
52 lines
1.4 KiB

# noted to use py34 you need virtualenv >= 1.11.4
envlist = py26,py27,py33,py34,pypy,pep8
minversion = 1.6
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands =
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
python testr --testr-args='{posargs}'
commands = flake8 {posargs}
commands = {posargs}
commands = python testr --coverage --testr-args='{posargs}'
downloadcache = ~/cache/pip
# Following checks should be enabled in the future.
# H404 multi line docstring should start without a leading new line
# H405 multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line
# Following checks are ignored on purpose.
# H402 one line docstring needs punctuation
# reason: removed in hacking (
# H904 wrap long lines in parentheses instead of a backslash
# reason: removed in hacking (
# Additional checks are also ignored on purpose: E123, E124, E126,
# E127, E128, E129, F811, F821
ignore = E123,E124,E126,E127,E128,E129,F811,F821,H402,H404,H405,H904
show-source = True
import_exceptions = novaclient.openstack.common.gettextutils