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# Copyright 2018 SUSE Linux GmbH
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
from keystoneclient import base
from keystoneclient import exceptions
from keystoneclient.i18n import _
from keystoneclient import utils
class ApplicationCredential(base.Resource):
"""Represents an Identity application credential.
* id: a uuid that identifies the application credential
* user: the user who owns the application credential
* name: application credential name
* secret: application credential secret
* description: application credential description
* expires_at: expiry time
* roles: role assignments on the project
* unrestricted: whether the application credential has restrictions
* access_rules: a list of access rules defining what API requests the
application credential may be used for
class ApplicationCredentialManager(base.CrudManager):
"""Manager class for manipulating Identity application credentials."""
resource_class = ApplicationCredential
collection_key = 'application_credentials'
key = 'application_credential'
def create(self, name, user=None, secret=None, description=None,
expires_at=None, roles=None,
unrestricted=False, access_rules=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a credential.
:param string name: application credential name
:param string user: User ID
:param secret: application credential secret
:param description: application credential description
:param datetime.datetime expires_at: expiry time
:param List roles: list of roles on the project. Maybe a list of IDs
or a list of dicts specifying role name and domain
:param bool unrestricted: whether the application credential has
restrictions applied
:param List access_rules: a list of dicts representing access rules
:returns: the created application credential
user = user or self.client.user_id
self.base_url = '/users/%(user)s' % {'user': user}
# Convert roles list into list-of-dict API format
role_list = []
if roles:
if not isinstance(roles, list):
roles = [roles]
for role in roles:
if isinstance(role, six.string_types):
role_list.extend([{'id': role}])
elif isinstance(role, dict):
msg = (_("Roles must be a list of IDs or role dicts."))
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
if not role_list:
role_list = None
# Convert datetime.datetime expires_at to iso format string
if expires_at:
expires_str = utils.isotime(at=expires_at, subsecond=True)
expires_str = None
return super(ApplicationCredentialManager, self).create(
def get(self, application_credential, user=None):
"""Retrieve an application credential.
:param application_credential: the credential to be retrieved from the
:type applicationcredential: str or
:returns: the specified application credential
user = user or self.client.user_id
self.base_url = '/users/%(user)s' % {'user': user}
return super(ApplicationCredentialManager, self).get(
def list(self, user=None, **kwargs):
"""List application credentials.
:param string user: User ID
:returns: a list of application credentials
:rtype: list of
user = user or self.client.user_id
self.base_url = '/users/%(user)s' % {'user': user}
return super(ApplicationCredentialManager, self).list(**kwargs)
def find(self, user=None, **kwargs):
"""Find an application credential with attributes matching ``**kwargs``.
:param string user: User ID
:returns: a list of matching application credentials
:rtype: list of
user = user or self.client.user_id
self.base_url = '/users/%(user)s' % {'user': user}
return super(ApplicationCredentialManager, self).find(**kwargs)
def delete(self, application_credential, user=None):
"""Delete an application credential.
:param application_credential: the application credential to be deleted
:type credential: str or
:returns: response object with 204 status
:rtype: :class:`requests.models.Response`
user = user or self.client.user_id
self.base_url = '/users/%(user)s' % {'user': user}
return super(ApplicationCredentialManager, self).delete(
def update(self):
raise exceptions.MethodNotImplemented(
_('Application credentials are immutable, updating is not'
' supported.'))