# Copyright 2010 Jacob Kaplan-Moss # Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Server interface. """ import urllib from novaclient import base from novaclient.v1_0 import base as local_base REBOOT_SOFT, REBOOT_HARD = 'SOFT', 'HARD' class Server(base.Resource): def __repr__(self): return "" % self.name def delete(self): """ Delete (i.e. shut down and delete the image) this server. """ self.manager.delete(self) def update(self, name=None, password=None): """ Update the name or the password for this server. :param name: Update the server's name. :param password: Update the root password. """ self.manager.update(self, name, password) def share_ip(self, ipgroup, address, configure=True): """ Share an IP address from the given IP group onto this server. :param ipgroup: The :class:`IPGroup` that the given address belongs to. :param address: The IP address to share. :param configure: If ``True``, the server will be automatically configured to use this IP. I don't know why you'd want this to be ``False``. """ self.manager.share_ip(self, ipgroup, address, configure) def unshare_ip(self, address): """ Stop sharing the given address. :param address: The IP address to stop sharing. """ self.manager.unshare_ip(self, address) def add_fixed_ip(self, network_id): """ Add an IP address on a network. :param network_id: The ID of the network the IP should be on. """ self.manager.add_fixed_ip(self, network_id) def remove_fixed_ip(self, address): """ Remove an IP address. :param address: The IP address to remove. """ self.manager.remove_fixed_ip(self, address) def reboot(self, type=REBOOT_SOFT): """ Reboot the server. :param type: either :data:`REBOOT_SOFT` for a software-level reboot, or `REBOOT_HARD` for a virtual power cycle hard reboot. """ self.manager.reboot(self, type) def pause(self): """ Pause -- Pause the running server. """ self.manager.pause(self) def unpause(self): """ Unpause -- Unpause the paused server. """ self.manager.unpause(self) def suspend(self): """ Suspend -- Suspend the running server. """ self.manager.suspend(self) def resume(self): """ Resume -- Resume the suspended server. """ self.manager.resume(self) def rescue(self): """ Rescue -- Rescue the problematic server. """ self.manager.rescue(self) def unrescue(self): """ Unrescue -- Unrescue the rescued server. """ self.manager.unrescue(self) def diagnostics(self): """Diagnostics -- Retrieve server diagnostics.""" self.manager.diagnostics(self) def actions(self): """Actions -- Retrieve server actions.""" self.manager.actions(self) def rebuild(self, image): """ Rebuild -- shut down and then re-image -- this server. :param image: the :class:`Image` (or its ID) to re-image with. """ self.manager.rebuild(self, image) def resize(self, flavor): """ Resize the server's resources. :param flavor: the :class:`Flavor` (or its ID) to resize to. Until a resize event is confirmed with :meth:`confirm_resize`, the old server will be kept around and you'll be able to roll back to the old flavor quickly with :meth:`revert_resize`. All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours. """ self.manager.resize(self, flavor) def backup(self, image_name, backup_type, rotation): """ Create a server backup. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID). :param image_name: The name to assign the newly create image. :param backup_type: 'daily' or 'weekly' :param rotation: number of backups of type 'backup_type' to keep :returns Newly created :class:`Image` object """ return self.manager.backup(self, image_name, backup_type, rotation) def confirm_resize(self): """ Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server. """ self.manager.confirm_resize(self) def revert_resize(self): """ Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server. """ self.manager.revert_resize(self) def migrate(self): """ Migrate a server to a new host in the same zone. """ self.manager.migrate(self) @property def backup_schedule(self): """ This server's :class:`BackupSchedule`. """ return self.manager.api.backup_schedules.get(self) @property def public_ip(self): """ Shortcut to get this server's primary public IP address. """ if len(self.addresses['public']) == 0: return "" return self.addresses['public'] @property def private_ip(self): """ Shortcut to get this server's primary private IP address. """ if len(self.addresses['private']) == 0: return "" return self.addresses['private'] class ServerManager(local_base.BootingManagerWithFind): resource_class = Server def get(self, server): """ Get a server. :param server: ID of the :class:`Server` to get. :rtype: :class:`Server` """ return self._get("/servers/%s" % base.getid(server), "server") def list(self, detailed=True, search_opts=None): """ Get a list of servers. Optional detailed returns details server info. Optional reservation_id only returns instances with that reservation_id. :rtype: list of :class:`Server` """ if search_opts is None: search_opts = {} qparams = {} # only use values in query string if they are set for opt, val in search_opts.iteritems(): if val: qparams[opt] = val query_string = "?%s" % urllib.urlencode(qparams) if qparams else "" detail = "" if detailed: detail = "/detail" return self._list("/servers%s%s" % (detail, query_string), "servers") def create(self, name, image, flavor, ipgroup=None, meta=None, files=None, zone_blob=None, reservation_id=None, min_count=None, max_count=None): """ Create (boot) a new server. :param name: Something to name the server. :param image: The :class:`Image` to boot with. :param flavor: The :class:`Flavor` to boot onto. :param ipgroup: An initial :class:`IPGroup` for this server. :param meta: A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both keys and values must be 255 characters or less. :param files: A dict of files to overrwrite on the server upon boot. Keys are file names (i.e. ``/etc/passwd``) and values are the file contents (either as a string or as a file-like object). A maximum of five entries is allowed, and each file must be 10k or less. :param zone_blob: a single (encrypted) string which is used internally by Nova for routing between Zones. Users cannot populate this field. :param reservation_id: a UUID for the set of servers being requested. """ if not min_count: min_count = 1 if not max_count: max_count = min_count if min_count > max_count: min_count = max_count return self._boot("/servers", "server", name, image, flavor, ipgroup=ipgroup, meta=meta, files=files, zone_blob=zone_blob, reservation_id=reservation_id, min_count=min_count, max_count=max_count) def update(self, server, name=None, password=None): """ Update the name or the password for a server. