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--- a/doc/source/index.rst
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@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Using neutronclient
+   usage/osc_cli_plugins
 Developer Guide
diff --git a/doc/source/usage/osc/v2/network-trunk.rst b/doc/source/usage/osc/v2/network-trunk.rst
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index 000000000..5a79310a4
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+++ b/doc/source/usage/osc/v2/network-trunk.rst
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+network trunk
+A **network trunk** is a container to group logical ports from different
+networks and provide a single trunked vNIC for servers. It consists of
+one parent port which is a regular VIF and multiple subports which allow
+the server to connect to more networks.
+Network v2
+network subport list
+List all subports for a given network trunk
+.. program:: network subport list
+.. code:: bash
+    os network subport list
+        --trunk <trunk>
+.. option:: --trunk <trunk>
+    List subports belonging to this trunk (name or ID) (required)
+network trunk create
+Create a network trunk for a given project
+.. program:: network trunk create
+.. code:: bash
+    os network trunk create
+        --parent-port <parent-port>
+        [--subport <port=,segmentation-type=,segmentation-id=>]
+        [--enable | --disable]
+        [--project <project> [--project-domain <project-domain>]]
+        <name>
+.. option:: --parent-port <parent-port>
+    Parent port belonging to this trunk (name or ID) (required)
+.. option:: --subport <port=,segmentation-type=,segmentation-id=>
+    Subport to add. Subport is of form 'port=<name or ID>,segmentation-type=,segmentation-ID='
+    (--subport) option can be repeated
+.. option:: --enable
+    Enable trunk (default)
+.. option:: --disable
+    Disable trunk
+.. option:: --project <project>
+    Owner's project (name or ID)
+.. option:: --project-domain <project-domain>
+    Domain the project belongs to (name or ID).
+    This can be used in case collisions between project names exist.
+network trunk delete
+Delete a given network trunk
+.. program:: network trunk delete
+.. code:: bash
+    os network trunk delete
+        <trunk> [<trunk> ...]
+.. _network_trunk_delete-trunk:
+.. describe:: <trunk>
+    Trunk(s) to delete (name or ID)
+network trunk list
+List all network trunks
+.. program:: network trunk list
+.. code:: bash
+    os network trunk list
+        [--long]
+.. option:: --long
+    List additional fields in output
+network trunk set
+Set network trunk properties
+.. program:: network trunk set
+.. code:: bash
+    os network trunk set
+        [--name <name>]
+        [--subport <port=,segmentation-type=,segmentation-id=>]
+        [--enable | --disable]
+        <trunk>
+.. option:: --name <name>
+    Set trunk name
+.. option:: --subport <port=,segmentation-type=,segmentation-id=>
+    Subport to add. Subport is of form 'port=<name or ID>,segmentation-type=,segmentation-ID='
+    (--subport) option can be repeated
+.. option:: --enable
+    Enable trunk
+.. option:: --disable
+    Disable trunk
+.. _network_trunk_set-trunk:
+.. describe:: <trunk>
+    Trunk to modify (name or ID)
+network trunk show
+Show information of a given network trunk
+.. program:: network trunk show
+.. code:: bash
+    os network trunk show
+        <trunk>
+.. _network_trunk_show-trunk:
+.. describe:: <trunk>
+    Trunk to display (name or ID)
+network trunk unset
+Unset subports from a given network trunk
+.. program:: network trunk unset
+.. code:: bash
+    os network trunk unset
+        --subport <subport>
+        <trunk>
+.. option:: --subport <subport>
+    Subport to delete (name or ID of the port) (required)
+    (--subport) option can be repeated
+.. _network_trunk_unset-trunk:
+.. describe:: <trunk>
+    Unset subports from this trunk (name or ID)
diff --git a/doc/source/usage/osc_cli_plugins.rst b/doc/source/usage/osc_cli_plugins.rst
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+      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+      not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+      a copy of the License at
+          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+      WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+      License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+      under the License.
+      Convention for heading levels in Neutron devref:
+      =======  Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
+      -------  Heading 1
+      ~~~~~~~  Heading 2
+      +++++++  Heading 3
+      '''''''  Heading 4
+      (Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.)
+Using Network CLI extensions to OpenStack Client
+List of released CLI commands available in openstack client. These commands
+can be referenced by doing ``openstack help network``.
+.. toctree::
+   :glob:
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   osc/v2/*