This patch implements a blueprint to add more consistency into
nova command, especially for the subcommand "floating-ip-*"
Currently when we want to associate or disassociate an ip with
nova we have to use add-floating-ip and remove-floating-ip. This
is not consitent with the actual scheme of the subcommands:
nova image-*
nova flavor-*
nova floating-ip-*
+ In the client v1.1 this patch displays a deprecated message when printing
the help message for add-floating-ip and remove-floating-ip.
+ In the client v3 this patch do nothing because all floating ip commands are being
$:~/python-novaclient$ nova help | grep floating
add-floating-ip DEPRECATED, use floating-ip-associate instead.
Associate a floating IP address to a server.
Bulk create floating ips by range.
Bulk delete floating ips by range.
List all floating ips.
floating-ip-create Allocate a floating IP for the current tenant.
floating-ip-delete De-allocate a floating IP.
Remove a floating IP address from a server.
floating-ip-list List floating ips for this tenant.
List all floating ip pools.
remove-floating-ip DEPRECATED, use floating-ip-disassociate instead.
Implements: blueprint commands-floating-ip
Change-Id: I5337d0f1ce5ec4826da6ecd2b6ae4ae7b97801e0