in each paginated request.')
@utils.arg('--type', metavar='<TYPE>',
help='Filter tasks to those that have this type.')
@utils.arg('--status', metavar='<STATUS>',
help='Filter tasks to those that have this status.')
def do_task_list(gc, args):
"""List tasks you can access."""
filter_keys = ['type', 'status']
filter_items = [(key, getattr(args, key)) for key in filter_keys]
filters = dict([item for item in filter_items if item[1] is not None])
kwargs = {'filters': filters}
if args.page_size is not None:
kwargs['page_size'] = args.page_size
kwargs['sort_key'] = args.sort_key
kwargs['sort_dir'] = args.sort_dir
tasks = gc.tasks.list(**kwargs)
columns = ['ID', 'Type', 'Status', 'Owner']
utils.print_list(tasks, columns)
@utils.arg('id', metavar='<TASK_ID>', help='ID of task to describe.')
def do_task_show(gc, args):
"""Describe a specific task."""
task = gc.tasks.get(
ignore = ['self', 'schema']
task = dict([item for item in task.iteritems() if item[0] not in ignore])
@utils.arg('--type', metavar='<TYPE>',
help='Type of Task. Please refer to Glance schema or documentation'
' to see which tasks are supported.')
@utils.arg('--input', metavar='<STRING>', default='{}',
help='Parameters of the task to be launched')
def do_task_create(gc, args):
"""Create a new task."""
if not (args.type and args.input):
utils.exit('Unable to create task. Specify task type and input.')
input = json.loads(args.input)
except ValueError:
utils.exit('Failed to parse the "input" parameter. Must be a '
'valid JSON object.')
task_values = {'type': args.type, 'input': input}
task = gc.tasks.create(**task_values)
ignore = ['self', 'schema']
task = dict([item for item in task.iteritems()
if item[0] not in ignore])