# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Hypervisors interface """ from oslo_utils import encodeutils import six from six.moves.urllib import parse from novaclient import api_versions from novaclient import base from novaclient import exceptions from novaclient.i18n import _ from novaclient import utils class Hypervisor(base.Resource): NAME_ATTR = 'hypervisor_hostname' def __repr__(self): return "" % self.id class HypervisorManager(base.ManagerWithFind): resource_class = Hypervisor is_alphanum_id_allowed = True def _list_base(self, detailed=True, marker=None, limit=None): path = '/os-hypervisors' if detailed: path += '/detail' params = {} if limit is not None: params['limit'] = int(limit) if marker is not None: params['marker'] = str(marker) path += utils.prepare_query_string(params) return self._list(path, 'hypervisors') @api_versions.wraps("2.0", "2.32") def list(self, detailed=True): """ Get a list of hypervisors. :param detailed: Include a detailed response. """ return self._list_base(detailed=detailed) @api_versions.wraps("2.33") def list(self, detailed=True, marker=None, limit=None): """ Get a list of hypervisors. :param detailed: Include a detailed response. :param marker: Begin returning hypervisors that appear later in the hypervisors list than that represented by this hypervisor ID. Starting with microversion 2.53 the marker must be a UUID hypervisor ID. (optional). :param limit: maximum number of hypervisors to return (optional). Note the API server has a configurable default limit. If no limit is specified here or limit is larger than default, the default limit will be used. """ return self._list_base(detailed=detailed, marker=marker, limit=limit) def search(self, hypervisor_match, servers=False, detailed=False): """ Get a list of matching hypervisors. :param hypervisor_match: The hypervisor host name or a portion of it. The hypervisor hosts are selected with the host name matching this pattern. :param servers: If True, server information is also retrieved. :param detailed: If True, detailed hypervisor information is returned. This requires API version 2.53 or greater. """ # Starting with microversion 2.53, the /servers and /search routes are # deprecated and we get the same results using GET /os-hypervisors # using query parameters for the hostname pattern and servers. if six.PY2: hypervisor_match = encodeutils.safe_encode(hypervisor_match) if self.api_version >= api_versions.APIVersion('2.53'): url = ('/os-hypervisors%s?hypervisor_hostname_pattern=%s' % ('/detail' if detailed else '', parse.quote(hypervisor_match, safe=''))) if servers: url += '&with_servers=True' else: if detailed: raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion( _('Parameter "detailed" requires API version 2.53 or ' 'greater.')) target = 'servers' if servers else 'search' url = ('/os-hypervisors/%s/%s' % (parse.quote(hypervisor_match, safe=''), target)) return self._list(url, 'hypervisors') def get(self, hypervisor): """ Get a specific hypervisor. :param hypervisor: Either a Hypervisor object or an ID. Starting with microversion 2.53 the ID must be a UUID value. """ return self._get("/os-hypervisors/%s" % base.getid(hypervisor), "hypervisor") def uptime(self, hypervisor): """ Get the uptime for a specific hypervisor. :param hypervisor: Either a Hypervisor object or an ID. Starting with microversion 2.53 the ID must be a UUID value. """ return self._get("/os-hypervisors/%s/uptime" % base.getid(hypervisor), "hypervisor") def statistics(self): """ Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes. Kept for backwards compatibility, new code should call hypervisor_stats.statistics() instead of hypervisors.statistics() """ return self.api.hypervisor_stats.statistics() class HypervisorStats(base.Resource): def __repr__(self): return ("" % (self.count, "s" if self.count != 1 else "")) class HypervisorStatsManager(base.Manager): resource_class = HypervisorStats def statistics(self): """ Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes. """ return self._get("/os-hypervisors/statistics", "hypervisor_statistics")