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# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import re
import time
import debtcollector.renames
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as ksa_exc
import requests
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from six import string_types
from neutronclient._i18n import _
from neutronclient import client
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
from neutronclient.common import extension as client_extension
from neutronclient.common import serializer
from neutronclient.common import utils
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
HEX_ELEM = '[0-9A-Fa-f]'
UUID_PATTERN = '-'.join([HEX_ELEM + '{8}', HEX_ELEM + '{4}',
HEX_ELEM + '{4}', HEX_ELEM + '{4}',
HEX_ELEM + '{12}'])
def exception_handler_v20(status_code, error_content):
"""Exception handler for API v2.0 client.
This routine generates the appropriate Neutron exception according to
the contents of the response body.
:param status_code: HTTP error status code
:param error_content: deserialized body of error response
error_dict = None
request_ids = error_content.request_ids
if isinstance(error_content, dict):
error_dict = error_content.get('NeutronError')
# Find real error type
client_exc = None
if error_dict:
# If Neutron key is found, it will definitely contain
# a 'message' and 'type' keys?
error_type = error_dict['type']
error_message = error_dict['message']
if error_dict['detail']:
error_message += "\n" + error_dict['detail']
# If corresponding exception is defined, use it.
client_exc = getattr(exceptions, '%sClient' % error_type, None)
except Exception:
error_message = "%s" % error_dict
error_message = None
if isinstance(error_content, dict):
error_message = error_content.get('message')
if not error_message:
# If we end up here the exception was not a neutron error
error_message = "%s-%s" % (status_code, error_content)
# If an exception corresponding to the error type is not found,
# look up per status-code client exception.
if not client_exc:
client_exc = exceptions.HTTP_EXCEPTION_MAP.get(status_code)
# If there is no exception per status-code,
# Use NeutronClientException as fallback.
if not client_exc:
client_exc = exceptions.NeutronClientException
raise client_exc(message=error_message,
class _RequestIdMixin(object):
"""Wrapper class to expose x-openstack-request-id to the caller."""
def _request_ids_setup(self):
self._request_ids = []
def request_ids(self):
return self._request_ids
def _append_request_ids(self, resp):
"""Add request_ids as an attribute to the object
:param resp: Response object or list of Response objects
if isinstance(resp, list):
# Add list of request_ids if response is of type list.
for resp_obj in resp:
elif resp is not None:
# Add request_ids if response contains single object.
def _append_request_id(self, resp):
if isinstance(resp, requests.Response):
# Extract 'x-openstack-request-id' from headers if
# response is a Response object.
request_id = resp.headers.get('x-openstack-request-id')
# If resp is of type string.
request_id = resp
if request_id:
class _DictWithMeta(dict, _RequestIdMixin):
def __init__(self, values, resp):
super(_DictWithMeta, self).__init__(values)
class _TupleWithMeta(tuple, _RequestIdMixin):
def __new__(cls, values, resp):
return super(_TupleWithMeta, cls).__new__(cls, values)
def __init__(self, values, resp):
class _StrWithMeta(str, _RequestIdMixin):
def __new__(cls, value, resp):
return super(_StrWithMeta, cls).__new__(cls, value)
def __init__(self, values, resp):
class _GeneratorWithMeta(_RequestIdMixin):
def __init__(self, paginate_func, collection, path, **params):
self.paginate_func = paginate_func
self.collection = collection
self.path = path
self.params = params
self.generator = None
def _paginate(self):
for r in self.paginate_func(
self.collection, self.path, **self.params):
yield r, r.request_ids
def __iter__(self):
return self
# Python 3 compatibility
def __next__(self):
return self.next()
def next(self):
if not self.generator:
self.generator = self._paginate()
obj, req_id = next(self.generator)
except StopIteration:
raise StopIteration()
return obj
class ClientBase(object):
"""Client for the OpenStack Neutron v2.0 API.
:param string username: Username for authentication. (optional)
:param string user_id: User ID for authentication. (optional)
:param string password: Password for authentication. (optional)
:param string token: Token for authentication. (optional)
:param string tenant_name: DEPRECATED! Use project_name instead.
:param string project_name: Project name. (optional)
:param string tenant_id: DEPRECATED! Use project_id instead.
:param string project_id: Project id. (optional)
:param string auth_strategy: 'keystone' by default, 'noauth' for no
authentication against keystone. (optional)
:param string auth_url: Keystone service endpoint for authorization.
:param string service_type: Network service type to pull from the
keystone catalog (e.g. 'network') (optional)
:param string endpoint_type: Network service endpoint type to pull from the
keystone catalog (e.g. 'publicURL',
'internalURL', or 'adminURL') (optional)
:param string region_name: Name of a region to select when choosing an
endpoint from the service catalog.
:param string endpoint_url: A user-supplied endpoint URL for the neutron
service. Lazy-authentication is possible for API
service calls if endpoint is set at
:param integer timeout: Allows customization of the timeout for client
http requests. (optional)
:param bool insecure: SSL certificate validation. (optional)
:param bool log_credentials: Allow for logging of passwords or not.
Defaults to False. (optional)
:param string ca_cert: SSL CA bundle file to use. (optional)
:param integer retries: How many times idempotent (GET, PUT, DELETE)
requests to Neutron server should be retried if
they fail (default: 0).
:param bool raise_errors: If True then exceptions caused by connection
failure are propagated to the caller.
(default: True)
:param session: Keystone client auth session to use. (optional)
:param auth: Keystone auth plugin to use. (optional)
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
neutron = client.Client(username=USER,
nets = neutron.list_networks()
# API has no way to report plurals, so we have to hard code them
# This variable should be overridden by a child class.
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a new client for the Neutron v2.0 API."""
super(ClientBase, self).__init__()
self.retries = kwargs.pop('retries', 0)
self.raise_errors = kwargs.pop('raise_errors', True)
self.httpclient = client.construct_http_client(**kwargs)
self.version = '2.0'
self.format = 'json'
self.action_prefix = "/v%s" % (self.version)
self.retry_interval = 1
def _handle_fault_response(self, status_code, response_body, resp):
# Create exception with HTTP status code and message
_logger.debug("Error message: %s", response_body)
# Add deserialized error message to exception arguments
des_error_body = self.deserialize(response_body, status_code)
except Exception:
# If unable to deserialized body it is probably not a
# Neutron error
des_error_body = {'message': response_body}
error_body = self._convert_into_with_meta(des_error_body, resp)
# Raise the appropriate exception
exception_handler_v20(status_code, error_body)
def do_request(self, method, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
# Add format and project_id
action += ".%s" % self.format
action = self.action_prefix + action
if isinstance(params, dict) and params:
params = utils.safe_encode_dict(params)
action += '?' + urlparse.urlencode(params, doseq=1)
if body:
body = self.serialize(body)
resp, replybody = self.httpclient.do_request(action, method, body=body)
status_code = resp.status_code
if status_code in (requests.codes.ok,
data = self.deserialize(replybody, status_code)
return self._convert_into_with_meta(data, resp)
if not replybody:
replybody = resp.reason
self._handle_fault_response(status_code, replybody, resp)
def get_auth_info(self):
return self.httpclient.get_auth_info()
def serialize(self, data):
"""Serializes a dictionary into JSON.
A dictionary with a single key can be passed and it can contain any
if data is None:
return None
elif isinstance(data, dict):
return serializer.Serializer().serialize(data)
raise Exception(_("Unable to serialize object of type = '%s'") %
def deserialize(self, data, status_code):
"""Deserializes a JSON string into a dictionary."""
if not data:
return data
return serializer.Serializer().deserialize(
def retry_request(self, method, action, body=None,
headers=None, params=None):
"""Call do_request with the default retry configuration.
Only idempotent requests should retry failed connection attempts.
