# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from novaclient.tests.unit import fakes from novaclient.tests.unit.fixture_data import base class Fixture(base.Fixture): base_url = 'os-security-groups' def setUp(self): super(Fixture, self).setUp() security_group_1 = { "name": "test", "description": "FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP", "tenant_id": "4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7", "id": 1, "rules": [ { "id": 11, "group": {}, "ip_protocol": "TCP", "from_port": 22, "to_port": 22, "parent_group_id": 1, "ip_range": {"cidr": ""} }, { "id": 12, "group": { "tenant_id": "272bee4c1e624cd4a72a6b0ea55b4582", "name": "test2" }, "ip_protocol": "TCP", "from_port": 222, "to_port": 222, "parent_group_id": 1, "ip_range": {} } ] } security_group_2 = { "name": "test2", "description": "FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP2", "tenant_id": "272bee4c1e624cd4a72a6b0ea55b4582", "id": 2, "rules": [] } get_groups = {'security_groups': [security_group_1, security_group_2]} headers = self.json_headers self.requests_mock.get(self.url(), json=get_groups, headers=headers) get_group_1 = {'security_group': security_group_1} self.requests_mock.get(self.url(1), json=get_group_1, headers=headers) self.requests_mock.delete(self.url(1), status_code=202, headers=headers) def post_os_security_groups(request, context): body = request.json() assert list(body) == ['security_group'] fakes.assert_has_keys(body['security_group'], required=['name', 'description']) return {'security_group': security_group_1} self.requests_mock.post(self.url(), json=post_os_security_groups, headers=headers, status_code=202) def put_os_security_groups_1(request, context): body = request.json() assert list(body) == ['security_group'] fakes.assert_has_keys(body['security_group'], required=['name', 'description']) return body self.requests_mock.put(self.url(1), json=put_os_security_groups_1, headers=headers, status_code=205)