Matt Riedemann 2f16685403 Change Service repr to use always
Before this change, the Service object repr was
the binary for microversion < 2.53. With microversion
>= 2.53, the Service repr became the id, which is a UUID.

Using the binary never really made sense since if you have
multiple nova-compute services, the binary is going to be
the same for all of them in the repr and nothing is

This changes the Service repr to just use the id, which is
going to be the integer id value if microversion < 2.53 and
the UUID id value if microversion >= 2.53.

There is no release note for this change since the repr should
not be treated as a contractual API.

Change-Id: I3a7de2683e339295022efb279828ab1a91b3b62e
2017-07-26 12:14:54 -04:00

150 lines
5.3 KiB

# Copyright 2012 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
service interface
from six.moves import urllib
from novaclient import api_versions
from novaclient import base
class Service(base.Resource):
def __repr__(self):
return "<Service: %s>" %
def _add_details(self, info):
dico = 'resource' in info and info['resource'] or info
for (k, v) in dico.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
class ServiceManager(base.ManagerWithFind):
resource_class = Service
def list(self, host=None, binary=None):
Get a list of services.
:param host: destination host name.
url = "/os-services"
filters = []
if host:
filters.append(("host", host))
if binary:
filters.append(("binary", binary))
if filters:
url = "%s?%s" % (url, urllib.parse.urlencode(filters))
return self._list(url, "services")
@api_versions.wraps("2.0", "2.10")
def _update_body(self, host, binary, disabled_reason=None):
body = {"host": host,
"binary": binary}
if disabled_reason is not None:
body["disabled_reason"] = disabled_reason
return body
def _update_body(self, host, binary, disabled_reason=None,
body = {"host": host,
"binary": binary}
if disabled_reason is not None:
body["disabled_reason"] = disabled_reason
if force_down is not None:
body["forced_down"] = force_down
return body
@api_versions.wraps('2.0', '2.52')
def enable(self, host, binary):
"""Enable the service specified by hostname and binary."""
body = self._update_body(host, binary)
return self._update("/os-services/enable", body, "service")
def enable(self, service_uuid):
"""Enable the service specified by the service UUID ID.
:param service_uuid: The UUID ID of the service to enable.
return self._update(
"/os-services/%s" % service_uuid, {'status': 'enabled'}, "service")
@api_versions.wraps('2.0', '2.52')
def disable(self, host, binary):
"""Disable the service specified by hostname and binary."""
body = self._update_body(host, binary)
return self._update("/os-services/disable", body, "service")
def disable(self, service_uuid):
"""Disable the service specified by the service UUID ID.
:param service_uuid: The UUID ID of the service to disable.
return self._update("/os-services/%s" % service_uuid,
{'status': 'disabled'}, "service")
@api_versions.wraps('2.0', '2.52')
def disable_log_reason(self, host, binary, reason):
"""Disable the service with reason."""
body = self._update_body(host, binary, reason)
return self._update("/os-services/disable-log-reason", body, "service")
def disable_log_reason(self, service_uuid, reason):
"""Disable the service with a reason.
:param service_uuid: The UUID ID of the service to disable.
:param reason: The reason for disabling a service. The minimum length
is 1 and the maximum length is 255.
body = {
'status': 'disabled',
'disabled_reason': reason
return self._update("/os-services/%s" % service_uuid, body, "service")
def delete(self, service_id):
"""Delete a service.
:param service_id: Before microversion 2.53, this must be an integer id
and may not uniquely the service in a multi-cell deployment.
Starting with microversion 2.53 this must be a UUID.
return self._delete("/os-services/%s" % service_id)
@api_versions.wraps("2.11", "2.52")
def force_down(self, host, binary, force_down=None):
"""Force service state to down specified by hostname and binary."""
body = self._update_body(host, binary, force_down=force_down)
return self._update("/os-services/force-down", body, "service")
def force_down(self, service_uuid, force_down):
"""Update the service's ``forced_down`` field specified by the
service UUID ID.
:param service_uuid: The UUID ID of the service.
:param force_down: Whether or not this service was forced down manually
by an administrator. This value is useful to know that some 3rd
party has verified the service should be marked down.
return self._update("/os-services/%s" % service_uuid,
{'forced_down': force_down}, "service")