zhangtongjian 07c7f94601 remove unicode from code
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2022-04-19 15:57:10 +08:00

363 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import warnings
from debtcollector import removals
from keystoneauth1 import plugin
from keystoneclient import _discover
from keystoneclient import exceptions
from keystoneclient.i18n import _
from keystoneclient import session as client_session
from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as v2_client
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as v3_client
_CLIENT_VERSIONS = {2: v2_client.Client,
3: v3_client.Client}
# functions needed from the private file that can be made public
def normalize_version_number(version):
"""Turn a version representation into a tuple.
Takes a string, tuple or float which represent version formats we can
handle and converts them into a (major, minor) version tuple that we can
actually use for discovery.
e.g. 'v3.3' gives (3, 3)
3.1 gives (3, 1)
:param version: Inputted version number to try and convert.
:returns: A usable version tuple
:rtype: tuple
:raises TypeError: if the inputted version cannot be converted to tuple.
return _discover.normalize_version_number(version)
def version_match(required, candidate):
"""Test that an available version satisfies the required version.
To be suitable a version must be of the same major version as required
and be at least a match in minor/patch level.
eg. 3.3 is a match for a required 3.1 but 4.1 is not.
:param tuple required: the version that must be met.
:param tuple candidate: the version to test against required.
:returns: True if candidate is suitable False otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return _discover.version_match(required, candidate)
def available_versions(url, session=None, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve raw version data from a url."""
if not session:
session = client_session.Session._construct(kwargs)
return _discover.get_version_data(session, url)
class Discover(_discover.Discover):
"""A means to discover and create clients.
Clients are created depending on the supported API versions on the server.
Querying the server is done on object creation and every subsequent method
operates upon the data that was retrieved.
The connection parameters associated with this method are the same format
and name as those used by a client (see
:py:class:`keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client` and
:py:class:`keystoneclient.v3.client.Client`). If not overridden in
subsequent methods they will also be what is passed to the constructed
In the event that auth_url and endpoint is provided then auth_url will be
used in accordance with how the client operates.
.. warning::
Creating an instance of this class without using the session argument
is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0
:param session: A session object that will be used for communication.
Clients will also be constructed with this session.
:type session: keystoneclient.session.Session
:param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authorization.
:param string endpoint: A user-supplied endpoint URL for the identity
service. (optional)
:param string original_ip: The original IP of the requesting user which
will be sent to identity service in a
'Forwarded' header. (optional) This is ignored
if a session is provided. Deprecated as of the
1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0
:param boolean debug: Enables debug logging of all request and responses to
the identity service. default False (optional)
This is ignored if a session is provided. Deprecated
as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the
2.0.0 release.
:param string cacert: Path to the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file which
contains the trusted authority X.509 certificates
needed to established SSL connection with the
identity service. (optional) This is ignored if a
session is provided. Deprecated as of the 1.7.0
release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.
:param string key: Path to the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file which
contains the unencrypted client private key needed to
established two-way SSL connection with the identity
service. (optional) This is ignored if a session is
provided. Deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be
removed in the 2.0.0 release.
:param string cert: Path to the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file which
contains the corresponding X.509 client certificate
needed to established two-way SSL connection with the
identity service. (optional) This is ignored if a
session is provided. Deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release
and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.
:param boolean insecure: Does not perform X.509 certificate validation when
establishing SSL connection with identity service.
default: False (optional) This is ignored if a
session is provided. Deprecated as of the 1.7.0
release and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.
:param bool authenticated: Should a token be used to perform the initial
discovery operations. default: None (attach a
token if an auth plugin is available).
def __init__(self, session=None, authenticated=None, **kwargs):
if not session:
'Constructing a Discover instance without using a session is '
'deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the '
'2.0.0 release.', DeprecationWarning)
session = client_session.Session._construct(kwargs)
kwargs['session'] = session
url = None
endpoint = kwargs.pop('endpoint', None)
auth_url = kwargs.pop('auth_url', None)
if endpoint:
self._use_endpoint = True
url = endpoint
elif auth_url:
self._use_endpoint = False
url = auth_url
elif session.auth:
self._use_endpoint = False
url = session.get_endpoint(interface=plugin.AUTH_INTERFACE)
if not url:
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure(
_('Not enough information to determine URL. Provide'
' either a Session, or auth_url or endpoint'))
self._client_kwargs = kwargs
super(Discover, self).__init__(session, url,
@removals.remove(message='Use raw_version_data instead.', version='1.7.0',
def available_versions(self, **kwargs):
"""Return a list of identity APIs available on the server.
The list returned includes the data associated with them.
.. warning::
This method is deprecated as of the 1.7.0 release in favor of
:meth:`raw_version_data` and may be removed in the 2.0.0 release.
:param bool unstable: Accept endpoints not marked 'stable'. (optional)
Equates to setting allow_experimental
and allow_unknown to True.
:param bool allow_experimental: Allow experimental version endpoints.
:param bool allow_deprecated: Allow deprecated version endpoints.