:raises: ConnectionFailed if the maximum # of retries is exceeded
max_attempts = self.retries + 1
for i in range(max_attempts):
return self.do_request(method, action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
except (exceptions.ConnectionFailed, ksa_exc.ConnectionError):
# Exception has already been logged by do_request()
if i < self.retries:
_logger.debug('Retrying connection to Neutron service')
elif self.raise_errors:
if self.retries:
msg = (_("Failed to connect to Neutron server after %d attempts")
% max_attempts)
msg = _("Failed to connect Neutron server")
raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed(reason=msg)
def delete(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("DELETE", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def get(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("GET", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def post(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
# Do not retry POST requests to avoid the orphan objects problem.
return self.do_request("POST", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def put(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("PUT", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def list(self, collection, path, retrieve_all=True, **params):
if retrieve_all:
res = []
request_ids = []
for r in self._pagination(collection, path, **params):
return _DictWithMeta({collection: res}, request_ids)
return _GeneratorWithMeta(self._pagination, collection,
path, **params)
def _pagination(self, collection, path, **params):
if params.get('page_reverse', False):
linkrel = 'previous'
linkrel = 'next'
next = True
while next:
res = self.get(path, params=params)
yield res
next = False
for link in res['%s_links' % collection]:
if link['rel'] == linkrel:
query_str = urlparse.urlparse(link['href']).query
params = urlparse.parse_qs(query_str)
next = True
except KeyError:
def _convert_into_with_meta(self, item, resp):
if item:
if isinstance(item, dict):
return _DictWithMeta(item, resp)
elif isinstance(item, string_types):
return _StrWithMeta(item, resp)
return _TupleWithMeta((), resp)
def get_resource_plural(self, resource):
for k in self.EXTED_PLURALS:
if self.EXTED_PLURALS[k] == resource:
return k
return resource + 's'
def find_resource_by_id(self, resource, resource_id, cmd_resource=None,
parent_id=None, fields=None):
if not cmd_resource:
cmd_resource = resource
cmd_resource_plural = self.get_resource_plural(cmd_resource)
resource_plural = self.get_resource_plural(resource)
# TODO(amotoki): Use show_%s instead of list_%s
obj_lister = getattr(self, "list_%s" % cmd_resource_plural)
# perform search by id only if we are passing a valid UUID
match = re.match(UUID_PATTERN, resource_id)
collection = resource_plural
if match:
params = {'id': resource_id}
if fields:
params['fields'] = fields
if parent_id:
data = obj_lister(parent_id, **params)
data = obj_lister(**params)
if data and data[collection]:
return data[collection][0]
not_found_message = (_("Unable to find %(resource)s with id "
"'%(id)s'") %
{'resource': resource, 'id': resource_id})
# 404 is raised by exceptions.NotFound to simulate serverside behavior
raise exceptions.NotFound(message=not_found_message)
def _find_resource_by_name(self, resource, name, project_id=None,
cmd_resource=None, parent_id=None, fields=None):
if not cmd_resource:
cmd_resource = resource
cmd_resource_plural = self.get_resource_plural(cmd_resource)
resource_plural = self.get_resource_plural(resource)
obj_lister = getattr(self, "list_%s" % cmd_resource_plural)
params = {'name': name}
if fields:
params['fields'] = fields
if project_id:
params['tenant_id'] = project_id
if parent_id:
data = obj_lister(parent_id, **params)
data = obj_lister(**params)
collection = resource_plural
info = data[collection]
if len(info) > 1:
raise exceptions.NeutronClientNoUniqueMatch(resource=resource,
elif len(info) == 0:
not_found_message = (_("Unable to find %(resource)s with name "
"'%(name)s'") %
{'resource': resource, 'name': name})
# 404 is raised by exceptions.NotFound
# to simulate serverside behavior
raise exceptions.NotFound(message=not_found_message)
return info[0]
def find_resource(self, resource, name_or_id, project_id=None,
cmd_resource=None, parent_id=None, fields=None):
return self.find_resource_by_id(resource, name_or_id,
cmd_resource, parent_id, fields)
except exceptions.NotFound:
return self._find_resource_by_name(
resource, name_or_id, project_id,
cmd_resource, parent_id, fields)
except exceptions.NotFound:
not_found_message = (_("Unable to find %(resource)s with name "
"or id '%(name_or_id)s'") %
{'resource': resource,
'name_or_id': name_or_id})
raise exceptions.NotFound(
class Client(ClientBase):
networks_path = "/networks"
network_path = "/networks/%s"
ports_path = "/ports"
port_path = "/ports/%s"
subnets_path = "/subnets"
subnet_path = "/subnets/%s"
subnetpools_path = "/subnetpools"
subnetpool_path = "/subnetpools/%s"
address_scopes_path = "/address-scopes"
address_scope_path = "/address-scopes/%s"
quotas_path = "/quotas"
quota_path = "/quotas/%s"
quota_default_path = "/quotas/%s/default"
extensions_path = "/extensions"
extension_path = "/extensions/%s"
routers_path = "/routers"
router_path = "/routers/%s"
floatingips_path = "/floatingips"
floatingip_path = "/floatingips/%s"
security_groups_path = "/security-groups"
security_group_path = "/security-groups/%s"
security_group_rules_path = "/security-group-rules"
security_group_rule_path = "/security-group-rules/%s"
2015-09-01 17:04:58 -04:00
endpoint_groups_path = "/vpn/endpoint-groups"
endpoint_group_path = "/vpn/endpoint-groups/%s"
vpnservices_path = "/vpn/vpnservices"
vpnservice_path = "/vpn/vpnservices/%s"
ipsecpolicies_path = "/vpn/ipsecpolicies"
ipsecpolicy_path = "/vpn/ipsecpolicies/%s"
ikepolicies_path = "/vpn/ikepolicies"
ikepolicy_path = "/vpn/ikepolicies/%s"
ipsec_site_connections_path = "/vpn/ipsec-site-connections"
ipsec_site_connection_path = "/vpn/ipsec-site-connections/%s"
lbaas_loadbalancers_path = "/lbaas/loadbalancers"
lbaas_loadbalancer_path = "/lbaas/loadbalancers/%s"
lbaas_loadbalancer_path_stats = "/lbaas/loadbalancers/%s/stats"
lbaas_loadbalancer_path_status = "/lbaas/loadbalancers/%s/statuses"
lbaas_listeners_path = "/lbaas/listeners"
lbaas_listener_path = "/lbaas/listeners/%s"
lbaas_l7policies_path = "/lbaas/l7policies"
lbaas_l7policy_path = lbaas_l7policies_path + "/%s"
lbaas_l7rules_path = lbaas_l7policy_path + "/rules"
lbaas_l7rule_path = lbaas_l7rules_path + "/%s"
lbaas_pools_path = "/lbaas/pools"
lbaas_pool_path = "/lbaas/pools/%s"
lbaas_healthmonitors_path = "/lbaas/healthmonitors"
lbaas_healthmonitor_path = "/lbaas/healthmonitors/%s"
lbaas_members_path = lbaas_pool_path + "/members"
lbaas_member_path = lbaas_pool_path + "/members/%s"
vips_path = "/lb/vips"
vip_path = "/lb/vips/%s"
pools_path = "/lb/pools"
pool_path = "/lb/pools/%s"
pool_path_stats = "/lb/pools/%s/stats"
members_path = "/lb/members"
member_path = "/lb/members/%s"
health_monitors_path = "/lb/health_monitors"
health_monitor_path = "/lb/health_monitors/%s"
associate_pool_health_monitors_path = "/lb/pools/%s/health_monitors"
disassociate_pool_health_monitors_path = (
qos_queues_path = "/qos-queues"
qos_queue_path = "/qos-queues/%s"
agents_path = "/agents"
agent_path = "/agents/%s"
network_gateways_path = "/network-gateways"
network_gateway_path = "/network-gateways/%s"
gateway_devices_path = "/gateway-devices"
gateway_device_path = "/gateway-devices/%s"
service_providers_path = "/service-providers"
metering_labels_path = "/metering/metering-labels"
metering_label_path = "/metering/metering-labels/%s"
metering_label_rules_path = "/metering/metering-label-rules"
metering_label_rule_path = "/metering/metering-label-rules/%s"
DHCP_NETS = '/dhcp-networks'
DHCP_AGENTS = '/dhcp-agents'
L3_ROUTERS = '/l3-routers'
L3_AGENTS = '/l3-agents'
LOADBALANCER_POOLS = '/loadbalancer-pools'
LOADBALANCER_AGENT = '/loadbalancer-agent'
AGENT_LOADBALANCERS = '/agent-loadbalancers'
LOADBALANCER_HOSTING_AGENT = '/loadbalancer-hosting-agent'
firewall_rules_path = "/fw/firewall_rules"
firewall_rule_path = "/fw/firewall_rules/%s"
firewall_policies_path = "/fw/firewall_policies"
firewall_policy_path = "/fw/firewall_policies/%s"
firewall_policy_insert_path = "/fw/firewall_policies/%s/insert_rule"
firewall_policy_remove_path = "/fw/firewall_policies/%s/remove_rule"
firewalls_path = "/fw/firewalls"
firewall_path = "/fw/firewalls/%s"
fwaas_firewall_groups_path = "/fwaas/firewall_groups"
fwaas_firewall_group_path = "/fwaas/firewall_groups/%s"
fwaas_firewall_rules_path = "/fwaas/firewall_rules"
fwaas_firewall_rule_path = "/fwaas/firewall_rules/%s"
fwaas_firewall_policies_path = "/fwaas/firewall_policies"
fwaas_firewall_policy_path = "/fwaas/firewall_policies/%s"
fwaas_firewall_policy_insert_path = \
fwaas_firewall_policy_remove_path = \
rbac_policies_path = "/rbac-policies"
rbac_policy_path = "/rbac-policies/%s"
qos_policies_path = "/qos/policies"
qos_policy_path = "/qos/policies/%s"
