# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import abc import argparse import functools import logging from cliff import command from cliff import lister from cliff import show from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from neutronclient._i18n import _ from neutronclient.common import exceptions from neutronclient.common import utils HYPHEN_OPTS = ['tags_any', 'not_tags', 'not_tags_any'] def find_resource_by_id(client, resource, resource_id, cmd_resource=None, parent_id=None, fields=None): return client.find_resource_by_id(resource, resource_id, cmd_resource, parent_id, fields) def find_resourceid_by_id(client, resource, resource_id, cmd_resource=None, parent_id=None): return find_resource_by_id(client, resource, resource_id, cmd_resource, parent_id, fields='id')['id'] def find_resource_by_name_or_id(client, resource, name_or_id, project_id=None, cmd_resource=None, parent_id=None, fields=None): return client.find_resource(resource, name_or_id, project_id, cmd_resource, parent_id, fields) def find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(client, resource, name_or_id, project_id=None, cmd_resource=None, parent_id=None): return find_resource_by_name_or_id(client, resource, name_or_id, project_id, cmd_resource, parent_id, fields='id')['id'] def add_show_list_common_argument(parser): parser.add_argument( '-D', '--show-details', help=_('Show detailed information.'), action='store_true', default=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--show_details', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--fields', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='append', default=[]) parser.add_argument( '-F', '--field', dest='fields', metavar='FIELD', help=_('Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can ' 'repeat this option.'), action='append', default=[]) def add_pagination_argument(parser): parser.add_argument( '-P', '--page-size', dest='page_size', metavar='SIZE', type=int, help=_("Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request " "to several requests."), default=None) def add_sorting_argument(parser): parser.add_argument( '--sort-key', dest='sort_key', metavar='FIELD', action='append', help=_("Sorts the list by the specified fields in the specified " "directions. You can repeat this option, but you must " "specify an equal number of sort_dir and sort_key values. " "Extra sort_dir options are ignored. Missing sort_dir options " "use the default asc value."), default=[]) parser.add_argument( '--sort-dir', dest='sort_dir', metavar='{asc,desc}', help=_("Sorts the list in the specified direction. You can repeat " "this option."), action='append', default=[], choices=['asc', 'desc']) def is_number(s): try: float(s) # for int, long and float except ValueError: try: complex(s) # for complex except ValueError: return False return True def _process_previous_argument(current_arg, _value_number, current_type_str, _list_flag, _values_specs, _clear_flag, values_specs): if current_arg is not None: if _value_number == 0 and (current_type_str or _list_flag): # This kind of argument should have value raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Invalid values_specs %s") % ' '.join(values_specs)) if _value_number > 1 or _list_flag or current_type_str == 'list': current_arg.update({'nargs': '+'}) elif _value_number == 0: if _clear_flag: # if we have action=clear, we use argument's default # value None for argument _values_specs.pop() else: # We assume non value argument as bool one current_arg.update({'action': 'store_true'}) def parse_args_to_dict(values_specs): """It is used to analyze the extra command options to command. Besides known options and arguments, our commands also support user to put more options to the end of command line. For example, list_nets -- --tag x y --key1 value1, where '-- --tag x y --key1 value1' is extra options to our list_nets. This feature can support V2.0 API's fields selection and filters. For example, to list networks which has name 'test4', we can have list_nets -- --name=test4. value spec is: --key type=int|bool|... value. Type is one of Python built-in types. By default, type is string. The key without value is a bool option. Key with two values will be a list option. """ # values_specs for example: '-- --tag x y --key1 type=int value1' # -- is a pseudo argument values_specs_copy = values_specs[:] if values_specs_copy and values_specs_copy[0] == '--': del values_specs_copy[0] # converted ArgumentParser arguments for each of the options _options = {} # the argument part for current option in _options current_arg = None # the string after remove meta info in values_specs # for