
265 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Red Hat Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import time
from heatclient._i18n import _
from heatclient.common import utils
import heatclient.exc as exc
from heatclient.v1 import events as events_mod
def get_hook_events(hc, stack_id, event_args, nested_depth=0,
if hook_type == 'pre-create':
stack_action_reason = 'Stack CREATE started'
hook_event_reason = 'CREATE paused until Hook pre-create is cleared'
hook_clear_event_reason = 'Hook pre-create is cleared'
elif hook_type == 'pre-update':
stack_action_reason = 'Stack UPDATE started'
hook_event_reason = 'UPDATE paused until Hook pre-update is cleared'
hook_clear_event_reason = 'Hook pre-update is cleared'
elif hook_type == 'pre-delete':
stack_action_reason = 'Stack DELETE started'
hook_event_reason = 'DELETE paused until Hook pre-delete is cleared'
hook_clear_event_reason = 'Hook pre-delete is cleared'
raise exc.CommandError(_('Unexpected hook type %s') % hook_type)
events = get_events(hc, stack_id=stack_id, event_args=event_args,
# Get the most recent event associated with this action, which gives us the
# event when we moved into IN_PROGRESS for the hooks we're interested in.
stack_name = stack_id.split("/")[0]
action_start_event = [e for e in enumerate(events)
if e[1].resource_status_reason == stack_action_reason
and e[1].stack_name == stack_name][-1]
# Slice the events with the index from the enumerate
action_start_index = action_start_event[0]
events = events[action_start_index:]
# Get hook events still pending by some list filtering/comparison
# We build a map hook events per-resource, and remove any event
# for which there is a corresponding hook-clear event.
resource_event_map = {}
for e in events:
stack_resource = (e.stack_name, e.resource_name)
if e.resource_status_reason == hook_event_reason:
resource_event_map[(e.stack_name, e.resource_name)] = e
elif e.resource_status_reason == hook_clear_event_reason:
if resource_event_map.get(stack_resource):
del(resource_event_map[(e.stack_name, e.resource_name)])
return list(resource_event_map.values())
def get_events(hc, stack_id, event_args, nested_depth=0,
marker=None, limit=None):
event_args = dict(event_args)
if marker:
event_args['marker'] = marker
if limit:
event_args['limit'] = limit
if not nested_depth:
# simple call with no nested_depth
return _get_stack_events(hc, stack_id, event_args)
# assume an API which supports nested_depth
event_args['nested_depth'] = nested_depth
events = _get_stack_events(hc, stack_id, event_args)
if not events:
return events
first_links = getattr(events[0], 'links', [])
root_stack_link = [l for l in first_links
if l.get('rel') == 'root_stack']
if root_stack_link:
# response has a root_stack link, indicating this is an API which
# supports nested_depth
return events
# API doesn't support nested_depth, do client-side paging and recursive
# event fetch
marker = event_args.pop('marker', None)
limit = event_args.pop('limit', None)
event_args.pop('nested_depth', None)
events = _get_stack_events(hc, stack_id, event_args)
events.extend(_get_nested_events(hc, nested_depth,
stack_id, event_args))
# Because there have been multiple stacks events mangled into
# one list, we need to sort before passing to print_list
# Note we can't use the prettytable sortby_index here, because
# the "start" option doesn't allow post-sort slicing, which
# will be needed to make "--marker" work for nested_depth lists
events.sort(key=lambda x: x.event_time)
# Slice the list if marker is specified
if marker:
marker_index = [ for e in events].index(marker)
events = events[marker_index:]
except ValueError:
# Slice the list if limit is specified
if limit:
limit_index = min(int(limit), len(events))
events = events[:limit_index]
return events
def _get_nested_ids(hc, stack_id):
nested_ids = []
resources = hc.resources.list(stack_id=stack_id)
except exc.HTTPNotFound:
raise exc.CommandError(_('Stack not found: %s') % stack_id)
for r in resources:
nested_id = utils.resource_nested_identifier(r)
if nested_id:
return nested_ids
def _get_nested_events(hc, nested_depth, stack_id, event_args):