qos_bandwidth_limit_rules_path = "/qos/policies/%s/bandwidth_limit_rules"
qos_bandwidth_limit_rule_path = "/qos/policies/%s/bandwidth_limit_rules/%s"
qos_dscp_marking_rules_path = "/qos/policies/%s/dscp_marking_rules"
qos_dscp_marking_rule_path = "/qos/policies/%s/dscp_marking_rules/%s"
qos_minimum_bandwidth_rules_path = \
qos_minimum_bandwidth_rule_path = \
qos_rule_types_path = "/qos/rule-types"
qos_rule_type_path = "/qos/rule-types/%s"
flavors_path = "/flavors"
flavor_path = "/flavors/%s"
service_profiles_path = "/service_profiles"
service_profile_path = "/service_profiles/%s"
flavor_profile_bindings_path = flavor_path + service_profiles_path
flavor_profile_binding_path = flavor_path + service_profile_path
availability_zones_path = "/availability_zones"
auto_allocated_topology_path = "/auto-allocated-topology/%s"
BGP_DRINSTANCES = "/bgp-drinstances"
BGP_DRINSTANCE = "/bgp-drinstance/%s"
BGP_DRAGENTS = "/bgp-dragents"
BGP_DRAGENT = "/bgp-dragents/%s"
bgp_speakers_path = "/bgp-speakers"
bgp_speaker_path = "/bgp-speakers/%s"
bgp_peers_path = "/bgp-peers"
bgp_peer_path = "/bgp-peers/%s"
network_ip_availabilities_path = '/network-ip-availabilities'
network_ip_availability_path = '/network-ip-availabilities/%s'
tags_path = "/%s/%s/tags"
tag_path = "/%s/%s/tags/%s"
trunks_path = "/trunks"
trunk_path = "/trunks/%s"
subports_path = "/trunks/%s/get_subports"
subports_add_path = "/trunks/%s/add_subports"
subports_remove_path = "/trunks/%s/remove_subports"
bgpvpns_path = "/bgpvpn/bgpvpns"
bgpvpn_path = "/bgpvpn/bgpvpns/%s"
bgpvpn_network_associations_path =\
bgpvpn_network_association_path =\
bgpvpn_router_associations_path = "/bgpvpn/bgpvpns/%s/router_associations"
bgpvpn_router_association_path =\
# API has no way to report plurals, so we have to hard code them
EXTED_PLURALS = {'routers': 'router',
'floatingips': 'floatingip',
'service_types': 'service_type',
'service_definitions': 'service_definition',
'security_groups': 'security_group',
'security_group_rules': 'security_group_rule',
'ipsecpolicies': 'ipsecpolicy',
'ikepolicies': 'ikepolicy',
'ipsec_site_connections': 'ipsec_site_connection',
'vpnservices': 'vpnservice',
2015-09-01 17:04:58 -04:00
'endpoint_groups': 'endpoint_group',
'vips': 'vip',
'pools': 'pool',
'members': 'member',
'health_monitors': 'health_monitor',
'quotas': 'quota',
'service_providers': 'service_provider',
'firewall_rules': 'firewall_rule',
'firewall_policies': 'firewall_policy',
'firewalls': 'firewall',
'fwaas_firewall_rules': 'fwaas_firewall_rule',
'fwaas_firewall_policies': 'fwaas_firewall_policy',
'fwaas_firewall_groups': 'fwaas_firewall_group',
'metering_labels': 'metering_label',
'metering_label_rules': 'metering_label_rule',
'loadbalancers': 'loadbalancer',
'listeners': 'listener',
'l7rules': 'l7rule',
'l7policies': 'l7policy',
'lbaas_l7policies': 'lbaas_l7policy',
'lbaas_pools': 'lbaas_pool',
'lbaas_healthmonitors': 'lbaas_healthmonitor',
'lbaas_members': 'lbaas_member',
'healthmonitors': 'healthmonitor',
'rbac_policies': 'rbac_policy',
'address_scopes': 'address_scope',
'qos_policies': 'qos_policy',
'policies': 'policy',
'bandwidth_limit_rules': 'bandwidth_limit_rule',
'minimum_bandwidth_rules': 'minimum_bandwidth_rule',
'rules': 'rule',
'dscp_marking_rules': 'dscp_marking_rule',
'rule_types': 'rule_type',
'flavors': 'flavor',
'bgp_speakers': 'bgp_speaker',
'bgp_peers': 'bgp_peer',
'network_ip_availabilities': 'network_ip_availability',
'trunks': 'trunk',
'bgpvpns': 'bgpvpn',
'network_associations': 'network_association',
'router_associations': 'router_association',
def list_ext(self, collection, path, retrieve_all, **_params):
"""Client extension hook for list."""
return self.list(collection, path, retrieve_all, **_params)
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def show_ext(self, path, id, **_params):
"""Client extension hook for show."""
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
return self.get(path % id, params=_params)
def create_ext(self, path, body=None):
"""Client extension hook for create."""
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
return self.post(path, body=body)
def update_ext(self, path, id, body=None):
"""Client extension hook for update."""
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
return self.put(path % id, body=body)
def delete_ext(self, path, id):
"""Client extension hook for delete."""
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
return self.delete(path % id)
def get_quotas_tenant(self, **_params):
"""Fetch project info for following quota operation."""
return self.get(self.quota_path % 'tenant', params=_params)
def list_quotas(self, **_params):
"""Fetch all projects' quotas."""
return self.get(self.quotas_path, params=_params)
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def show_quota(self, project_id, **_params):
"""Fetch information of a certain project's quotas."""
return self.get(self.quota_path % (project_id), params=_params)
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def show_quota_default(self, project_id, **_params):
"""Fetch information of a certain project's default quotas."""
return self.get(self.quota_default_path % (project_id), params=_params)
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def update_quota(self, project_id, body=None):
"""Update a project's quotas."""
return self.put(self.quota_path % (project_id), body=body)
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def delete_quota(self, project_id):
"""Delete the specified project's quota values."""
return self.delete(self.quota_path % (project_id))
def list_extensions(self, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all extensions on server side."""
return self.get(self.extensions_path, params=_params)
def show_extension(self, ext_alias, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain extension."""
return self.get(self.extension_path % ext_alias, params=_params)
def list_ports(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all ports for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('ports', self.ports_path, retrieve_all,
def show_port(self, port, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain port."""
return self.get(self.port_path % (port), params=_params)
def create_port(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new port."""
return self.post(self.ports_path, body=body)
def update_port(self, port, body=None):
"""Updates a port."""
return self.put(self.port_path % (port), body=body)
def delete_port(self, port):
"""Deletes the specified port."""
return self.delete(self.port_path % (port))
def list_networks(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all networks for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('networks', self.networks_path, retrieve_all,
def show_network(self, network, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain network."""
return self.get(self.network_path % (network), params=_params)
def create_network(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new network."""
return self.post(self.networks_path, body=body)
def update_network(self, network, body=None):
"""Updates a network."""
return self.put(self.network_path % (network), body=body)
def delete_network(self, network):
"""Deletes the specified network."""
return self.delete(self.network_path % (network))
def list_subnets(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all subnets for a project."""
return self.list('subnets', self.subnets_path, retrieve_all,
def show_subnet(self, subnet, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain subnet."""
return self.get(self.subnet_path % (subnet), params=_params)
def create_subnet(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new subnet."""
return self.post(self.subnets_path, body=body)
def update_subnet(self, subnet, body=None):
"""Updates a subnet."""
return self.put(self.subnet_path % (subnet), body=body)
def delete_subnet(self, subnet):
"""Deletes the specified subnet."""
return self.delete(self.subnet_path % (subnet))
def list_subnetpools(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all subnetpools for a project."""
return self.list('subnetpools', self.subnetpools_path, retrieve_all,
def show_subnetpool(self, subnetpool, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain subnetpool."""
return self.get(self.subnetpool_path % (subnetpool), params=_params)
def create_subnetpool(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new subnetpool."""
return self.post(self.subnetpools_path, body=body)
def update_subnetpool(self, subnetpool, body=None):
"""Updates a subnetpool."""
return self.put(self.subnetpool_path % (subnetpool), body=body)
def delete_subnetpool(self, subnetpool):
"""Deletes the specified subnetpool."""
return self.delete(self.subnetpool_path % (subnetpool))
def list_routers(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all routers for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('routers', self.routers_path, retrieve_all,
def show_router(self, router, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain router."""
