Client's constructor receives keyword arguments (**kwargs), which are then passed to an HTTPClient. Since HTTPClient receives numerous parameters, Client's docstring describes which parameters are expected and their meanings. This patch adds 2 parameters which HTTPClient receives but weren't previously documented in Client's docstring. Change-Id: I12e520f6e26c3aa7c76b190c3e2125d77c71a19a
1363 lines
53 KiB
1363 lines
53 KiB
# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import time
import requests
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from neutronclient import client
from neutronclient.common import _
from neutronclient.common import constants
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.common import serializer
from neutronclient.common import utils
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def exception_handler_v20(status_code, error_content):
"""Exception handler for API v2.0 client.
This routine generates the appropriate Neutron exception according to
the contents of the response body.
:param status_code: HTTP error status code
:param error_content: deserialized body of error response
error_dict = None
if isinstance(error_content, dict):
error_dict = error_content.get('NeutronError')
# Find real error type
bad_neutron_error_flag = False
if error_dict:
# If Neutron key is found, it will definitely contain
# a 'message' and 'type' keys?
error_type = error_dict['type']
error_message = error_dict['message']
if error_dict['detail']:
error_message += "\n" + error_dict['detail']
except Exception:
bad_neutron_error_flag = True
if not bad_neutron_error_flag:
# If corresponding exception is defined, use it.
client_exc = getattr(exceptions, '%sClient' % error_type, None)
# Otherwise look up per status-code client exception
if not client_exc:
client_exc = exceptions.HTTP_EXCEPTION_MAP.get(status_code)
if client_exc:
raise client_exc(message=error_message,
raise exceptions.NeutronClientException(
status_code=status_code, message=error_message)
raise exceptions.NeutronClientException(status_code=status_code,
message = None
if isinstance(error_content, dict):
message = error_content.get('message')
if message:
raise exceptions.NeutronClientException(status_code=status_code,
# If we end up here the exception was not a neutron error
msg = "%s-%s" % (status_code, error_content)
raise exceptions.NeutronClientException(status_code=status_code,
class APIParamsCall(object):
"""A Decorator to add support for format and tenant overriding and filters.
def __init__(self, function):
self.function = function
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
def with_params(*args, **kwargs):
_format = instance.format
if 'format' in kwargs:
instance.format = kwargs['format']
ret = self.function(instance, *args, **kwargs)
instance.format = _format
return ret
return with_params
class Client(object):
"""Client for the OpenStack Neutron v2.0 API.
:param string username: Username for authentication. (optional)
:param string user_id: User ID for authentication. (optional)
:param string password: Password for authentication. (optional)
:param string token: Token for authentication. (optional)
:param string tenant_name: Tenant name. (optional)
:param string tenant_id: Tenant id. (optional)
:param string auth_strategy: 'keystone' by default, 'noauth' for no
authentication against keystone. (optional)
:param string auth_url: Keystone service endpoint for authorization.
:param string service_type: Network service type to pull from the
keystone catalog (e.g. 'network') (optional)
:param string endpoint_type: Network service endpoint type to pull from the
keystone catalog (e.g. 'publicURL',
'internalURL', or 'adminURL') (optional)
:param string region_name: Name of a region to select when choosing an
endpoint from the service catalog.
:param string endpoint_url: A user-supplied endpoint URL for the neutron
service. Lazy-authentication is possible for API
service calls if endpoint is set at
:param integer timeout: Allows customization of the timeout for client
http requests. (optional)
:param bool insecure: SSL certificate validation. (optional)
:param bool log_credentials: Allow for logging of passwords or not.
Defaults to False. (optional)
:param string ca_cert: SSL CA bundle file to use. (optional)
:param integer retries: How many times idempotent (GET, PUT, DELETE)
requests to Neutron server should be retried if
they fail (default: 0).
:param bool raise_errors: If True then exceptions caused by connection
failure are propagated to the caller.