example, '--tag x y --key1 value1' _values_specs = [] # record the count of values for an option # for example: for '--tag x y', it is 2, while for '--key1 value1', it is 1 _value_number = 0 # list=true _list_flag = False # action=clear _clear_flag = False # the current item in values_specs current_item = None # the str after 'type=' current_type_str = None # dict of allowed types allowed_type_dict = { 'bool': utils.str2bool, 'dict': utils.str2dict, 'int': int, 'str': str, } for _item in values_specs_copy: if _item.startswith('--'): # Deal with previous argument if any _process_previous_argument( current_arg, _value_number, current_type_str, _list_flag, _values_specs, _clear_flag, values_specs) # Init variables for current argument current_item = _item _list_flag = False _clear_flag = False current_type_str = None if "=" in _item: _value_number = 1 _item = _item.split('=')[0] else: _value_number = 0 if _item in _options: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Duplicated options %s") % ' '.join(values_specs)) else: _options.update({_item: {}}) current_arg = _options[_item] _item = current_item elif _item.startswith('type='): if current_arg is None: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Invalid values_specs %s") % ' '.join(values_specs)) if 'type' not in current_arg: current_type_str = _item.split('=', 2)[1] if current_type_str in allowed_type_dict: current_arg['type'] = allowed_type_dict[current_type_str] continue else: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Invalid value_specs {valspec}: type {curtypestr}" " is not supported").format( valspec=' '.join(values_specs), curtypestr=current_type_str)) elif _item == 'list=true': _list_flag = True continue elif _item == 'action=clear': _clear_flag = True continue if not _item.startswith('--'): # All others are value items # Make sure '--' occurs first and allow minus value if (not current_item or '=' in current_item or _item.startswith('-') and not is_number(_item)): raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Invalid values_specs %s") % ' '.join(values_specs)) _value_number += 1 if _item.startswith('---'): raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Invalid values_specs %s") % ' '.join(values_specs)) _values_specs.append(_item) # Deal with last one argument _process_previous_argument( current_arg, _value_number, current_type_str, _list_flag, _values_specs, _clear_flag, values_specs) # Populate the parser with arguments _parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) for opt, optspec in _options.items(): _parser.add_argument(opt, **optspec) _args = _parser.parse_args(_values_specs) result_dict = {} for opt in _options.keys(): _opt = opt.split('--', 2)[1] _opt = _opt.replace('-', '_') _value = getattr(_args, _opt) result_dict.update({_opt: _value}) return result_dict def _merge_args(qCmd, parsed_args, _extra_values, value_specs): """Merge arguments from _extra_values into parsed_args. If an argument value are provided in both and it is a list, the values in _extra_values will be merged into parsed_args. @param parsed_args: the parsed args from known options @param _extra_values: the other parsed arguments in unknown parts @param values_specs: the unparsed unknown parts """ temp_values = _extra_values.copy() for key, value in temp_values.items(): if hasattr(parsed_args, key): arg_value = getattr(parsed_args, key) if arg_value is not None and value is not None: if isinstance(arg_value, list): if value and isinstance(value, list): if (not arg_value or isinstance(arg_value[0], type(value[0]))): arg_value.extend(value) _extra_values.pop(key) def update_dict(obj, dict, attributes): """Update dict with fields from obj.attributes. :param obj: the object updated into dict :param dict: the result dictionary :param attributes: a list of attributes belonging to obj """ for attribute in attributes: if hasattr(obj, attribute) and getattr(obj, attribute) is not None: dict[attribute] = getattr(obj, attribute) # cliff.command.Command is abstract class so that metaclass of # subclass must be subclass of metaclass of all its base. # otherwise metaclass conflict exception is raised. class NeutronCommandMeta(abc.ABCMeta): def __new__(cls, name, bases, cls_dict): if 'log' not in cls_dict: cls_dict['log'] = logging.getLogger( cls_dict['__module__'] + '.' + name) return super(NeutronCommandMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, cls_dict) class NeutronCommand(command.Command, metaclass=NeutronCommandMeta): values_specs = [] json_indent = None resource = None shadow_resource = None parent_id = None def run(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('run(%s)', parsed_args) return