These were missed for some reason. Let's add them now. While we're here, we add the '-d DOCTREE_DIR' argument to our 'sphinx-build' call to handle Sphinx 1.8's change in behavior for where doctrees are output. Change-Id: I5c862a74f92a44bf5248f858e26826eef76c11f0 Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <sfinucan@redhat.com>
11 lines
622 B
11 lines
622 B
# The following is generated with:
# git log --follow --name-status --format='%H' ac25ae6fee.. -- doc/source/ | \
# grep ^R | grep .rst | cut -f2- | \
# sed -e 's|doc/source/|redirectmatch 301 ^/python-novaclient/([^/]+)/|' -e 's|doc/source/|/python-novaclient/$1/|' -e 's/.rst/.html$/' -e 's/.rst/.html/' | \
# sort
redirectmatch 301 ^/python-novaclient/([^/]+)/api.html$ /python-novaclient/$1/reference/api/index.html
redirectmatch 301 ^/python-novaclient/([^/]+)/man/nova.html$ /python-novaclient/$1/cli/nova.html
redirectmatch 301 ^/python-novaclient/([^/]+)/shell.html$ /python-novaclient/$1/user/shell.html