(default: True)
:param session: Keystone client auth session to use. (optional)
:param auth: Keystone auth plugin to use. (optional)
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
neutron = client.Client(username=USER,
nets = neutron.list_networks()
networks_path = "/networks"
network_path = "/networks/%s"
ports_path = "/ports"
port_path = "/ports/%s"
subnets_path = "/subnets"
subnet_path = "/subnets/%s"
quotas_path = "/quotas"
quota_path = "/quotas/%s"
extensions_path = "/extensions"
extension_path = "/extensions/%s"
routers_path = "/routers"
router_path = "/routers/%s"
floatingips_path = "/floatingips"
floatingip_path = "/floatingips/%s"
security_groups_path = "/security-groups"
security_group_path = "/security-groups/%s"
security_group_rules_path = "/security-group-rules"
security_group_rule_path = "/security-group-rules/%s"
vpnservices_path = "/vpn/vpnservices"
vpnservice_path = "/vpn/vpnservices/%s"
ipsecpolicies_path = "/vpn/ipsecpolicies"
ipsecpolicy_path = "/vpn/ipsecpolicies/%s"
ikepolicies_path = "/vpn/ikepolicies"
ikepolicy_path = "/vpn/ikepolicies/%s"
ipsec_site_connections_path = "/vpn/ipsec-site-connections"
ipsec_site_connection_path = "/vpn/ipsec-site-connections/%s"
vips_path = "/lb/vips"
vip_path = "/lb/vips/%s"
pools_path = "/lb/pools"
pool_path = "/lb/pools/%s"
pool_path_stats = "/lb/pools/%s/stats"
members_path = "/lb/members"
member_path = "/lb/members/%s"
health_monitors_path = "/lb/health_monitors"
health_monitor_path = "/lb/health_monitors/%s"
associate_pool_health_monitors_path = "/lb/pools/%s/health_monitors"
disassociate_pool_health_monitors_path = (
qos_queues_path = "/qos-queues"
qos_queue_path = "/qos-queues/%s"
agents_path = "/agents"
agent_path = "/agents/%s"
network_gateways_path = "/network-gateways"
network_gateway_path = "/network-gateways/%s"
gateway_devices_path = "/gateway-devices"
gateway_device_path = "/gateway-devices/%s"
service_providers_path = "/service-providers"
credentials_path = "/credentials"
credential_path = "/credentials/%s"
network_profiles_path = "/network_profiles"
network_profile_path = "/network_profiles/%s"
network_profile_bindings_path = "/network_profile_bindings"
policy_profiles_path = "/policy_profiles"
policy_profile_path = "/policy_profiles/%s"
policy_profile_bindings_path = "/policy_profile_bindings"
metering_labels_path = "/metering/metering-labels"
metering_label_path = "/metering/metering-labels/%s"
metering_label_rules_path = "/metering/metering-label-rules"
metering_label_rule_path = "/metering/metering-label-rules/%s"
packet_filters_path = "/packet_filters"
packet_filter_path = "/packet_filters/%s"
DHCP_NETS = '/dhcp-networks'
DHCP_AGENTS = '/dhcp-agents'
L3_ROUTERS = '/l3-routers'
L3_AGENTS = '/l3-agents'
LOADBALANCER_POOLS = '/loadbalancer-pools'
LOADBALANCER_AGENT = '/loadbalancer-agent'
firewall_rules_path = "/fw/firewall_rules"
firewall_rule_path = "/fw/firewall_rules/%s"
firewall_policies_path = "/fw/firewall_policies"
firewall_policy_path = "/fw/firewall_policies/%s"
firewall_policy_insert_path = "/fw/firewall_policies/%s/insert_rule"
firewall_policy_remove_path = "/fw/firewall_policies/%s/remove_rule"
firewalls_path = "/fw/firewalls"
firewall_path = "/fw/firewalls/%s"
net_partitions_path = "/net-partitions"
net_partition_path = "/net-partitions/%s"
# API has no way to report plurals, so we have to hard code them
EXTED_PLURALS = {'routers': 'router',
'floatingips': 'floatingip',
'service_types': 'service_type',
'service_definitions': 'service_definition',
'security_groups': 'security_group',
'security_group_rules': 'security_group_rule',
'ipsecpolicies': 'ipsecpolicy',
'ikepolicies': 'ikepolicy',
'ipsec_site_connections': 'ipsec_site_connection',
'vpnservices': 'vpnservice',
'vips': 'vip',
'pools': 'pool',
'members': 'member',
'health_monitors': 'health_monitor',
'quotas': 'quota',
'service_providers': 'service_provider',
'firewall_rules': 'firewall_rule',
'firewall_policies': 'firewall_policy',
'firewalls': 'firewall',
'metering_labels': 'metering_label',
'metering_label_rules': 'metering_label_rule',
'net_partitions': 'net_partition',
'packet_filters': 'packet_filter',
# 8192 Is the default max URI len for eventlet.wsgi.server
MAX_URI_LEN = 8192
def get_attr_metadata(self):
if self.format == 'json':
return {}
old_request_format = self.format
self.format = 'json'
exts = self.list_extensions()['extensions']
self.format = old_request_format
ns = dict([(ext['alias'], ext['namespace']) for ext in exts])
return {'plurals': self.EXTED_PLURALS,
'xmlns': constants.XML_NS_V20,
constants.EXT_NS: ns}
def get_quotas_tenant(self, **_params):
"""Fetch tenant info in server's context for following quota operation.