super(NeutronCommand, self).run(parsed_args) @property def cmd_resource(self): if self.shadow_resource: return self.shadow_resource return self.resource def get_client(self): return self.app.client_manager.neutron def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(NeutronCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( '--request-format', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, default='json', choices=['json', ], ) parser.add_argument( '--request_format', choices=['json', ], help=argparse.SUPPRESS) return parser def cleanup_output_data(self, data): pass def format_output_data(self, data): # Modify data to make it more readable if self.resource in data: for k, v in data[self.resource].items(): if isinstance(v, list): value = '\n'.join(jsonutils.dumps( i, indent=self.json_indent) if isinstance(i, dict) else str(i) for i in v) data[self.resource][k] = value elif isinstance(v, dict): value = jsonutils.dumps(v, indent=self.json_indent) data[self.resource][k] = value elif v is None: data[self.resource][k] = '' def add_known_arguments(self, parser): pass def set_extra_attrs(self, parsed_args): pass def args2body(self, parsed_args): return {} class CreateCommand(NeutronCommand, show.ShowOne): """Create a resource for a given tenant.""" log = None def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(CreateCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( '--tenant-id', metavar='TENANT_ID', help=_('The owner tenant ID.'), ) parser.add_argument( '--tenant_id', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) self.add_known_arguments(parser) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.set_extra_attrs(parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() _extra_values = parse_args_to_dict(self.values_specs) _merge_args(self, parsed_args, _extra_values, self.values_specs) body = self.args2body(parsed_args) body[self.resource].update(_extra_values) obj_creator = getattr(neutron_client, "create_%s" % self.cmd_resource) if self.parent_id: data = obj_creator(self.parent_id, body) else: data = obj_creator(body) self.cleanup_output_data(data) if parsed_args.formatter == 'table': self.format_output_data(data) info = self.resource in data and data[self.resource] or None if info: if parsed_args.formatter == 'table': print(_('Created a new %s:') % self.resource, file=self.app.stdout) else: info = {'': ''} return zip(*sorted(info.items())) class UpdateCommand(NeutronCommand): """Update resource's information.""" log = None allow_names = True help_resource = None def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(UpdateCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) if self.allow_names: help_str = _('ID or name of %s to update.') else: help_str = _('ID of %s to update.') if not self.help_resource: self.help_resource = self.resource parser.add_argument( 'id', metavar=self.resource.upper(), help=help_str % self.help_resource) self.add_known_arguments(parser) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.set_extra_attrs(parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() _extra_values = parse_args_to_dict(self.values_specs) _merge_args(self, parsed_args, _extra_values, self.values_specs) body = self.args2body(parsed_args) if self.resource in body: body[self.resource].update(_extra_values) else: body[self.resource] = _extra_values if not body[self.resource]: raise exceptions.CommandError( _("Must specify new values to update %s") % self.cmd_resource) if self.allow_names: _id = find_resourceid_by_name_or_id( neutron_client, self.resource, parsed_args.id, cmd_resource=self.cmd_resource, parent_id=self.parent_id) else: _id = find_resourceid_by_id( neutron_client, self.resource, parsed_args.id, self.cmd_resource, self.parent_id) obj_updater = getattr(neutron_client, "update_%s" % self.cmd_resource) if self.parent_id: obj_updater(_id, self.parent_id, body) else: obj_updater(_id, body) print((_('Updated %(resource)s: %(id)s') % {'id': parsed_args.id, 'resource': self.resource}), file=self.app.stdout) return class DeleteCommand(NeutronCommand): """Delete a given resource.""" log = None allow_names = True help_resource = None bulk_delete = True def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(DeleteCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) if not self.help_resource: self.help_resource = self.resource if self.allow_names: help_str = _('ID(s) or name(s) of %s to delete.') else: help_str = _('ID(s) of %s to delete.') parser.add_argument( 'id', metavar=self.resource.upper(), nargs='+' if self.bulk_delete else 1, help=help_str % self.help_resource) self.add_known_arguments(parser) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.set_extra_attrs(parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() obj_deleter = getattr(neutron_client, "delete_%s" % self.cmd_resource) if self.bulk_delete: self._bulk_delete(obj_deleter, neutron_client, parsed_args.id) else: self.delete_item(obj_deleter, neutron_client, parsed_args.id) print((_('Deleted %(resource)s: %(id)s') % {'id': parsed_args.id, 'resource': self.resource}), file=self.app.stdout) return def _bulk_delete(self, obj_deleter, neutron_client, parsed_args_ids): successful_delete = [] non_existent = [] multiple_ids = [] for item_id in parsed_args_ids: try: self.delete_item(obj_deleter, neutron_client, item_id) successful_delete.append(item_id) except exceptions.NotFound: non_existent.append(item_id) except exceptions.NeutronClientNoUniqueMatch: multiple_ids.append(item_id) if successful_delete: print((_('Deleted %(resource)s(s): %(id)s')) % {'id': ", ".join(successful_delete), 'resource': self.cmd_resource}, file=self.app.stdout) if non_existent or multiple_ids: err_msgs = [] if non_existent: err_msgs.append((_("Unable to find %(resource)s(s) with id(s) " "'%(id)s'.") % {'resource': self.cmd_resource, 'id': ", ".join(non_existent)})) if multiple_ids: err_msgs.append((_("Multiple %(resource)s(s) matches found " "for name(s) '%(id)s'. Please use an ID " "to be more specific.") % {'resource': self.cmd_resource, 'id': ", ".join(multiple_ids)})) raise exceptions.NeutronCLIError(message='\n'.join(err_msgs)) def delete_item(self, obj_deleter, neutron_client, item_id): if self.allow_names: params = {'cmd_resource': self.cmd_resource, 'parent_id': self.parent_id} _id = find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(neutron_client, self.resource, item_id, **params) else: _id = item_id if self.parent_id: obj_deleter(_id, self.parent_id) else: obj_deleter(_id) return class ListCommand(NeutronCommand, lister.Lister): """List resources that belong to a given tenant.""" log = None _formatters = {} list_columns = [] unknown_parts_flag = True pagination_support = False sorting_support = False resource_plural = None # A list to define arguments for filtering by attribute value # CLI arguments are shown in the order of this list. # Each element must be either of a string of an attribute name # or a dict of a full attribute definitions whose format is: # {'name': attribute name, (mandatory) # 'help': help message for CLI (mandatory) # 'boolean': boolean parameter or not. (Default: False) (optional) # 'argparse_kwargs': a dict of parameters passed to # argparse add_argument() # (Default: {}) (optional) # } # For more details, see ListNetworks.filter_attrs. filter_attrs = [] default_attr_defs = { 'name': { 'help': _("Filter %s according to their name."), 'boolean': False, }, 'tenant_id': { 'help': _('Filter %s belonging to the given tenant.'), 'boolean': False, }, 'admin_state_up': { 'help': _('Filter and list the %s whose administrative ' 'state is active'), 'boolean': True, }, } def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(ListCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) add_show_list_common_argument(parser) if self.pagination_support: add_pagination_argument(parser) if self.sorting_support: add_sorting_argument(parser) self.add_known_arguments(parser) self.add_filtering_arguments(parser) return parser def add_filtering_arguments(self, parser): if not self.filter_attrs: return group_parser = parser.add_argument_group('filtering arguments') collection = self.resource_plural or '%ss' % self.resource for attr in self.filter_attrs: if isinstance(attr, str): # Use detail defined in default_attr_defs attr_name = attr attr_defs = self.default_attr_defs[attr] else: attr_name = attr['name'] attr_defs = attr option_name = '--%s' % attr_name.replace('_', '-') params = attr_defs.get('argparse_kwargs', {}) try: help_msg = attr_defs['help'] % collection except TypeError: help_msg = attr_defs['help'] if attr_defs.get('boolean', False): add_arg_func = functools.partial(utils.add_boolean_argument, group_parser) else: add_arg_func = group_parser.add_argument add_arg_func(option_name, help=help_msg, **params) def args2search_opts(self, parsed_args): search_opts = {} fields = parsed_args.fields if parsed_args.fields: search_opts.update({'fields': fields}) if parsed_args.show_details: search_opts.update({'verbose': 'True'}) filter_attrs = [field if isinstance(field, str) else field['name'] for field in self.filter_attrs] for attr in filter_attrs: val = getattr(parsed_args, attr, None) if attr in HYPHEN_OPTS: attr = attr.replace('_', '-') if val: search_opts[attr] = val return search_opts def