# Copyright 2010 Jacob Kaplan-Moss # Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2011 Piston Cloud Computing, Inc. # Copyright 2011 Nebula, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ OpenStack Client interface. Handles the REST calls and responses. """ import logging import warnings from debtcollector import removals from debtcollector import renames from oslo_serialization import jsonutils import pkg_resources import requests from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse try: import pickle # NOTE(sdague): The conditional keyring import needs to only # trigger if it's a version of keyring that's supported in global # requirements. Update _min and _bad when that changes. keyring_v = pkg_resources.parse_version( pkg_resources.get_distribution("keyring").version) keyring_min = pkg_resources.parse_version('2.1') keyring_bad = (pkg_resources.parse_version('3.3'),) if keyring_v >= keyring_min and keyring_v not in keyring_bad: import keyring else: keyring = None except (ImportError, pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound): keyring = None pickle = None # Python 2.5 compat fix if not hasattr(urlparse, 'parse_qsl'): import cgi urlparse.parse_qsl = cgi.parse_qsl from keystoneclient import _discover from keystoneclient import access from keystoneclient import adapter from keystoneclient.auth import base from keystoneclient import baseclient from keystoneclient import exceptions from keystoneclient.i18n import _, _LW from keystoneclient import session as client_session from keystoneclient import utils _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) USER_AGENT = client_session.USER_AGENT """Default user agent string. This property is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of :data:`keystoneclient.session.USER_AGENT` and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ @removals.remove(message='Use keystoneclient.session.request instead.', version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def request(*args, **kwargs): """Make a request. This function is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of :func:`keystoneclient.session.request` and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ return client_session.request(*args, **kwargs) class _FakeRequestSession(object): """This object is a temporary hack that should be removed later. Keystoneclient has a cyclical dependency with its managers which is preventing it from being cleaned up correctly. This is always bad but when we switched to doing connection pooling this object wasn't getting cleaned either and so we had left over TCP connections hanging around. Until we can fix the client cleanup we rollback the use of a requests session and do individual connections like we used to. """ def request(self, *args, **kwargs): return requests.request(*args, **kwargs) class _KeystoneAdapter(adapter.LegacyJsonAdapter): """A wrapper layer to interface keystoneclient with a session. An adapter provides a generic interface between a client and the session to provide client specific defaults. This object is passed to the managers. Keystoneclient managers have some additional requirements of variables that they expect to be present on the passed object. Subclass the existing adapter to provide those values that keystoneclient managers expect. """ @property def user_id(self): """Best effort to retrieve the user_id from the plugin. Some managers rely on being able to get the currently authenticated user id. This is a problem when we are trying to abstract away the details of an auth plugin. For example changing a user's password can require access to the currently authenticated user_id. Perform a best attempt to fetch this data. It will work in the legacy case and with identity plugins and be None otherwise which is the same as the historical behavior. """ # the identity plugin case try: return self.session.auth.get_access(self.session).user_id except AttributeError: pass # there is a case that we explicity allow (tested by our unit tests) # that says you should be able to set the user_id on a legacy client # and it should overwrite the one retrieved via authentication. If it's # a legacy then self.session.auth is a client and we retrieve user_id. try: return self.session.auth.user_id except AttributeError: pass return None class HTTPClient(baseclient.Client, base.BaseAuthPlugin): """HTTP client .. warning:: Creating an instance of this class without using the session argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. :param string user_id: User ID for authentication. (optional) :param string username: Username for authentication. (optional) :param string user_domain_id: User's domain ID for authentication. (optional) :param string user_domain_name: User's domain name for authentication. (optional) :param string password: Password for authentication. (optional) :param string domain_id: Domain ID for domain scoping. (optional) :param string domain_name: Domain name for domain scoping. (optional) :param string project_id: Project ID for project