# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import prettytable import re import six import sys from distutils.version import StrictVersion import fixtures import mock from testtools import matchers import novaclient.client from novaclient import exceptions import novaclient.shell from novaclient.tests import utils FAKE_ENV = {'OS_USERNAME': 'username', 'OS_PASSWORD': 'password', 'OS_TENANT_NAME': 'tenant_name', 'OS_AUTH_URL': 'http://no.where'} FAKE_ENV2 = {'OS_USER_ID': 'user_id', 'OS_PASSWORD': 'password', 'OS_TENANT_ID': 'tenant_id', 'OS_AUTH_URL': 'http://no.where'} class ShellTest(utils.TestCase): def make_env(self, exclude=None, fake_env=FAKE_ENV): env = dict((k, v) for k, v in fake_env.items() if k != exclude) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('os.environ', env)) def setUp(self): super(ShellTest, self).setUp() self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'novaclient.client.get_client_class', mock.MagicMock)) self.nc_util = mock.patch( 'novaclient.openstack.common.cliutils.isunauthenticated').start() self.nc_util.return_value = False def shell(self, argstr, exitcodes=(0,)): orig = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr try: sys.stdout = six.StringIO() sys.stderr = six.StringIO() _shell = novaclient.shell.OpenStackComputeShell() _shell.main(argstr.split()) except SystemExit: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() self.assertIn(exc_value.code, exitcodes) finally: stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = orig stderr = sys.stderr.getvalue() sys.stderr.close() sys.stderr = orig_stderr return (stdout, stderr) def test_help_unknown_command(self): self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandError, self.shell, 'help foofoo') def test_invalid_timeout(self): for f in [0, -1, -10]: cmd_text = '--timeout %s' % (f) stdout, stderr = self.shell(cmd_text, exitcodes=[0, 2]) required = [ 'argument --timeout: %s must be greater than 0' % (f), ] for r in required: self.assertIn(r, stderr) def test_help(self): required = [ '.*?^usage: ', '.*?^\s+root-password\s+Change the root password', '.*?^See "nova help COMMAND" for help on a specific command', ] stdout, stderr = self.shell('help') for r in required: self.assertThat((stdout + stderr), matchers.MatchesRegex(r, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) def test_help_on_subcommand(self): required = [ '.*?^usage: nova root-password', '.*?^Change the root password', '.*?^Positional arguments:', ] stdout, stderr = self.shell('help root-password') for r in required: self.assertThat((stdout + stderr), matchers.MatchesRegex(r, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) def test_help_no_options(self): required = [ '.*?^usage: ', '.*?^\s+root-password\s+Change the root password', '.*?^See "nova help COMMAND" for help on a specific command', ] stdout, stderr = self.shell('') for r in required: self.assertThat((stdout + stderr), matchers.MatchesRegex(r, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) def test_bash_completion(self): stdout, stderr = self.shell('bash-completion') # just check we have some output required = [ '.*--matching', '.*--wrap', '.*help', '.*secgroup-delete-rule', '.*--priority'] for r in required: self.assertThat((stdout + stderr), matchers.MatchesRegex(r, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)) def test_no_username(self): required = ('You must provide a username or user id' ' via --os-username, --os-user-id,' ' env[OS_USERNAME] or env[OS_USER_ID]') self.make_env(exclude='OS_USERNAME') try: self.shell('list') except exceptions.CommandError as message: self.assertEqual(required, message.args[0]) else: self.fail('CommandError not raised') def test_no_user_id(self): required = ('You must provide a username or user id' ' via --os-username, --os-user-id,' ' env[OS_USERNAME] or env[OS_USER_ID]') self.make_env(exclude='OS_USER_ID', fake_env=FAKE_ENV2) try: self.shell('list') except exceptions.CommandError