
198 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
from unittest import mock
import uuid
import fixtures
from oslo_config import cfg
from keystoneclient.auth import base
from keystoneclient.auth import cli
from keystoneclient.tests.unit.auth import utils
class TesterPlugin(base.BaseAuthPlugin):
def get_token(self, *args, **kwargs):
return None
def get_options(cls):
# NOTE(jamielennox): this is kind of horrible. If you specify this as
# a deprecated_name= value it will convert - to _ which is not what we
# want for a CLI option.
deprecated = [cfg.DeprecatedOpt('test-other')]
return [
cfg.StrOpt('test-opt', help='tester', deprecated_opts=deprecated)
class CliTests(utils.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(CliTests, self).setUp()
self.p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
def env(self, name, value=None):
if value is not None:
# environment variables are always strings
value = str(value)
return self.useFixture(fixtures.EnvironmentVariable(name, value))
def test_creating_with_no_args(self):
ret = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, [])
self.assertIn('--os-auth-plugin', self.p.format_usage())
def test_load_with_nothing(self):
cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, [])
opts = self.p.parse_args([])
def test_basic_params_added(self, m):
name = uuid.uuid4().hex
argv = ['--os-auth-plugin', name]
ret = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, argv)
self.assertIs(utils.MockPlugin, ret)
for n in ('--os-a-int', '--os-a-bool', '--os-a-float'):
self.assertIn(n, self.p.format_usage())
def test_param_loading(self, m):
name = uuid.uuid4().hex
argv = ['--os-auth-plugin', name,
'--os-a-int', str(self.a_int),
'--os-a-float', str(self.a_float),
'--os-a-bool', str(self.a_bool)]
klass = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, argv)
self.assertIs(utils.MockPlugin, klass)
opts = self.p.parse_args(argv)
self.assertEqual(name, opts.os_auth_plugin)
a = cli.load_from_argparse_arguments(opts)
self.assertEqual(name, opts.os_auth_plugin)
self.assertEqual(str(self.a_int), opts.os_a_int)
self.assertEqual(str(self.a_float), opts.os_a_float)
self.assertEqual(str(self.a_bool), opts.os_a_bool)
def test_default_options(self, m):
name = uuid.uuid4().hex
argv = ['--os-auth-plugin', name,
'--os-a-float', str(self.a_float)]
klass = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, argv)
self.assertIs(utils.MockPlugin, klass)
opts = self.p.parse_args(argv)
self.assertEqual(name, opts.os_auth_plugin)
a = cli.load_from_argparse_arguments(opts)
self.assertEqual(self.a_float, a['a_float'])
self.assertEqual(3, a['a_int'])
def test_with_default_string_value(self, m):
name = uuid.uuid4().hex
klass = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, [], default=name)
self.assertIs(utils.MockPlugin, klass)
def test_overrides_default_string_value(self, m):
name = uuid.uuid4().hex
default = uuid.uuid4().hex
argv = ['--os-auth-plugin', name]
klass = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, argv, default=default)
self.assertIs(utils.MockPlugin, klass)
def test_with_default_type_value(self, m):
klass = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, [],
self.assertIs(utils.MockPlugin, klass)
self.assertEqual(0, m.call_count)
def test_overrides_default_type_value(self, m):
# using this test plugin would fail if called because there
# is no get_options() function
class TestPlugin(object):
name = uuid.uuid4().hex
argv = ['--os-auth-plugin', name]
klass = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, argv,
self.assertIs(utils.MockPlugin, klass)
def test_env_overrides_default_opt(self, m):
name = uuid.uuid4().hex
val = uuid.uuid4().hex
self.env('OS_A_STR', val)
klass = cli.register_argparse_arguments(self.p, [], default=name)
opts = self.p.parse_args([])
a = klass.load_from_argparse_arguments(opts)
self.assertEqual(val, a['a_str'])
def test_deprecated_cli_options(self):
val = uuid.uuid4().hex
opts = self.p.parse_args(['--os-test-other', val])
self.assertEqual(val, opts.os_test_opt)
def test_deprecated_multi_cli_options(self):
val1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
val2 = uuid.uuid4().hex
# argarse rules say that the last specified wins.
opts = self.p.parse_args(['--os-test-other', val2,
'--os-test-opt', val1])
self.assertEqual(val1, opts.os_test_opt)
def test_deprecated_env_options(self):
val = uuid.uuid4().hex
with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {'OS_TEST_OTHER': val}):
opts = self.p.parse_args([])
self.assertEqual(val, opts.os_test_opt)
def test_deprecated_env_multi_options(self):
val1 = uuid.uuid4().hex
val2 = uuid.uuid4().hex
with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', {'OS_TEST_OPT': val1,
'OS_TEST_OTHER': val2}):
opts = self.p.parse_args([])
self.assertEqual(val1, opts.os_test_opt)