# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from six.moves.urllib import parse from novaclient.tests.unit.fixture_data import base class BaseFixture(base.Fixture): base_url = 'os-hosts' def setUp(self): super(BaseFixture, self).setUp() get_os_hosts_host = { 'host': [ {'resource': {'project': '(total)', 'host': 'dummy', 'cpu': 16, 'memory_mb': 32234, 'disk_gb': 128}}, {'resource': {'project': '(used_now)', 'host': 'dummy', 'cpu': 1, 'memory_mb': 2075, 'disk_gb': 45}}, {'resource': {'project': '(used_max)', 'host': 'dummy', 'cpu': 1, 'memory_mb': 2048, 'disk_gb': 30}}, {'resource': {'project': 'admin', 'host': 'dummy', 'cpu': 1, 'memory_mb': 2048, 'disk_gb': 30}} ] } headers = self.json_headers self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('host'), json=get_os_hosts_host, headers=headers) def get_os_hosts(request, context): host, query = parse.splitquery(request.url) zone = 'nova1' service = None if query: qs = parse.parse_qs(query) try: zone = qs['zone'][0] except Exception: pass try: service = qs['service'][0] except Exception: pass return { 'hosts': [ { 'host_name': 'host1', 'service': service or 'nova-compute', 'zone': zone }, { 'host_name': 'host1', 'service': service or 'nova-cert', 'zone': zone } ] } self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(), json=get_os_hosts, headers=headers) get_os_hosts_sample_host = { 'host': [ {'resource': {'host': 'sample_host'}} ], } self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('sample_host'), json=get_os_hosts_sample_host, headers=headers) self.requests.register_uri('PUT', self.url('sample_host', 1), json=self.put_host_1(), headers=headers) self.requests.register_uri('PUT', self.url('sample_host', 2), json=self.put_host_2(), headers=headers) self.requests.register_uri('PUT', self.url('sample_host', 3), json=self.put_host_3(), headers=headers) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('sample_host', 'reboot'), json=self.get_host_reboot(), headers=headers) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('sample_host', 'startup'), json=self.get_host_startup(), headers=headers) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('sample_host', 'shutdown'), json=self.get_host_shutdown(), headers=headers) def put_os_hosts_sample_host(request, context): result = {'host': 'dummy'} result.update(jsonutils.loads(request.body)) return result self.requests.register_uri('PUT', self.url('sample_host'), json=put_os_hosts_sample_host, headers=headers) class V1(BaseFixture): def put_host_1(self): return {'host': 'sample-host_1', 'status': 'enabled'} def put_host_2(self): return {'host': 'sample-host_2', 'maintenance_mode': 'on_maintenance'} def put_host_3(self): return {'host': 'sample-host_3', 'status': 'enabled', 'maintenance_mode': 'on_maintenance'} def get_host_reboot(self): return {'host': 'sample_host', 'power_action': 'reboot'} def get_host_startup(self): return {'host': 'sample_host', 'power_action': 'startup'} def get_host_shutdown(self): return {'host': 'sample_host', 'power_action': 'shutdown'}