From 8c4e145b926e9d29a14dbc0e3886239b312475f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chuck Short <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 10:03:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] python3: Fix unicode compatibility python2/python3

Python3 enforces the distinction between byte strings and text strings
more rigorously than python2. So use six.text_type/six.u()
where appropriate

Change-Id: I890e19cb857e10f0292aabdaebaa8e7a7bd8db23
Signed-off-by: Chuck Short <>
 doc/source/                            |  12 +-
 novaclient/                           |   7 +-
 novaclient/tests/v1_1/                | 156 +++++++++---------
 .../tests/v1_1/      |  27 +--
 novaclient/tests/v1_1/         |   3 +-
 novaclient/                           |   5 +-
 requirements.txt                              |   1 +
 7 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/source/ b/doc/source/
index 8aab078bd..4583d15e5 100644
--- a/doc/source/
+++ b/doc/source/
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ source_suffix = '.rst'
 master_doc = 'index'
 # General information about the project.
-project = u'python-novaclient'
-copyright = u'OpenStack Contributors'
+project = 'python-novaclient'
+copyright = 'OpenStack Contributors'
 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
 # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ pygments_style = 'sphinx'
 # List of tuples 'sourcefile', 'target', u'title', u'Authors name', 'manual'
 man_pages = [
-    ('man/nova', 'nova', u'OpenStack Nova command line client',
-     [u'OpenStack Contributors'], 1),
+    ('man/nova', 'nova', 'OpenStack Nova command line client',
+     ['OpenStack Contributors'], 1),
 # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ htmlhelp_basename = 'python-novaclientdoc'
 # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual])
 # .
 latex_documents = [
-    ('index', 'python-novaclient.tex', u'python-novaclient Documentation',
-    u'Rackspace - based on work by Jacob Kaplan-Moss', 'manual'),
+    ('index', 'python-novaclient.tex', 'python-novaclient Documentation',
+    'Rackspace - based on work by Jacob Kaplan-Moss', 'manual'),
 # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
diff --git a/novaclient/ b/novaclient/
index 289df3750..b10d26acf 100644
--- a/novaclient/
+++ b/novaclient/
@@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ import imp
 import itertools
 import logging
 import os
-import pkg_resources
 import pkgutil
 import sys
+import pkg_resources
+import six
 all_errors = ValueError
@@ -766,7 +768,8 @@ def main():
     except Exception as e:
         logger.debug(e, exc_info=1)
-        print("ERROR: %s" % strutils.safe_encode(unicode(e)), file=sys.stderr)
+        print("ERROR: %s" % strutils.safe_encode(six.text_type(e)),
+              file=sys.stderr)
diff --git a/novaclient/tests/v1_1/ b/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
index cab34e6c3..625f4e512 100644
--- a/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
+++ b/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 import urlparse
+import six
 from novaclient import client as base_client
 from novaclient.v1_1 import client
 from novaclient.tests import fakes
@@ -1208,87 +1210,93 @@ class FakeHTTPClient(base_client.HTTPClient):
     def get_os_simple_tenant_usage(self, **kw):
         return (200, {},
-                {u'tenant_usages': [{
-                    u'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665,
-                    u'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333,
-                    u'total_hours': 49.71047423333333,
-                    u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-                    u'stop': u'2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722',
-                    u'server_usages': [{
-                        u'hours': 49.71047423333333,
-                        u'uptime': 27035,
-                        u'local_gb': 0,
-                        u'ended_at': None,
-                        u'name': u'f15image1',
-                        u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-                        u'vcpus': 1,
-                        u'memory_mb': 512,
-                        u'state': u'active',
-                        u'flavor': u'm1.tiny',
-                        u'started_at': u'2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998'}],
-                    u'start': u'2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687',
-                    u'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}]})
+                {six.u('tenant_usages'): [{
+                    six.u('total_memory_mb_usage'): 25451.762807466665,
+                    six.u('total_vcpus_usage'): 49.71047423333333,
+                    six.u('total_hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+                    six.u('tenant_id'):
+                         six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+                    six.u('stop'): six.u('2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722'),
+                    six.u('server_usages'): [{
+                        six.u('hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+                        six.u('uptime'): 27035,
+                        six.u('local_gb'): 0,
+                        six.u('ended_at'): None,
+                        six.u('name'): six.u('f15image1'),
+                        six.u('tenant_id'):
+                             six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+                        six.u('vcpus'): 1,
+                        six.u('memory_mb'): 512,