scoping. (optional) :param string project_name: Project name for project scoping. (optional) :param string project_domain_id: Project's domain ID for project scoping. (optional) :param string project_domain_name: Project's domain name for project scoping. (optional) :param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authorization. :param string region_name: Name of a region to select when choosing an endpoint from the service catalog. :param integer timeout: This argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of session and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. (optional) :param string endpoint: A user-supplied endpoint URL for the identity service. Lazy-authentication is possible for API service calls if endpoint is set at instantiation. (optional) :param string token: Token for authentication. (optional) :param string cacert: This argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of session and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. (optional) :param string key: This argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of session and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. (optional) :param string cert: This argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of session and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. (optional) :param boolean insecure: This argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of session and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. (optional) :param string original_ip: This argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of session and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. (optional) :param boolean debug: This argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of logging configuration and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. (optional) :param dict auth_ref: To allow for consumers of the client to manage their own caching strategy, you may initialize a client with a previously captured auth_reference (token). If there are keyword arguments passed that also exist in auth_ref, the value from the argument will take precedence. :param boolean use_keyring: Enables caching auth_ref into keyring. default: False (optional) :param boolean force_new_token: Keyring related parameter, forces request for new token. default: False (optional) :param integer stale_duration: Gap in seconds to determine if token from keyring is about to expire. default: 30 (optional) :param string tenant_name: Tenant name. (optional) The tenant_name keyword argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of project_name and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. :param string tenant_id: Tenant id. (optional) The tenant_id keyword argument is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of project_id and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. :param string trust_id: Trust ID for trust scoping. (optional) :param object session: A Session object to be used for communicating with the identity service. :type session: keystoneclient.session.Session :param string service_name: The default service_name for URL discovery. default: None (optional) :param string interface: The default interface for URL discovery. default: admin (optional) :param string endpoint_override: Always use this endpoint URL for requests for this client. (optional) :param auth: An auth plugin to use instead of the session one. (optional) :type auth: keystoneclient.auth.base.BaseAuthPlugin :param string user_agent: The User-Agent string to set. default: python-keystoneclient (optional) :param int connect_retries: the maximum number of retries that should be attempted for connection errors. Default None - use session default which is don't retry. (optional) """ version = None @renames.renamed_kwarg('tenant_name', 'project_name', version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') @renames.renamed_kwarg('tenant_id', 'project_id', version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') @utils.positional(enforcement=utils.positional.WARN) def __init__(self, username=None, tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, password=None, auth_url=None, region_name=None, endpoint=None, token=None, debug=False, auth_ref=None, use_keyring=False, force_new_token=False, stale_duration=None, user_id=None, user_domain_id=None, user_domain_name=None, domain_id=None, domain_name=None, project_id=None, project_name=None, project_domain_id=None, project_domain_name=None, trust_id=None, session=None, service_name=None, interface='admin', endpoint_override=None, auth=None, user_agent=USER_AGENT, connect_retries=None, **kwargs): # set baseline defaults self.user_id = None self.username = None self.user_domain_id = None self.user_domain_name = None self.domain_id = None self.domain_name = None self.project_id = None self.project_name = None self.project_domain_id = None self.project_domain_name = None self.auth_url = None self._endpoint = None self._management_url = None self.trust_id = None # if loading from a