as message: self.assertEqual(required, message.args[0]) else: self.fail('CommandError not raised') def test_no_tenant_name(self): required = ('You must provide a tenant name or tenant id' ' via --os-tenant-name, --os-tenant-id,' ' env[OS_TENANT_NAME] or env[OS_TENANT_ID]') self.make_env(exclude='OS_TENANT_NAME') try: self.shell('list') except exceptions.CommandError as message: self.assertEqual(required, message.args[0]) else: self.fail('CommandError not raised') def test_no_tenant_id(self): required = ('You must provide a tenant name or tenant id' ' via --os-tenant-name, --os-tenant-id,' ' env[OS_TENANT_NAME] or env[OS_TENANT_ID]',) self.make_env(exclude='OS_TENANT_ID', fake_env=FAKE_ENV2) try: self.shell('list') except exceptions.CommandError as message: self.assertEqual(required, message.args) else: self.fail('CommandError not raised') def test_no_auth_url(self): required = ('You must provide an auth url' ' via either --os-auth-url or env[OS_AUTH_URL] or' ' specify an auth_system which defines a default url' ' with --os-auth-system or env[OS_AUTH_SYSTEM]',) self.make_env(exclude='OS_AUTH_URL') try: self.shell('list') except exceptions.CommandError as message: self.assertEqual(required, message.args) else: self.fail('CommandError not raised') @mock.patch('sys.stdin', side_effect=mock.MagicMock) @mock.patch('getpass.getpass', return_value='password') def test_password(self, mock_getpass, mock_stdin): mock_stdin.encoding = "utf-8" # default output of empty tables differs depending between prettytable # versions if (hasattr(prettytable, '__version__') and StrictVersion(prettytable.__version__) < StrictVersion('0.7.2')): ex = '\n' else: ex = ( '+----+------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+\n' '| ID | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks |\n' '+----+------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+\n' '+----+------+--------+------------+-------------+----------+\n' ) self.make_env(exclude='OS_PASSWORD') stdout, stderr = self.shell('list') self.assertEqual((stdout + stderr), ex) @mock.patch('sys.stdin', side_effect=mock.MagicMock) @mock.patch('getpass.getpass', side_effect=EOFError) def test_no_password(self, mock_getpass, mock_stdin): required = ('Expecting a password provided' ' via either --os-password, env[OS_PASSWORD],' ' or prompted response',) self.make_env(exclude='OS_PASSWORD') try: self.shell('list') except exceptions.CommandError as message: self.assertEqual(required, message.args) else: self.fail('CommandError not raised') def _test_service_type(self, version, service_type, mock_client): if version is None: cmd = 'list' else: cmd = '--os-compute-api-version %s list' % version self.make_env() self.shell(cmd) _, client_kwargs = mock_client.call_args_list[0] self.assertEqual(service_type, client_kwargs['service_type']) @mock.patch('novaclient.client.Client') def test_default_service_type(self, mock_client): self._test_service_type(None, 'compute', mock_client) @mock.patch('novaclient.client.Client') def test_v1_1_service_type(self, mock_client): self._test_service_type('1.1', 'compute', mock_client) @mock.patch('novaclient.client.Client') def test_v2_service_type(self, mock_client): self._test_service_type('2', 'compute', mock_client) @mock.patch('novaclient.client.Client') def test_v3_service_type(self, mock_client): self._test_service_type('3', 'computev3', mock_client) @mock.patch('novaclient.client.Client') def test_v_unknown_service_type(self, mock_client): self._test_service_type('unknown', 'compute', mock_client) @mock.patch('sys.argv', ['nova']) @mock.patch('sys.stdout', six.StringIO()) @mock.patch('sys.stderr', six.StringIO()) def test_main_noargs(self): # Ensure that main works with no command-line arguments try: novaclient.shell.main() except SystemExit as exc: self.fail('Unexpected SystemExit') # We expect the normal usage as a result self.assertIn('Command-line interface to the OpenStack Nova API', sys.stdout.getvalue())