return self.get(self.quota_path % 'tenant', params=_params)
def list_quotas(self, **_params):
"""Fetch all tenants' quotas."""
return self.get(self.quotas_path, params=_params)
def show_quota(self, tenant_id, **_params):
"""Fetch information of a certain tenant's quotas."""
return self.get(self.quota_path % (tenant_id), params=_params)
def update_quota(self, tenant_id, body=None):
"""Update a tenant's quotas."""
return self.put(self.quota_path % (tenant_id), body=body)
def delete_quota(self, tenant_id):
"""Delete the specified tenant's quota values."""
return self.delete(self.quota_path % (tenant_id))
def list_extensions(self, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all exts on server side."""
return self.get(self.extensions_path, params=_params)
def show_extension(self, ext_alias, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all exts on server side."""
return self.get(self.extension_path % ext_alias, params=_params)
def list_ports(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('ports', self.ports_path, retrieve_all,
def show_port(self, port, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain network."""
return self.get(self.port_path % (port), params=_params)
def create_port(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new port."""
return self.post(self.ports_path, body=body)
def update_port(self, port, body=None):
"""Updates a port."""
return self.put(self.port_path % (port), body=body)
def delete_port(self, port):
"""Deletes the specified port."""
return self.delete(self.port_path % (port))
def list_networks(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('networks', self.networks_path, retrieve_all,
def show_network(self, network, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain network."""
return self.get(self.network_path % (network), params=_params)
def create_network(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new network."""
return self.post(self.networks_path, body=body)
def update_network(self, network, body=None):
"""Updates a network."""
return self.put(self.network_path % (network), body=body)
def delete_network(self, network):
"""Deletes the specified network."""
return self.delete(self.network_path % (network))
def list_subnets(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant."""
return self.list('subnets', self.subnets_path, retrieve_all,
def show_subnet(self, subnet, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain subnet."""
return self.get(self.subnet_path % (subnet), params=_params)
def create_subnet(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new subnet."""
return self.post(self.subnets_path, body=body)
def update_subnet(self, subnet, body=None):
"""Updates a subnet."""
return self.put(self.subnet_path % (subnet), body=body)
def delete_subnet(self, subnet):
"""Deletes the specified subnet."""
return self.delete(self.subnet_path % (subnet))
def list_routers(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all routers for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('routers', self.routers_path, retrieve_all,
def show_router(self, router, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain router."""
return self.get(self.router_path % (router), params=_params)
def create_router(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new router."""
return self.post(self.routers_path, body=body)
def update_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Updates a router."""
return self.put(self.router_path % (router), body=body)
def delete_router(self, router):
"""Deletes the specified router."""
return self.delete(self.router_path % (router))
def add_interface_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Adds an internal network interface to the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router) + "/add_router_interface",
def remove_interface_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Removes an internal network interface from the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router) +
"/remove_router_interface", body=body)
def add_gateway_router(self, router, body=None):
"""Adds an external network gateway to the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router),
body={'router': {'external_gateway_info': body}})
def remove_gateway_router(self, router):
"""Removes an external network gateway from the specified router."""
return self.put((self.router_path % router),
body={'router': {'external_gateway_info': {}}})
def list_floatingips(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all floatingips for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('floatingips', self.floatingips_path, retrieve_all,
def show_floatingip(self, floatingip, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain floatingip."""
return self.get(self.floatingip_path % (floatingip), params=_params)
def create_floatingip(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new floatingip."""
return self.post(self.floatingips_path, body=body)
def update_floatingip(self, floatingip, body=None):
"""Updates a floatingip."""
