{ "comments": [ { "unresolved": false, "key": { "uuid": "98829b96_99a082b4", "filename": "/PATCHSET_LEVEL", "patchSetId": 2 }, "lineNbr": 0, "author": { "id": 34429 }, "writtenOn": "2023-09-25T08:05:52Z", "side": 1, "message": "Thanks for this optimization. I read the discussion about this on IRC and it seems the actual problem here is not that octaviaclient sets these values to False, but that users do a pip install without defining the version that matches with the Zed release. Users will still see the new HSTS fields in the client\u0027s help page and will still be able to set these flags and provoke API errors as seen, so this seems to be a workaround only.\n\nSo, I wonder if it\u0027s not better to simply tell users to install the correct version for Zed, ie. to do a `pip install python-octaviaclient\u003c3.3.0`.", "revId": "ef954db9ac29daa91ff9410c9ae657818bc3b3da", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543" }, { "unresolved": false, "key": { "uuid": "146de83c_edfef85f", "filename": "/PATCHSET_LEVEL", "patchSetId": 2 }, "lineNbr": 0, "author": { "id": 34429 }, "writtenOn": "2023-09-25T12:42:53Z", "side": 1, "message": "+2 although I wouldn\u0027t even consider this a bug.", "revId": "ef954db9ac29daa91ff9410c9ae657818bc3b3da", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543" } ] }