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to update. :param name: Update the server's name. :param password: Update the root password. """ if name is None and password is None: return body = {"server": {}} if name: body["server"]["name"] = name if password: body["server"]["adminPass"] = password self._update("/servers/%s" % base.getid(server), body) def delete(self, server): """ Delete (i.e. shut down and delete the image) this server. """ self._delete("/servers/%s" % base.getid(server)) def share_ip(self, server, ipgroup, address, configure=True): """ Share an IP address from the given IP group onto a server. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto. :param ipgroup: The :class:`IPGroup` that the given address belongs to. :param address: The IP address to share. :param configure: If ``True``, the server will be automatically configured to use this IP. I don't know why you'd want this to be ``False``. """ server = base.getid(server) ipgroup = base.getid(ipgroup) body = {'shareIp': {'sharedIpGroupId': ipgroup, 'configureServer': configure}} self._update("/servers/%s/ips/public/%s" % (server, address), body) def unshare_ip(self, server, address): """ Stop sharing the given address. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto. :param address: The IP address to stop sharing. """ server = base.getid(server) self._delete("/servers/%s/ips/public/%s" % (server, address)) def add_fixed_ip(self, server, network_id): """ Add an IP address on a network. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to add an IP to. :param network_id: The ID of the network the IP should be on. """ self._action('addFixedIp', server, {'networkId': network_id}) def remove_fixed_ip(self, server, address): """ Remove an IP address. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to add an IP to. :param address: The IP address to remove. """ self._action('removeFixedIp', server, {'address': address}) def reboot(self, server, type=REBOOT_SOFT): """ Reboot a server. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto. :param type: either :data:`REBOOT_SOFT` for a software-level reboot, or `REBOOT_HARD` for a virtual power cycle hard reboot. """ self._action('reboot', server, {'type': type}) def rebuild(self, server, image): """ Rebuild -- shut down and then re-image -- a server. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto. :param image: the :class:`Image` (or its ID) to re-image with. """ self._action('rebuild', server, {'imageId': base.getid(image)}) def resize(self, server, flavor): """ Resize a server's resources. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto. :param flavor: the :class:`Flavor` (or its ID) to resize to. Until a resize event is confirmed with :meth:`confirm_resize`, the old server will be kept around and you'll be able to roll back to the old flavor quickly with :meth:`revert_resize`. All resizes are automatically confirmed after 24 hours. """ self._action('resize', server, {'flavorId': base.getid(flavor)}) def backup(self, server, image_name, backup_type, rotation): """ Create a server backup. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID). :param image_name: The name to assign the newly create image. :param backup_type: 'daily' or 'weekly' :param rotation: number of backups of type 'backup_type' to keep :returns Newly created :class:`Image` object """ if not rotation: raise Exception("rotation is required for backups") elif not backup_type: raise Exception("backup_type required for backups") elif backup_type not in ("daily", "weekly"): raise Exception("Invalid backup_type: must be daily or weekly") data = { "name": image_name, "rotation": rotation, "backup_type": backup_type, } self._action('createBackup', server, data) def pause(self, server): """ Pause the server. """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/pause' % base.getid(server)) def unpause(self, server): """ Unpause the server. """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/unpause' % base.getid(server)) def suspend(self, server): """ Suspend the server. """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/suspend' % base.getid(server)) def resume(self, server): """ Resume the server. """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/resume' % base.getid(server)) def rescue(self, server): """ Rescue the server. """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/rescue' % base.getid(server)) def unrescue(self, server): """ Unrescue the server. """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/unrescue' % base.getid(server)) def diagnostics(self, server): """Retrieve server diagnostics.""" return self.api.client.get("/servers/%s/diagnostics" % base.getid(server)) def actions(self, server): """Retrieve server actions.""" return self._list("/servers/%s/actions" % base.getid(server), "actions") def confirm_resize(self, server): """ Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto. """ self._action('confirmResize', server) def revert_resize(self, server): """ Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto. """ self._action('revertResize', server) def migrate(self, server): """ Migrate a server to a new host in the same zone. :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID). """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/migrate' % base.getid(server)) def _action(self, action, server, info=None): """ Perform a server "action" -- reboot/rebuild/resize/etc. """ self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/action' % base.getid(server), body={action: info})