return self.put(self.floatingip_path % (floatingip), body=body)
def delete_floatingip(self, floatingip):
"""Deletes the specified floatingip."""
return self.delete(self.floatingip_path % (floatingip))
def create_security_group(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new security group."""
return self.post(self.security_groups_path, body=body)
def update_security_group(self, security_group, body=None):
"""Updates a security group."""
return self.put(self.security_group_path %
security_group, body=body)
def list_security_groups(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all security groups for a tenant."""
return self.list('security_groups', self.security_groups_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_security_group(self, security_group, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain security group."""
return self.get(self.security_group_path % (security_group),
def delete_security_group(self, security_group):
"""Deletes the specified security group."""
return self.delete(self.security_group_path % (security_group))
def create_security_group_rule(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new security group rule."""
return self.post(self.security_group_rules_path, body=body)
def delete_security_group_rule(self, security_group_rule):
"""Deletes the specified security group rule."""
return self.delete(self.security_group_rule_path %
def list_security_group_rules(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all security group rules for a tenant."""
return self.list('security_group_rules',
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_security_group_rule(self, security_group_rule, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain security group rule."""
return self.get(self.security_group_rule_path % (security_group_rule),
def list_vpnservices(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all configured VPN services for a tenant."""
return self.list('vpnservices', self.vpnservices_path, retrieve_all,
def show_vpnservice(self, vpnservice, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific VPN service."""
return self.get(self.vpnservice_path % (vpnservice), params=_params)
def create_vpnservice(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new VPN service."""
return self.post(self.vpnservices_path, body=body)
def update_vpnservice(self, vpnservice, body=None):
"""Updates a VPN service."""
return self.put(self.vpnservice_path % (vpnservice), body=body)
def delete_vpnservice(self, vpnservice):
"""Deletes the specified VPN service."""
return self.delete(self.vpnservice_path % (vpnservice))
def list_ipsec_site_connections(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches all configured IPsecSiteConnections for a tenant."""
return self.list('ipsec_site_connections',
def show_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsecsite_conn, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.get(
self.ipsec_site_connection_path % (ipsecsite_conn), params=_params
def create_ipsec_site_connection(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.post(self.ipsec_site_connections_path, body=body)
def update_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsecsite_conn, body=None):
"""Updates an IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.put(
self.ipsec_site_connection_path % (ipsecsite_conn), body=body
def delete_ipsec_site_connection(self, ipsecsite_conn):
"""Deletes the specified IPsecSiteConnection."""
return self.delete(self.ipsec_site_connection_path % (ipsecsite_conn))
def list_ikepolicies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all configured IKEPolicies for a tenant."""
return self.list('ikepolicies', self.ikepolicies_path, retrieve_all,
def show_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific IKEPolicy."""
return self.get(self.ikepolicy_path % (ikepolicy), params=_params)
def create_ikepolicy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new IKEPolicy."""
return self.post(self.ikepolicies_path, body=body)
def update_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy, body=None):
"""Updates an IKEPolicy."""
return self.put(self.ikepolicy_path % (ikepolicy), body=body)
def delete_ikepolicy(self, ikepolicy):
"""Deletes the specified IKEPolicy."""
return self.delete(self.ikepolicy_path % (ikepolicy))
def list_ipsecpolicies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all configured IPsecPolicies for a tenant."""
return self.list('ipsecpolicies',
def show_ipsecpolicy(self, ipsecpolicy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a specific IPsecPolicy."""
return self.get(self.ipsecpolicy_path % (ipsecpolicy), params=_params)
def create_ipsecpolicy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new IPsecPolicy."""
return self.post(self.ipsecpolicies_path, body=body)
def update_ipsecpolicy(self, ipsecpolicy, body=None):
"""Updates an IPsecPolicy."""
return self.put(self.ipsecpolicy_path % (ipsecpolicy), body=body)
def delete_ipsecpolicy(self, ipsecpolicy):
"""Deletes the specified IPsecPolicy."""
return self.delete(self.ipsecpolicy_path % (ipsecpolicy))
def list_vips(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer vips for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('vips', self.vips_path, retrieve_all,
def show_vip(self, vip, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer vip."""
return self.get(self.vip_path % (vip), params=_params)
def create_vip(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer vip."""
