oslo-sync of low hanging fruit

Generated with:
 ./update.sh --base novaclient --config-file
../python-novaclient/openstack-common.conf --dest-dir

Skipped modules: apiclient and cliutils due to oslo issue in apiclient
(cliutils depends on apiclient).

Removed non-existent modules from openstack-commit.conf:
  py3kcompat I06b90f789ae21f2ef8b8071b4298bfc0406482a6
  intall_venv_common I84267f3c6726cb2e750f615e107c48b12c6ed353

Synced patches:
__init__.py [first sync]:
   c178e56 Add basic Python 3 tests
  12bcdb7 Remove vim header
  547ab34 Fix Copyright Headers - Rename LLC to Foundation
  96b9a54 Rajaram/Vinkesh|Added nova's serializaiton classes into common
  c85e1f7 Initial skeleton project

  6d55e26 Add support for translating log levels separately
  afdbc0a Fix E501 in individual openstack projects
  6b2d15f Merge "Add support for locales missing from babel"
  9d529dd Make Message keep string interpolation args

  885828a Deleted duplicated method in cliutils.

  bec3a5e Implements SI/IEC unit system conversion to bytes

 d815087 Merge "Fix spelling errors in comments"
 71208fe Fix spelling errors in comments

Change-Id: I8f82acb63e61a64eeb6caba9d2d9c81d9cb766d8
This commit is contained in:
Joe Gordon 2014-02-26 12:11:25 -08:00
parent d44e598692
commit e0272b0578
6 changed files with 118 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import six
six.add_move(six.MovedModule('mox', 'mox', 'mox3.mox'))

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Usual usage in an openstack.common module:
import copy
import functools
import gettext
import locale
from logging import handlers
@ -35,6 +36,17 @@ import six
_localedir = os.environ.get('novaclient'.upper() + '_LOCALEDIR')
_t = gettext.translation('novaclient', localedir=_localedir, fallback=True)
# We use separate translation catalogs for each log level, so set up a
# mapping between the log level name and the translator. The domain
# for the log level is project_name + "-log-" + log_level so messages
# for each level end up in their own catalog.
_t_log_levels = dict(
(level, gettext.translation('novaclient' + '-log-' + level,
for level in ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']
USE_LAZY = False
@ -60,6 +72,28 @@ def _(msg):
return _t.ugettext(msg)
def _log_translation(msg, level):
"""Build a single translation of a log message
return Message(msg, domain='novaclient' + '-log-' + level)
translator = _t_log_levels[level]
if six.PY3:
return translator.gettext(msg)
return translator.ugettext(msg)
# Translators for log levels.
# The abbreviated names are meant to reflect the usual use of a short
# name like '_'. The "L" is for "log" and the other letter comes from
# the level.
_LI = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='info')
_LW = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='warning')
_LE = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='error')
_LC = functools.partial(_log_translation, level='critical')
def install(domain, lazy=False):
"""Install a _() function using the given translation domain.
@ -118,7 +152,8 @@ class Message(six.text_type):
and can be treated as such.
def __new__(cls, msgid, msgtext=None, params=None, domain='novaclient', *args):
def __new__(cls, msgid, msgtext=None, params=None,
domain='novaclient', *args):
"""Create a new Message object.
In order for translation to work gettext requires a message ID, this
@ -297,9 +332,27 @@ def get_available_languages(domain):
list_identifiers = (getattr(localedata, 'list', None) or
getattr(localedata, 'locale_identifiers'))
locale_identifiers = list_identifiers()
for i in locale_identifiers:
if find(i) is not None:
# NOTE(luisg): Babel>=1.0,<1.3 has a bug where some OpenStack supported
# locales (e.g. 'zh_CN', and 'zh_TW') aren't supported even though they
# are perfectly legitimate locales:
# https://github.com/mitsuhiko/babel/issues/37
# In Babel 1.3 they fixed the bug and they support these locales, but
# they are still not explicitly "listed" by locale_identifiers().
# That is why we add the locales here explicitly if necessary so that
# they are listed as supported.
aliases = {'zh': 'zh_CN',
'zh_Hant_HK': 'zh_HK',
'zh_Hant': 'zh_TW',
'fil': 'tl_PH'}
for (locale, alias) in six.iteritems(aliases):
if locale in language_list and alias not in language_list:
_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES[domain] = language_list
return copy.copy(language_list)

View File

@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ def import_module(import_str):
return sys.modules[import_str]
def import_versioned_module(version, submodule=None):
module = 'novaclient.v%s' % version
if submodule:
module = '.'.join((module, submodule))
return import_module(module)
def try_import(import_str, default=None):
"""Try to import a module and if it fails return default."""

