# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from ironicclient.common import cliutils from ironicclient.common import utils from ironicclient.v1 import resource_fields as res_fields def _print_chassis_show(chassis, fields=None, json=False): if fields is None: fields = res_fields.CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE.fields data = dict([(f, getattr(chassis, f, '')) for f in fields]) cliutils.print_dict(data, wrap=72, json_flag=json) @cliutils.arg('chassis', metavar='<chassis>', help="UUID of the chassis.") @cliutils.arg( '--fields', nargs='+', dest='fields', metavar='<field>', action='append', default=[], help="One or more chassis fields. Only these fields will be fetched from " "the server.") def do_chassis_show(cc, args): """Show detailed information about a chassis.""" utils.check_empty_arg(args.chassis, '<chassis>') fields = args.fields[0] if args.fields else None utils.check_for_invalid_fields( fields, res_fields.CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE.fields) chassis = cc.chassis.get(args.chassis, fields=fields) _print_chassis_show(chassis, fields=fields, json=args.json) @cliutils.arg( '--detail', dest='detail', action='store_true', default=False, help="Show detailed information about the chassis.") @cliutils.arg( '--limit', metavar='<limit>', type=int, help='Maximum number of chassis to return per request, ' '0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used ' 'by the Ironic API Service.') @cliutils.arg( '--marker', metavar='<chassis>', help='Chassis UUID (for example, of the last chassis in the list ' 'from a previous request). Returns the list of chassis ' 'after this UUID.') @cliutils.arg( '--sort-key', metavar='<field>', help='Chassis field that will be used for sorting.') @cliutils.arg( '--sort-dir', metavar='<direction>', choices=['asc', 'desc'], help='Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".') @cliutils.arg( '--fields', nargs='+', dest='fields', metavar='<field>', action='append', default=[], help="One or more chassis fields. Only these fields will be fetched from " "the server. Can not be used when '--detail' is specified.") def do_chassis_list(cc, args): """List the chassis.""" if args.detail: fields = res_fields.CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE.fields field_labels = res_fields.CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE.labels elif args.fields: utils.check_for_invalid_fields( args.fields[0], res_fields.CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE.fields) resource = res_fields.Resource(args.fields[0]) fields = resource.fields field_labels = resource.labels else: fields = res_fields.CHASSIS_RESOURCE.fields field_labels = res_fields.CHASSIS_RESOURCE.labels sort_fields = res_fields.CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE.sort_fields sort_field_labels = res_fields.CHASSIS_DETAILED_RESOURCE.sort_labels params = utils.common_params_for_list(args, sort_fields, sort_field_labels) chassis = cc.chassis.list(**params) cliutils.print_list(chassis, fields, field_labels=field_labels, sortby_index=None, json_flag=args.json) @cliutils.arg( '-d', '--description', metavar='<description>', help='Description of the chassis.') @cliutils.arg( '-e', '--extra', metavar="<key=value>", action='append', help="Record arbitrary key/value metadata. " "Can be specified multiple times.") @cliutils.arg( '-u', '--uuid', metavar='<uuid>', help="UUID of the chassis.") def do_chassis_create(cc, args): """Create a new chassis.""" field_list = ['description', 'extra', 'uuid'] fields = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in vars(args).items() if k in field_list and not (v is None)) fields = utils.args_array_to_dict(fields, 'extra') chassis = cc.chassis.create(**fields) data = dict([(f, getattr(chassis, f, '')) for f in field_list]) cliutils.print_dict(data, wrap=72, json_flag=args.json) @cliutils.arg( 'chassis', metavar='<chassis>', nargs='+', help="UUID of the chassis.") def do_chassis_delete(cc, args): """Delete a chassis.""" for c in args.chassis: cc.chassis.delete(c) print('Deleted chassis %s' % c) @cliutils.arg('chassis', metavar='<chassis>', help="UUID of the chassis.") @cliutils.arg( 'op', metavar='<op>', choices=['add', 'replace', 'remove'], help="Operation: 'add', 'replace', or 'remove'.") @cliutils.arg( 'attributes', metavar='<path=value>', nargs='+', action='append', default=[], help="Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified " "multiple times. For 'remove', only <path> is necessary.") def do_chassis_update(cc, args): """Update information about a chassis.""" patch = utils.args_array_to_patch(args.op, args.attributes[0]) chassis = cc.chassis.update(args.chassis, patch) _print_chassis_show(chassis, json=args.json) @cliutils.arg( '--detail', dest='detail', action='store_true', default=False, help="Show detailed information about the nodes.") @cliutils.arg( '--limit', metavar='<limit>', type=int, help='Maximum number of nodes to return per request, ' '0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used ' 'by the Ironic API Service.') @cliutils.arg( '--marker', metavar='<node>', help='Node UUID (for example, of the last node in the list from ' 'a previous request). Returns the list of nodes after this UUID.') @cliutils.arg( '--sort-key', metavar='<field>', help='Node field that will be used for sorting.') @cliutils.arg( '--sort-dir', metavar='<direction>', choices=['asc', 'desc'], help='Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".') @cliutils.arg('chassis', metavar='<chassis>', help="UUID of the chassis.") @cliutils.arg( '--fields', nargs='+', dest='fields', metavar='<field>', action='append', default=[], help="One or more node fields. Only these fields will be fetched from " "the server. Can not be used when '--detail' is specified.") @cliutils.arg( '--maintenance', metavar='<boolean>', help="List nodes in maintenance mode: 'true' or 'false'.") @cliutils.arg( '--associated', metavar='<boolean>', help="List nodes by instance association: 'true' or 'false'.") @cliutils.arg( '--provision-state', metavar='<provision-state>', help="List nodes in specified provision state.") def do_chassis_node_list(cc, args): """List the nodes contained in a chassis.""" params = {} if args.associated is not None: params['associated'] = utils.bool_argument_value("--associated", args.associated) if args.maintenance is not None: params['maintenance'] = utils.bool_argument_value("--maintenance", args.maintenance) if args.provision_state is not None: params['provision_state'] = args.provision_state if args.detail: fields = res_fields.NODE_DETAILED_RESOURCE.fields field_labels = res_fields.NODE_DETAILED_RESOURCE.labels elif args.fields: utils.check_for_invalid_fields( args.fields[0], res_fields.NODE_DETAILED_RESOURCE.fields) resource = res_fields.Resource(args.fields[0]) fields = resource.fields field_labels = resource.labels else: fields = res_fields.NODE_RESOURCE.fields field_labels = res_fields.NODE_RESOURCE.labels sort_fields = res_fields.NODE_DETAILED_RESOURCE.sort_fields sort_field_labels = res_fields.NODE_DETAILED_RESOURCE.sort_labels params.update(utils.common_params_for_list(args, sort_fields, sort_field_labels)) nodes = cc.chassis.list_nodes(args.chassis, **params) cliutils.print_list(nodes, fields, field_labels=field_labels, sortby_index=None, json_flag=args.json)