# FIXME(shardy): this is very inefficient, we should add nested_depth to
# the event_list API in a future heat version, but this will be required
# until kilo heat is EOL.
nested_ids = _get_nested_ids(hc, stack_id)
nested_events = []
for n_id in nested_ids:
stack_events = _get_stack_events(hc, n_id, event_args)
if stack_events:
if nested_depth > 1:
next_depth = nested_depth - 1
hc, next_depth, n_id, event_args))
return nested_events
def _get_stack_name_from_links(event):
links = dict((l.get('rel'),
l.get('href')) for l in getattr(event, 'links', []))
href = links.get('stack')
if not href:
return href.split('/stacks/', 1)[-1].split('/')[0]
def _get_stack_events(hc, stack_id, event_args):
event_args['stack_id'] = stack_id
events =**event_args)
except exc.HTTPNotFound as ex:
# it could be the stack or resource that is not found
# just use the message that the server sent us.
raise exc.CommandError(str(ex))
stack_name = stack_id.split("/")[0]
# Show which stack the event comes from (for nested events)
for e in events:
e.stack_name = _get_stack_name_from_links(e) or stack_name
return events
def poll_for_events(hc, stack_name, action=None, poll_period=5, marker=None,
out=None, nested_depth=0):
"""Continuously poll events and logs for performed action on stack."""
if action:
stop_status = ('%s_FAILED' % action, '%s_COMPLETE' % action)
stop_check = lambda a: a in stop_status # noqa: E731
stop_check = lambda a: a.endswith('_COMPLETE') or a.endswith('_FAILED') # noqa E731
no_event_polls = 0
msg_template = _("\n Stack %(name)s %(status)s \n")
if not out:
out = sys.stdout
event_log_context = utils.EventLogContext()
def is_stack_event(event):
if getattr(event, 'resource_name', '') != stack_name:
return False
phys_id = getattr(event, 'physical_resource_id', '')
links = dict((l.get('rel'),
l.get('href')) for l in getattr(event, 'links', []))
stack_id = links.get('stack', phys_id).rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
return stack_id == phys_id
while True:
events = get_events(hc, stack_id=stack_name, nested_depth=nested_depth,
event_args={'sort_dir': 'asc',
'marker': marker})
if len(events) == 0:
no_event_polls += 1
no_event_polls = 0
# set marker to last event that was received.
marker = getattr(events[-1], 'id', None)
events_log = utils.event_log_formatter(events, event_log_context)
for event in events:
# check if stack event was also received
if is_stack_event(event):
stack_status = getattr(event, 'resource_status', '')
msg = msg_template % dict(
name=stack_name, status=stack_status)
if stop_check(stack_status):
return stack_status, msg
if no_event_polls >= 2:
# after 2 polls with no events, fall back to a stack get
stack = hc.stacks.get(stack_name, resolve_outputs=False)
stack_status = stack.stack_status
msg = msg_template % dict(
name=stack_name, status=stack_status)
if stop_check(stack_status):
return stack_status, msg
# go back to event polling again
no_event_polls = 0
def wait_for_events(ws, stack_name, out=None):
"""Receive events over the passed websocket and wait for final status."""
msg_template = _("\n Stack %(name)s %(status)s \n")
if not out:
out = sys.stdout
event_log_context = utils.EventLogContext()
while True:
data = ws.recv()['body']
event = events_mod.Event(None, data['payload'], True)
# Keep compatibility with the HTTP API
event.event_time = data['timestamp']
event.resource_status = '%s_%s' % (event.resource_action,
events_log = utils.event_log_formatter([event], event_log_context)
if data['payload']['resource_name'] == stack_name:
stack_status = data['payload']['resource_status']
if stack_status in ('COMPLETE', 'FAILED'):
msg = msg_template % dict(
name=stack_name, status=event.resource_status)
return '%s_%s' % (event.resource_action, stack_status), msg