some fields such as instance.display_name can be unicode, nova client should not translate it to 'str'. otherwise it will report UnicodeEncodeError. Change-Id: I4f6011105b3b11dbbcb23f3a7c1bbcf7f20bcc8c Closes-Bug: 1518141
387 lines
12 KiB
387 lines
12 KiB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import contextlib
import json
import re
import textwrap
import time
import uuid
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
import pkg_resources
import prettytable
import six
from novaclient import exceptions
from novaclient.i18n import _
from novaclient.openstack.common import cliutils
VALID_KEY_REGEX = re.compile(r"[\w\.\- :]+$", re.UNICODE)
def add_resource_manager_extra_kwargs_hook(f, hook):
"""Add hook to bind CLI arguments to ResourceManager calls.
The `do_foo` calls in shell.py will receive CLI args and then in turn pass
them through to the ResourceManager. Before passing through the args, the
hooks registered here will be called, giving us a chance to add extra
kwargs (taken from the command-line) to what's passed to the
if not hasattr(f, 'resource_manager_kwargs_hooks'):
f.resource_manager_kwargs_hooks = []
names = [h.__name__ for h in f.resource_manager_kwargs_hooks]
if hook.__name__ not in names:
def get_resource_manager_extra_kwargs(f, args, allow_conflicts=False):
"""Return extra_kwargs by calling resource manager kwargs hooks."""
hooks = getattr(f, "resource_manager_kwargs_hooks", [])
extra_kwargs = {}
for hook in hooks:
hook_kwargs = hook(args)
hook_name = hook.__name__
conflicting_keys = set(hook_kwargs.keys()) & set(extra_kwargs.keys())
if conflicting_keys and not allow_conflicts:
msg = (_("Hook '%(hook_name)s' is attempting to redefine "
"attributes '%(conflicting_keys)s'") %
{'hook_name': hook_name,
'conflicting_keys': conflicting_keys})
raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch(msg)
return extra_kwargs
def pretty_choice_dict(d):
"""Returns a formatted dict as 'key=value'."""
return cliutils.pretty_choice_list(
['%s=%s' % (k, d[k]) for k in sorted(d.keys())])
def print_list(objs, fields, formatters={}, sortby_index=None):
if sortby_index is None:
sortby = None
sortby = fields[sortby_index]
mixed_case_fields = ['serverId']
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable([f for f in fields], caching=False)
pt.align = 'l'
for o in objs:
row = []
for field in fields:
if field in formatters:
if field in mixed_case_fields:
field_name = field.replace(' ', '_')
field_name = field.lower().replace(' ', '_')
data = getattr(o, field_name, '')
if data is None:
data = '-'
# '\r' would break the table, so remove it.
data = six.text_type(data).replace("\r", "")
if sortby is not None:
result = encodeutils.safe_encode(pt.get_string(sortby=sortby))
result = encodeutils.safe_encode(pt.get_string())
if six.PY3:
result = result.decode()
def _flatten(data, prefix=None):
"""Flatten a dict, using name as a prefix for the keys of dict.
>>> _flatten('cpu_info', {'arch':'x86_64'})
[('cpu_info_arch': 'x86_64')]
if isinstance(data, dict):
for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
new_key = '%s_%s' % (prefix, key) if prefix else key
if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
for item in _flatten(value, new_key):
yield item
yield new_key, value
yield prefix, data
def flatten_dict(data):
"""Return a new dict whose sub-dicts have been merged into the
original. Each of the parents keys are prepended to the child's
to prevent collisions. Any string elements will be JSON parsed
before flattening.
>>> flatten_dict({'service': {'host':'cloud9@compute-068', 'id': 143}})
{'service_host': colud9@compute-068', 'service_id': 143}
data = data.copy()
# Try and decode any nested JSON structures.
for key, value in six.iteritems(data):
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
data[key] = json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
return dict(_flatten(data))
def print_dict(d, dict_property="Property", dict_value="Value", wrap=0):
pt = prettytable.PrettyTable([dict_property, dict_value], caching=False)
pt.align = 'l'
for k, v in sorted(d.items()):
# convert dict to str to check length
if isinstance(v, (dict, list)):
v = jsonutils.dumps(v)
if wrap > 0:
v = textwrap.fill(six.text_type(v), wrap)
# if value has a newline, add in multiple rows
# e.g. fault with stacktrace
if v and isinstance(v, six.string_types) and (r'\n' in v or '\r' in v):
# '\r' would break the table, so remove it.
if '\r' in v:
v = v.replace('\r', '')
lines = v.strip().split(r'\n')
col1 = k
for line in lines:
pt.add_row([col1, line])
col1 = ''
if v is None:
v = '-'
pt.add_row([k, v])
result = encodeutils.safe_encode(pt.get_string())
if six.PY3:
result = result.decode()
def find_resource(manager, name_or_id, **find_args):
"""Helper for the _find_* methods."""
