# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from novaclient.tests.unit.fixture_data import base class V1(base.Fixture): base_url = 'os-hypervisors' def setUp(self): super(V1, self).setUp() get_os_hypervisors = { 'hypervisors': [ {'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1'}, {'id': 5678, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2'}, ] } self.headers = self.json_headers self.requests_mock.get(self.url(), json=get_os_hypervisors, headers=self.headers) get_os_hypervisors_detail = { 'hypervisors': [ { 'id': 1234, 'service': { 'id': 1, 'host': 'compute1', }, 'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb': 250, 'vcpus_used': 2, 'memory_mb_used': 5 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 125, 'hypervisor_type': 'xen', 'hypervisor_version': 3, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1', 'free_ram_mb': 5 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 125, 'current_workload': 2, 'running_vms': 2, 'cpu_info': 'cpu_info', 'disk_available_least': 100 }, { 'id': 2, 'service': { 'id': 2, 'host': 'compute2', }, 'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb': 250, 'vcpus_used': 2, 'memory_mb_used': 5 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 125, 'hypervisor_type': 'xen', 'hypervisor_version': 3, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2', 'free_ram_mb': 5 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 125, 'current_workload': 2, 'running_vms': 2, 'cpu_info': 'cpu_info', 'disk_available_least': 100 } ] } self.requests_mock.get(self.url('detail'), json=get_os_hypervisors_detail, headers=self.headers) get_os_hypervisors_stats = { 'hypervisor_statistics': { 'count': 2, 'vcpus': 8, 'memory_mb': 20 * 1024, 'local_gb': 500, 'vcpus_used': 4, 'memory_mb_used': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 250, 'free_ram_mb': 10 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 250, 'current_workload': 4, 'running_vms': 4, 'disk_available_least': 200, } } self.requests_mock.get(self.url('statistics'), json=get_os_hypervisors_stats, headers=self.headers) get_os_hypervisors_search = { 'hypervisors': [ {'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1'}, {'id': 5678, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2'} ] } self.requests_mock.get(self.url('hyper', 'search'), json=get_os_hypervisors_search, headers=self.headers) get_hyper_server = { 'hypervisors': [ { 'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1', 'servers': [ {'name': 'inst1', 'uuid': 'uuid1'}, {'name': 'inst2', 'uuid': 'uuid2'} ] }, { 'id': 5678, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper2', 'servers': [ {'name': 'inst3', 'uuid': 'uuid3'}, {'name': 'inst4', 'uuid': 'uuid4'} ] } ] } self.requests_mock.get(self.url('hyper', 'servers'), json=get_hyper_server, headers=self.headers) get_os_hypervisors_1234 = { 'hypervisor': { 'id': 1234, 'service': {'id': 1, 'host': 'compute1'}, 'vcpus': 4, 'memory_mb': 10 * 1024, 'local_gb': 250, 'vcpus_used': 2, 'memory_mb_used': 5 * 1024, 'local_gb_used': 125, 'hypervisor_type': 'xen', 'hypervisor_version': 3, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1', 'free_ram_mb': 5 * 1024, 'free_disk_gb': 125, 'current_workload': 2, 'running_vms': 2, 'cpu_info': 'cpu_info', 'disk_available_least': 100 } } self.requests_mock.get(self.url(1234), json=get_os_hypervisors_1234, headers=self.headers) get_os_hypervisors_uptime = { 'hypervisor': { 'id': 1234, 'hypervisor_hostname': 'hyper1', 'uptime': 'fake uptime' } } self.requests_mock.get(self.url(1234, 'uptime'), json=get_os_hypervisors_uptime, headers=self.headers)