return self.get(self.router_path % (router), params=_params)
def create_router(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new router."""
return self.post(self.routers_path, body=body)
def update_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Updates a router."""
return self.put(self.router_path % (router), body=body)
def delete_router(self, router):
"""Deletes the specified router."""
return self.delete(self.router_path % (router))
def list_address_scopes(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all address scopes for a project."""
return self.list('address_scopes', self.address_scopes_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_address_scope(self, address_scope, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain address scope."""
return self.get(self.address_scope_path % (address_scope),
def create_address_scope(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new address scope."""
return self.post(self.address_scopes_path, body=body)
def update_address_scope(self, address_scope, body=None):
"""Updates a address scope."""
return self.put(self.address_scope_path % (address_scope), body=body)
def delete_address_scope(self, address_scope):
"""Deletes the specified address scope."""
return self.delete(self.address_scope_path % (address_scope))
def add_interface_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Adds an internal network interface to the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router) + "/add_router_interface",
def remove_interface_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Removes an internal network interface from the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router) +
"/remove_router_interface", body=body)
def add_gateway_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Adds an external network gateway to the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router),
body={'router': {'external_gateway_info': body}})
def remove_gateway_router(self, router):
"""Removes an external network gateway from the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router),
body={'router': {'external_gateway_info': {}}})
def list_floatingips(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all floatingips for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('floatingips', self.floatingips_path, retrieve_all,
def show_floatingip(self, floatingip, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain floatingip."""
return self.get(self.floatingip_path % (floatingip), params=_params)
def create_floatingip(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new floatingip."""
return self.post(self.floatingips_path, body=body)
def update_floatingip(self, floatingip, body=None):
"""Updates a floatingip."""
return self.put(self.floatingip_path % (floatingip), body=body)
def delete_floatingip(self, floatingip):
"""Deletes the specified floatingip."""
return self.delete(self.floatingip_path % (floatingip))
def create_security_group(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new security group."""
return self.post(self.security_groups_path, body=body)
def update_security_group(self, security_group, body=None):
"""Updates a security group."""
return self.put(self.security_group_path %
security_group, body=body)
def list_security_groups(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all security groups for a project."""
return self.list('security_groups', self.security_groups_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_security_group(self, security_group, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain security group."""
return self.get(self.security_group_path % (security_group),
def delete_security_group(self, security_group):
"""Deletes the specified security group."""
return self.delete(self.security_group_path % (security_group))
def create_security_group_rule(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new security group rule."""
return self.post(self.security_group_rules_path, body=body)
def delete_security_group_rule(self, security_group_rule):
"""Deletes the specified security group rule."""
return self.delete(self.security_group_rule_path %
def list_security_group_rules(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all security group rules for a project."""
return self.list('security_group_rules',
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_security_group_rule(self, security_group_rule, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain security group rule."""
return self.get(self.security_group_rule_path % (security_group_rule),
2015-09-01 17:04:58 -04:00
def list_endpoint_groups(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all VPN endpoint groups for a project."""
2015-09-01 17:04:58 -04:00
return self.list('endpoint_groups', self.endpoint_groups_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_endpoint_group(self, endpointgroup, **_params):
"""Fetches information for a specific VPN endpoint group."""
return self.get(self.endpoint_group_path % endpointgroup,
def create_endpoint_group(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new VPN endpoint group."""
return self.post(self.endpoint_groups_path, body=body)
def update_endpoint_group(self, endpoint_group, body=None):
"""Updates a VPN endpoint group."""
return self.put(self.endpoint_group_path % endpoint_group, body=body)
def delete_endpoint_group(self, endpoint_group):
"""Deletes the specified VPN endpoint group."""
return self.delete(self.endpoint_group_path % endpoint_group)
def list_vpnservices(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all configured VPN services for a project."""
return self.list('vpnservices', self.vpnservices_path, retrieve_all,
def show_vpnservice(self, vpnservice, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific VPN service."""
return self.get(self.vpnservice_path % (vpnservice), params=_params)
def create_vpnservice(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new VPN service."""
return self.post(self.vpnservices_path, body=body)
def update_vpnservice(self, vpnservice, body=None):
"""Updates a VPN service."""
return self.put(self.vpnservice_path % (vpnservice), body=body)
def delete_vpnservice(self, vpnservice):
"""Deletes the specified VPN service."""
return self.delete(self.vpnservice_path % (vpnservice))
def list_ipsec_site_connections(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches all configured IPsecSiteConnections for a project."""
return self.list('ipsec_site_connections',
def show_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsecsite_conn, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.get(
self.ipsec_site_connection_path % (ipsecsite_conn), params=_params
def create_ipsec_site_connection(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.post(self.ipsec_site_connections_path, body=body)
def update_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsecsite_conn, body=None):
"""Updates an IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.put(
self.ipsec_site_connection_path % (ipsecsite_conn), body=body
def delete_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsecsite_conn):
"""Deletes the specified IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.delete(self.ipsec_site_connection_path % (ipsecsite_conn))
def list_ikepolicies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all configured IKEPolicies for a project."""
return self.list('ikepolicies', self.ikepolicies_path, retrieve_all,
def show_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific IKEPolicy."""
return self.get(self.ikepolicy_path % (ikepolicy), params=_params)
def create_ikepolicy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new IKEPolicy."""
return self.post(self.ikepolicies_path, body=body)
def update_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy, body=None):
"""Updates an IKEPolicy."""
return self.put(self.ikepolicy_path % (ikepolicy), body=body)
def delete_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy):
"""Deletes the specified IKEPolicy."""
return self.delete(self.ikepolicy_path % (ikepolicy))
def list_ipsecpolicies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all configured IPsecPolicies for a project."""
return self.list('ipsecpolicies',
def show_ipsecpolicy(self, ipsecpolicy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific IPsecPolicy."""
return self.get(self.ipsecpolicy_path % (ipsecpolicy), params=_params)
def create_ipsecpolicy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new IPsecPolicy."""
return self.post(self.ipsecpolicies_path, body=body)
def update_ipsecpolicy(self, ipsecpolicy, body=None):
"""Updates an IPsecPolicy."""
return self.put(self.ipsecpolicy_path % (ipsecpolicy), body=body)
def delete_ipsecpolicy(self, ipsecpolicy):
"""Deletes the specified IPsecPolicy."""
return self.delete(self.ipsecpolicy_path % (ipsecpolicy))
def list_loadbalancers(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all loadbalancers for a project."""
return self.list('loadbalancers', self.lbaas_loadbalancers_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_loadbalancer(self, lbaas_loadbalancer, **_params):
"""Fetches information for a load balancer."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_loadbalancer_path % (lbaas_loadbalancer),
def create_loadbalancer(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer."""
return self.post(self.lbaas_loadbalancers_path, body=body)
def update_loadbalancer(self, lbaas_loadbalancer, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer."""
return self.put(self.lbaas_loadbalancer_path % (lbaas_loadbalancer),
def delete_loadbalancer(self, lbaas_loadbalancer):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer."""
return self.delete(self.lbaas_loadbalancer_path %
def retrieve_loadbalancer_stats(self, loadbalancer, **_params):
"""Retrieves stats for a certain load balancer."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_loadbalancer_path_stats % (loadbalancer),
def retrieve_loadbalancer_status(self, loadbalancer, **_params):
"""Retrieves status for a certain load balancer."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_loadbalancer_path_status % (loadbalancer),
def list_listeners(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all lbaas_listeners for a project."""
return self.list('listeners', self.lbaas_listeners_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_listener(self, lbaas_listener, **_params):
"""Fetches information for a lbaas_listener."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_listener_path % (lbaas_listener),
def create_listener(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new lbaas_listener."""
return self.post(self.lbaas_listeners_path, body=body)
def update_listener(self, lbaas_listener, body=None):
"""Updates a lbaas_listener."""
return self.put(self.lbaas_listener_path % (lbaas_listener),
def delete_listener(self, lbaas_listener):
"""Deletes the specified lbaas_listener."""
return self.delete(self.lbaas_listener_path % (lbaas_listener))
def list_lbaas_l7policies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all L7 policies for a listener."""
return self.list('l7policies', self.lbaas_l7policies_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_lbaas_l7policy(self, l7policy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain listener's L7 policy."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_l7policy_path % l7policy,
def create_lbaas_l7policy(self, body=None):
"""Creates L7 policy for a certain listener."""
return self.post(self.lbaas_l7policies_path, body=body)
def update_lbaas_l7policy(self, l7policy, body=None):
"""Updates L7 policy."""
return self.put(self.lbaas_l7policy_path % l7policy,
def delete_lbaas_l7policy(self, l7policy):
"""Deletes the specified L7 policy."""