:param bool allow_unknown: Allow endpoints with an unrecognised status.
:returns: A List of dictionaries as presented by the server. Each dict
will contain the version and the URL to use for the version.
It is a direct representation of the layout presented by the
identity API.
return self.raw_version_data(**kwargs)
message='Use allow_experimental and allow_unknown instead.',
version='1.7.0', removal_version='2.0.0')
def raw_version_data(self, unstable=False, **kwargs):
"""Get raw version information from URL.
Raw data indicates that only minimal validation processing is performed
on the data, so what is returned here will be the data in the same
format it was received from the endpoint.
:param bool unstable: equates to setting allow_experimental and
allow_unknown. This argument is deprecated as of
the 1.7.0 release and may be removed in the 2.0.0
:param bool allow_experimental: Allow experimental version endpoints.
:param bool allow_deprecated: Allow deprecated version endpoints.
:param bool allow_unknown: Allow endpoints with an unrecognised status.
:returns: The endpoints returned from the server that match the
:rtype: List
>>> from keystoneclient import discover
>>> disc = discover.Discovery(auth_url='http://localhost:5000')
>>> disc.raw_version_data()
[{'id': 'v3.0',
'links': [{'href': '',
'rel': 'self'}],
'media-types': [
{'base': 'application/json',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+json'},
{'base': 'application/xml',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+xml'}],
'status': 'stable',
'updated': '2013-03-06T00:00:00Z'},
{'id': 'v2.0',
'links': [{'href': '',
'rel': 'self'},
{'href': '...',
'rel': 'describedby',
'type': 'application/pdf'}],
'media-types': [
{'base': 'application/json',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json'},
{'base': 'application/xml',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml'}],
'status': 'stable',
'updated': '2013-03-06T00:00:00Z'}]
if unstable:
kwargs.setdefault('allow_experimental', True)
kwargs.setdefault('allow_unknown', True)
return super(Discover, self).raw_version_data(**kwargs)
def _calculate_version(self, version, unstable):
version_data = None
if version:
version_data = self.data_for(version)
# if no version specified pick the latest one
all_versions = self.version_data(unstable=unstable)
if all_versions:
version_data = all_versions[-1]
if not version_data:
msg = _('Could not find a suitable endpoint')
if version:
msg = _('Could not find a suitable endpoint for client '
'version: %s') % str(version)
raise exceptions.VersionNotAvailable(msg)
return version_data
def _create_client(self, version_data, **kwargs):
# Get the client for the version requested that was returned
client_class = _CLIENT_VERSIONS[version_data['version'][0]]
except KeyError:
version = '.'.join(str(v) for v in version_data['version'])
msg = _('No client available for version: %s') % version
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure(msg)
# kwargs should take priority over stored kwargs.
for k, v in self._client_kwargs.items():
kwargs.setdefault(k, v)
# restore the url to either auth_url or endpoint depending on what
# was initially given
if self._use_endpoint:
kwargs['auth_url'] = None
kwargs['endpoint'] = version_data['url']
kwargs['auth_url'] = version_data['url']
kwargs['endpoint'] = None
return client_class(**kwargs)
def create_client(self, version=None, unstable=False, **kwargs):
"""Factory function to create a new identity service client.
:param tuple version: The required version of the identity API. If
specified the client will be selected such that
the major version is equivalent and an endpoint
provides at least the specified minor version.
For example to specify the 3.1 API use (3, 1).
:param bool unstable: Accept endpoints not marked 'stable'. (optional)
:param kwargs: Additional arguments will override those provided to
this object's constructor.
:returns: An instantiated identity client object.
:raises keystoneclient.exceptions.DiscoveryFailure: if the server
response is invalid
:raises keystoneclient.exceptions.VersionNotAvailable: if a suitable
client cannot be found.
version_data = self._calculate_version(version, unstable)
return self._create_client(version_data, **kwargs)
def add_catalog_discover_hack(service_type, old, new):
"""Add a version removal rule for a particular service.
Originally deployments of OpenStack would contain a versioned endpoint in
the catalog for different services. E.g. an identity service might look
like ``http://localhost:5000/v2.0``. This is a problem when we want to use
a different version like v3.0 as there is no way to tell where it is
located. We cannot simply change all service catalogs either so there must
be a way to handle the older style of catalog.
This function adds a rule for a given service type that if part of the URL
matches a given regular expression in *old* then it will be replaced with
the *new* value. This will replace all instances of old with new. It should
therefore contain a regex anchor.
For example the included rule states::
add_catalog_version_hack('identity', re.compile('/v2.0/?$'), '/')
so if the catalog retrieves an *identity* URL that ends with /v2.0 or
/v2.0/ then it should replace it simply with / to fix the user's catalog.
:param str service_type: The service type as defined in the catalog that
the rule will apply to.
:param re.RegexObject old: The regular expression to search for and replace
if found.
:param str new: The new string to replace the pattern with.
_discover._VERSION_HACKS.add_discover_hack(service_type, old, new)