# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import os from oslo_config import cfg import oslo_log._options as log_options from manilaclient import api_versions # 1. Define opts # "auth_opts" are used by functional tests that are located in # directory "%project_root%/manilaclient/tests/functional" auth_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt("username", default=None, help="This should be the username of a user WITHOUT " "administrative privileges."), cfg.StrOpt("tenant_name", default=None, help="The non-administrative user's tenant name."), cfg.StrOpt("password", default=None, help="The non-administrative user's password."), cfg.StrOpt("auth_url", default=None, help="URL for where to find the OpenStack Identity public " "API endpoint."), cfg.StrOpt("admin_username", default=None, help="This should be the username of a user WITH " "administrative privileges."), cfg.StrOpt("admin_tenant_name", default=None, help="The administrative user's tenant name."), cfg.StrOpt("admin_password", default=None, help="The administrative user's password."), cfg.StrOpt("admin_auth_url", default=None, help="URL for where to find the OpenStack Identity admin " "API endpoint."), cfg.BoolOpt("insecure", default=False, help="Disable SSL certificate verification."), ] base_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt("manila_exec_dir", default=os.environ.get( 'OS_MANILA_EXEC_DIR', os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), '.tox/functional/bin')), help="The path to manilaclient to be executed."), cfg.BoolOpt("suppress_errors_in_cleanup", default=True, help="Whether to suppress errors with clean up operation " "or not."), ] share_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt("min_api_microversion", default="1.0", help="The minimum API microversion is configured to be the " "value of the minimum microversion supported by " "Manilaclient functional tests. Defaults to 1.0."), cfg.StrOpt("max_api_microversion", default=api_versions.MAX_VERSION, help="The maximum API microversion is configured to be the " "value of the latest microversion supported by " "Manilaclient functional tests. Defaults to " "manilaclient's max supported API microversion."), cfg.StrOpt("share_network", default=None, help="Share network Name or ID, that will be used for shares. " "Some backend drivers require a share network for share " "creation."), cfg.StrOpt("admin_share_network", default=None, help="Share network Name or ID, that will be used for shares " "in admin tenant."), cfg.StrOpt("share_type", default=None, help="Share type Name or ID, that will be used with share " "creation scheduling. Optional."), cfg.ListOpt("enable_protocols", default=["nfs", "cifs"], help="List of all enabled protocols. The first protocol in " "the list will be used as the default protocol."), cfg.IntOpt("build_interval", default=3, help="Time in seconds between share availability checks."), cfg.IntOpt("build_timeout", default=500, help="Timeout in seconds to wait for a share to become " "available."), cfg.DictOpt('access_types_mapping', default={'nfs': 'ip', 'cifs': 'ip'}, help="Dict contains access types mapping to share " "protocol. It will be used to create access rules " "for shares. Format: '<protocol>: <type1> <type2>',..." "Allowed share protocols: nfs, cifs, cephfs, glusterfs, " "hdfs."), cfg.DictOpt('access_levels_mapping', default={'nfs': 'rw ro', 'cifs': 'rw'}, help="Dict contains access levels mapping to share " "protocol. It will be used to create access rules for " "shares. Format: '<protocol>: <level1> <level2>',... " "Allowed share protocols: nfs, cifs, cephfs, glusterfs, " "hdfs."), cfg.StrOpt("username_for_user_rules", default="TESTDOMAIN\\Administrator", help="Username, that will be used in share access tests for " "user type of access."), cfg.BoolOpt("run_snapshot_tests", default=True, help="Defines whether to run tests that use share snapshots " "or not. Disable this feature if used driver doesn't " "support it."), ] # 2. Generate config PROJECT_NAME = 'manilaclient' DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = ( os.environ.get('OS_%s_CONFIG_FILE' % PROJECT_NAME.upper()) or '%s.conf' % PROJECT_NAME) DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = ( os.environ.get('OS_%s_CONFIG_DIR' % PROJECT_NAME.upper()) or os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), "etc/manilaclient") ) DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) FAILOVER_CONFIG_PATH = '/etc/%(pn)s/%(cn)s' % { 'pn': PROJECT_NAME, 'cn': DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE} CONFIG_FILES = [] if os.path.isfile(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): CONFIG_FILES.append(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH) if os.path.isfile(FAILOVER_CONFIG_PATH): CONFIG_FILES.append(FAILOVER_CONFIG_PATH) CONF = cfg.CONF if CONFIG_FILES: CONF([], project=PROJECT_NAME, default_config_files=CONFIG_FILES) else: CONF([], project=PROJECT_NAME) # 3. Register opts CONF.register_opts(auth_opts) CONF.register_opts(base_opts) CONF.register_opts(share_opts) # 4. Define list_opts for config sample generator def list_opts(): """Return a list of oslo_config options available in Manilaclient.""" opts = [ (None, copy.deepcopy(auth_opts)), (None, copy.deepcopy(base_opts)), (None, copy.deepcopy(share_opts)), ] opts.extend(log_options.list_opts()) return opts