return self.delete(self.lbaas_l7policy_path % l7policy)
def list_lbaas_l7rules(self, l7policy, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all rules for L7 policy."""
return self.list('rules', self.lbaas_l7rules_path % l7policy,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_lbaas_l7rule(self, l7rule, l7policy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain L7 policy's rule."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_l7rule_path % (l7policy, l7rule),
def create_lbaas_l7rule(self, l7policy, body=None):
"""Creates rule for a certain L7 policy."""
return self.post(self.lbaas_l7rules_path % l7policy, body=body)
def update_lbaas_l7rule(self, l7rule, l7policy, body=None):
"""Updates L7 rule."""
return self.put(self.lbaas_l7rule_path % (l7policy, l7rule),
def delete_lbaas_l7rule(self, l7rule, l7policy):
"""Deletes the specified L7 rule."""
return self.delete(self.lbaas_l7rule_path % (l7policy, l7rule))
def list_lbaas_pools(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all lbaas_pools for a project."""
return self.list('pools', self.lbaas_pools_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_lbaas_pool(self, lbaas_pool, **_params):
"""Fetches information for a lbaas_pool."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_pool_path % (lbaas_pool),
def create_lbaas_pool(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new lbaas_pool."""
return self.post(self.lbaas_pools_path, body=body)
def update_lbaas_pool(self, lbaas_pool, body=None):
"""Updates a lbaas_pool."""
return self.put(self.lbaas_pool_path % (lbaas_pool),
def delete_lbaas_pool(self, lbaas_pool):
"""Deletes the specified lbaas_pool."""
return self.delete(self.lbaas_pool_path % (lbaas_pool))
def list_lbaas_healthmonitors(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all lbaas_healthmonitors for a project."""
return self.list('healthmonitors', self.lbaas_healthmonitors_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_lbaas_healthmonitor(self, lbaas_healthmonitor, **_params):
"""Fetches information for a lbaas_healthmonitor."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_healthmonitor_path % (lbaas_healthmonitor),
def create_lbaas_healthmonitor(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new lbaas_healthmonitor."""
return self.post(self.lbaas_healthmonitors_path, body=body)
def update_lbaas_healthmonitor(self, lbaas_healthmonitor, body=None):
"""Updates a lbaas_healthmonitor."""
return self.put(self.lbaas_healthmonitor_path % (lbaas_healthmonitor),
def delete_lbaas_healthmonitor(self, lbaas_healthmonitor):
"""Deletes the specified lbaas_healthmonitor."""
return self.delete(self.lbaas_healthmonitor_path %
def list_lbaas_loadbalancers(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all lbaas_loadbalancers for a project."""
return self.list('loadbalancers', self.lbaas_loadbalancers_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def list_lbaas_members(self, lbaas_pool, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all lbaas_members for a project."""
return self.list('members', self.lbaas_members_path % lbaas_pool,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_lbaas_member(self, lbaas_member, lbaas_pool, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain lbaas_member."""
return self.get(self.lbaas_member_path % (lbaas_pool, lbaas_member),
def create_lbaas_member(self, lbaas_pool, body=None):
"""Creates a lbaas_member."""
return self.post(self.lbaas_members_path % lbaas_pool, body=body)
def update_lbaas_member(self, lbaas_member, lbaas_pool, body=None):
"""Updates a lbaas_member."""
return self.put(self.lbaas_member_path % (lbaas_pool, lbaas_member),
def delete_lbaas_member(self, lbaas_member, lbaas_pool):
"""Deletes the specified lbaas_member."""
return self.delete(self.lbaas_member_path % (lbaas_pool, lbaas_member))
def list_vips(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer vips for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('vips', self.vips_path, retrieve_all,
def show_vip(self, vip, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer vip."""
return self.get(self.vip_path % (vip), params=_params)
def create_vip(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer vip."""
return self.post(self.vips_path, body=body)
def update_vip(self, vip, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer vip."""
return self.put(self.vip_path % (vip), body=body)
def delete_vip(self, vip):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer vip."""
return self.delete(self.vip_path % (vip))
def list_pools(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer pools for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('pools', self.pools_path, retrieve_all,
def show_pool(self, pool, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer pool."""
return self.get(self.pool_path % (pool), params=_params)
def create_pool(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer pool."""
return self.post(self.pools_path, body=body)
def update_pool(self, pool, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer pool."""
return self.put(self.pool_path % (pool), body=body)
def delete_pool(self, pool):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer pool."""
return self.delete(self.pool_path % (pool))
def retrieve_pool_stats(self, pool, **_params):
"""Retrieves stats for a certain load balancer pool."""
return self.get(self.pool_path_stats % (pool), params=_params)
def list_members(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer members for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('members', self.members_path, retrieve_all,
def show_member(self, member, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer member."""
return self.get(self.member_path % (member), params=_params)
def create_member(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer member."""
return self.post(self.members_path, body=body)
def update_member(self, member, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer member."""
return self.put(self.member_path % (member), body=body)
def delete_member(self, member):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer member."""
return self.delete(self.member_path % (member))
def list_health_monitors(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer health monitors for a project.
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('health_monitors', self.health_monitors_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_health_monitor(self, health_monitor, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer health monitor."""
return self.get(self.health_monitor_path % (health_monitor),
def create_health_monitor(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer health monitor."""
return self.post(self.health_monitors_path, body=body)
def update_health_monitor(self, health_monitor, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer health monitor."""
return self.put(self.health_monitor_path % (health_monitor), body=body)
def delete_health_monitor(self, health_monitor):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer health monitor."""
return self.delete(self.health_monitor_path % (health_monitor))
def associate_health_monitor(self, pool, body):
"""Associate specified load balancer health monitor and pool."""
return self.post(self.associate_pool_health_monitors_path % (pool),
def disassociate_health_monitor(self, pool, health_monitor):
"""Disassociate specified load balancer health monitor and pool."""
path = (self.disassociate_pool_health_monitors_path %
{'pool': pool, 'health_monitor': health_monitor})
return self.delete(path)
def create_qos_queue(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new queue."""
return self.post(self.qos_queues_path, body=body)
def list_qos_queues(self, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all queues for a project."""
return self.get(self.qos_queues_path, params=_params)
def show_qos_queue(self, queue, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain queue."""
return self.get(self.qos_queue_path % (queue),
def delete_qos_queue(self, queue):
"""Deletes the specified queue."""
return self.delete(self.qos_queue_path % (queue))
def list_agents(self, **_params):
"""Fetches agents."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.get(self.agents_path, params=_params)
def show_agent(self, agent, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain agent."""
return self.get(self.agent_path % (agent), params=_params)
def update_agent(self, agent, body=None):
"""Updates an agent."""
return self.put(self.agent_path % (agent), body=body)
def delete_agent(self, agent):
"""Deletes the specified agent."""
return self.delete(self.agent_path % (agent))
def list_network_gateways(self, **_params):
"""Retrieve network gateways."""
return self.get(self.network_gateways_path, params=_params)
def show_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, **_params):
"""Fetch a network gateway."""
return self.get(self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id, params=_params)
def create_network_gateway(self, body=None):
"""Create a new network gateway."""
return self.post(self.network_gateways_path, body=body)
def update_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, body=None):
"""Update a network gateway."""
return self.put(self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id, body=body)
def delete_network_gateway(self, gateway_id):
"""Delete the specified network gateway."""
return self.delete(self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id)
def connect_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, body=None):
"""Connect a network gateway to the specified network."""
base_uri = self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id
return self.put("%s/connect_network" % base_uri, body=body)
def disconnect_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, body=None):
"""Disconnect a network from the specified gateway."""
base_uri = self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id
return self.put("%s/disconnect_network" % base_uri, body=body)
def list_gateway_devices(self, **_params):
"""Retrieve gateway devices."""
return self.get(self.gateway_devices_path, params=_params)
def show_gateway_device(self, gateway_device_id, **_params):
"""Fetch a gateway device."""
return self.get(self.gateway_device_path % gateway_device_id,
def create_gateway_device(self, body=None):
"""Create a new gateway device."""
return self.post(self.gateway_devices_path, body=body)
def update_gateway_device(self, gateway_device_id, body=None):
"""Updates a new gateway device."""
return self.put(self.gateway_device_path % gateway_device_id,
def delete_gateway_device(self, gateway_device_id):
"""Delete the specified gateway device."""
return self.delete(self.gateway_device_path % gateway_device_id)
def list_dhcp_agent_hosting_networks(self, network, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of dhcp agents hosting a network."""
return self.get((self.network_path + self.DHCP_AGENTS) % network,
def list_networks_on_dhcp_agent(self, dhcp_agent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of dhcp agents hosting a network."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.DHCP_NETS) % dhcp_agent,
def add_network_to_dhcp_agent(self, dhcp_agent, body=None):
"""Adds a network to dhcp agent."""
