Matt Riedemann daa9bdc823 Remove support for non-keystone auth systems
The support for non-keystone auth systems and plugins
was deprecated with 1f11840dd84f3570330d1fcd53d1e8eea5ff7922
back in the 3.1.0 release in mitaka.

Now that we're working on shoring up the support for
keystone auth sessions in the client and eventually moving
to remove support for the non-session HTTPClient, we should
also remove the support to load non-keystone auth plugins.

The whole concept of non-keystone auth systems/plugins is
a legacy artifact and is a barrier to interoperability which
is a goal of nova and OpenStack in general.

Change-Id: Ia649db257c416ca054977812ecb3f1a8044fa584
2016-10-20 12:04:58 -04:00

313 lines
8.5 KiB

# Copyright 2010 Jacob Kaplan-Moss
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Exception definitions.
class UnsupportedVersion(Exception):
"""Indicates that the user is trying to use an unsupported
version of the API.
class UnsupportedAttribute(AttributeError):
"""Indicates that the user is trying to transmit the argument to a method,
which is not supported by selected version.
def __init__(self, argument_name, start_version, end_version=None):
if end_version:
self.message = (
"'%(name)s' argument is only allowed for microversions "
"%(start)s - %(end)s." % {"name": argument_name,
"start": start_version,
"end": end_version})
self.message = (
"'%(name)s' argument is only allowed since microversion "
"%(start)s." % {"name": argument_name, "start": start_version})
class CommandError(Exception):
class AuthorizationFailure(Exception):
class NoUniqueMatch(Exception):
class NoTokenLookupException(Exception):
"""This form of authentication does not support looking up
endpoints from an existing token.
class EndpointNotFound(Exception):
"""Could not find Service or Region in Service Catalog."""
class AmbiguousEndpoints(Exception):
"""Found more than one matching endpoint in Service Catalog."""
def __init__(self, endpoints=None):
self.endpoints = endpoints
def __str__(self):
return "AmbiguousEndpoints: %s" % repr(self.endpoints)
class ConnectionRefused(Exception):
Connection refused: the server refused the connection.
def __init__(self, response=None):
self.response = response
def __str__(self):
return "ConnectionRefused: %s" % repr(self.response)
class ResourceInErrorState(Exception):
"""Resource is in the error state."""
def __init__(self, obj):
msg = "`%s` resource is in the error state" % obj.__class__.__name__
fault_msg = getattr(obj, "fault", {}).get("message")
if fault_msg:
msg += "due to '%s'" % fault_msg
self.message = "%s." % msg
class VersionNotFoundForAPIMethod(Exception):
msg_fmt = "API version '%(vers)s' is not supported on '%(method)s' method."
def __init__(self, version, method):
self.version = version
self.method = method
def __str__(self):
return self.msg_fmt % {"vers": self.version, "method": self.method}
class InstanceInDeletedState(Exception):
"""Instance is in the deleted state."""
class ClientException(Exception):
The base exception class for all exceptions this library raises.
message = 'Unknown Error'
def __init__(self, code, message=None, details=None, request_id=None,
url=None, method=None):
self.code = code
self.message = message or self.__class__.message
self.details = details
self.request_id = request_id
self.url = url
self.method = method
def __str__(self):
formatted_string = "%s (HTTP %s)" % (self.message, self.code)
if self.request_id:
formatted_string += " (Request-ID: %s)" % self.request_id
return formatted_string
class RetryAfterException(ClientException):
The base exception class for ClientExceptions that use Retry-After header.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.retry_after = int(kwargs.pop('retry_after'))
except (KeyError, ValueError):
self.retry_after = 0
super(RetryAfterException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class BadRequest(ClientException):
HTTP 400 - Bad request: you sent some malformed data.
http_status = 400
message = "Bad request"
class Unauthorized(ClientException):
HTTP 401 - Unauthorized: bad credentials.
http_status = 401
message = "Unauthorized"
class Forbidden(ClientException):
HTTP 403 - Forbidden: your credentials don't give you access to this
http_status = 403
message = "Forbidden"
class NotFound(ClientException):
HTTP 404 - Not found
http_status = 404
message = "Not found"
class MethodNotAllowed(ClientException):
HTTP 405 - Method Not Allowed
http_status = 405
message = "Method Not Allowed"
class NotAcceptable(ClientException):
HTTP 406 - Not Acceptable
http_status = 406
message = "Not Acceptable"
class Conflict(ClientException):
HTTP 409 - Conflict
http_status = 409
message = "Conflict"
class OverLimit(RetryAfterException):
HTTP 413 - Over limit: you're over the API limits for this time period.
http_status = 413
message = "Over limit"
class RateLimit(RetryAfterException):
HTTP 429 - Rate limit: you've sent too many requests for this time period.
http_status = 429
message = "Rate limit"
# NotImplemented is a python keyword.
class HTTPNotImplemented(ClientException):
HTTP 501 - Not Implemented: the server does not support this operation.
http_status = 501
message = "Not Implemented"
# In Python 2.4 Exception is old-style and thus doesn't have a __subclasses__()
# so we can do this:
# _code_map = dict((c.http_status, c)
# for c in ClientException.__subclasses__())
# Instead, we have to hardcode it:
_error_classes = [BadRequest, Unauthorized, Forbidden, NotFound,
MethodNotAllowed, NotAcceptable, Conflict, OverLimit,
RateLimit, HTTPNotImplemented]
_code_map = dict((c.http_status, c) for c in _error_classes)
class InvalidUsage(RuntimeError):
"""This function call is invalid in the way you are using this client.
Due to the transition to using keystoneauth some function calls are no
longer available. You should make a similar call to the session object
def from_response(response, body, url, method=None):
Return an instance of an ClientException or subclass
based on a requests response.
resp, body = requests.request(...)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise exception_from_response(resp, rest.text)
cls = _code_map.get(response.status_code, ClientException)
kwargs = {
'code': response.status_code,
'method': method,
'url': url,
'request_id': None,
if response.headers:
kwargs['request_id'] = response.headers.get('x-compute-request-id')
if (issubclass(cls, RetryAfterException) and
'retry-after' in response.headers):
kwargs['retry_after'] = response.headers.get('retry-after')
if body:
message = "n/a"
details = "n/a"
if hasattr(body, 'keys'):
# NOTE(mriedem): WebOb<1.6.0 will return a nested dict structure
# where the error keys to the message/details/code. WebOb>=1.6.0
# returns just a response body as a single dict, not nested,
# so we have to handle both cases (since we can't trust what we're
# given with content_type: application/json either way.
if 'message' in body:
# WebOb 1.6.0 case
message = body.get('message')
details = body.get('details')
# WebOb<1.6.0 where we assume there is a single error message
# key to the body that has the message and details.
error = body[list(body)[0]]
message = error.get('message')
details = error.get('details')
kwargs['message'] = message
kwargs['details'] = details
return cls(**kwargs)
class ResourceNotFound(Exception):
"""Error in getting the resource."""