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
System-level utilities and helper functions.
import math
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
@ -26,16 +27,21 @@ import six
from novaclient.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
# Used for looking up extensions of text
# to their 'multiplied' byte amount
'': 1,
't': 1024 ** 4,
'g': 1024 ** 3,
'm': 1024 ** 2,
'k': 1024,
'k': 1,
'K': 1,
'Ki': 1,
'M': 2,
'Mi': 2,
'G': 3,
'Gi': 3,
'T': 4,
'Ti': 4,
'IEC': (1024, re.compile(r'(^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+)([KMGT]i?)?(b|bit|B)$')),
'SI': (1000, re.compile(r'(^[-+]?\d*\.?\d+)([kMGT])?(b|bit|B)$')),
BYTE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(^-?\d+)(\D*)')
TRUE_STRINGS = ('1', 't', 'true', 'on', 'y', 'yes')
FALSE_STRINGS = ('0', 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no')
@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ def safe_decode(text, incoming=None, errors='strict'):
:raises TypeError: If text is not an instance of str
if not isinstance(text, six.string_types):
raise TypeError(_("%s can't be decoded") % type(text))
raise TypeError("%s can't be decoded" % type(text))
if isinstance(text, six.text_type):
return text
@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ def safe_encode(text, incoming=None,
:raises TypeError: If text is not an instance of str
if not isinstance(text, six.string_types):
raise TypeError(_("%s can't be encoded") % type(text))
raise TypeError("%s can't be encoded" % type(text))
if not incoming:
incoming = (sys.stdin.encoding or
@ -167,34 +173,50 @@ def safe_encode(text, incoming=None,
return text
def to_bytes(text, default=0):
"""Converts a string into an integer of bytes.
def string_to_bytes(text, unit_system='IEC', return_int=False):
"""Converts a string into an float representation of bytes.
Looks at the last characters of the text to determine
what conversion is needed to turn the input text into a byte number.
Supports "B, K(B), M(B), G(B), and T(B)". (case insensitive)
The units supported for IEC ::
Kb(it), Kib(it), Mb(it), Mib(it), Gb(it), Gib(it), Tb(it), Tib(it)
KB, KiB, MB, MiB, GB, GiB, TB, TiB
The units supported for SI ::
kb(it), Mb(it), Gb(it), Tb(it)
kB, MB, GB, TB
Note that the SI unit system does not support capital letter 'K'
:param text: String input for bytes size conversion.
:param default: Default return value when text is blank.
:param unit_system: Unit system for byte size conversion.
:param return_int: If True, returns integer representation of text
in bytes. (default: decimal)
:returns: Numerical representation of text in bytes.
:raises ValueError: If text has an invalid value.
match = BYTE_REGEX.search(text)
base, reg_ex = UNIT_SYSTEM_INFO[unit_system]
except KeyError:
msg = _('Invalid unit system: "%s"') % unit_system
raise ValueError(msg)
match = reg_ex.match(text)
if match:
magnitude = int(match.group(1))
mult_key_org = match.group(2)
if not mult_key_org:
return magnitude
elif text:
msg = _('Invalid string format: %s') % text
raise TypeError(msg)
magnitude = float(match.group(1))
unit_prefix = match.group(2)
if match.group(3) in ['b', 'bit']:
magnitude /= 8
return default
mult_key = mult_key_org.lower().replace('b', '', 1)
multiplier = BYTE_MULTIPLIERS.get(mult_key)
if multiplier is None:
msg = _('Unknown byte multiplier: %s') % mult_key_org
raise TypeError(msg)
return magnitude * multiplier
msg = _('Invalid string format: %s') % text
raise ValueError(msg)
if not unit_prefix:
res = magnitude
res = magnitude * pow(base, UNIT_PREFIX_EXPONENT[unit_prefix])
if return_int:
return int(math.ceil(res))
return res
def to_slug(value, incoming=None, errors="strict"):

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def utcnow():
def iso8601_from_timestamp(timestamp):
"""Returns a iso8601 formated date from timestamp."""
"""Returns a iso8601 formatted date from timestamp."""
return isotime(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp))

View File

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
# The list of modules to copy from openstack-common