call_server(self, neutron_client, search_opts, parsed_args): resource_plural = neutron_client.get_resource_plural(self.cmd_resource) obj_lister = getattr(neutron_client, "list_%s" % resource_plural) if self.parent_id: data = obj_lister(self.parent_id, **search_opts) else: data = obj_lister(**search_opts) return data def retrieve_list(self, parsed_args): """Retrieve a list of resources from Neutron server.""" neutron_client = self.get_client() _extra_values = parse_args_to_dict(self.values_specs) _merge_args(self, parsed_args, _extra_values, self.values_specs) search_opts = self.args2search_opts(parsed_args) search_opts.update(_extra_values) if self.pagination_support: page_size = parsed_args.page_size if page_size: search_opts.update({'limit': page_size}) if self.sorting_support: keys = parsed_args.sort_key if keys: search_opts.update({'sort_key': keys}) dirs = parsed_args.sort_dir len_diff = len(keys) - len(dirs) if len_diff > 0: dirs += ['asc'] * len_diff elif len_diff < 0: dirs = dirs[:len(keys)] if dirs: search_opts.update({'sort_dir': dirs}) data = self.call_server(neutron_client, search_opts, parsed_args) collection = neutron_client.get_resource_plural(self.resource) return data.get(collection, []) def extend_list(self, data, parsed_args): """Update a retrieved list. This method provides a way to modify an original list returned from the neutron server. For example, you can add subnet cidr information to a network list. """ pass def setup_columns(self, info, parsed_args): _columns = len(info) > 0 and sorted(info[0].keys()) or [] if not _columns: # clean the parsed_args.columns so that cliff will not break parsed_args.columns = [] elif parsed_args.columns: _columns = [x for x in parsed_args.columns if x in _columns] elif self.list_columns: # if no -c(s) by user and list_columns, we use columns in # both list_columns and returned resource. # Also Keep their order the same as in list_columns _columns = self._setup_columns_with_tenant_id(self.list_columns, _columns) if parsed_args.formatter == 'table': formatters = self._formatters elif (parsed_args.formatter == 'csv' and hasattr(self, '_formatters_csv')): formatters = self._formatters_csv else: # For other formatters, we use raw value returned from neutron formatters = {} return (_columns, (utils.get_item_properties( s, _columns, formatters=formatters, ) for s in info), ) def _setup_columns_with_tenant_id(self, display_columns, avail_columns): _columns = [x for x in display_columns if x in avail_columns] if 'tenant_id' in display_columns: return _columns if 'tenant_id' not in avail_columns: return _columns if not self.is_admin_role(): return _columns try: pos_id = _columns.index('id') except ValueError: pos_id = 0 try: pos_name = _columns.index('name') except ValueError: pos_name = 0 _columns.insert(max(pos_id, pos_name) + 1, 'tenant_id') return _columns def is_admin_role(self): client = self.get_client() auth_ref = client.httpclient.get_auth_ref() if not auth_ref: return False return 'admin' in auth_ref.role_names def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.set_extra_attrs(parsed_args) data = self.retrieve_list(parsed_args) self.extend_list(data, parsed_args) return self.setup_columns(data, parsed_args) class ShowCommand(NeutronCommand, show.ShowOne): """Show information of a given resource.""" log = None allow_names = True help_resource = None def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(ShowCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) add_show_list_common_argument(parser) if self.allow_names: help_str = _('ID or name of %s to look up.') else: help_str = _('ID of %s to look up.') if not self.help_resource: self.help_resource = self.resource parser.add_argument( 'id', metavar=self.resource.upper(), help=help_str % self.help_resource) self.add_known_arguments(parser) return parser def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.set_extra_attrs(parsed_args) neutron_client = self.get_client() params = {} if parsed_args.show_details: params = {'verbose': 'True'} if parsed_args.fields: params = {'fields': parsed_args.fields} if self.allow_names: _id = find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(neutron_client, self.resource, parsed_args.id, cmd_resource=self.cmd_resource, parent_id=self.parent_id) else: _id = parsed_args.id obj_shower = getattr(neutron_client, "show_%s" % self.cmd_resource) if self.parent_id: data = obj_shower(_id, self.parent_id, **params) else: data = obj_shower(_id, **params) self.cleanup_output_data(data) if parsed_args.formatter == 'table': self.format_output_data(data) resource = data[self.resource] if self.resource in data: return zip(*sorted(resource.items())) else: return None