# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from ironicclient.common.i18n import _ class Resource(object): """Resource class This class is used to manage the various fields that a resource (e.g. Chassis, Node, Port) contains. An individual field consists of a 'field_id' (key) and a 'label' (value). The caller only provides the 'field_ids' when instantiating the object. Ordering of the 'field_ids' will be preserved as specified by the caller. It also provides the ability to exclude some of these fields when they are being used for sorting. """ FIELDS = { 'address': 'Address', 'async': 'Async', 'attach': 'Response is attachment', 'chassis_uuid': 'Chassis UUID', 'clean_step': 'Clean Step', 'console_enabled': 'Console Enabled', 'created_at': 'Created At', 'default_boot_interface': 'Default Boot Interface', 'default_console_interface': 'Default Console Interface', 'default_deploy_interface': 'Default Deploy Interface', 'default_inspect_interface': 'Default Inspect Interface', 'default_management_interface': 'Default Management Interface', 'default_network_interface': 'Default Network Interface', 'default_power_interface': 'Default Power Interface', 'default_raid_interface': 'Default RAID Interface', 'default_vendor_interface': 'Default Vendor Interface', 'description': 'Description', 'driver': 'Driver', 'driver_info': 'Driver Info', 'driver_internal_info': 'Driver Internal Info', 'enabled_boot_interfaces': 'Enabled Boot Interfaces', 'enabled_console_interfaces': 'Enabled Console Interfaces', 'enabled_deploy_interfaces': 'Enabled Deploy Interfaces', 'enabled_inspect_interfaces': 'Enabled Inspect Interfaces', 'enabled_management_interfaces': 'Enabled Management Interfaces', 'enabled_network_interfaces': 'Enabled Network Interfaces', 'enabled_power_interfaces': 'Enabled Power Interfaces', 'enabled_raid_interfaces': 'Enabled RAID Interfaces', 'enabled_vendor_interfaces': 'Enabled Vendor Interfaces', 'extra': 'Extra', 'hosts': 'Active host(s)', 'http_methods': 'Supported HTTP methods', 'inspection_finished_at': 'Inspection Finished At', 'inspection_started_at': 'Inspection Started At', 'instance_info': 'Instance Info', 'instance_uuid': 'Instance UUID', 'internal_info': 'Internal Info', 'last_error': 'Last Error', 'maintenance': 'Maintenance', 'maintenance_reason': 'Maintenance Reason', 'mode': 'Mode', 'name': 'Name', 'node_uuid': 'Node UUID', 'power_state': 'Power State', 'properties': 'Properties', 'provision_state': 'Provisioning State', 'provision_updated_at': 'Provision Updated At', 'raid_config': 'Current RAID configuration', 'reservation': 'Reservation', 'resource_class': 'Resource Class', 'target_power_state': 'Target Power State', 'target_provision_state': 'Target Provision State', 'target_raid_config': 'Target RAID configuration', 'type': 'Type', 'updated_at': 'Updated At', 'uuid': 'UUID', 'local_link_connection': 'Local Link Connection', 'pxe_enabled': 'PXE boot enabled', 'portgroup_uuid': 'Portgroup UUID', 'boot_interface': 'Boot Interface', 'console_interface': 'Console Interface', 'deploy_interface': 'Deploy Interface', 'inspect_interface': 'Inspect Interface', 'management_interface': 'Management Interface', 'network_interface': 'Network Interface', 'power_interface': 'Power Interface', 'raid_interface': 'RAID Interface', 'vendor_interface': 'Vendor Interface', 'standalone_ports_supported': 'Standalone Ports Supported', 'id': 'ID', } def __init__(self, field_ids, sort_excluded=None, override_labels=None): """Create a Resource object :param field_ids: A list of strings that the Resource object will contain. Each string must match an existing key in FIELDS. :param sort_excluded: Optional. A list of strings that will not be used for sorting. Must be a subset of 'field_ids'. :param override_labels: Optional. A dictionary, where key is a field ID and value is the label to be used. If unspecified, uses the labels associated with the fields from global FIELDS. :raises: ValueError if sort_excluded or override_labels contains values not in field_ids """ def check_param_fields(param_name, param_fields): not_existing = set(param_fields) - set(field_ids) if not_existing: raise ValueError( _("%(param)s specified with value not contained