+                        six.u('state'): six.u('active'),
+                        six.u('flavor'): six.u('m1.tiny'),
+                        six.u('started_at'):
+                            six.u('2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998')}],
+                    six.u('start'): six.u('2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687'),
+                    six.u('total_local_gb_usage'): 0.0}]})
     def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_tenantfoo(self, **kw):
         return (200, {},
-                {u'tenant_usage': {
-                    u'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665,
-                    u'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333,
-                    u'total_hours': 49.71047423333333,
-                    u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-                    u'stop': u'2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722',
-                    u'server_usages': [{
-                        u'hours': 49.71047423333333,
-                        u'uptime': 27035, u'local_gb': 0,
-                        u'ended_at': None,
-                        u'name': u'f15image1',
-                        u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-                        u'vcpus': 1, u'memory_mb': 512,
-                        u'state': u'active',
-                        u'flavor': u'm1.tiny',
-                        u'started_at': u'2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998'}],
-                    u'start': u'2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687',
-                    u'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}})
+                {six.u('tenant_usage'): {
+                    six.u('total_memory_mb_usage'): 25451.762807466665,
+                    six.u('total_vcpus_usage'): 49.71047423333333,
+                    six.u('total_hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+                    six.u('tenant_id'):
+                         six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+                    six.u('stop'): six.u('2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722'),
+                    six.u('server_usages'): [{
+                        six.u('hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+                        six.u('uptime'): 27035, six.u('local_gb'): 0,
+                        six.u('ended_at'): None,
+                        six.u('name'): six.u('f15image1'),
+                        six.u('tenant_id'):
+                            six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+                        six.u('vcpus'): 1, six.u('memory_mb'): 512,
+                        six.u('state'): six.u('active'),
+                        six.u('flavor'): six.u('m1.tiny'),
+                        six.u('started_at'):
+                            six.u('2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998')}],
+                    six.u('start'): six.u('2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687'),
+                    six.u('total_local_gb_usage'): 0.0}})
     def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_test(self, **kw):
-        return (200, {}, {u'tenant_usage': {
-            u'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665,
-            u'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333,
-            u'total_hours': 49.71047423333333,
-            u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-            u'stop': u'2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722',
-            u'server_usages': [{
-                u'hours': 49.71047423333333,
-                u'uptime': 27035, u'local_gb': 0,
-                u'ended_at': None,
-                u'name': u'f15image1',
-                u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-                u'vcpus': 1, u'memory_mb': 512,
-                u'state': u'active',
-                u'flavor': u'm1.tiny',
-                u'started_at': u'2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998'}],
-            u'start': u'2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687',
-            u'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}})
+        return (200, {}, {six.u('tenant_usage'): {
+            six.u('total_memory_mb_usage'): 25451.762807466665,
+            six.u('total_vcpus_usage'): 49.71047423333333,
+            six.u('total_hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+            six.u('tenant_id'): six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+            six.u('stop'): six.u('2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722'),
+            six.u('server_usages'): [{
+                six.u('hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+                six.u('uptime'): 27035, six.u('local_gb'): 0,
+                six.u('ended_at'): None,
+                six.u('name'): six.u('f15image1'),
+                six.u('tenant_id'): six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+                six.u('vcpus'): 1, six.u('memory_mb'): 512,
+                six.u('state'): six.u('active'),
+                six.u('flavor'): six.u('m1.tiny'),
+                six.u('started_at'): six.u('2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998')}],
+            six.u('start'): six.u('2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687'),
+            six.u('total_local_gb_usage'): 0.0}})
     def get_os_simple_tenant_usage_tenant_id(self, **kw):
-        return (200, {}, {u'tenant_usage': {
-            u'total_memory_mb_usage': 25451.762807466665,