return self.post(self.vips_path, body=body)
def update_vip(self, vip, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer vip."""
return self.put(self.vip_path % (vip), body=body)
def delete_vip(self, vip):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer vip."""
return self.delete(self.vip_path % (vip))
def list_pools(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer pools for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('pools', self.pools_path, retrieve_all,
def show_pool(self, pool, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer pool."""
return self.get(self.pool_path % (pool), params=_params)
def create_pool(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer pool."""
return self.post(self.pools_path, body=body)
def update_pool(self, pool, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer pool."""
return self.put(self.pool_path % (pool), body=body)
def delete_pool(self, pool):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer pool."""
return self.delete(self.pool_path % (pool))
def retrieve_pool_stats(self, pool, **_params):
"""Retrieves stats for a certain load balancer pool."""
return self.get(self.pool_path_stats % (pool), params=_params)
def list_members(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer members for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('members', self.members_path, retrieve_all,
def show_member(self, member, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer member."""
return self.get(self.member_path % (member), params=_params)
def create_member(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer member."""
return self.post(self.members_path, body=body)
def update_member(self, member, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer member."""
return self.put(self.member_path % (member), body=body)
def delete_member(self, member):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer member."""
return self.delete(self.member_path % (member))
def list_health_monitors(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all load balancer health monitors for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('health_monitors', self.health_monitors_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_health_monitor(self, health_monitor, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain load balancer health monitor."""
return self.get(self.health_monitor_path % (health_monitor),
def create_health_monitor(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new load balancer health monitor."""
return self.post(self.health_monitors_path, body=body)
def update_health_monitor(self, health_monitor, body=None):
"""Updates a load balancer health monitor."""
return self.put(self.health_monitor_path % (health_monitor), body=body)
def delete_health_monitor(self, health_monitor):
"""Deletes the specified load balancer health monitor."""
return self.delete(self.health_monitor_path % (health_monitor))
def associate_health_monitor(self, pool, body):
"""Associate specified load balancer health monitor and pool."""
return self.post(self.associate_pool_health_monitors_path % (pool),
def disassociate_health_monitor(self, pool, health_monitor):
"""Disassociate specified load balancer health monitor and pool."""
path = (self.disassociate_pool_health_monitors_path %
{'pool': pool, 'health_monitor': health_monitor})
return self.delete(path)
def create_qos_queue(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new queue."""
return self.post(self.qos_queues_path, body=body)
def list_qos_queues(self, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all queues for a tenant."""
return self.get(self.qos_queues_path, params=_params)
def show_qos_queue(self, queue, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain queue."""
return self.get(self.qos_queue_path % (queue),
def delete_qos_queue(self, queue):
"""Deletes the specified queue."""
return self.delete(self.qos_queue_path % (queue))
def list_agents(self, **_params):
"""Fetches agents."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.get(self.agents_path, params=_params)
def show_agent(self, agent, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain agent."""
return self.get(self.agent_path % (agent), params=_params)
def update_agent(self, agent, body=None):
"""Updates an agent."""
return self.put(self.agent_path % (agent), body=body)
def delete_agent(self, agent):
"""Deletes the specified agent."""
return self.delete(self.agent_path % (agent))
def list_network_gateways(self, **_params):
"""Retrieve network gateways."""
return self.get(self.network_gateways_path, params=_params)
def show_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, **_params):
"""Fetch a network gateway."""
return self.get(self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id, params=_params)
def create_network_gateway(self, body=None):
"""Create a new network gateway."""
return self.post(self.network_gateways_path, body=body)
def update_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, body=None):
"""Update a network gateway."""
return self.put(self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id, body=body)
def delete_network_gateway(self, gateway_id):
"""Delete the specified network gateway."""
return self.delete(self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id)
def connect_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, body=None):
"""Connect a network gateway to the specified network."""
base_uri = self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id
return self.put("%s/connect_network" % base_uri, body=body)
def disconnect_network_gateway(self, gateway_id, body=None):
"""Disconnect a network from the specified gateway."""
base_uri = self.network_gateway_path % gateway_id
return self.put("%s/disconnect_network" % base_uri, body=body)
def list_gateway_devices(self, **_params):
"""Retrieve gateway devices."""