return self.post((self.agent_path + self.DHCP_NETS) % dhcp_agent,
def remove_network_from_dhcp_agent(self, dhcp_agent, network_id):
"""Remove a network from dhcp agent."""
return self.delete((self.agent_path + self.DHCP_NETS + "/%s") % (
dhcp_agent, network_id))
def list_l3_agent_hosting_routers(self, router, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of L3 agents hosting a router."""
return self.get((self.router_path + self.L3_AGENTS) % router,
def list_routers_on_l3_agent(self, l3_agent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of L3 agents hosting a router."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.L3_ROUTERS) % l3_agent,
def add_router_to_l3_agent(self, l3_agent, body):
"""Adds a router to L3 agent."""
return self.post((self.agent_path + self.L3_ROUTERS) % l3_agent,
def list_dragents_hosting_bgp_speaker(self, bgp_speaker, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of Dynamic Routing agents hosting a BGP speaker."""
return self.get((self.bgp_speaker_path + self.BGP_DRAGENTS)
% bgp_speaker, params=_params)
def add_bgp_speaker_to_dragent(self, bgp_dragent, body):
"""Adds a BGP speaker to Dynamic Routing agent."""
return self.post((self.agent_path + self.BGP_DRINSTANCES)
% bgp_dragent, body=body)
def remove_bgp_speaker_from_dragent(self, bgp_dragent, bgpspeaker_id):
"""Removes a BGP speaker from Dynamic Routing agent."""
return self.delete((self.agent_path + self.BGP_DRINSTANCES + "/%s")
% (bgp_dragent, bgpspeaker_id))
def list_bgp_speaker_on_dragent(self, bgp_dragent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of BGP speakers hosted by Dynamic Routing agent."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.BGP_DRINSTANCES)
% bgp_dragent, params=_params)
def list_firewall_rules(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewall rules for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewall_rules', self.firewall_rules_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall rule."""
return self.get(self.firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule),
def create_firewall_rule(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall rule."""
return self.post(self.firewall_rules_path, body=body)
def update_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall rule."""
return self.put(self.firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule), body=body)
def delete_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule):
"""Deletes the specified firewall rule."""
return self.delete(self.firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule))
def list_firewall_policies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewall policies for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewall_policies', self.firewall_policies_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall policy."""
return self.get(self.firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy),
def create_firewall_policy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall policy."""
return self.post(self.firewall_policies_path, body=body)
def update_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall policy."""
return self.put(self.firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy),
def delete_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy):
"""Deletes the specified firewall policy."""
return self.delete(self.firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy))
def firewall_policy_insert_rule(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Inserts specified rule into firewall policy."""
return self.put(self.firewall_policy_insert_path % (firewall_policy),
def firewall_policy_remove_rule(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Removes specified rule from firewall policy."""
return self.put(self.firewall_policy_remove_path % (firewall_policy),
def list_firewalls(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewalls for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewalls', self.firewalls_path, retrieve_all,
def show_firewall(self, firewall, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall."""
return self.get(self.firewall_path % (firewall), params=_params)
def create_firewall(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall."""
return self.post(self.firewalls_path, body=body)
def update_firewall(self, firewall, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall."""
return self.put(self.firewall_path % (firewall), body=body)
def delete_firewall(self, firewall):
"""Deletes the specified firewall."""
return self.delete(self.firewall_path % (firewall))
def list_fwaas_firewall_groups(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewall groups for a project"""
return self.list('firewall_groups', self.fwaas_firewall_groups_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_fwaas_firewall_group(self, fwg, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall group"""
return self.get(self.fwaas_firewall_group_path % (fwg), params=_params)
def create_fwaas_firewall_group(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall group"""
return self.post(self.fwaas_firewall_groups_path, body=body)
def update_fwaas_firewall_group(self, fwg, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall group"""
return self.put(self.fwaas_firewall_group_path % (fwg), body=body)
def delete_fwaas_firewall_group(self, fwg):
"""Deletes the specified firewall group"""
return self.delete(self.fwaas_firewall_group_path % (fwg))
def list_fwaas_firewall_rules(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewall rules for a project"""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewall_rules', self.fwaas_firewall_rules_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_fwaas_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall rule"""
return self.get(self.fwaas_firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule),
def create_fwaas_firewall_rule(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall rule"""
return self.post(self.fwaas_firewall_rules_path, body=body)
def update_fwaas_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall rule"""
return self.put(self.fwaas_firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule),
def delete_fwaas_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule):
"""Deletes the specified firewall rule"""
return self.delete(self.fwaas_firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule))
def list_fwaas_firewall_policies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewall policies for a project"""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewall_policies',
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_fwaas_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall policy"""
return self.get(self.fwaas_firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy),
def create_fwaas_firewall_policy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall policy"""
return self.post(self.fwaas_firewall_policies_path, body=body)
def update_fwaas_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall policy"""
return self.put(self.fwaas_firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy),
def delete_fwaas_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy):
"""Deletes the specified firewall policy"""
return self.delete(self.fwaas_firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy))
def insert_rule_fwaas_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Inserts specified rule into firewall policy"""
return self.put((self.fwaas_firewall_policy_insert_path %
(firewall_policy)), body=body)
def remove_rule_fwaas_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Removes specified rule from firewall policy"""
return self.put((self.fwaas_firewall_policy_remove_path %
(firewall_policy)), body=body)
def remove_router_from_l3_agent(self, l3_agent, router_id):
"""Remove a router from l3 agent."""
return self.delete((self.agent_path + self.L3_ROUTERS + "/%s") % (
l3_agent, router_id))
def get_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(self, pool, **_params):
"""Fetches a loadbalancer agent hosting a pool."""
return self.get((self.pool_path + self.LOADBALANCER_AGENT) % pool,
def list_pools_on_lbaas_agent(self, lbaas_agent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of pools hosted by the loadbalancer agent."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.LOADBALANCER_POOLS) %
lbaas_agent, params=_params)
def get_lbaas_agent_hosting_loadbalancer(self, loadbalancer, **_params):
"""Fetches a loadbalancer agent hosting a loadbalancer."""
return self.get((self.lbaas_loadbalancer_path +
self.LOADBALANCER_HOSTING_AGENT) % loadbalancer,
def list_loadbalancers_on_lbaas_agent(self, lbaas_agent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of loadbalancers hosted by the loadbalancer agent."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.AGENT_LOADBALANCERS) %
lbaas_agent, params=_params)
def list_service_providers(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches service providers."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('service_providers', self.service_providers_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def create_metering_label(self, body=None):
"""Creates a metering label."""
return self.post(self.metering_labels_path, body=body)
def delete_metering_label(self, label):
"""Deletes the specified metering label."""
return self.delete(self.metering_label_path % (label))
def list_metering_labels(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all metering labels for a project."""
return self.list('metering_labels', self.metering_labels_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_metering_label(self, metering_label, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain metering label."""
return self.get(self.metering_label_path %
(metering_label), params=_params)
def create_metering_label_rule(self, body=None):
"""Creates a metering label rule."""
return self.post(self.metering_label_rules_path, body=body)
def delete_metering_label_rule(self, rule):
"""Deletes the specified metering label rule."""
return self.delete(self.metering_label_rule_path % (rule))
def list_metering_label_rules(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all metering label rules for a label."""
return self.list('metering_label_rules',
self.metering_label_rules_path, retrieve_all,
def show_metering_label_rule(self, metering_label_rule, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain metering label rule."""
return self.get(self.metering_label_rule_path %
(metering_label_rule), params=_params)
def create_rbac_policy(self, body=None):
"""Create a new RBAC policy."""
return self.post(self.rbac_policies_path, body=body)
def update_rbac_policy(self, rbac_policy_id, body=None):
"""Update a RBAC policy."""
return self.put(self.rbac_policy_path % rbac_policy_id, body=body)
def list_rbac_policies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all RBAC policies for a project."""
return self.list('rbac_policies', self.rbac_policies_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_rbac_policy(self, rbac_policy_id, **_params):
"""Fetch information of a certain RBAC policy."""
return self.get(self.rbac_policy_path % rbac_policy_id,
def delete_rbac_policy(self, rbac_policy_id):
"""Delete the specified RBAC policy."""
return self.delete(self.rbac_policy_path % rbac_policy_id)
def list_qos_policies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all qos policies for a project."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('policies', self.qos_policies_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_qos_policy(self, qos_policy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain qos policy."""
return self.get(self.qos_policy_path % qos_policy,
def create_qos_policy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new qos policy."""
