Servers ======= A virtual machine instance. Classes ------- .. currentmodule:: novaclient .. autoclass:: ServerManager :members: get, list, find, findall, create, update, delete, share_ip, unshare_ip, reboot, rebuild, resize, confirm_resize, revert_resize .. autoclass:: Server :members: update, delete, share_ip, unshare_ip, reboot, rebuild, resize, confirm_resize, revert_resize .. attribute:: id This server's ID. .. attribute:: name The name you gave the server when you booted it. .. attribute:: imageId The :class:`Image` this server was booted with. .. attribute:: flavorId This server's current :class:`Flavor`. .. attribute:: hostId Rackspace doesn't document this value. It appears to be SHA1 hash. .. attribute:: status The server's status (``BOOTING``, ``ACTIVE``, etc). .. attribute:: progress When booting, resizing, updating, etc., this will be set to a value between 0 and 100 giving a rough estimate of the progress of the current operation. .. attribute:: addresses The public and private IP addresses of this server. This'll be a dict of the form:: { "public" : [""], "private" : [""] } You *can* get more than one public/private IP provisioned, but not directly from the API; you'll need to open a support ticket. .. attribute:: metadata The metadata dict you gave when creating the server. Constants --------- Reboot types: .. data:: REBOOT_SOFT .. data:: REBOOT_HARD