return self.get(self.gateway_devices_path, params=_params)
def show_gateway_device(self, gateway_device_id, **_params):
"""Fetch a gateway device."""
return self.get(self.gateway_device_path % gateway_device_id,
def create_gateway_device(self, body=None):
"""Create a new gateway device."""
return self.post(self.gateway_devices_path, body=body)
def update_gateway_device(self, gateway_device_id, body=None):
"""Updates a new gateway device."""
return self.put(self.gateway_device_path % gateway_device_id,
def delete_gateway_device(self, gateway_device_id):
"""Delete the specified gateway device."""
return self.delete(self.gateway_device_path % gateway_device_id)
def list_dhcp_agent_hosting_networks(self, network, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of dhcp agents hosting a network."""
return self.get((self.network_path + self.DHCP_AGENTS) % network,
def list_networks_on_dhcp_agent(self, dhcp_agent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of dhcp agents hosting a network."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.DHCP_NETS) % dhcp_agent,
def add_network_to_dhcp_agent(self, dhcp_agent, body=None):
"""Adds a network to dhcp agent."""
return self.post((self.agent_path + self.DHCP_NETS) % dhcp_agent,
def remove_network_from_dhcp_agent(self, dhcp_agent, network_id):
"""Remove a network from dhcp agent."""
return self.delete((self.agent_path + self.DHCP_NETS + "/%s") % (
dhcp_agent, network_id))
def list_l3_agent_hosting_routers(self, router, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of L3 agents hosting a router."""
return self.get((self.router_path + self.L3_AGENTS) % router,
def list_routers_on_l3_agent(self, l3_agent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of L3 agents hosting a router."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.L3_ROUTERS) % l3_agent,
def add_router_to_l3_agent(self, l3_agent, body):
"""Adds a router to L3 agent."""
return self.post((self.agent_path + self.L3_ROUTERS) % l3_agent,
def list_firewall_rules(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewall rules for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewall_rules', self.firewall_rules_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall rule."""
return self.get(self.firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule),
def create_firewall_rule(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall rule."""
return self.post(self.firewall_rules_path, body=body)
def update_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall rule."""
return self.put(self.firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule), body=body)
def delete_firewall_rule(self, firewall_rule):
"""Deletes the specified firewall rule."""
return self.delete(self.firewall_rule_path % (firewall_rule))
def list_firewall_policies(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewall policies for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewall_policies', self.firewall_policies_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall policy."""
return self.get(self.firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy),
def create_firewall_policy(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall policy."""
return self.post(self.firewall_policies_path, body=body)
def update_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall policy."""
return self.put(self.firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy),
def delete_firewall_policy(self, firewall_policy):
"""Deletes the specified firewall policy."""
return self.delete(self.firewall_policy_path % (firewall_policy))
def firewall_policy_insert_rule(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Inserts specified rule into firewall policy."""
return self.put(self.firewall_policy_insert_path % (firewall_policy),
def firewall_policy_remove_rule(self, firewall_policy, body=None):
"""Removes specified rule from firewall policy."""
return self.put(self.firewall_policy_remove_path % (firewall_policy),
def list_firewalls(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all firewals for a tenant."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('firewalls', self.firewalls_path, retrieve_all,
def show_firewall(self, firewall, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain firewall."""
return self.get(self.firewall_path % (firewall), params=_params)
def create_firewall(self, body=None):
"""Creates a new firewall."""
return self.post(self.firewalls_path, body=body)
def update_firewall(self, firewall, body=None):
"""Updates a firewall."""
return self.put(self.firewall_path % (firewall), body=body)
def delete_firewall(self, firewall):
"""Deletes the specified firewall."""
return self.delete(self.firewall_path % (firewall))
def remove_router_from_l3_agent(self, l3_agent, router_id):
"""Remove a router from l3 agent."""
return self.delete((self.agent_path + self.L3_ROUTERS + "/%s") % (
l3_agent, router_id))
def get_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(self, pool, **_params):
"""Fetches a loadbalancer agent hosting a pool."""
return self.get((self.pool_path + self.LOADBALANCER_AGENT) % pool,
def list_pools_on_lbaas_agent(self, lbaas_agent, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of pools hosted by the loadbalancer agent."""
return self.get((self.agent_path + self.LOADBALANCER_POOLS) %
lbaas_agent, params=_params)
def list_service_providers(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches service providers."""
