blueprint new-cli
Bug #1001053
Implement new commands interface, ready for v2.0. adopt cliff arch. new
client binary is quantumv2. After it is stable, we will remove quantum
binary. Httplibs2 is used.
Patch 2: add license header
Patch 3: add v1.0 support, fix show net details
Patch 4: quantumclient network api v2.0
Patch 5: subnet and port commands for api v2.0, add fields selector
Patch 6: add test cases
Patch 7: fix interactive mode, modify according to comments and, add two tasks to BP: noauth and openstack common
Patch 8: fix log problem
Patch 9: modify according to the comments by dan on patch 5
Patch 10: just trigger jenkins
Patch 11: pep 1.3 fix
Patch 12: cliff and prettytable to more than 0.6.0
Patch 13: change to include more packages
Patch 14: pep check on jenkins
Patch 15: add license text to empty files
Patch 16: fix v1.1 test cases after server changes
Change-Id: Ibbbdd834371c6a023b31e4797718fc0fe9786d89