dictionary passed in via auth_ref, # load values from AccessInfo parsing that dictionary if auth_ref: self.auth_ref = access.AccessInfo.factory(**auth_ref) self.version = self.auth_ref.version self.user_id = self.auth_ref.user_id self.username = self.auth_ref.username self.user_domain_id = self.auth_ref.user_domain_id self.domain_id = self.auth_ref.domain_id self.domain_name = self.auth_ref.domain_name self.project_id = self.auth_ref.project_id self.project_name = self.auth_ref.project_name self.project_domain_id = self.auth_ref.project_domain_id auth_urls = self.auth_ref.service_catalog.get_urls( service_type='identity', endpoint_type='public', region_name=region_name) self.auth_url = auth_urls[0] management_urls = self.auth_ref.service_catalog.get_urls( service_type='identity', endpoint_type='admin', region_name=region_name) self._management_url = management_urls[0] self.auth_token_from_user = self.auth_ref.auth_token self.trust_id = self.auth_ref.trust_id # TODO(blk-u): Using self.auth_ref.service_catalog._region_name is # deprecated and this code must be removed when the property is # actually removed. if self.auth_ref.has_service_catalog() and not region_name: region_name = self.auth_ref.service_catalog._region_name else: self.auth_ref = None # allow override of the auth_ref defaults from explicit # values provided to the client # apply deprecated variables first, so modern variables override them if tenant_id: self.project_id = tenant_id if tenant_name: self.project_name = tenant_name # user-related attributes self.password = password if user_id: self.user_id = user_id if username: self.username = username if user_domain_id: self.user_domain_id = user_domain_id elif not (user_id or user_domain_name): self.user_domain_id = 'default' if user_domain_name: self.user_domain_name = user_domain_name # domain-related attributes if domain_id: self.domain_id = domain_id if domain_name: self.domain_name = domain_name # project-related attributes if project_id: self.project_id = project_id if project_name: self.project_name = project_name if project_domain_id: self.project_domain_id = project_domain_id elif not (project_id or project_domain_name): self.project_domain_id = 'default' if project_domain_name: self.project_domain_name = project_domain_name # trust-related attributes if trust_id: self.trust_id = trust_id # endpoint selection if auth_url: self.auth_url = auth_url.rstrip('/') if token: self.auth_token_from_user = token else: self.auth_token_from_user = None if endpoint: self._endpoint = endpoint.rstrip('/') self._auth_token = None if not session: warnings.warn( 'Constructing an HTTPClient instance without using a session ' 'is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in ' 'the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning) kwargs['session'] = _FakeRequestSession() session = client_session.Session._construct(kwargs) session.auth = self super(HTTPClient, self).__init__(session=session) self.domain = '' self.debug_log = debug # NOTE(jamielennox): unfortunately we can't just use **kwargs here as # it would incompatibly limit the kwargs that can be passed to __init__ # try and keep this list in sync with adapter.Adapter.__init__ version = ( _discover.normalize_version_number(self.version) if self.version else None) self._adapter = _KeystoneAdapter(session, service_type='identity', service_name=service_name, interface=interface, region_name=region_name, endpoint_override=endpoint_override, version=version, auth=auth, user_agent=user_agent, connect_retries=connect_retries) # keyring setup if use_keyring and keyring is None: _logger.warning(_LW('Failed to load keyring modules.')) self.use_keyring = use_keyring and keyring is not None self.force_new_token = force_new_token self.stale_duration = stale_duration or access.STALE_TOKEN_DURATION self.stale_duration = int(self.stale_duration) def get_token(self, session, **kwargs): return self.auth_token @property def auth_token(self): if self._auth_token: return self._auth_token if self.auth_ref: if self.auth_ref.will_expire_soon(self.stale_duration): self.authenticate() return self.auth_ref.auth_token if self.auth_token_from_user: return self.auth_token_from_user def get_endpoint(self, session, interface=None, **kwargs): if interface == 'public' or interface is base.AUTH_INTERFACE: return self.auth_url else: return self.management_url def get_user_id(self, session, **kwargs): return self.auth_ref.user_id def get_project_id(self, session, **kwargs): return self.auth_ref.project_id @auth_token.setter def auth_token(self, value): """Override the auth_token. If an application sets auth_token explicitly then it will always be used and override any past or future retrieved token. """ self._auth_token = value @auth_token.deleter def auth_token(self): self._auth_token = None self.auth_token_from_user = None @property def service_catalog(self): """Returns this client's service catalog.""" return self.auth_ref.service_catalog def has_service_catalog(self): """Returns True if this client provides a service catalog.""" return