# Pass filters in "params" argument to do_request
return self.list('service_providers', self.service_providers_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def list_credentials(self, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all credentials for a tenant."""
return self.get(self.credentials_path, params=_params)
def show_credential(self, credential, **_params):
"""Fetch a credential."""
return self.get(self.credential_path % (credential), params=_params)
def create_credential(self, body=None):
"""Create a new credential."""
return self.post(self.credentials_path, body=body)
def update_credential(self, credential, body=None):
"""Update a credential."""
return self.put(self.credential_path % (credential), body=body)
def delete_credential(self, credential):
"""Delete the specified credential."""
return self.delete(self.credential_path % (credential))
def list_network_profile_bindings(self, **params):
"""Fetch a list of all tenants associated for a network profile."""
return self.get(self.network_profile_bindings_path, params=params)
def list_network_profiles(self, **params):
"""Fetch a list of all network profiles for a tenant."""
return self.get(self.network_profiles_path, params=params)
def show_network_profile(self, profile, **params):
"""Fetch a network profile."""
return self.get(self.network_profile_path % (profile), params=params)
def create_network_profile(self, body=None):
"""Create a network profile."""
return self.post(self.network_profiles_path, body=body)
def update_network_profile(self, profile, body=None):
"""Update a network profile."""
return self.put(self.network_profile_path % (profile), body=body)
def delete_network_profile(self, profile):
"""Delete the network profile."""
return self.delete(self.network_profile_path % profile)
def list_policy_profile_bindings(self, **params):
"""Fetch a list of all tenants associated for a policy profile."""
return self.get(self.policy_profile_bindings_path, params=params)
def list_policy_profiles(self, **params):
"""Fetch a list of all network profiles for a tenant."""
return self.get(self.policy_profiles_path, params=params)
def show_policy_profile(self, profile, **params):
"""Fetch a network profile."""
return self.get(self.policy_profile_path % (profile), params=params)
def update_policy_profile(self, profile, body=None):
"""Update a policy profile."""
return self.put(self.policy_profile_path % (profile), body=body)
def create_metering_label(self, body=None):
"""Creates a metering label."""
return self.post(self.metering_labels_path, body=body)
def delete_metering_label(self, label):
"""Deletes the specified metering label."""
return self.delete(self.metering_label_path % (label))
def list_metering_labels(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all metering labels for a tenant."""
return self.list('metering_labels', self.metering_labels_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_metering_label(self, metering_label, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain metering label."""
return self.get(self.metering_label_path %
(metering_label), params=_params)
def create_metering_label_rule(self, body=None):
"""Creates a metering label rule."""
return self.post(self.metering_label_rules_path, body=body)
def delete_metering_label_rule(self, rule):
"""Deletes the specified metering label rule."""
return self.delete(self.metering_label_rule_path % (rule))
def list_metering_label_rules(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetches a list of all metering label rules for a label."""
return self.list('metering_label_rules',
self.metering_label_rules_path, retrieve_all,
def show_metering_label_rule(self, metering_label_rule, **_params):
"""Fetches information of a certain metering label rule."""
return self.get(self.metering_label_rule_path %
(metering_label_rule), params=_params)
def list_net_partitions(self, **params):
"""Fetch a list of all network partitions for a tenant."""
return self.get(self.net_partitions_path, params=params)
def show_net_partition(self, netpartition, **params):
"""Fetch a network partition."""
return self.get(self.net_partition_path % (netpartition),
def create_net_partition(self, body=None):
"""Create a network partition."""
return self.post(self.net_partitions_path, body=body)
def delete_net_partition(self, netpartition):
"""Delete the network partition."""
return self.delete(self.net_partition_path % netpartition)
def create_packet_filter(self, body=None):
"""Create a new packet filter."""
return self.post(self.packet_filters_path, body=body)
def update_packet_filter(self, packet_filter_id, body=None):
"""Update a packet filter."""
return self.put(self.packet_filter_path % packet_filter_id, body=body)
def list_packet_filters(self, retrieve_all=True, **_params):
"""Fetch a list of all packet filters for a tenant."""
return self.list('packet_filters', self.packet_filters_path,
retrieve_all, **_params)
def show_packet_filter(self, packet_filter_id, **_params):
"""Fetch information of a certain packet filter."""
