Nikhil Komawar 26280ed58b Add release notes for 0.17.0
$ git log 0.16.1..HEAD --no-merges --oneline

db5d729 Updated help for v2 member-update api
3f3066b Extend images CLI v2 with new sorting syntax
bbd27d5 Add the ability to specify the sort dir for each key
976fe17 Import sys module
fc79467 Adds the ability to sort images with multiple keys
f00f769 add examples for properties and doc build script
f6f5733 Apply expected patch format when updating tags in v2.images
a9a692b v2: read limit for list from --limit in shell
0ab5a78 Fix leaking sockets after v2 list operation
f98ab68 Fix leaking sockets after v1 list operation
6e0b1f4 removed excessive call to os.path.exists
b47925e Unit tests covering missing username or password
b64dba8 Remove duplicate 'a' in the help string of --os-image-url
6d21959 v2: Allow upload from stdin on image-create
4c7c7ad Fix v2 image create --file documentation
eeef763 Fix minor typo in version error message

Change-Id: I90d7e4a5109d82e25a63135e94193f4c4f7d4f34
2015-03-18 16:23:01 -04:00
source Add release notes for 0.17.0 2015-03-18 16:23:01 -04:00
Makefile add examples for properties and doc build script 2015-03-13 07:01:55 -07:00