self.auth_ref and self.auth_ref.has_service_catalog() @property def tenant_id(self): """Provide read-only backwards compatibility for tenant_id. .. warning:: This is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of project_id and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ warnings.warn( 'tenant_id is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of ' 'project_id and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning) return self.project_id @property def tenant_name(self): """Provide read-only backwards compatibility for tenant_name. .. warning:: This is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of project_name and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ warnings.warn( 'tenant_name is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of ' 'project_name and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning) return self.project_name @utils.positional(enforcement=utils.positional.WARN) def authenticate(self, username=None, password=None, tenant_name=None, tenant_id=None, auth_url=None, token=None, user_id=None, domain_name=None, domain_id=None, project_name=None, project_id=None, user_domain_id=None, user_domain_name=None, project_domain_id=None, project_domain_name=None, trust_id=None, region_name=None): """Authenticate user. Uses the data provided at instantiation to authenticate against the Identity server. This may use either a username and password or token for authentication. If a tenant name or id was provided then the resulting authenticated client will be scoped to that tenant and contain a service catalog of available endpoints. With the v2.0 API, if a tenant name or ID is not provided, the authentication token returned will be 'unscoped' and limited in capabilities until a fully-scoped token is acquired. With the v3 API, if a domain name or id was provided then the resulting authenticated client will be scoped to that domain. If a project name or ID is not provided, and the authenticating user has a default project configured, the authentication token returned will be 'scoped' to the default project. Otherwise, the authentication token returned will be 'unscoped' and limited in capabilities until a fully-scoped token is acquired. With the v3 API, with the OS-TRUST extension enabled, the trust_id can be provided to allow project-specific role delegation between users If successful, sets the self.auth_ref and self.auth_token with the returned token. If not already set, will also set self.management_url from the details provided in the token. :returns: ``True`` if authentication was successful. :raises keystoneclient.exceptions.AuthorizationFailure: if unable to authenticate or validate the existing authorization token :raises keystoneclient.exceptions.ValueError: if insufficient parameters are used. If keyring is used, token is retrieved from keyring instead. Authentication will only be necessary if any of the following conditions are met: * keyring is not used * if token is not found in keyring * if token retrieved from keyring is expired or about to expired (as determined by stale_duration) * if force_new_token is true """ auth_url = auth_url or self.auth_url user_id = user_id or self.user_id username = username or self.username password = password or self.password user_domain_id = user_domain_id or self.user_domain_id user_domain_name = user_domain_name or self.user_domain_name domain_id = domain_id or self.domain_id domain_name = domain_name or self.domain_name project_id = project_id or tenant_id or self.project_id project_name = project_name or tenant_name or self.project_name project_domain_id = project_domain_id or self.project_domain_id project_domain_name = project_domain_name or self.project_domain_name trust_id = trust_id or self.trust_id region_name = region_name or self._adapter.region_name if not token: token = self.auth_token_from_user if (not token and self.auth_ref and not self.auth_ref.will_expire_soon(self.stale_duration)): token = self.auth_ref.auth_token kwargs = { 'auth_url': auth_url, 'user_id': user_id, 'username': username, 'user_domain_id': user_domain_id, 'user_domain_name': user_domain_name, 'domain_id': domain_id, 'domain_name': domain_name, 'project_id': project_id, 'project_name': project_name, 'project_domain_id': project_domain_id, 'project_domain_name': project_domain_name, 'token': token, 'trust_id': trust_id, } (keyring_key, auth_ref) = self.get_auth_ref_from_keyring(**kwargs) new_token_needed = False if auth_ref is None or self.force_new_token: new_token_needed = True kwargs['password'] = password resp = self.get_raw_token_from_identity_service(**kwargs) if isinstance(resp, access.AccessInfo): self.auth_ref = resp else: self.auth_ref = access.AccessInfo.factory(*resp) # NOTE(jamielennox): The original client relies on being able to # push the region name into the service catalog but new auth # it in. if region_name: self.auth_ref.service_catalog._region_name = region_name else: self.auth_ref = auth_ref self.process_token(region_name=region_name) if new_token_needed: self.store_auth_ref_into_keyring(keyring_key) return True def _build_keyring_key(self, **kwargs): """Create a unique key for keyring. Used to store and retrieve auth_ref from keyring. Returns a slash-separated string of values ordered by key name. """ return '/'.join([kwargs[k] or '?' for k in sorted(kwargs)]) def get_auth_ref_from_keyring(self, **kwargs): """Retrieve auth_ref from keyring. If auth_ref is found in keyring, (keyring_key, auth_ref) is returned. Otherwise, (keyring_key, None) is returned. :returns: (keyring_key, auth_ref) or (keyring_key, None) :returns: or (None, None) if use_keyring is not set in the object """ keyring_key = None auth_ref = None if self.use_keyring: keyring_key = self._build_keyring_key(**kwargs) try: auth_ref = keyring.get_password("keystoneclient_auth", keyring_key) if auth_ref: auth_ref = pickle.loads(auth_ref) # nosec if auth_ref.will_expire_soon(self.stale_duration): # token has expired, don't use it auth_ref = None except Exception as e: auth_ref = None _logger.warning( _LW('Unable to retrieve token from keyring %s'), e) return (keyring_key, auth_ref) def store_auth_ref_into_keyring(self, keyring_key): """Store auth_ref into keyring. """ if self.use_keyring: try: keyring.set_password("keystoneclient_auth", keyring_key, pickle.dumps(self.auth_ref)) except Exception as e: _logger.warning( _LW("Failed to store token into keyring %s"), e) def _process_management_url(self, region_name): try: self._management_url = self.auth_ref.service_catalog.url_for( service_type='identity', endpoint_type='admin', region_name=region_name) except exceptions.EndpointNotFound: pass def process_token(self, region_name=None): """Extract and process information from the new auth_ref. And set the relevant authentication information. """ # if we got a response without a service catalog, set the local # list of tenants for introspection, and leave to client user # to determine what to do. Otherwise, load up the service catalog if self.auth_ref.project_scoped: if not self.auth_ref.tenant_id: raise exceptions.AuthorizationFailure( _("Token didn't provide tenant_id")) self._process_management_url(region_name) self.project_name = self.auth_ref.tenant_name self.project_id = self.auth_ref.tenant_id if not self.auth_ref.user_id: raise exceptions.AuthorizationFailure( _("Token didn't provide user_id")) self.user_id = self.auth_ref.user_id self.auth_domain_id = self.auth_ref.domain_id self.auth_tenant_id = self.auth_ref.tenant_id self.auth_user_id = self.auth_ref.user_id @property def management_url(self): return self._endpoint or self._management_url @management_url.setter def management_url(self, value): # NOTE(jamielennox): it's debatable here whether we should set # _endpoint or _management_url. As historically management_url was set # permanently setting _endpoint would better match that behaviour. self._endpoint = value @utils.positional(enforcement=utils.positional.WARN) def get_raw_token_from_identity_service(self, auth_url, username=None, password=None, tenant_name=None, tenant_id=None, token=None, user_id=None, user_domain_id=None, user_domain_name=None, domain_id=None, domain_name=None, project_id=None, project_name=None, project_domain_id=None, project_domain_name=None, trust_id=None): """Authenticate against the Identity API and get a token. Not implemented here because auth protocols should be API version-specific. Expected to authenticate or validate an existing authentication reference already associated with the client. Invoking this call *always* makes a call to the Identity service. :returns: (``resp``, ``body``) """ raise NotImplementedError def serialize(self, entity): return jsonutils.dumps(entity) @removals.remove(version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def request(self, *args, **kwargs): """Send an http request with the specified characteristics. Wrapper around requests.request to handle tasks such as setting headers, JSON encoding/decoding, and error handling. .. warning:: *DEPRECATED*: This function is no longer used. It was designed to be used only by the managers and the managers now receive an adapter so this function is no longer on the standard request path. This may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. """ return self._request(*args, **kwargs) def _request(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('authenticated', False) return self._adapter.request(*args, **kwargs) def _cs_request(self, url, method, management=True, **kwargs): """Makes an authenticated request to keystone endpoint by concatenating self.management_url and url and passing in method and any associated kwargs. """ if not management: endpoint_filter = kwargs.setdefault('endpoint_filter', {}) endpoint_filter.setdefault('interface', 'public') kwargs.setdefault('authenticated', None) return self._request(url, method, **kwargs) @removals.remove(version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def get(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform an authenticated GET request. This calls :py:meth:`.request()` with ``method`` set to ``GET`` and an authentication token if one is available. .. warning:: *DEPRECATED*: This function is no longer used and is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. It was designed to be used by the managers and the managers now receive an adapter so this function is no longer on the standard request path. """ return self._cs_request(url, 'GET', **kwargs) @removals.remove(version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def head(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform an authenticated HEAD request. This calls :py:meth:`.request()` with ``method`` set to ``HEAD`` and an authentication token if one is available. .. warning:: *DEPRECATED*: This function is no longer used and is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. It was designed to be used by the managers and the managers now receive an adapter so this function is no longer on the standard request path. """ return self._cs_request(url, 'HEAD', **kwargs) @removals.remove(version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def post(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform an authenticate POST request. This calls :py:meth:`.request()` with ``method`` set to ``POST`` and an authentication token if one is available. .. warning:: *DEPRECATED*: This function is no longer used and is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. It was designed to be used by the managers and the managers now receive an adapter so this function is no longer on the standard request path. """ return self._cs_request(url, 'POST', **kwargs) @removals.remove(version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def put(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform an authenticate PUT request. This calls :py:meth:`.request()` with ``method`` set to ``PUT`` and an authentication token if one is available. .. warning:: *DEPRECATED*: This function is no longer used and is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. It was designed to be used by the managers and the managers now receive an adapter so this function is no longer on the standard request path. """ return self._cs_request(url, 'PUT', **kwargs) @removals.remove(version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def patch(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform an authenticate PATCH request. This calls :py:meth:`.request()` with ``method`` set to ``PATCH`` and an authentication token if one is available. .. warning:: *DEPRECATED*: This function is no longer used and is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. It was designed to be used by the managers and the managers now receive an adapter so this function is no longer on the standard request path. """ return self._cs_request(url, 'PATCH', **kwargs) @removals.remove(version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0') def delete(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform an authenticate DELETE request. This calls :py:meth:`.request()` with ``method`` set to ``DELETE`` and an authentication token if one is available. .. warning:: *DEPRECATED*: This function is no longer used and is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release. It was designed to be used by the managers and the managers now receive an adapter so this function is no longer on the standard request path. """ return self._cs_request(url, 'DELETE', **kwargs) deprecated_session_variables = {'original_ip': None, 'cert': None, 'timeout': None, 'verify_cert': 'verify'} deprecated_adapter_variables = {'region_name': None} def __getattr__(self, name): try: var_name = self.deprecated_session_variables[name] except KeyError: pass else: warnings.warn( 'The %s session variable is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 ' 'release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release' % name, DeprecationWarning) return getattr(self.session, var_name or name) try: var_name = self.deprecated_adapter_variables[name] except KeyError: pass else: warnings.warn( 'The %s adapter variable is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 ' 'release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release' % name, DeprecationWarning) return getattr(self._adapter, var_name or name) raise AttributeError(_("Unknown Attribute: %s") % name) def __setattr__(self, name, val): try: var_name = self.deprecated_session_variables[name] except KeyError: pass else: warnings.warn( 'The %s session variable is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 ' 'release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release' % name, DeprecationWarning) return setattr(self.session, var_name or name) try: var_name = self.deprecated_adapter_variables[name] except KeyError: pass else: warnings.warn( 'The %s adapter variable is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 ' 'release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release' % name, DeprecationWarning) return setattr(self._adapter, var_name or name) super(HTTPClient, self).__setattr__(name, val)