in " "field_ids. Unknown value(s): %(unknown)s") % {'param': param_name, 'unknown': ', '.join(not_existing)}) if override_labels is None: override_labels = {} else: check_param_fields('override_labels', override_labels.keys()) self._fields = tuple(field_ids) self._labels = tuple([override_labels.get(x) or self.FIELDS[x] for x in field_ids]) if sort_excluded is None: sort_excluded = [] else: check_param_fields('sort_excluded', sort_excluded) self._sort_fields = tuple( [x for x in field_ids if x not in sort_excluded]) self._sort_labels = tuple([override_labels.get(x) or self.FIELDS[x] for x in self._sort_fields]) @property def fields(self): return self._fields @property def labels(self): return self._labels @property def sort_fields(self): return self._sort_fields @property def sort_labels(self): return self._sort_labels # Chassis CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE = Resource( ['uuid', 'description', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'extra', ], sort_excluded=['extra']) CHASSIS_RESOURCE = Resource( ['uuid', 'description', ]) # Nodes NODE_DETAILED_RESOURCE = Resource( ['chassis_uuid', 'created_at', 'clean_step', 'console_enabled', 'driver', 'driver_info', 'driver_internal_info', 'extra', 'instance_info', 'instance_uuid', 'last_error', 'maintenance', 'maintenance_reason', 'power_state', 'properties', 'provision_state', 'provision_updated_at', 'raid_config', 'reservation', 'resource_class', 'target_power_state', 'target_provision_state', 'target_raid_config', 'updated_at', 'inspection_finished_at', 'inspection_started_at', 'uuid', 'name', 'boot_interface', 'console_interface', 'deploy_interface', 'inspect_interface', 'management_interface', 'network_interface', 'power_interface', 'raid_interface', 'vendor_interface', ], sort_excluded=[ # The server cannot sort on "chassis_uuid" because it isn't a column in # the "nodes" database table. "chassis_id" is stored, but it is # internal to ironic. See bug #1443003 for more details. 'chassis_uuid', 'clean_step', 'driver_info', 'driver_internal_info', 'extra', 'instance_info', 'properties', 'raid_config', 'target_raid_config', ]) NODE_RESOURCE = Resource( ['uuid', 'name', 'instance_uuid', 'power_state', 'provision_state', 'maintenance', ]) VENDOR_PASSTHRU_METHOD_RESOURCE = Resource( ['name', 'http_methods', 'async', 'description', 'attach' ]) # Ports PORT_DETAILED_RESOURCE = Resource( ['uuid', 'address', 'created_at', 'extra', 'node_uuid', 'local_link_connection', 'portgroup_uuid', 'pxe_enabled', 'updated_at', 'internal_info', ], sort_excluded=[ 'extra', # The server cannot sort on "node_uuid" or "portgroup_uuid" because # they aren't columns in the "ports" database table. "node_id" and # "portgroup_id" are stored, but it is internal to ironic. # See bug #1443003 for more details. 'node_uuid', 'portgroup_uuid', 'internal_info', ]) PORT_RESOURCE = Resource( ['uuid', 'address', ]) # Portgroups PORTGROUP_DETAILED_RESOURCE = Resource( ['uuid', 'address', 'created_at', 'extra', 'standalone_ports_supported', 'node_uuid', 'name', 'updated_at', 'internal_info', 'mode', 'properties', ], sort_excluded=[ 'extra', # The server cannot sort on "node_uuid" because it isn't a column in # the "portgroups" database table. "node_id" is stored, but it is # internal to ironic. See bug #1443003 for more details. 'node_uuid', 'internal_info', 'properties', ]) PORTGROUP_RESOURCE = Resource( ['uuid', 'address', 'name', ]) # VIFs VIF_RESOURCE = Resource( ['id'], ) # Drivers DRIVER_DETAILED_RESOURCE = Resource( ['name', 'type', 'hosts', 'default_boot_interface', 'default_console_interface', 'default_deploy_interface', 'default_inspect_interface', 'default_management_interface', 'default_network_interface', 'default_power_interface', 'default_raid_interface', 'default_vendor_interface', 'enabled_boot_interfaces', 'enabled_console_interfaces', 'enabled_deploy_interfaces', 'enabled_inspect_interfaces', 'enabled_management_interfaces', 'enabled_network_interfaces', 'enabled_power_interfaces', 'enabled_raid_interfaces', 'enabled_vendor_interfaces' ], override_labels={'name': 'Supported driver(s)'} ) DRIVER_RESOURCE = Resource( ['name', 'hosts', ], override_labels={'name': 'Supported driver(s)'} )