return self.get(self.packet_filter_path % packet_filter_id,
def delete_packet_filter(self, packet_filter_id):
"""Delete the specified packet filter."""
return self.delete(self.packet_filter_path % packet_filter_id)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a new client for the Neutron v2.0 API."""
super(Client, self).__init__()
self.retries = kwargs.pop('retries', 0)
self.raise_errors = kwargs.pop('raise_errors', True)
self.httpclient = client.construct_http_client(**kwargs)
self.version = '2.0'
self.format = 'json'
self.action_prefix = "/v%s" % (self.version)
self.retry_interval = 1
def _handle_fault_response(self, status_code, response_body):
# Create exception with HTTP status code and message
_logger.debug("Error message: %s", response_body)
# Add deserialized error message to exception arguments
des_error_body = self.deserialize(response_body, status_code)
except Exception:
# If unable to deserialized body it is probably not a
# Neutron error
des_error_body = {'message': response_body}
# Raise the appropriate exception
exception_handler_v20(status_code, des_error_body)
def _check_uri_length(self, action):
uri_len = len(self.httpclient.endpoint_url) + len(action)
if uri_len > self.MAX_URI_LEN:
raise exceptions.RequestURITooLong(
excess=uri_len - self.MAX_URI_LEN)
def do_request(self, method, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
# Add format and tenant_id
action += ".%s" % self.format
action = self.action_prefix + action
if type(params) is dict and params:
params = utils.safe_encode_dict(params)
action += '?' + urlparse.urlencode(params, doseq=1)
# Ensure client always has correct uri - do not guesstimate anything
if body:
body = self.serialize(body)
resp, replybody = self.httpclient.do_request(
action, method, body=body,
status_code = resp.status_code
if status_code in (requests.codes.ok,
return self.deserialize(replybody, status_code)
if not replybody:
replybody = resp.reason
self._handle_fault_response(status_code, replybody)
def get_auth_info(self):
return self.httpclient.get_auth_info()
def serialize(self, data):
"""Serializes a dictionary into either XML or JSON.
A dictionary with a single key can be passed and it can contain any
if data is None:
return None
elif type(data) is dict:
return serializer.Serializer(
self.get_attr_metadata()).serialize(data, self.content_type())
raise Exception(_("Unable to serialize object of type = '%s'") %
def deserialize(self, data, status_code):
"""Deserializes an XML or JSON string into a dictionary."""
if status_code == 204:
return data
return serializer.Serializer(self.get_attr_metadata()).deserialize(
data, self.content_type())['body']
def content_type(self, _format=None):
"""Returns the mime-type for either 'xml' or 'json'.
Defaults to the currently set format.
_format = _format or self.format
return "application/%s" % (_format)
def retry_request(self, method, action, body=None,
headers=None, params=None):
"""Call do_request with the default retry configuration.
Only idempotent requests should retry failed connection attempts.
:raises: ConnectionFailed if the maximum # of retries is exceeded
max_attempts = self.retries + 1
for i in range(max_attempts):
return self.do_request(method, action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
except exceptions.ConnectionFailed:
# Exception has already been logged by do_request()
if i < self.retries:
_logger.debug('Retrying connection to Neutron service')
elif self.raise_errors:
if self.retries:
msg = (_("Failed to connect to Neutron server after %d attempts")
% max_attempts)
msg = _("Failed to connect Neutron server")
raise exceptions.ConnectionFailed(reason=msg)
def delete(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("DELETE", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def get(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("GET", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def post(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
# Do not retry POST requests to avoid the orphan objects problem.
return self.do_request("POST", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def put(self, action, body=None, headers=None, params=None):
return self.retry_request("PUT", action, body=body,
headers=headers, params=params)
def list(self, collection, path, retrieve_all=True, **params):
if retrieve_all:
res = []
for r in self._pagination(collection, path, **params):
return {collection: res}
return self._pagination(collection, path, **params)
def _pagination(self, collection, path, **params):
if params.get('page_reverse', False):
linkrel = 'previous'
linkrel = 'next'
next = True
while next:
res = self.get(path, params=params)
yield res
next = False
for link in res['%s_links' % collection]:
if link['rel'] == linkrel:
query_str = urlparse.urlparse(link['href']).query
params = urlparse.parse_qs(query_str)
next = True
except KeyError: