ChangBo Guo(gcb) c8bb1a2755 Remove copy of incubated Oslo code
The Oslo team has moved all previously incubated code from the
openstack/oslo-incubator repository into separate library repositories
and released those libraries to the Python Package Index. Many of our
big tent project teams are still using the old, unsupported, incubated
versions of the code. The Oslo team has been working to remove that
incubated code from projects, and the time has come to finish that work.

As one of community-wide goals in Ocata, please see:

Note: This commit also fix pep8 violations.
Change-Id: I03288adb94c702d1d63df88ef9ba33a2ff59eaa3
2016-09-28 10:06:45 +08:00

519 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright 2010 Jacob Kaplan-Moss
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2012 Grid Dynamics
# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Base utilities to build API operation managers and objects on top of.
# E1102: %s is not callable
# pylint: disable=E1102
import abc
import copy
from oslo_utils import strutils
import six
from six.moves.urllib import parse
from manilaclient.common._i18n import _
from manilaclient.common.apiclient import exceptions
def getid(obj):
"""Return id if argument is a Resource.
Abstracts the common pattern of allowing both an object or an object's ID
(UUID) as a parameter when dealing with relationships.
if obj.uuid:
return obj.uuid
except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
return obj
# TODO(aababilov): call run_hooks() in HookableMixin's child classes
class HookableMixin(object):
"""Mixin so classes can register and run hooks."""
_hooks_map = {}
def add_hook(cls, hook_type, hook_func):
"""Add a new hook of specified type.
:param cls: class that registers hooks
:param hook_type: hook type, e.g., '__pre_parse_args__'
:param hook_func: hook function
if hook_type not in cls._hooks_map:
cls._hooks_map[hook_type] = []
def run_hooks(cls, hook_type, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run all hooks of specified type.
:param cls: class that registers hooks
:param hook_type: hook type, e.g., '__pre_parse_args__'
:param args: args to be passed to every hook function
:param kwargs: kwargs to be passed to every hook function
hook_funcs = cls._hooks_map.get(hook_type) or []
for hook_func in hook_funcs:
hook_func(*args, **kwargs)
class BaseManager(HookableMixin):
"""Basic manager type providing common operations.
Managers interact with a particular type of API (servers, flavors, images,
etc.) and provide CRUD operations for them.
resource_class = None
def __init__(self, client):
"""Initializes BaseManager with `client`.
:param client: instance of BaseClient descendant for HTTP requests
super(BaseManager, self).__init__()
self.client = client
def _list(self, url, response_key=None, obj_class=None, json=None):
"""List the collection.
:param url: a partial URL, e.g., '/servers'
:param response_key: the key to be looked up in response dictionary,
e.g., 'servers'. If response_key is None - all response body
will be used.
:param obj_class: class for constructing the returned objects
(self.resource_class will be used by default)
:param json: data that will be encoded as JSON and passed in POST
request (GET will be sent by default)
if json:
body =, json=json).json()
body = self.client.get(url).json()
if obj_class is None:
obj_class = self.resource_class
data = body[response_key] if response_key is not None else body
# NOTE(ja): keystone returns values as list as {'values': [ ... ]}
# unlike other services which just return the list...
data = data['values']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return [obj_class(self, res, loaded=True) for res in data if res]
def _get(self, url, response_key=None):
"""Get an object from collection.
:param url: a partial URL, e.g., '/servers'
:param response_key: the key to be looked up in response dictionary,
e.g., 'server'. If response_key is None - all response body
will be used.
body = self.client.get(url).json()
data = body[response_key] if response_key is not None else body
return self.resource_class(self, data, loaded=True)
def _head(self, url):
"""Retrieve request headers for an object.
:param url: a partial URL, e.g., '/servers'
resp = self.client.head(url)
return resp.status_code == 204
def _post(self, url, json, response_key=None, return_raw=False):
"""Create an object.