-            u'total_vcpus_usage': 49.71047423333333,
-            u'total_hours': 49.71047423333333,
-            u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-            u'stop': u'2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722',
-            u'server_usages': [{
-                u'hours': 49.71047423333333,
-                u'uptime': 27035, u'local_gb': 0,
-                u'ended_at': None,
-                u'name': u'f15image1',
-                u'tenant_id': u'7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869',
-                u'vcpus': 1, u'memory_mb': 512,
-                u'state': u'active',
-                u'flavor': u'm1.tiny',
-                u'started_at': u'2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998'}],
-            u'start': u'2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687',
-            u'total_local_gb_usage': 0.0}})
+        return (200, {}, {six.u('tenant_usage'): {
+            six.u('total_memory_mb_usage'): 25451.762807466665,
+            six.u('total_vcpus_usage'): 49.71047423333333,
+            six.u('total_hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+            six.u('tenant_id'): six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+            six.u('stop'): six.u('2012-01-22 19:48:41.750722'),
+            six.u('server_usages'): [{
+                six.u('hours'): 49.71047423333333,
+                six.u('uptime'): 27035, six.u('local_gb'): 0,
+                six.u('ended_at'): None,
+                six.u('name'): six.u('f15image1'),
+                six.u('tenant_id'): six.u('7b0a1d73f8fb41718f3343c207597869'),
+                six.u('vcpus'): 1, six.u('memory_mb'): 512,
+                six.u('state'): six.u('active'),
+                six.u('flavor'): six.u('m1.tiny'),
+                six.u('started_at'): six.u('2012-01-20 18:06:06.479998')}],
+            six.u('start'): six.u('2011-12-25 19:48:41.750687'),
+            six.u('total_local_gb_usage'): 0.0}})
     # Certificates
diff --git a/novaclient/tests/v1_1/ b/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
index 896b78ad7..93cb6bebf 100644
--- a/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
+++ b/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import six
 from novaclient.v1_1 import availability_zones
 from novaclient.v1_1 import shell
 from novaclient.tests.v1_1 import fakes
@@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ class AvailabilityZoneTest(utils.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(2, len(zones))
-        l0 = [u'zone-1', u'available']
-        l1 = [u'zone-2', u'not available']
+        l0 = [six.u('zone-1'), six.u('available')]
+        l1 = [six.u('zone-2'), six.u('not available')]
         z0 = shell._treeizeAvailabilityZone(zones[0])
         z1 = shell._treeizeAvailabilityZone(zones[1])
@@ -60,15 +62,18 @@ class AvailabilityZoneTest(utils.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(3, len(zones))
-        l0 = [u'zone-1', u'available']
-        l1 = [u'|- fake_host-1', u'']
-        l2 = [u'| |- nova-compute', u'enabled :-) 2012-12-26 14:45:25']
-        l3 = [u'internal', u'available']
-        l4 = [u'|- fake_host-1', u'']
-        l5 = [u'| |- nova-sched', u'enabled :-) 2012-12-26 14:45:25']
-        l6 = [u'|- fake_host-2', u'']
-        l7 = [u'| |- nova-network', u'enabled XXX 2012-12-26 14:45:24']
-        l8 = [u'zone-2', u'not available']
+        l0 = [six.u('zone-1'), six.u('available')]
+        l1 = [six.u('|- fake_host-1'), six.u('')]
+        l2 = [six.u('| |- nova-compute'),
+             six.u('enabled :-) 2012-12-26 14:45:25')]
+        l3 = [six.u('internal'), six.u('available')]
+        l4 = [six.u('|- fake_host-1'), six.u('')]
+        l5 = [six.u('| |- nova-sched'),
+             six.u('enabled :-) 2012-12-26 14:45:25')]
+        l6 = [six.u('|- fake_host-2'), six.u('')]
+        l7 = [six.u('| |- nova-network'),
+             six.u('enabled XXX 2012-12-26 14:45:24')]
+        l8 = [six.u('zone-2'), six.u('not available')]
         z0 = shell._treeizeAvailabilityZone(zones[0])
         z1 = shell._treeizeAvailabilityZone(zones[1])
diff --git a/novaclient/tests/v1_1/ b/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
index 5874a006c..04db70529 100644
--- a/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
+++ b/novaclient/tests/v1_1/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import StringIO
 import mock
+import six
 from novaclient import exceptions
 from novaclient.v1_1 import servers
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ class ServersTest(utils.TestCase):
             meta={'foo': 'bar'},
-            userdata=u'こんにちは',
+            userdata=six.u('こんにちは'),
                 '/etc/passwd': 'some data',                 # a file
diff --git a/novaclient/ b/novaclient/
index d1e08e961..729dcf2ab 100644
--- a/novaclient/
+++ b/novaclient/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import textwrap
 import uuid
 import prettytable
+import six
 from novaclient import exceptions
 from novaclient.openstack.common import strutils
@@ -339,9 +340,9 @@ def slugify(value):
     import unicodedata
     if not isinstance(value, unicode):
-        value = unicode(value)
+        value = six.text_type(value)
     value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
-    value = unicode(_slugify_strip_re.sub('', value).strip().lower())
+    value = six.text_type(_slugify_strip_re.sub('', value).strip().lower())
     return _slugify_hyphenate_re.sub('-', value)
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index f7deffed1..3390adde9 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ iso8601>=0.1.4