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Hypervisors interface (1.1 extension).

from six.moves.urllib import parse

from novaclient import base

class Hypervisor(base.Resource):
    NAME_ATTR = 'hypervisor_hostname'

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Hypervisor: %s>" % self.id

class HypervisorManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
    resource_class = Hypervisor
    is_alphanum_id_allowed = True

    def list(self, detailed=True):
        Get a list of hypervisors.
        detail = ""
        if detailed:
            detail = "/detail"
        return self._list('/os-hypervisors%s' % detail, 'hypervisors')

    def search(self, hypervisor_match, servers=False):
        Get a list of matching hypervisors.

        :param servers: If True, server information is also retrieved.
        target = 'servers' if servers else 'search'
        url = ('/os-hypervisors/%s/%s' %
               (parse.quote(hypervisor_match, safe=''), target))
        return self._list(url, 'hypervisors')

    def get(self, hypervisor):
        Get a specific hypervisor.
        return self._get("/os-hypervisors/%s" % base.getid(hypervisor),

    def uptime(self, hypervisor):
        Get the uptime for a specific hypervisor.
        return self._get("/os-hypervisors/%s/uptime" % base.getid(hypervisor),

    def statistics(self):
        Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes.

        Kept for backwards compatibility, new code should call
        hypervisor_stats.statistics() instead of hypervisors.statistics()
        return self.api.hypervisor_stats.statistics()

class HypervisorStats(base.Resource):
    def __repr__(self):
        return ("<HypervisorStats: %d Hypervisor%s>" %
                (self.count, "s" if self.count != 1 else ""))

class HypervisorStatsManager(base.Manager):
    resource_class = HypervisorStats

    def statistics(self):
        Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes.
        return self._get("/os-hypervisors/statistics", "hypervisor_statistics")