:param url: a partial URL, e.g., '/servers'
:param json: data that will be encoded as JSON and passed in POST
request (GET will be sent by default)
:param response_key: the key to be looked up in response dictionary,
e.g., 'server'. If response_key is None - all response body
will be used.
:param return_raw: flag to force returning raw JSON instead of
Python object of self.resource_class
body =, json=json).json()
data = body[response_key] if response_key is not None else body
if return_raw:
return data
return self.resource_class(self, data)
def _put(self, url, json=None, response_key=None):
"""Update an object with PUT method.
:param url: a partial URL, e.g., '/servers'
:param json: data that will be encoded as JSON and passed in POST
request (GET will be sent by default)
:param response_key: the key to be looked up in response dictionary,
e.g., 'servers'. If response_key is None - all response body
will be used.
resp = self.client.put(url, json=json)
# PUT requests may not return a body
if resp.content:
body = resp.json()
if response_key is not None:
return self.resource_class(self, body[response_key])
return self.resource_class(self, body)
def _patch(self, url, json=None, response_key=None):
"""Update an object with PATCH method.
:param url: a partial URL, e.g., '/servers'
:param json: data that will be encoded as JSON and passed in POST
request (GET will be sent by default)
:param response_key: the key to be looked up in response dictionary,
e.g., 'servers'. If response_key is None - all response body
will be used.
body = self.client.patch(url, json=json).json()
if response_key is not None:
return self.resource_class(self, body[response_key])
return self.resource_class(self, body)
def _delete(self, url):
"""Delete an object.
:param url: a partial URL, e.g., '/servers/my-server'
return self.client.delete(url)
class ManagerWithFind(BaseManager):
"""Manager with additional `find()`/`findall()` methods."""
def list(self):
def find(self, **kwargs):
"""Find a single item with attributes matching ``**kwargs``.
This isn't very efficient: it loads the entire list then filters on
the Python side.
matches = self.findall(**kwargs)
num_matches = len(matches)
if num_matches == 0:
msg = _("No %(name)s matching %(args)s.") % {
'name': self.resource_class.__name__,
'args': kwargs
raise exceptions.NotFound(msg)
elif num_matches > 1:
raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch()
return matches[0]
def findall(self, **kwargs):
"""Find all items with attributes matching ``**kwargs``.
This isn't very efficient: it loads the entire list then filters on
the Python side.
found = []
searches = kwargs.items()
for obj in self.list():
if all(getattr(obj, attr) == value
for (attr, value) in searches):
except AttributeError:
return found
class CrudManager(BaseManager):
"""Base manager class for manipulating entities.
Children of this class are expected to define a `collection_key` and `key`.
- `collection_key`: Usually a plural noun by convention (e.g. `entities`);
used to refer collections in both URL's (e.g. `/v3/entities`) and JSON
objects containing a list of member resources (e.g. `{'entities': [{},
{}, {}]}`).
- `key`: Usually a singular noun by convention (e.g. `entity`); used to
refer to an individual member of the collection.
collection_key = None
key = None
def build_url(self, base_url=None, **kwargs):
"""Builds a resource URL for the given kwargs.
Given an example collection where `collection_key = 'entities'` and
`key = 'entity'`, the following URL's could be generated.
By default, the URL will represent a collection of entities, e.g.::
If kwargs contains an `entity_id`, then the URL will represent a
specific member, e.g.::
:param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it
url = base_url if base_url is not None else ''
url += '/%s' % self.collection_key
# do we have a specific entity?
entity_id = kwargs.get('%s_id' % self.key)
if entity_id is not None:
url += '/%s' % entity_id
return url
def _filter_kwargs(self, kwargs):
"""Drop null values and handle ids."""
for key, ref in six.iteritems(kwargs.copy()):
if ref is None:
if isinstance(ref, Resource):
kwargs['%s_id' % key] = getid(ref)
return kwargs
def create(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._post(
{self.key: kwargs},
def get(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._get(
def head(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._head(self.build_url(**kwargs))
def list(self, base_url=None, **kwargs):
"""List the collection.
:param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._list(
'%(base_url)s%(query)s' % {
'base_url': self.build_url(base_url=base_url, **kwargs),
'query': '?%s' % parse.urlencode(kwargs) if kwargs else '',
def put(self, base_url=None, **kwargs):
"""Update an element.
:param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._put(self.build_url(base_url=base_url, **kwargs))
def update(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
params = kwargs.copy()
params.pop('%s_id' % self.key)
return self._patch(
{self.key: params},
def delete(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
return self._delete(
def find(self, base_url=None, **kwargs):
"""Find a single item with attributes matching ``**kwargs``.
:param base_url: if provided, the generated URL will be appended to it
kwargs = self._filter_kwargs(kwargs)
rl = self._list(
'%(base_url)s%(query)s' % {
'base_url': self.build_url(base_url=base_url, **kwargs),
'query': '?%s' % parse.urlencode(kwargs) if kwargs else '',
num = len(rl)
if num == 0:
msg = _("No %(name)s matching %(args)s.") % {
'name': self.resource_class.__name__,
'args': kwargs
raise exceptions.NotFound(404, msg)
elif num > 1:
raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch
return rl[0]
class Extension(HookableMixin):
"""Extension descriptor."""
SUPPORTED_HOOKS = ('__pre_parse_args__', '__post_parse_args__')
manager_class = None
def __init__(self, name, module):
super(Extension, self).__init__() = name
self.module = module
def _parse_extension_module(self):
self.manager_class = None
for attr_name, attr_value in self.module.__dict__.items():
if attr_name in self.SUPPORTED_HOOKS:
self.add_hook(attr_name, attr_value)
if issubclass(attr_value, BaseManager):
self.manager_class = attr_value
except TypeError:
def __repr__(self):
return "<Extension '%s'>" %
class Resource(object):
"""Base class for OpenStack resources (tenant, user, etc.).
This is pretty much just a bag for attributes.
HUMAN_ID = False
NAME_ATTR = 'name'
def __init__(self, manager, info, loaded=False):
"""Populate and bind to a manager.
:param manager: BaseManager object
:param info: dictionary representing resource attributes
:param loaded: prevent lazy-loading if set to True
self.manager = manager
self._info = info
self._loaded = loaded
def __repr__(self):
reprkeys = sorted(k
for k in self.__dict__.keys()
if k[0] != '_' and k != 'manager')
info = ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, getattr(self, k)) for k in reprkeys)
return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, info)
def human_id(self):
"""Human-readable ID which can be used for bash completion."""
if self.HUMAN_ID:
name = getattr(self, self.NAME_ATTR, None)
if name is not None:
return strutils.to_slug(name)
return None
def _add_details(self, info):
for (k, v) in six.iteritems(info):
setattr(self, k, v)
self._info[k] = v
except AttributeError:
# In this case we already defined the attribute on the class
def __getattr__(self, k):
if k not in self.__dict__:
# NOTE(bcwaldon): disallow lazy-loading if already loaded once
if not self.is_loaded():
return self.__getattr__(k)
raise AttributeError(k)
return self.__dict__[k]
def get(self):
"""Support for lazy loading details.
Some clients, such as novaclient have the option to lazy load the
details, details which can be loaded with this function.
# set_loaded() first ... so if we have to bail, we know we tried.
if not hasattr(self.manager, 'get'):
new = self.manager.get(
if new:
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Resource):
return NotImplemented
# two resources of different types are not equal
if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return False
if hasattr(self, 'id') and hasattr(other, 'id'):
return ==
return self._info == other._info
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def is_loaded(self):
return self._loaded
def set_loaded(self, val):
self._loaded = val
def to_dict(self):
return copy.deepcopy(self._info)