Deprecates the old --no-cache option in favor of --os-cache.
The old CLI args (--no_cache and --no-cache) and ENV option
(OS_NO_CACHE) are still supported but no longer show up
in help.
The new option for --os-cache can also be set via the OS_CACHE ENV
variable... which now defaults to False. This should be much more user friendly.
Fixes LP Bug #1087776.
Change-Id: I3cea089c7e11ce75f22c2d7f3242b02b80441323
Addresses bug 1061848.
Basically, this bug comes about from not properly
setting up the auth_system for novaclient. In this
case, an exception of EndPointNotFound is flung.
Change-Id: I12533aefd9d0425dd83e2e4c63f4dd5ff6faae71
- Remove the NOVA_RAX_AUTH hack and provide (temporary) compatibility
with the new system.
- Example plugin for RAX and HP provided here :
HP -
- Plugin are allowed to specify their own auth_url directly.
- Thanks to mtaylor for helping on this.
Change-Id: Ie96835be617c6a20d9c3fc3bd1536083aecfdc0b