return self.post(self.qos_policies_path, body=body)
def update_qos_policy(self, qos_policy, body=None):
"""Updates a qos policy."""
return self.put(self.qos_policy_path % qos_policy,
def delete_qos_policy(self, qos_policy):
"""Deletes the specified qos policy."""
return self.delete(self.qos_policy_path % qos_policy)
def list_qos_rule_types(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""List available qos rule types."""
return self.list('rule_types', self.qos_rule_types_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def list_bandwidth_limit_rules(self, policy_id,
retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all bandwidth limit rules for the given policy."""
return self.list('bandwidth_limit_rules',
self.qos_bandwidth_limit_rules_path % policy_id,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, rule, policy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain bandwidth limit rule."""
return self.get(self.qos_bandwidth_limit_rule_path %
(policy, rule), params=_params)
def create_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, policy, body=None):
"""Creates a new bandwidth limit rule."""
return self.post(self.qos_bandwidth_limit_rules_path % policy,
def update_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, rule, policy, body=None):
"""Updates a bandwidth limit rule."""
return self.put(self.qos_bandwidth_limit_rule_path %
(policy, rule), body=body)
def delete_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, rule, policy):
"""Deletes a bandwidth limit rule."""
return self.delete(self.qos_bandwidth_limit_rule_path %
(policy, rule))
def list_dscp_marking_rules(self, policy_id,
retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all DSCP marking rules for the given policy."""
return self.list('dscp_marking_rules',
self.qos_dscp_marking_rules_path % policy_id,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_dscp_marking_rule(self, rule, policy, **_params):
"""Shows information of a certain DSCP marking rule."""
return self.get(self.qos_dscp_marking_rule_path %
(policy, rule), params=_params)
def create_dscp_marking_rule(self, policy, body=None):
"""Creates a new DSCP marking rule."""
return self.post(self.qos_dscp_marking_rules_path % policy,
def update_dscp_marking_rule(self, rule, policy, body=None):
"""Updates a DSCP marking rule."""
return self.put(self.qos_dscp_marking_rule_path %
(policy, rule), body=body)
def delete_dscp_marking_rule(self, rule, policy):
"""Deletes a DSCP marking rule."""
return self.delete(self.qos_dscp_marking_rule_path %
(policy, rule))
def list_minimum_bandwidth_rules(self, policy_id, retrieve_all=True,
"""Fetches a list of all minimum bandwidth rules for the given policy.
return self.list('minimum_bandwidth_rules',
self.qos_minimum_bandwidth_rules_path %
policy_id, retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_minimum_bandwidth_rule(self, rule, policy, body=None):
"""Fetches information of a certain minimum bandwidth rule."""
return self.get(self.qos_minimum_bandwidth_rule_path %
(policy, rule), body=body)
def create_minimum_bandwidth_rule(self, policy, body=None):
"""Creates a new minimum bandwidth rule."""
return self.post(self.qos_minimum_bandwidth_rules_path % policy,
def update_minimum_bandwidth_rule(self, rule, policy, body=None):
"""Updates a minimum bandwidth rule."""
return self.put(self.qos_minimum_bandwidth_rule_path %
(policy, rule), body=body)
def delete_minimum_bandwidth_rule(self, rule, policy):
"""Deletes a minimum bandwidth rule."""
return self.delete(self.qos_minimum_bandwidth_rule_path %
(policy, rule))
def create_flavor(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new Neutron service flavor."""
return self.post(self.flavors_path, body=body)
def delete_flavor(self, flavor):
"""Deletes the specified Neutron service flavor."""
return self.delete(self.flavor_path % (flavor))
def list_flavors(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all Neutron service flavors for a project."""
return self.list('flavors', self.flavors_path, retrieve_all,
def show_flavor(self, flavor, **_params):
"""Fetches information for a certain Neutron service flavor."""
return self.get(self.flavor_path % (flavor), params=_params)
def update_flavor(self, flavor, body):
"""Update a Neutron service flavor."""
return self.put(self.flavor_path % (flavor), body=body)
def associate_flavor(self, flavor, body):
"""Associate a Neutron service flavor with a profile."""
return self.post(self.flavor_profile_bindings_path %
(flavor), body=body)
def disassociate_flavor(self, flavor, flavor_profile):
"""Disassociate a Neutron service flavor with a profile."""
return self.delete(self.flavor_profile_binding_path %
(flavor, flavor_profile))
def create_service_profile(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new Neutron service flavor profile."""
return self.post(self.service_profiles_path, body=body)
def delete_service_profile(self, flavor_profile):
"""Deletes the specified Neutron service flavor profile."""
return self.delete(self.service_profile_path % (flavor_profile))
def list_service_profiles(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all Neutron service flavor profiles."""
return self.list('service_profiles', self.service_profiles_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_service_profile(self, flavor_profile, **_params):
"""Fetches information for a certain Neutron service flavor profile."""
return self.get(self.service_profile_path % (flavor_profile),
def update_service_profile(self, service_profile, body):
"""Update a Neutron service profile."""
return self.put(self.service_profile_path % (service_profile),
def list_availability_zones(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all availability zones."""
return self.list('availability_zones', self.availability_zones_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def get_auto_allocated_topology(self, project_id, **_params):
"""Fetch information about a project's auto-allocated topology."""
return self.get(
self.auto_allocated_topology_path % project_id,
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def delete_auto_allocated_topology(self, project_id, **_params):
"""Delete a project's auto-allocated topology."""
return self.delete(
self.auto_allocated_topology_path % project_id,
'tenant_id', 'project_id', replace=True)
def validate_auto_allocated_topology_requirements(self, project_id):
"""Validate requirements for getting an auto-allocated topology."""
return self.get_auto_allocated_topology(project_id, fields=['dry-run'])
def list_bgp_speakers(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all BGP speakers for a project."""
return self.list('bgp_speakers', self.bgp_speakers_path, retrieve_all,
def show_bgp_speaker(self, bgp_speaker_id, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain BGP speaker."""
return self.get(self.bgp_speaker_path % (bgp_speaker_id),
def create_bgp_speaker(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new BGP speaker."""
return self.post(self.bgp_speakers_path, body=body)
def update_bgp_speaker(self, bgp_speaker_id, body=None):
"""Update a BGP speaker."""
return self.put(self.bgp_speaker_path % bgp_speaker_id, body=body)
def delete_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_id):
"""Deletes the specified BGP speaker."""
return self.delete(self.bgp_speaker_path % (speaker_id))
def add_peer_to_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_id, body=None):
"""Adds a peer to BGP speaker."""
return self.put((self.bgp_speaker_path % speaker_id) +
"/add_bgp_peer", body=body)
def remove_peer_from_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_id, body=None):
"""Removes a peer from BGP speaker."""
return self.put((self.bgp_speaker_path % speaker_id) +
"/remove_bgp_peer", body=body)
def add_network_to_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_id, body=None):
"""Adds a network to BGP speaker."""
return self.put((self.bgp_speaker_path % speaker_id) +
"/add_gateway_network", body=body)
def remove_network_from_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_id, body=None):
"""Removes a network from BGP speaker."""
return self.put((self.bgp_speaker_path % speaker_id) +
"/remove_gateway_network", body=body)
def list_route_advertised_from_bgp_speaker(self, speaker_id, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all routes advertised by BGP speaker."""
return self.get((self.bgp_speaker_path % speaker_id) +
"/get_advertised_routes", params=_params)
def list_bgp_peers(self, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all BGP peers."""
return self.get(self.bgp_peers_path, params=_params)
def show_bgp_peer(self, peer_id, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain BGP peer."""
return self.get(self.bgp_peer_path % peer_id,
def create_bgp_peer(self, body=None):
"""Create a new BGP peer."""
return self.post(self.bgp_peers_path, body=body)
def update_bgp_peer(self, bgp_peer_id, body=None):
"""Update a BGP peer."""
return self.put(self.bgp_peer_path % bgp_peer_id, body=body)
def delete_bgp_peer(self, peer_id):
"""Deletes the specified BGP peer."""
return self.delete(self.bgp_peer_path % peer_id)
def list_network_ip_availabilities(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches IP availability information for all networks"""
return self.list('network_ip_availabilities',
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_network_ip_availability(self, network, **_params):
"""Fetches IP availability information for a specified network"""
return self.get(self.network_ip_availability_path % (network),
def add_tag(self, resource_type, resource_id, tag, **_params):
"""Add a tag on the resource."""
return self.put(self.tag_path % (resource_type, resource_id, tag))
def replace_tag(self, resource_type, resource_id, body, **_params):
"""Replace tags on the resource."""