# for str id which is not uuid (for Flavor, Keypair and hypervsior in cells
# environments search currently)
if getattr(manager, 'is_alphanum_id_allowed', False):
return manager.get(name_or_id)
except exceptions.NotFound:
# try to get entity as integer id
return manager.get(int(name_or_id))
except (TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.NotFound):
# now try to get entity as uuid
tmp_id = encodeutils.safe_encode(name_or_id)
if six.PY3:
tmp_id = tmp_id.decode()
return manager.get(tmp_id)
except (TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.NotFound):
resource = getattr(manager, 'resource_class', None)
name_attr = resource.NAME_ATTR if resource else 'name'
kwargs = {name_attr: name_or_id}
return manager.find(**kwargs)
except exceptions.NotFound:
# finally try to find entity by human_id
return manager.find(human_id=name_or_id, **find_args)
except exceptions.NotFound:
msg = (_("No %(class)s with a name or ID of '%(name)s' exists.") %
{'class': manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
'name': name_or_id})
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
except exceptions.NoUniqueMatch:
msg = (_("Multiple %(class)s matches found for '%(name)s', use an ID "
"to be more specific.") %
{'class': manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
'name': name_or_id})
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
def _format_servers_list_networks(server):
output = []
for (network, addresses) in server.networks.items():
if len(addresses) == 0:
addresses_csv = ', '.join(addresses)
group = "%s=%s" % (network, addresses_csv)
return '; '.join(output)
def _format_security_groups(groups):
return ', '.join(group['name'] for group in groups)
def _format_field_name(attr):
"""Format an object attribute in a human-friendly way."""
# Split at ':' and leave the extension name as-is.
parts = attr.rsplit(':', 1)
name = parts[-1].replace('_', ' ')
# Don't title() on mixed case
if name.isupper() or name.islower():
name = name.title()
parts[-1] = name
return ': '.join(parts)
def _make_field_formatter(attr, filters=None):
Given an object attribute, return a formatted field name and a
formatter suitable for passing to print_list.
Optionally pass a dict mapping attribute names to a function. The function
will be passed the value of the attribute and should return the string to
filter_ = None
if filters:
filter_ = filters.get(attr)
def get_field(obj):
field = getattr(obj, attr, '')
if field and filter_:
field = filter_(field)
return field
name = _format_field_name(attr)
formatter = get_field
return name, formatter
def safe_issubclass(*args):
"""Like issubclass, but will just return False if not a class."""
if issubclass(*args):
return True
except TypeError:
return False
def do_action_on_many(action, resources, success_msg, error_msg):
"""Helper to run an action on many resources."""
failure_flag = False
for resource in resources:
print(success_msg % resource)
except Exception as e:
failure_flag = True
if failure_flag:
raise exceptions.CommandError(error_msg)
def _load_entry_point(ep_name, name=None):
"""Try to load the entry point ep_name that matches name."""
for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(ep_name, name=name):
# FIXME(dhellmann): It would be better to use stevedore
# here, since it abstracts this difference in behavior
# between versions of setuptools, but this seemed like a
# more expedient fix.
if hasattr(ep, 'resolve') and hasattr(ep, 'require'):
return ep.resolve()
return ep.load(require=False)
except (ImportError, pkg_resources.UnknownExtra, AttributeError):
def is_integer_like(val):
"""Returns validation of a value as an integer."""
return True
except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
return False
def validate_flavor_metadata_keys(keys):
for key in keys:
valid_name = VALID_KEY_REGEX.match(key)
if not valid_name:
msg = _('Invalid key: "%s". Keys may only contain letters, '
'numbers, spaces, underscores, periods, colons and '
raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % key)
def record_time(times, enabled, *args):
"""Record the time of a specific action.
:param times: A list of tuples holds time data.
:type times: list
:param enabled: Whether timing is enabled.
:type enabled: bool
:param *args: Other data to be stored besides time data, these args
will be joined to a string.
if not enabled:
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
times.append((' '.join(args), start, end))
def get_function_name(func):
if six.PY2:
if hasattr(func, "im_class"):
return "%s.%s" % (func.im_class, func.__name__)
return "%s.%s" % (func.__module__, func.__name__)
return "%s.%s" % (func.__module__, func.__qualname__)