Ironic Inspector Client

This is a client library and tool for Ironic Inspector.

Please follow usual OpenStack Gerrit Workflow to submit a patch, see Inspector contributing guide for more detail.

Python API

To use Python API first create a ClientV1 object:

import ironic_inspector_client

url = 'http://HOST:5050'
client = ironic_inspector_client.ClientV1(auth_token=token, inspector_url=url)

This code creates a client with API version 1.0 and an authentication token. If inspector_url is missing, local host is assumed for now. Service catalog will be used in the future.

Optional api_version argument is a minimum API version that a server must support. It can be a tuple (MAJ, MIN), string "MAJ.MIN" or integer (only major, minimum supported minor version is assumed).

See Usage for the list of available calls.

API Versioning

Starting with version 2.1.0 Ironic Inspector supports optional API versioning. Version is a tuple (X, Y), where X is always 1 for now.

The server has maximum and minimum supported versions. If no version is requested, the server assumes (1, 0).

Two constants are exposed for convenience:

  • DEFAULT_API_VERSION server API version used by default, always (1, 0) for now.
  • MAX_API_VERSION maximum API version this client was designed to work with. This does not mean that other versions won't work at all - the server might still support them.


CLI tool is based on OpenStackClient with prefix openstack baremetal introspection. Accepts optional argument --inspector-url with the Ironic Inspector API endpoint.

Refer to the HTTP API reference for information on the Ironic Inspector HTTP API.

Detect server API versions


Returns a tuple (minimum version, maximum version). See API Versioning for details.

Start introspection on a node

client.introspect(uuid, new_ipmi_username=None, new_ipmi_password=None)

  • uuid - Ironic node UUID;
  • new_ipmi_username and new_ipmi_password - if these are set, Ironic Inspector will switch to manual power on and assigning IPMI credentials on introspection. See Setting IPMI Credentials for details.


$ openstack baremetal introspection start [--wait] [--new-ipmi-password=PWD [--new-ipmi-username=USER]] UUID [UUID ...]

Note that the CLI call accepts several UUID's and will stop on the first error.

With --wait flag it waits until introspection ends for all given nodes, then displays the results as a table.

Query introspection status


  • uuid - Ironic node UUID.

Returns a dict with keys:

  • finished - whether introspection has finished for this node;
  • error - last error, None if introspection ended without an error.


$ openstack baremetal introspection status UUID

Retrieving introspection data

client.get_data(uuid[, raw])

  • uuid - Ironic node UUID;
  • raw - whether to return raw data or parsed JSON data (the default).


$ openstack baremetal introspection data save [--file=file_name] UUID

If file name is not provided, the data is dumped to stdout.


This feature requires Swift support to be enabled in Ironic Inspector by setting [processing]store_data configuration option to swift.

Introspection Rules API

All functions related to introspection rules are grouped under rules attribute of the ClientV1 object.

Creating a rule

client.rules.create(conditions, actions[, uuid][, description])

  • conditions and actions are lists of dictionaries with rule conditions and actions accordingly. Please refer to the introspection rules documentation for details on.
  • uuid rule UUID, will be generated, if missing.
  • description optional rule description.

This call is not directly represented in CLI, use import below.


  • rule_json dictionary with a rule representation.


$ openstack baremetal introspection rule import <JSON FILE>

Listing all rules


Returns list of short rule representations, containing only description, UUID and links.


$ openstack baremetal introspection rule list

Getting rule details


  • uuid rule UUID.

Returns a full rule representation as a dictionary.

This call is currently not represented in CLI.

Deleting all rules



$ openstack baremetal introspection rule purge

Deleting a rule


  • uuid rule UUID.


$ openstack baremetal introspection rule delete <UUID>

Shortcut Functions

The following functions are available for simplified access to the most common functionality:

  • Starting introspection:

    ironic_inspector_client.introspect(uuid[, new_ipmi_password[, new_ipmi_username]][, auth_token][, base_url][, api_version])
  • Getting introspection status:

    ironic_inspector_client.get_status(uuid[, auth_token][, base_url][, api_version])
  • Getting API versions supported by a server:


Here base_url argument is the same as inspector_url argument to ClientV1 constructor.

A python client and OpenStackClient plugin for Ironic Inspector
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