return self.put(self.tags_path % (resource_type, resource_id), body)
def remove_tag(self, resource_type, resource_id, tag, **_params):
"""Remove a tag on the resource."""
return self.delete(self.tag_path % (resource_type, resource_id, tag))
def remove_tag_all(self, resource_type, resource_id, **_params):
"""Remove all tags on the resource."""
return self.delete(self.tags_path % (resource_type, resource_id))
def create_trunk(self, body=None):
"""Create a trunk port."""
return self.post(self.trunks_path, body=body)
def update_trunk(self, trunk, body=None):
"""Update a trunk port."""
return self.put(self.trunk_path % trunk, body=body)
def delete_trunk(self, trunk):
"""Delete a trunk port."""
return self.delete(self.trunk_path % (trunk))
def list_trunks(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all trunk ports."""
return self.list('trunks', self.trunks_path, retrieve_all,
def show_trunk(self, trunk, **_params):
"""Fetch information for a certain trunk port."""
return self.get(self.trunk_path % (trunk), params=_params)
def trunk_add_subports(self, trunk, body=None):
"""Add specified subports to the trunk."""
return self.put(self.subports_add_path % (trunk), body=body)
def trunk_remove_subports(self, trunk, body=None):
"""Removes specified subports from the trunk."""
return self.put(self.subports_remove_path % (trunk), body=body)
def trunk_get_subports(self, trunk, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all subports attached to given trunk."""
return self.get(self.subports_path % (trunk), params=_params)
def list_bgpvpns(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all BGP VPNs for a project"""
return self.list('bgpvpns', self.bgpvpns_path, retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_bgpvpn(self, bgpvpn, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain BGP VPN"""
return self.get(self.bgpvpn_path % bgpvpn, params=_params)
def create_bgpvpn(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new BGP VPN"""
return self.post(self.bgpvpns_path, body=body)
def update_bgpvpn(self, bgpvpn, body=None):
"""Updates a BGP VPN"""
return self.put(self.bgpvpn_path % bgpvpn, body=body)
def delete_bgpvpn(self, bgpvpn):
"""Deletes the specified BGP VPN"""
return self.delete(self.bgpvpn_path % bgpvpn)
def list_bgpvpn_network_assocs(self, bgpvpn, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of network associations for a given BGP VPN."""
return self.list('network_associations',
self.bgpvpn_network_associations_path % bgpvpn,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_bgpvpn_network_assoc(self, bgpvpn, net_assoc, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain BGP VPN's network association"""
return self.get(
self.bgpvpn_network_association_path % (bgpvpn, net_assoc),
def create_bgpvpn_network_assoc(self, bgpvpn, body=None):
"""Creates a new BGP VPN network association"""
return self.post(self.bgpvpn_network_associations_path % bgpvpn,
def update_bgpvpn_network_assoc(self, bgpvpn, net_assoc, body=None):
"""Updates a BGP VPN network association"""
return self.put(
self.bgpvpn_network_association_path % (bgpvpn, net_assoc),
def delete_bgpvpn_network_assoc(self, bgpvpn, net_assoc):
"""Deletes the specified BGP VPN network association"""
return self.delete(
self.bgpvpn_network_association_path % (bgpvpn, net_assoc))
def list_bgpvpn_router_assocs(self, bgpvpn, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of router associations for a given BGP VPN."""
return self.list('router_associations',
self.bgpvpn_router_associations_path % bgpvpn,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_bgpvpn_router_assoc(self, bgpvpn, router_assoc, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain BGP VPN's router association"""
return self.get(
self.bgpvpn_router_association_path % (bgpvpn, router_assoc),
def create_bgpvpn_router_assoc(self, bgpvpn, body=None):
"""Creates a new BGP VPN router association"""
return self.post(self.bgpvpn_router_associations_path % bgpvpn,
def update_bgpvpn_router_assoc(self, bgpvpn, router_assoc, body=None):
"""Updates a BGP VPN router association"""
return self.put(
self.bgpvpn_router_association_path % (bgpvpn, router_assoc),
def delete_bgpvpn_router_assoc(self, bgpvpn, router_assoc):
"""Deletes the specified BGP VPN router association"""
return self.delete(
self.bgpvpn_router_association_path % (bgpvpn, router_assoc))
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a new client for the Neutron v2.0 API."""
super(Client, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def extend_show(self, resource_singular, path, parent_resource):
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def _fx(obj, **_params):
return self.show_ext(path, obj, **_params)
def _parent_fx(obj, parent_id, **_params):
return self.show_ext(path % parent_id, obj, **_params)
fn = _fx if not parent_resource else _parent_fx
setattr(self, "show_%s" % resource_singular, fn)
def extend_list(self, resource_plural, path, parent_resource):
def _fx(retrieve_all=True, **_params):
return self.list_ext(resource_plural, path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def _parent_fx(parent_id, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
return self.list_ext(resource_plural, path % parent_id,
retrieve_all, **_params)
fn = _fx if not parent_resource else _parent_fx
setattr(self, "list_%s" % resource_plural, fn)
def extend_create(self, resource_singular, path, parent_resource):
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def _fx(body=None):
return self.create_ext(path, body)
def _parent_fx(parent_id, body=None):
return self.create_ext(path % parent_id, body)
fn = _fx if not parent_resource else _parent_fx
setattr(self, "create_%s" % resource_singular, fn)
def extend_delete(self, resource_singular, path, parent_resource):
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def _fx(obj):
return self.delete_ext(path, obj)
def _parent_fx(obj, parent_id):
return self.delete_ext(path % parent_id, obj)
fn = _fx if not parent_resource else _parent_fx
setattr(self, "delete_%s" % resource_singular, fn)
def extend_update(self, resource_singular, path, parent_resource):
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def _fx(obj, body=None):
return self.update_ext(path, obj, body)
def _parent_fx(obj, parent_id, body=None):
return self.update_ext(path % parent_id, obj, body)
fn = _fx if not parent_resource else _parent_fx
setattr(self, "update_%s" % resource_singular, fn)
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def _extend_client_with_module(self, module, version):
classes = inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)
for cls_name, cls in classes:
if hasattr(cls, 'versions'):
if version not in cls.versions:
parent_resource = getattr(cls, 'parent_resource', None)
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
if issubclass(cls, client_extension.ClientExtensionList):
self.extend_list(cls.resource_plural, cls.object_path,
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
elif issubclass(cls, client_extension.ClientExtensionCreate):
self.extend_create(cls.resource, cls.object_path,
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
elif issubclass(cls, client_extension.ClientExtensionUpdate):
self.extend_update(cls.resource, cls.resource_path,
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
elif issubclass(cls, client_extension.ClientExtensionDelete):
self.extend_delete(cls.resource, cls.resource_path,
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
elif issubclass(cls, client_extension.ClientExtensionShow):
self.extend_show(cls.resource, cls.resource_path,
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
elif issubclass(cls, client_extension.NeutronClientExtension):
setattr(self, "%s_path" % cls.resource_plural,
setattr(self, "%s_path" % cls.resource, cls.resource_path)
self.EXTED_PLURALS.update({cls.resource_plural: cls.resource})
Client command extension support Adds extension support with emphasis on ease of extension creation. Extensions strongly conform to preexisting neutron commands (/neutron/v2_0/*). A sample extension has been included (/neutron/v2_0/contrib/_fox_sockets.py). As it is assumed that the sample extension will be packaged with the client, small changes were required to include it with the unit tests. It is also possible to install a module with a 'neutronclient.extension' entry- point defined. More information on this can be found in the stevedore docs under the section "Loading the Plugins". Extension discovery is modeled after nova's module discovery but deviates strongly beyond that. A conforming module, at a minimum: * Will have a class that subclasses NeutronClientExtension to provide the requisite version support, paths, and variable names for the client. Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocket * Will have at least one class that subclasses from the ClientExtension* classes to provide the new functionality to the client Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList * ClientExtension* subclasses must have a shell_command class variable if the command is to be available to the CLI (shell.py) Example: neutronclient.neutron.v2_0.contrib._fox_sockets.FoxInSocketsList Provides client command extensions through new classes: NeutronClientExtension, and ClientExtension<Action>. The precedence of command loading are as follows: * hard coded commands are loaded first * contribued commands (those in /contrib) * external commands (installed in the environment) are loaded last Commands that have the same name will be overwritten by commands that are loaded later. To greatly change the execution of a command for your particular extension you only need to override the execute method. Currently this extension support is limited to top-level resources. Parent/ child relationships may be added if desired. Change-Id: I5b2fe530c90b5ce1243fc10341d6d434a1ecea7a Implements: blueprint extensible-neutronclient
2013-11-26 23:30:47 +00:00
def _register_extensions(self, version):
for name, module in itertools.chain(
self._extend_client_with_module(module, version)