Vishvananda Ishaya 03f54c57e1 Makes novaclient use the volumes endpoint
* Depends on,4479
 * Adds support to change service type including tests
 * Adds decorator for methods that need to use another service type
 * Changes volume and snapshots to use the volume endpoint
 * These extensions will move into the volume client once it exists
 * Fixes bug 940017

Change-Id: I683e4ca6c67e278d8aa8a9acec3dc0f1872f43f2
2012-02-26 06:11:12 +00:00

229 lines
6.4 KiB

import os
import prettytable
import sys
import uuid
from novaclient import exceptions
def arg(*args, **kwargs):
"""Decorator for CLI args."""
def _decorator(func):
add_arg(func, *args, **kwargs)
return func
return _decorator
def env(*vars, **kwargs):
returns the first environment variable set
if none are non-empty, defaults to '' or keyword arg default
for v in vars:
value = os.environ.get(v, None)
if value:
return value
return kwargs.get('default', '')
def add_arg(f, *args, **kwargs):
"""Bind CLI arguments to a `do_foo` function."""
if not hasattr(f, 'arguments'):
f.arguments = []
# NOTE(sirp): avoid dups that can occur when the module is shared across
# tests.
if (args, kwargs) not in f.arguments:
# Because of the sematics of decorator composition if we just append
# to the options list positional options will appear to be backwards.
f.arguments.insert(0, (args, kwargs))
def add_resource_manager_extra_kwargs_hook(f, hook):
"""Adds hook to bind CLI arguments to ResourceManager calls.
The `do_foo` calls in will receive CLI args and then in turn pass
them through to the ResourceManager. Before passing through the args, the
hooks registered here will be called, giving us a chance to add extra
kwargs (taken from the command-line) to what's passed to the
if not hasattr(f, 'resource_manager_kwargs_hooks'):
f.resource_manager_kwargs_hooks = []
names = [h.__name__ for h in f.resource_manager_kwargs_hooks]
if hook.__name__ not in names:
def get_resource_manager_extra_kwargs(f, args, allow_conflicts=False):
"""Return extra_kwargs by calling resource manager kwargs hooks."""
hooks = getattr(f, "resource_manager_kwargs_hooks", [])
extra_kwargs = {}
for hook in hooks:
hook_name = hook.__name__
hook_kwargs = hook(args)
conflicting_keys = set(hook_kwargs.keys()) & set(extra_kwargs.keys())
if conflicting_keys and not allow_conflicts:
raise Exception("Hook '%(hook_name)s' is attempting to redefine"
" attributes '%(conflicting_keys)s'" % locals())
return extra_kwargs
def unauthenticated(f):
Adds 'unauthenticated' attribute to decorated function.
def mymethod(f):
f.unauthenticated = True
return f
def isunauthenticated(f):
Checks to see if the function is marked as not requiring authentication
with the @unauthenticated decorator. Returns True if decorator is
set to True, False otherwise.
return getattr(f, 'unauthenticated', False)
def service_type(stype):
Adds 'service_type' attribute to decorated function.
def mymethod(f):
def inner(f):
f.service_type = stype
return f
return inner
def get_service_type(f):
Retrieves service type from function
return getattr(f, 'service_type', None)
def pretty_choice_list(l):
return ', '.join("'%s'" % i for i in l)
def print_list(objs, fields, formatters={}):
mixed_case_fields = ['serverId']
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable([f for f in fields], caching=False)
pt.aligns = ['l' for f in fields]
for o in objs:
row = []
for field in fields:
if field in formatters:
if field in mixed_case_fields:
field_name = field.replace(' ', '_')
field_name = field.lower().replace(' ', '_')
data = getattr(o, field_name, '')
def print_dict(d, property="Property"):
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable([property, 'Value'], caching=False)
pt.aligns = ['l', 'l']
[pt.add_row(list(r)) for r in d.iteritems()]
def find_resource(manager, name_or_id):
"""Helper for the _find_* methods."""
# first try to get entity as integer id
if isinstance(name_or_id, int) or name_or_id.isdigit():
return manager.get(int(name_or_id))
except exceptions.NotFound:
# now try to get entity as uuid
return manager.get(name_or_id)
except (ValueError, exceptions.NotFound):
# finally try to find entity by name
return manager.find(name=name_or_id)
except exceptions.NotFound:
# Volumes does not have name, but displayName
return manager.find(displayName=name_or_id)
except exceptions.NotFound:
msg = "No %s with a name or ID of '%s' exists." % \
(manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(), name_or_id)
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
def _format_servers_list_networks(server):
output = []
for (network, addresses) in server.networks.items():
if len(addresses) == 0:
addresses_csv = ', '.join(addresses)
group = "%s=%s" % (network, addresses_csv)
return '; '.join(output)
class HookableMixin(object):
"""Mixin so classes can register and run hooks."""
_hooks_map = {}
def add_hook(cls, hook_type, hook_func):
if hook_type not in cls._hooks_map:
cls._hooks_map[hook_type] = []
def run_hooks(cls, hook_type, *args, **kwargs):
hook_funcs = cls._hooks_map.get(hook_type) or []
for hook_func in hook_funcs:
hook_func(*args, **kwargs)
def safe_issubclass(*args):
"""Like issubclass, but will just return False if not a class."""
if issubclass(*args):
return True
except TypeError:
return False
def import_class(import_str):
"""Returns a class from a string including module and class."""
mod_str, _sep, class_str = import_str.rpartition('.')
return getattr(sys.modules[mod_str], class_str)