# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from glanceclient.common import utils from glanceclient import exc from oslo_utils import encodeutils import six from six.moves.urllib import parse from muranoclient.glance import ArtifactType glare_urls = { 'create': '/v{version}/artifacts/{type_name}/v{type_version}/drafts', 'update_get_delete': '/v{version}/artifacts/{type_name}/v{type_version}' '/{artifact_id}', 'list_drafts': '/v{version}/artifacts/{type_name}/v{type_version}/drafts?', 'list_no_drafts': '/v{version}/artifacts/{type_name}/v{type_version}?', 'publish': '/v{version}/artifacts/{type_name}/v{type_version}/' '{artifact_id}/publish', 'blob': '/v{version}/artifacts/{type_name}/v{type_version}/{artifact_id}' '/{blob_property}', } class Controller(object): def __init__(self, http_client, type_name=None, type_version=None, version='0.1'): self.http_client = http_client self.type_name = type_name self.type_version = type_version self.version = version self.default_page_size = 20 self.sort_dir_values = ('asc', 'desc') def _check_type_params(self, type_name, type_version): """Check that type name and type versions were specified""" type_name = type_name or self.type_name type_version = type_version or self.type_version if type_name is None: msg = "Type name must be specified" raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg) if type_version is None: msg = "Type version must be specified" raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg) return type_name, type_version def _validate_sort_param(self, sort): """Validates sorting argument for invalid keys and directions values. :param sort: comma-separated list of sort keys with optional <:dir> after each key """ for sort_param in sort.strip().split(','): key, _sep, dir = sort_param.partition(':') if dir and dir not in self.sort_dir_values: msg = ('Invalid sort direction: %(sort_dir)s.' ' It must be one of the following: %(available)s.' ) % {'sort_dir': dir, 'available': ', '.join(self.sort_dir_values)} raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg) return sort def create(self, name, version, type_name=None, type_version=None, **kwargs): """Create an artifact of given type and version. :param name: name of creating artifact. :param version: semver string describing an artifact version """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) kwargs.update({'name': name, 'version': version}) url = glare_urls['create'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version) resp, body = self.http_client.post(url, data=kwargs) return ArtifactType(**body) def update(self, artifact_id, type_name=None, type_version=None, remove_props=None, **kwargs): """Update attributes of an artifact. :param artifact_id: ID of the artifact to modify. :param remove_props: List of property names to remove :param \*\*kwargs: Artifact attribute names and their new values. """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) url = glare_urls['update_get_delete'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version, artifact_id=artifact_id) hdrs = { 'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'} artifact_obj = self.get(artifact_id, type_name, type_version) changes = [] if remove_props: for prop in remove_props: if prop in ArtifactType.generic_properties: msg = "Generic properties cannot be removed" raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg) if prop not in kwargs: changes.append({'op': 'remove', 'path': '/' + prop}) for prop in kwargs: if prop in artifact_obj.generic_properties: op = 'add' if getattr(artifact_obj, prop) is None else 'replace' elif prop in artifact_obj.type_specific_properties: if artifact_obj.type_specific_properties[prop] is None: op = 'add' else: op = 'replace' else: msg = ("Property '%s' doesn't exist in type '%s' with version" " '%s'" % (prop, type_name, type_version)) raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg) changes.append({'op': op, 'path': '/' + prop, 'value': kwargs[prop]}) resp, body = self.http_client.patch(url, headers=hdrs, data=changes) return ArtifactType(**body) def get(self, artifact_id, type_name=None, type_version=None, show_level=None): """Get information about an artifact. :param artifact_id: ID of the artifact to get. :param show_level: value of datalization. Possible values: "none", "basic", "direct", "transitive" """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) url = glare_urls['update_get_delete'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version, artifact_id=artifact_id) if show_level: if show_level not in ArtifactType.supported_show_levels: msg = "Invalid show level: %s" % show_level raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg) url += '?show_level=%s' % show_level resp, body = self.http_client.get(url) return ArtifactType(**body) def list(self, **kwargs): return self._list(drafts=False, **kwargs) def drafts(self, **kwargs): return self._list(drafts=True, **kwargs) def _list(self, drafts, type_name=None, type_version=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve a listing of Image objects. :param page_size: Number of images to request in each paginated request. :returns: generator over list of artifacts. """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) limit = kwargs.get('limit') page_size = kwargs.get('page_size') or self.default_page_size def paginate(url, page_size, limit=None): next_url = url while True: if limit and page_size > limit: next_url = next_url.replace("limit=%s" % page_size, "limit=%s" % limit) resp, body = self.http_client.get(next_url) for artifact in body['artifacts']: yield ArtifactType(**artifact) if limit: limit -= 1 if limit <= 0: raise StopIteration try: next_url = body['next'] except KeyError: return filters = kwargs.get('filters', {}) filters['limit'] = page_size url_params = [] for param, items in filters.items(): values = [items] if not isinstance(items, list) else items for value in values: if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = encodeutils.safe_encode(value) url_params.append({param: value}) if drafts: url = glare_urls['list_drafts'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version) else: url = glare_urls['list_no_drafts'].format( version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version ) for param in url_params: url = '%s&%s' % (url, parse.urlencode(param)) if 'sort' in kwargs: url = '%s&sort=%s' % (url, self._validate_sort_param( kwargs['sort'])) for artifact in paginate(url, page_size, limit): yield artifact def active(self, artifact_id, type_name=None, type_version=None): """Set artifact status to 'active'. :param artifact_id: ID of the artifact to get. """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) url = glare_urls['publish'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version, artifact_id=artifact_id) resp, body = self.http_client.post(url) return ArtifactType(**body) def deactivate(self, artifact_id, type_name=None, type_version=None): raise NotImplementedError() def delete(self, artifact_id, type_name=None, type_version=None): """Delete an artifact and all its data. :param artifact_id: ID of the artifact to delete. """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) url = glare_urls['update_get_delete'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version, artifact_id=artifact_id) self.http_client.delete(url) def upload_blob(self, artifact_id, blob_property, data, position=None, type_name=None, type_version=None): """Upload blob data. :param artifact_id: ID of the artifact to download a blob :param blob_property: blob property name :param position: if blob_property is a list then the position must be specified """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} url = glare_urls['blob'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version, artifact_id=artifact_id, blob_property=blob_property) if position: url += "/%s" % position self.http_client.put(url, headers=hdrs, data=data) def download_blob(self, artifact_id, blob_property, position=None, type_name=None, type_version=None, do_checksum=True): """Get blob data. :param artifact_id: ID of the artifact to download a blob :param blob_property: blob property name :param position: if blob_property is a list then the position must be specified :param do_checksum: Enable/disable checksum validation. """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) url = glare_urls['blob'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version, artifact_id=artifact_id, blob_property=blob_property) if position: url += '/%s' % position url += '/download' resp, body = self.http_client.get(url) checksum = resp.headers.get('content-md5', None) content_length = int(resp.headers.get('content-length', 0)) if checksum is not None and do_checksum: body = utils.integrity_iter(body, checksum) return utils.IterableWithLength(body, content_length) def delete_blob(self, artifact_id, blob_property, position=None, type_name=None, type_version=None): """Delete blob and related data. :param artifact_id: ID of the artifact to delete a blob :param blob_property: blob property name :param position: if blob_property is a list then the position must be specified """ type_name, type_version = self._check_type_params(type_name, type_version) url = glare_urls['blob'].format(version=self.version, type_name=type_name, type_version=type_version, artifact_id=artifact_id, blob_property=blob_property) if position: url += '/%s' % position self.http_client.delete(url) def add_property(self, artifact_id, dependency_id, position=None, type_name=None, type_version=None): raise NotImplementedError() def replace_property(self, artifact_id, dependency_id, position=None, type_name=None, type_version=None): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_property(self, artifact_id, dependency_id, position=None, type_name=None, type_version=None): raise NotImplementedError() def artifact_export(self, artifact_id, type_name=None, type_version=None): raise NotImplementedError() def artifact_import(self, data, type_name=None, type_version=None): raise NotImplementedError()